THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY ylt aU . city matters was the sectesin ofa part of the Phi Phi, and the subse- quntformation of the Alpha Nu. 3e oa m g T u Published Daily (Sundays excepted) during have never to this day been quite free' INSPECT THE WORK the College year, at from a remorseful suspicion that our ]Photos T .3 n..AT.. THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN couroe toward the old sociey was not Orrics: Times building, 320 S. Main St. e generous, nor perhaps quite just, tween Liberty and William St. thiougih eventually no doubt both so- a B e r m n S u i MANAGING EDITOR retches did better work separately thau h e r m n S u i t.F eus i . hey could ever have cdone togeher. (Successor to Gibson & Clark BUSINESS MANAGER "Thle first organization Of lhe Alpha 0. ii. HANs, 1151L. No was natrlly Somelwat rode 112 West Huron Street, Ann Arbor. EDITORS anld aenitilitee swas soon appointed_________________________________________________ lIt B. Salsnuas,'55 L., Athletics. E. 1. Omion, '9 L.. - Monday is prepare a nesw const iution, of p BurIIEsLAn,'5, - - -Tuesday which Wliii. Foitli, . I.Coliiis, J27. 9.s ml1IT11IM I~~ G. D. ituxUre. 't5,. - Wednesday ihitlimooeandmyelf were iielbrs T. R. Woonsow, 5, - - Thursday litieel[iis wre held, but1 CoinsiBUR A CAurel., '05I, -- - Fridayha ha figel n lswrad I. A. CAMPnBELL, '0, - - - Saturday ha-ayeggnel lueee 1( c~as often ablseiit. At eilgi Ii Wish) wlcore brug~ht in taireportr'ciing illa The subscription price of the Daily is $215 deltiqutences withi grave illillor, alIdW A cr the college year, with a egular delivery e iswing w ih aImoion that5 lie be x- before noun eah da y. Notices, comounica- ions, and other matier intended cr uesic- Idldfosleciiiile i a ion mot be hauded inat the Daily office be- k[raiped aheariiig, and tiie'lmaltter was THE cures 8p. m., or mailed to the editor befoe 3 11 i., oc the day previous to that on which ,1lissesl ts drop. whvhe, fil N fiiiias all PNIsYAseR[ hey are expected tu aepear. V Osensn5 Subsriptions may be left t The Daily o11t Of it. It ssi- lerhats 00 dvaniag' BLICKENSDERFER M A D L N Office, Meerso StoiC tx Newstand, or oEtstA N D OLnINSeteesosw with Business Manager. Subcrlers wll wlcon- 1 1 lli ivlg1nr"ei-sis s fer a favor by reporting promptly at this had sily slit ii follies Gidi{sires as ws TYPEWRITER yjA S n] Y office any failure of carriers to deiver paper. had geniuis Itoriginate, aciquiring none , 'There wiii be a "cheering section'itbsy inheriane. Janhy ternms aiid us- The Washburn is the one and only the Yal-l'rine ton ganie. Why can- ages, whiichi to the [nodrn studen;t IS THE EST make of world-wide reptation. Sold by first-class dealers everywhere from not-? se outes finonoia i.nn upward. Imitated extensively, _________ ity were quite mnkissvi inl oue day. WATCH FOR THEIR "AD' so be sre that the name 'George While the necessity for tue action "These esents of a "half century ago,Abeil Washburn Bookrnd on tain-e taken by the football comumittee is to though exciting enoughs at the timie, Auinguportashnd letersfotheiD- ha regretted there can e 1no fault 5C1u 11bt eoiilnonislicee30 111001012 Rezkes, Calv, Eames, Nordica, Sc- found with the decision. 