t ,. t5 DAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1897. FOUR PAGES. VOL. VIII. No 38. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRI __ WILD Has received a full line of Novelties for Fall and Winter in Suits, Trousers, and Overcoatings NO. 108 E. WASHINGTON ST. NEAR MAIN Allegretti'S Chocolates.... Fresh every week. Only in packages- 60c a pound. Lowney's if you prefer. PALMER'S PHARMACY. Just Received a Large and Elegant L.ne of 'ew Pipes Hot and Cold Lunches at all hours. Agents for Huyler's and Williams and Werners Co.'s thoislate Be Rons. RZ. D. JOLLY & 00. 308 South State Street. AT ATHENS THEATRE Saturday, Nov. 13 MR, DAVID HIGGINS In His Beautiful Southern Play, At Piney Ridge PRICES: 25c, 35c, 50c and 75c. THOSE NOBBY SUITS! MILWARD THE TAILOR, STATE STREET. WAIHR'S 300HST ORE. Students should try us before making any purchase. We are bound to satisfy and please. Our large stock of Law and Medcal Books, in short, Text Books for every department in the University, new and second-hand enables us to sell at the lowest price. Blank Books and U. of M. Sta- tionery at low prices. Make our stores your headquarters. WAHR'S BOOK STORE Up Town Down Town 5 State at. Opposi euourtHouse kAn Arbor Main t, FOREIGN UNIVERSITIES. Prof. Wenley Tells of Their Ad- vantages. Each year a few Ain Arhor students and professors leave their native shore to engage in research or other work in the larger foreign universities of Ger- many, Scotland, France and England. Other students from the various col- leges of the country increase this number to very goodly preportions. The foreign coleges have during the past ten years naiterially cheinged their attitude toward outside students. The following account of the relations between American students and the various foreign institutions of lear- ing was kindly furnished a reporter for the Daily by Professor Wenley. 'The degrees offered in the larger in- stitutions abroad differ much in the different countries. It is only in the German and Scotch universities that foreign students receive equal privil- eges with the native scholars. n Scotland the degrees of Ph. D., Sc. D., and L. D. are offered. The first named degree is for pure philosophy only; the second has a broader field and may be obtained by students in psiology, biology, mathematics, etc.; the L. D. degree includes the dead, Romance and modern languages. The American student in Scotland enters into the life of the University more than in any other country; Edinburgh is their favorite seat of learning. - The foreign student in Germany is treated with more deference even than the German himself. The multiplicity of degrees offered and the ease with which one may be obtained detracts greatly from their value. It is only when one knows whether the degree is first, second or third class that he can form a true estimate of its value. The English and American students at the German universities are very prone to group themselves and thus lose much of the good that might be obtained from association with Ger- man college life. H. A. Sanders, who fook his master's degree at the U. of .., will receive his doctor's degree at Munich this month; he will then im- mediately return to this country to accept a position in the Latin depart- ment of the University of Minnesota. Prof. Rolfe was at Munich for the last two years helping Prof. Woelfflin on a great Latin theosaurus; Prof. Emory B. Lease is at present engaged in the same work. The principal German universities frequented by American students are at Bonn, Berlin, Munich, Leipsic, Strasbury and Jena. In England only two degrees are of- fered to foreign students, B. L. and B. S. This is because of tradition which still favors the educational hierarchy of Great Britain, and makes it difficult for even a native student to obtain a doctor's degree. The two bachelor de- grees open to students from abroad have only been given during. the last three years. -nstructor Abbott, a late addition to the department of history in this University, was, it is believed, (Continued on Third Page.) Michigan Alumnus Out Today. The Michigan Alumnus for Novem- ber is out today. This is the first num- ber of the year and we note sose changes in the editorial staff. L. A. Pratt, '96, managing editor; M. M. Hawxhurst, '98, business manager; . N. Demmon, '68, necrologist; F. N. Scott, '84, communications; D. R. Stuart, '96, graduate club; Miss J. S. Gregg, '98, and F. S. Simons, 198, as- sistants, comprise the present staff. The frontispiece is a very good half- tone of Secretary Wade at work at his desk, with a short sketch of his life. The drain body of the magaine is taken