THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY ThA Great Task Completed. C~ww SThe committee or twelve appotnted by. the American Philological Associa Published Daily (Sundays excepted) during tion to provide standard or norma the College year, at courses for the guidance of teachers THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. indicating how the time set aside for Demo:E Times building, 3295. Main St. be- the study of Latin and Greek in sec- tween Liherty asd William Sts. I Eondary schools can in general be util ANAGIN EDITORJ. F. ToMA,00L ied to the best advantage as regards s Athe range of work to be covered an BUSINESS MANAGE the order of subjects and of work of 0. H. IIANtO, '00 L. literature to be studied, and to pabin E D. ITOAo t L Athletics. hot w the entrance requirements in E. L. GEisMEi, '93 L - - - Monday Latin and Greek of the leading cot BUTLEti LAMB,'00, - - - Tuesday logs and universities can be so ad G. 0. Duoes'. 'd, - ednssay jested to the courses recotiended, as T. it. WOOtow. 'tb. - - Thtarsday A. CAMPELL., '5, - - - -Friday ito admit to collegitate work students I. A. CAMPBELL,0 '0, - - - Saturday fiom any part of the country who shall furnish suflicient evidence that they have satisfactorily completed these courses, have after a correspoad- for the college year, with a regular delivery ence involvitg over 7,000 letters lately before noon each day. Notices, communica- completed the task assigned P ,of tions, and other matter intended for publica- i .-f tion must be handed in at the Daily office be- Kelsey of the Latin department, is a fare p. in., or mailed to the editor before 3 p. i., of the day previous to that on which tttemtter of the commtsittee. they are expected to appear. Sobsceriptions may be left at The Daily Kansas to the Front. Delcoe, Meyer's or toiflet's Newstand, or eseih__snaorb____,ep uerbr with Business lilanager. subcribers will con- fer~~~~ ~~ a ao yrprigpomptly a't thins rt tna nvrst oialiit office any failure of carriers to deliver paper. The Kansas Unversity football tea-m has made quite a record for itself this The season for football will ens ii ''' Ostt. It has not once been defeated two weeks and some form of intr- 1an has in seven gams scored 232 collegiate athletics should be adopted points to their opponents 8. So flush- to take its latse tiriig the witier ed are they by victory that at this late months. Michigan has herotofore been day their manager is trying to secure gntirely without athletic contests fro gam's with more eastern teams. Pen- fall until spring and this condition of nsylvania, Carlisle Indians, Princeton, offairs should be retedied it ote. Wisconsin and Minnesota are the ones Basket ball seems to be the ost tvhon they most desire to accept the available form of sport for this pur- ltonoc of playing with Kansas. pose and there is ito reason why it 'Roland Reed at the Athens Theater should not be introduced. The Uni- tonight. versities of Chicago, Northwestern, Wisconsin and Minnesota, all have IF YOU WANT THE BEST teams and play each other regularly. FRATERNITY STATIONERY Michigan has a large gymnasium and all the other requisites are available. BADGES OR PINS A team should be formed as soon ts send to possible aNd communication entered SMITH, STURGEON & CO., into with the other teams of the mid- 237, 239, 241 Woodard Ave., Detroit. Designs and estimates furnished on all work dile, west of this kind. Among the Colleges. Athens T heatre cl - - t - - WINTiER SIHOS ! -OF- Every Description A LARGE LINE OF CYXL SHOZS SEE OUR WINDOW? BEAL'S SHOEW STORE, 109 N Main Street. Opposite the Court House. " ;-rNEW FURNlSHINSAh...- If you are a man of taste we have the kind you're looking for. If you're a man of economy we've got em .4at 4 Your Price.4 4 4 4 Colored Shirts ! 9 Street Gloves! 4 Newest designs, latest crea-? The new ideas, silk lined, 4 tions. , fully pique, or out-seams. Striking effects in Puffs, Ascots, Four-in-Hand, Strings and Bows. Full line of underwear, including the Oneita and Lansing Com- bination Suits. Stvd ons Lect r Asso iatioo s Single admissions will be sold for each entertainment as follows: The smi-centennial of the Sheffield scientific school at Yale was celebrat- One Night Only ed last Thursday. flksO n The Wisconsin "rooters" who ae- company the team to Chicago for the FRIDAY, have their collars and cuhffs dye a I y NOVEMBER deep, loud crimson, the college color. The Wisconsin-Chicago game Nov. 13 will practically decide the Western e e12 championship. Wisconsin has a strong team but no individual stars. We A High-Class Vaudeville Entertain- know what Chicago has.-Illini. ment by Professional and Amateur There is some talk of consolidating Talent. Harvard and the Massachusetts In- stitute of Technology which would make one of the largest universities in 9 the world, with a total of about 6,000 9 ChoCOlateS FOR 4 students. At Cornell the upper-classtoen have passed resolutions to the effect that e freshmen shall ;not smoke pipes upon Pr s n s the streets of Ithaca nor upon the 9 campus, nor carry canes, and under The last of this week we no conditions can they wear silk hats. shall, have Allegretti's Since 188 Princeton and Yale have Chocolates in 2, 3 and 5 each had 26 men on the all-Americiu lb. packages. We also football team; Harvard has had 23; have Lowney's in all sizes U. of P. 12, and Cornell 1. During the L same time Princeton has had 20 sub- the same as before. stitutes, Yale and Harvard 10 each, U.9 of P. 11, Cornell 2, West Point and 60 Cents a Pound. Lafayette 1 each. Chrysanthemums free for football CALKiNS' PHARMACY, game Saturday. See advertisement on last page. ,0 i r Nansen's Lecture--....----- Sousa, and His Band------.- Oratorical Conttst------ Six Other Numbers----- -$1.00 Reserved Seat--------$1.50 - 1,00 Reserved Seat--,---- 1.50 - .50 Reserved Seat--------.75 SAVE YOUR MONEY BY SBOURING A SBASON TICKET. Season Tickets, - - - $2.00 Season Tickets Reserved, [Extra] .50 THIS COLD, DAMP, ATMOSPHERE IS AN INDICATOR; INDICATING THAT YOU SHOULD DRESS MORE COMFORTABLE. WE HAVE THE NECESSARY CLOTHING, BE IT UNDERCLOTHES, CLOTHES, OR OVERCLOTHES-WE HAVE THE LARGEST LINE IN THE CITY. CUTTING, REYER & CO., 201:and 203 South Main Street. - - Ann Arbor, nlick WB BUY 'EM BAOK............... . . Whenever you buy a pair of shoes here that do not fit, do not wear as they should or unsatisfactory in any particular bring them back. In every case where a shoe faiis short of our promise we make it right either by replacing it with a better one or by buying it back. 'WSWH. . APR OLL E 119 EAST WAShINGTON STREIIT.