'Ninety-nine nosw recalls then.", tchersn alotedfreeouponareust. n played in flagrant and wsilful viola- "At Piney Iidge" at tue Athens Address Dept. U, tion of the rules and deserved, there- Theater Snturday night. LYON A HELY, fore, to lose the gamue. Football play- Chtorefototal e. Wabh Ave. nd Adas St., Chicg. ed by committees may not have th gameysantheurdayree dvrotseenlo niost healthful influence iniuginablon game lastrage. Sea rieeto the sport, but in such a case as this, last ___________age._____ no alternative existed, and ihe coin- INF OUI WANT THE BEST titeewsfretodcdasisl. FRATERNITY STATIONERY, St dets' L octvf Associatioo1 Letter from an Old Timer. BADGES OR PINSFO T -TH R SE ON Send toFOT-THR SE ON 'The men who graduated tiom thie SMITH, STURGEON & CO.,___________ 'University in its first days are gettlng 217,72131, 2i1h liodard Ave, Detrit. iw-ite "and" fes. hEdmund IFish, who iesinsandestimatesgfurnsd ooall work lives at Hilisboro, li., received his di- of ti id THE UNIVERSITY'S GREATEST COURSE. ponsa in 18415, and thuslie wlles of incidenis that occurredl whcn the Uni- Athens Theatre DR, F22JDTJOF NANSEN------------------------------------ Nov. 16 versity of Michigan was in its in ________ HON. RonT, L. TAYLOR, Gov. of Tennessee------------ Dec. 3 fancy:, One Night Only "Ayconcto'Wth hU1Uvest3-E ks LELAND T. POWES------ti--------------------------Jan. 22 'began in January, 184i3, in the scond" BOOKER T. WASHIINGTON, Chicago Alumni Number_---_-- - Jan. 29 term of the ophomnore yeari Mtll RDY SUnyN i AD --- -- --- -----e.2 will renieuber thle exceptional vieor ChFaAristADHsyAD---------------------e.2 of that witer; thie colut whieh IU II NOVEMBER ORATORICAL CONTEST ------------------------March 19 adorned the western evening sky fori HON. BURTON ----------------------------April 15 nmany weeks; the end of the world con It.fdn fdnly promise by Father Miller and 12SaoLikt 20 the Do Bouville lectures onl "'deonie linm" with iltstrations tlhereof i the AH[Extra]advileEtetan Ann Arbor court house. Amihla Prfssiavllean mtern- Season Tickets Reserved, [xr] .50 "The faclty on actual duty then in- Talent. eluded only Profs. Williamo and Whit -________________ ing, supplemented by an unpopular 1 1 11-1 1 tutor, understood to he daily vexed by the scandalou3, behavior ofte frah- y ChoColates FR men whomn he wan expeted to in-F R THIS COLD, DAMP, ATMOSPHERE IS AN INDICATOR; INDICATING THAT struct. 4 YOU SHOULD DRESS MORE COMFORTABLE. WE HAVE THE NECESSARY "There was then but one literar9y ' 8o . clet, te Ph Ph Allia.Evey su- P ese tt *" CLOTHING, BE IT UNDERCLOTHES, CLOTHES, OR OVERCLOTHES-WE HAVE THE vving meelembeofa rm no db a vivid9j LARGEST LINE IN THE CITY, ly parliamentairy debate about a fine shall have Allegretti's 201 and 203 Sooth Min Street. - - Ann Arbor, fich imposed on M. H. Goodrich, who stillj Chocolates in 2, 3 and5 resides In Ann Arbor, for applying the l.pcages. We also epithet 'hogs' 'to his fellow members.. b.pc "Mtany would gladly have retired from. have Lowney's in all sizes-, _______________________________ the scene of strife and confusion, but the same as before. Hunt, who was marshal, fsresaw the "AWE BUY 'EIM BACK----------oiiR t~ tendency, and locking the door allow- 6o ents a, Pound.; YWheneer you hy a pair of shes bierthat de nt fit, d nt wear au they ed none to escape. In the end, by voeo' should or unatsfactory in any partcular bring them bach. 2 In ssry case whee a shoe faln hrt of our pronuie we mae 1t right of the society, Goodrich'safine, like thu either by replacing it with a bettr one rby buyng It bach. "Another ,m vrta -invttelett IA'so t fl$ AST WA-S"ITONSTRSET.