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November 11, 1897 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1897-11-11

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ic II



Has received a full line of Novelties
for Fall and Winter in
Suits, Trousers,
and Overcoatings
Al legretti's
Fresh every week.
Only in packages-
t0e a pound.
Lowney's if you
Jast Rtcstved a Large asd Elegant
Lino of ZNew pipes!I
Ht and Cold Leches at alt hers Agents
fr euyers and Williamse and Wrners Ce.'
Chosate Bee Bna.
R. B.,JOILdY & CO.
08 Suthe State Street.
Saturday, Nov. 13
I Hisa Beautiful Sothern Play,£
Al Piney IRidge'
PRICES: 25c, 35c,aSsc and 75.
Students should try us before
laigany purchase. We aer
bon ostsfy and please. Our
large stock of Law and Medcal
Books, in short, Tet Books for
every department in the University,
new and secondhand enables us
to sell at the lowest price.
Blank Books and U. of M. Sta.
titer at low prices.
1akeourstores your headquarters.
Up Tw Down Town
. state a. Opo ie ortos
can Arborain et.


Brief Sketch of the Great Ex-
plorer's Life.
It ts very seldomttthat lt stusdents
tnt citizetts of Antn Arbor aore giver
tal opportunitly of lletittg to a 111a1
of oucht world-widte poiln cot irt
Itrsdljof Nanssets,wh11 is 10to lture in
tis city on Nov. 10(. It is not .a tori
motrtbid curiosity tsee the man tttwi
traveled s0 far no(r11 th ichiscure~s
lt thtetnagnsificettt ausdicttce tllt
stave greetedthitbss itsolior (siie of lis
toutr, btut thte contfidesnce of tt ricts its
teltlectual -treat inthlisarativels-cof ii(
mantsuwhiose rare scientificattainmtsiti
htove ttade for ttit t sntstvscntsieiid
succese in tlist field of Acrt ic extitora-

store for te intrepuid doctor. Hisiiat
great achoievemteettsto hei on0e1'that
tlaces titm at lteItead of Arctic ex-
tilorers altd for ,wtichste worlid willt
ever be idebted.w
Time getteral tpusliic ale'jusstibegitn-
intg to realise fully tse wondsierfultt
tslttevotnteof Dr-. Natssens, tindi how
s1inci the oworld andilscience owe himti.
During the sie of otto hutdtdl tit
1eighsty yeatrs previous to te yetar si
133tte comobitned efforts of allt hiss'
Arcetic expeditions sttccecided its ten'-
stratistg osnly 150 stiles, nearer thtie.ts'
S Dr. Nasen its three yease.puisheditwo
tstttdo'ed mtilesi beyontd te.farthslestI
poist then reaeliseid,covering tlateoeiuddadffym its ithet
very short spa5ce of six wveeks'.
t ie lectttre givinsg accountt of isis ex-
pseditiont, poosee snt ossly ithi greatest

liots. sciessltic value, list tre a thsrillings" -r
Dr. Nasen s lisy il ess li,3 s ratiS'eofadlvensture, sabsorbitng in its-
.tireaty lie has donetle iore its[tic faso- tereet foe bots yoiug antdt ols. file
citsattg regions if Arctic exptssrol grapsic plitre tif life, its tanse
titan atty matlo if 'o vswnor styiothser' hithserto untknowvn tby stats, ate nstr-
-tismo.'There seetme totie title dist ling, iresalistic.,ftsriling andtsttppeal to
thtsslNatiset s orbetoaexlore inaltliclasses.'The seemoing almssot ims-
ntorthtern segiose. Atsiottiwslossif Nant- ptiteifeats of phiysicsil estiurane
sunts, born jusst lt) yeates a-go,.wa are a mnatvel to the ottsite civilitet
Hane Nansen, ai bold snavigatosr, wvto world. The eituatlios, awe-inspiig
explored thse 1'Ite Sets coast uder and awvfolly grantd, cosstemplating
cototiesion of tse Czar, snas stoped whichs the unsanimouts verdict- is thsat
bty the ice, spent at wvnter ton te noets, he to ahsolotely 'tlstsIsero of these ot-
and woea hin Iadbook for Arctic navi- try."
galore. I'ossessed of great tenacity of
tpurspose andsd trenglhiofsitlvl, Halts Philological Club.
Nansen wvas a fit progeitor of tse.'The Phsilological Clubt"tslaIst even-
Nssnsett of one day. OnItis mnoteisslug in Room I+, Utnivereity Hfll. 'ise
side osir Naneen intherited sturdy and paper of tse eiening was restd by trof.
atdvenltrous qustlities ttat are not l(ee Itolfe on the subject 'Work on te
entlitled to tie taken frosts Iis father, Latin Ttscossitt-ts." Te seaker evis
Nansen got his intrepid spirit, his love at Mtunicit, Beletin, for thse last twso
of adventure, his pratial h~lintd. yeats esigaged int assisting P'rof.
Thse catty training of te boy0-t Woelffinits015the Latins Tteoatirseits
extremely sitnple, if not severe. Hi' question. Prof. ilolfe's address was
always lived in the closest commntnont quite compsjrehtensivet'nsuitserspersedt
with Nature, not sisly on tile farm sf etire and there woiths tilts s:f tiersonat
Great Iiroen at West Aker, wiche be- incidents.
longs to his father, Ratler Fridtjof
Nansen, an etminent latwye'r, bttsea State Teachers' institute.
ysouth whole days and nts would be
spsent by hism in thse recesses of the The followving tUniversity people will
woods of Nordmnarken, where lisolive'd taske part ist the State 'Teachers'Itt-
a sort of Robinson Crusoe life, subsist- etitute at Lansing next month: Pres-
lug on a crust of bread and tte spoil ident .Hutchins, who will give an ad-
of his fishing rod, while every stork dress, subject. 'The Solidarity of our
ott travel and exploration was greedily Malichigan School Sy stem- How Shtall
read. After he had been two years it be Still Further Perfected'" Prof.
ai college the spirit of adventure rats H. A. Hinsdale; Regent Levi L. Bar-
too rampant in him to be longer ye- hour, a paper on "College Training for
strained, so that lte eagerly accepted Professional Men"; Prof. W. W. Be-
thse offer of the post of naturalist and mcan, Mlathentics; Dr. Eliza . M
zoologist on board a whaler bound for M1osher, anld Miss Snyder.
an -Arctic cruise. -On his return the
appointment of Curator to thte Museutm Homeope Elect Officers.
of Bergen awaited htim. Here he set-
tled down for some years fairly con- At a recent mteeting of the senior
tented with lila microscope and prose- hiomeopathic class the followtng offi-
cuting his researches so industriously cers were elected: President, S. P.
as to make bin quite an authority on Tuttle; vice president, Chas. A-. Monte-
parasitical fish-worms ansi general gue; treasurer, D. A. Sebiwaneky; see-
nerve structure. Then the partially retary, J. Newton Babcck; valedictor-
successful exploration effected in tan, Miss Marianne Wells.
Greenland by the veteran Swede Nor- The class are eight in number. They
denskiold set Isis blood on fire to ernu- .are considering the question of adopt-'
late the great traveler by crossing lug the senior cap and gown in the
Greenland. This feat our hero ecco.n- future.
tplished In the summer of 1888 and
Ispread tha young, Norwegian's fame The College of Mexico Is the oldest
and cradii far and wide. In North America- being 50 yemr .14ar
But greater things were, adare. in than HAarvard.

