THE UMVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. The Store W. W. Wetmore, 10_6 S. Xain St. and 342 S. State St. UNIVERSITY TEXT-BOOKS, NEW AND SECOND-HAND. HAS FULL LINES OF NOTE -BOOKS, and STUDENTS' SUPPLIES. Fountain Pens and Fine and Staple Stationery and offers all at the Lowest Prices. For Forty Years [JVPARiIAN GOLDEN SCEPTRE STYLES Has been smoked by college men and is to-day, a LEADER as a pure, mild, sweet mixture for the pipe. Popular Priced IILLLINERY. W. J. BooTH. Pres. W. ARNOLD, 1st Vice-pre- J. V. SHEEHAN, 2d Vice-pes. JOHN C. WALZ, Asst. Cashier. State - Savins - Bilk. Transacts a general Banking busi- ness. THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK Capital Stock, $50,000. Surplus, $150,000, Resources, $l,10,000. Oreanized under the General Banking Laws of this State. Receives deposits, buys and sells exchange on the principal cities of the United States. Drafts cashed upsn proper Identification. Safety depsit boxes to rent. OrrICERS: Christian Rack Pres.; W. D. 'arriman Vice-Pres.; Chas E. Hiscock, Cashier: R. J. Fritz Assistant Cashier. FIRST NATIONAL BANK an"^db Capital, $100,000. Surplus and Profits, 540,000 Transacts a general banking business, foreign exchange bought and sold. Furnish letters of credit. E. D. KINNE, Pres. HARRISON SOULE, Vice Pres S. W. CLARKSON. Cashier 1iar fiM ~i ftranii ziio Cor.CAas and Huron Streete. Capital, $50,000. Srpuss.$30,000. Transsoct a general banking business. R. K aaPres. C F C ENE, Vice-Pres FsRss. H.BELSERCashier. C. H. MAJOR & CO., The Artistic deorators Have a complete line of Wall Paper, Paints, Oils, Window Shades, Room Mouldings, Etc. Specialty of fine interior decorating,. PO .Lamps Expressly 4 Students' Use " rim- a:"The Rochester," "The Yale," "The Royal," "The Perfection," 11U wnJss. "The Berlin Student," all nickle plated, varying in price from Our Own Designs. $1.00 to $2.50 each. T wl L Every student should use Dean's "Red Star." It gives a pure Coque and Fancy Feathers-will s white light, is odorless and does not char the wick. Deliv- sold this Week at $i-so to $s.oo. ered in any part of the city in our cans at 10c per gallon. For sale cnly by DEAN & COMPANY. HATS TRIMMED TO ORDER! 214 youta Main Street. Your own ideas preserved in Artis- UNIVERSITY NOTES. Band List Cut Down. tic style and arraignment.- Oistology Lab. Books and Supplies Owing to increase in expense and the at Skinner's, 306 S. State st. Pries fact that the band has more instru- BEAUTIFUL MODEL HATS ! right. mots than it needs, it has been de- Copied from Paris models in large b he i'game beltwen the classes of cided by a ommittee of li members variety-Selling cheap this week. 00 ad '01 xiii be ilaed off tils 115Cc- to cut down the list of olemoers to 25. jnoon at the fair grounds. This is absolutely necessary as only a Rev. Frank M. White, lit '94, of Am- (ertain number will be taken to De- SHOE DEPA RTMENT herst, Mass., is visiting friends here troit. However, the men who are left and showing his wife about the old out 'should be in shape to step in at campus. any time. The band will meet at C. F. Watkins, 'Michigan's well Room 24 Saturday morning at 8:30 to known baseball coach, is on the list of start for train. Those who will be re- ;; claimed players for Van Derbeck's quired to report tonight for practice at k team in the Western League for 1898. 