up with the proceedings of the Collegiate Alumnae. The article on the "Duty of Collegiate Alumnae" is the annual address delivered at De- troit by the president of the Collegiate Alumnae, Miss Marion Talbot, dean of the graduate department of the Uni- versity of Chicago. A good idea is the alumnus library consisting of books by or about alumni of the iii- versity. In the editorial column ap- pears a cut of Secretary MAllaster, of the Alumni Association. The col- lege news of the month completes the issue. Alpha Nu Program. The Alpha Nu Society will hold its regular meeting Saturday evening, when the following program will be rendered: Music, Mr. Hamilton; ex- temporaneous speech, C. L. Jones; de- bate, "Resolved, That the present tariff law is an unjust measure," affirmative, Reynolds and Major, negative, Bills and Wells; general discussion; extem- poraneous speech, by H. H. Corwin; oration, M. Daniel Webster; music, Mr. Hamilton. All literary students who are desirous of entering the prelimin- aries for the Michigan-Chicago debate, will kindly be present at this meeting, and signify their intention of enterin, to the president. Everybody is cordial- ly invited to attend the meeting. Jeffersonian Society Program. The Jeffersonian Society will present the following program Saturday night: Reading, H. F. Ake; essay, L. S. Hayes; speech, T. L. Everitt; bio- graphy, W. W. Crse; impromptu dis- cussion, affirmative, W. D. Ellsworth and C. N. Chernock; debate, "Resolved. That the President, Vice President and members of the cabinet should be pro- hibited from taking part in political campaigning," affirmative, Earl Peters and B. V. Kohout, negative, R. N. Johnson and Ed Powell. Webster Society Meeting, The following is the program of the Webster Society for tonight: Music, J. G. McKelvey; oration, W. Bartlett; reading W. Kidd; essay, J. M. Has- kins; oration, N. C. Fishar; impromp- tus, G. D. Harris, C. F. Crothers and G. N. Fell; debate, "Resolved, That an income tax is beneficial," affirmative, E. P. Hourihan and W. B. Hile, nega- tive. Danat, Jones and W. P. Metune; speech, Ea1l Adams. MINNESOTA'S VIEW. "They Can't See How They Can Lose." "1 can't see how we can lose." This was the answer given by Captain Har- rison, of the Minnesota team, to a Daily representative's question as to what he thought of Minnesota's chances of winning tomorrow's game. The team passed through here on the Michigan Central yesterday afternoon at 4:58 o'clock. The Daily man met them here and went as far as Tpsi- lanti. Continuing, Mr. Harrison said, "Our work of this week has been the best of the year. Our men have work- ed hard and the ginger put into their playing has been noticeably on the in- crease. I saw your game with Purdue in Ann Arbor last Saturday and do not consider it very strong. Ours of this week was certainly stronger. We will put up a game far superior to that of the Wisconsin game, the men be- ing all in perfect condition, and as I said, we can't lose. If this raining and snowing continues it is only a question of how big a score we will make." The Minnesota party consisted of 19 players, manager, Coach Jerrems, and Trainer Moulton, at one time Michi- gan's trainer. All expressed them- selves confident of winning. The tea.n left Minneapolis Wednesday night and while considerably fatigued, said they would be all right with the rest of to- day. They wil line up this afternoon against the D. A. C. team for signal practice. Men Who Go to Detroit. Manager Hughes announces the fol- lowing list of players to be taken 1O Detroit tomorrow: Hogg, Cunning- ham, Caley, Lehr, Snow, Biker, Lock- wood, Bennett, Teetzel, Selvr, Stuart, Pirgree, Hannan, Savage, Hampton, Egan, Allen, luttner, Marks, Simons, Ayers, Richards, Ganschaw, Talcott, Kaspar, Armstrong, Richardson, Bar- rabee, Gordon, Thomas, McLean, Hodgman, Wickes, Moore, Steckes, Kennedy, Pagelson, Keea, Coaches Ferbert, Farnham and Duffy, Dr. Briggs, Trainer Tom Cox and Covert. All the players are requested to take their football clothes out of their lock- ers tonight, as time Saturday morning will be limited, the team leaving on the first train at 9 o'clock. The management also announces that the second car of each train will be reserved for ladies and escorts. The first car will be reserved for the team. Freshmen-Sophomores, 6-0. The Freshmen showed their super- iority over the sophomores yesterday afternoon at the Fair Grounds, the score at the end standing 6 to 0. This settles the tie score of a week ago. The next game in the inter-class series will be played today between '00 M and the High School team. The Fresh- men and '98 will meet on Monday, Nov. 15.