Smoker in Detroit.
I'he Detroit Alutni Association s
tatken hsold of msatters inl connection
ssils thes'Alitnnesota, gamisll5thle meet
-ptpiovs'ststyle. As saiprelimnaryst'yi
tse cont'st riley isiv-c arrancged to gtec
it nsokier itt lit'elsansmesi quarters of
Sts S-''ttsisi-saftlubltt, Iridtay evettig.
'hs i's-stsitits'' havissg;chsarge of the
siushiers-ohsists sot.(Geo.I'. Csoda, Judge
Geo'irge'jS. Stesoser anld Dr. A. W.
Iltaii. 'Thsey hsavet issuedt a neat card
so-aslt alutisetinittDeli-nit ttotbcpresent
switshteir favor-ite pipes, indt it is ox-
pieto-sithaI 100otutheisolottboys5 wilt to
onihan issto10sinsg csits-ge-sosigs atid in-
isteis cstistpnes'iils(ic'5
1'rsifs'sso-s IKinowtoT ruelos'tod andi
ANc.ssstghits will go dssontorepr'ese't
ste SUnive's-itsy fac-ultysanditmatke short
adduresses, wshsile' Mtltags'r Hutghsats-d
"Butsk' Rihaisrdts -itt be on thandt to
re-prssent thse Athletic !aseciation antd
fosotbaill team. A- genstral insvitatiott
hsas also been extenidedt to thse officers
andt it-ctore of tse associtssion sere
to be present at liii' snoker. A goodly
numbier of lt'e Glee Club ttetn wilt
lisen tip liteevensisng sith. college
Minnesota in Good Shape.
Advices received trots Minneapolis
say sisal the practice work iof MAfinne-
sota Tuesday and yi'sterdaiy was the
hest they hsave yet done. Wise interfer-
once was good anid the pltty snappy.
St is quite likely that rte tine-up of
M~inntesota will ntot be thsatne as in
use Wiscontoin gastle. IBagley, half-
back, it Is stid, hats resigned, and
Jones, -a1new mnist looked upon ins
htis successor. Wintkler switt be esifted
to guard, and P~arsons put in at center.
Stothtwitl play tse otlher guard andS
tIngalls, the 228 pound tian, wvill he
sre'egated to thet scrubs. Wise otte-r
poiutionts-snill resnait the satmte.
Yesterday's Practice.
Whoeivork of tte 'Varsity was an im-

p1rovement over ithat of Monday and
'Tuesday. There was tnore viol and
go in the work and use scrubs did not
find it as easy either to advance the
'bait or bold the regulasir. 'The 'Varsity
mtade four touchtdowns to .the scrubs'
one. Caley was outt, bt not in foot-
ball clothes, and did eons excellent
ptunting. Considerabhle attention was
given to drit~tsg SHannan, Hlodgman
and others itt punting antihtere seemn-
ed to be an implrovementl.
'98's Protest Allowed.
The footbatl cointittee met yester-
day noon at the Psi U house and sic-
cided to allow 'OS's protest against '99.
The following resotution was passed:
Whereas, The management of the 'ti9
football team iusisted en playing a
man despite the due notification that
ho was ineligible; be it
Resolved, That the ganme between
'99 and '98 be awarded to 'P8..
The east stand on -abe Yitle field,
recently erected at a cast of $5,000,
was patid for by private isobscrlphie3.
frotoabout a dozen uaiee,ariss.


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