7 sharp are: Harris, Bird, Ottog The third annual conenteon of the Withero, Bates, Momford, Dow, Per- 1 Michigan State Federation of Women's ter, Saunders, tivin, Long, Backus, Clubs is in session at Saginaw. Dr. Gorman, Watson, Eades, Gillette Eliza R. Sunderland of this city is in (Soprano Saxaphone), Cotton, Spring, attendance. Coons, Shock, Martin, Myers. No rvs- f ' C The Michigan Alumnae Association itors allowed, and only those of band will hold -its regular monthly meeting whose names appear in list. next Saturday at 3:130, in the Woman's COMMITTEE. Shoes For Ladies. . building. All alumnae are cordially invited to attend. All women who Classes in Bible instruction. Wright, Peters & Co., of Roches- were one year or more in the U. of M Bible Chir classes will be started ter, Fie Footwear in all the lead-areBebigibler Pressns undergradurtes ing styles and lasts in Welts are eligible. Present sodergraduates this week as follows: and Turns. Prices " are not intended. Thursday, 4:15 p. m.-The Life of -$2.50 to $5.00 George Jewett, who used to play Christ. See our $300 Calf Boot. a splen- half-back on the U. of M. eleven some Saturday, 4:15 p. m.-The Life and did Shoe for school wear. years ago, will play full-back in the Writings of Paul. game between Howell and Owosso at ,Saturday, 4 p. m.-Introduction to Bancroft, next Thursday. Old Testament Study. Rubbers For Ladies. James S. Handy, formerly of this A class in missionary history meets city, Is sending out announcements as every Saturday at 5 p. m. All these Goodyear glove fitting Rubber to fellows: "Mr. James S. Handy begs to classes are held in Roon 1 of New- fit all style toes. Prices announce that he has entered upon berry Hall. -25C to $i.oo ___rryHal_._ the practice of law at Suite 1205-6 Mar- quette building, 204 Dearborn street, POLITICAL ECONOMY III. Chicago." Exanoinations for removal of con- ValtorsFor Ladies. . . Attention is called to the lecture of ditions in Industrial History of Eng- Junius E. Beal in the Trinity Lutheran land will be held Saturday, Nov. 20, All styles, from 7 Button Gaitor lecture course tomorrow night. His at 11 o'clock in Room 11, Tappan Hall. to the igh Leggins.5C to $1.25 subject, "The Home of the Aztec," is This will be the only opportunity an attractive one and should draw a given for the removal of conditions in large crowd. The lecture will be fine- this course until the close of the second Shoe Department first floor. ly illustrated with stereopticon views. semester. FRANK H. DIXON. Ulderflower Toilet Soap @ @ 10 Cents a Cake, 25 Cents a Box, at M&Mummerv's Drug Store " Waeahingkon e. painting, frescoing, tinting and paper hanging. Only the best of workmen employed. Work guaranteed. C. n. MAJOR & CO., The Artistic Decorator, P. J. SCHLEEDE. 340 S. STATE STREET Book Binding................25 cents and up Solid Cold Fontai Pens....$1.00 and up. Waterman and 'airt Pens in stock and Pens Repoired. Wholesale and Retal Paper. 3Vlbsof Lin- eo Paper for 50c. Chafing Dish Recipe Book t ASK FOR ONE. Our New Chafing Dishes are here. LEADING, "" 11JEWELER. FANGSTERFER'S A N ICE CREAM SODA 316 s .. S Most Excellent E Choolates A RdT F Hot Soda. E B S R Car, FOURTH lad WASHINGTON ST T. S. @ MUsICAL ! @ Mel Gillespie, teacer of Mandolin, Banjo and Guitar. Instrut: r in the University School of Music. 18 years-experience as a teacher. Cali at Ann Arbor Music Co's Store to arrange for hours.: : HOLMES' LIVERY STABLE. 509 E. Liberty St. Central location. Good Service TRY THE .... Toledo Steam Laundry And SAVE 2o PER CENT on what you are now ingfoalmanrnork.Leaverd