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November 08, 1897 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1897-11-08

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lor W __W , ; . ,, ....W. J. Booca. Pres. WP. AuNOtoi1st Vice-pres
J. V. SaBEHAN, 2d Vice-pres.
X ®, X e ttm ore, sJOHNaC. WALz, Ast. Cashier.
- 106 .w a ft a "d34 ,,.sttStateil St.Bnk
UNIVERSITY TEXT-BOOKS, Transacts a general Banking busi-
:Nx:WtANSI lSECONTD-IIAN __________________
NOE-OO S ndCapltiyi Stock, S0,eee. Surplus, $1l50lQ
SU E T'SUr PLIES, ar c, ,Qri,
organized underthe Go cal Banking Laws
of this State. Receires deposits, hays and
Fountain Pens and Fine and Staptle Stationery +Sells exchangsee the principal cities of the
p United States. Drafts cashed upon preper
and offers all at the Lowest Prices. 9 identification. Safety depLosit boes to rent.
___________________________________________ Bss' CnricanMakPres.; W. D3,
___________________________________________________Vice-_Pres.;Chas 1E. Biscock,
Cashier, iM. J. Fritz Assistant Cashier.
For Forty Years FIRST NATIONAL BAKog i o
J ptal, l$100,l. Surplus and Profts, $40,000
Ifl Transacts a general banking business.
Foreign exchange bought and sold. Furnish
D S EPTRE letters of credit.
Has been smoked by college men and is to-day, a LEADER S." w. CLARKSON. Cashier
as a pure, mild, sweet mixture for the pipe. ~- ~x

M ~mp ~ p es l i a 4pS "! e1. t 9 'IIo. Usen urn tre' Capital, 510,50. Surpluo, $30,000. Transact a
II ceneral banking business.
LLVV llYYi~i"The Rochester," "The Yale,")"The Royal," The Perfection,' R. KssPsrsgres, C. E. GRnEss,>, Vice-Fees
y "Tile Berlin,.Studont,", all nickle plated,. varying in price from FoRE. H. BELsess Cushier.
Our Own Designs. 10 o.0ec. C. -H. MAJOR & CO.,
Trimlmed with Plumes, Birds 41~ls vr tdn hudueDa' Le tr"I gives a puree Artistic deorators
Coque and Fancy Feathers-will be white light, is odorless and does not char the wick. Deliv- eacmlt ieo
sold this Week at $i.so to $g.oo. ered in any part of the city in or cans at 10c per .gallon.. For WllHayeacmlt apxeP innsf
________sale only by WiPaeant, Oils, Window
DEBAN & COM PA1NY. Shades, Room Mouldings, Etc.,
214 5outh Main Street. Specialty of fine interior decorating,
~ painting, frescoing, tinting and paper
Your own ideass preserved in Artis- UN.IVERSITVY NOTif11. - '99 Defeated Senior Lits. hanginig. Only the best of workmen
tic style and arraignment. 'Nincty-ntinse sefeatesith l ior Iii employed .'ork* guaranteed.
Officials____ for the Mieligst-3 Minnets5ott yesterday afternoon in thener111ci isa co
p gsiit'e lttveliot yet Iseeti tdcided upion. sotednie by scort of 4 to 0 tic tonschi L. U.MAJOR C& "
B EAVTIdL MODE. HATS ThVie first tmetgof o ite Michigan t own being nade just 133secsond~s b'- The Artistic Decorator.
Copied from Paris models in large -Norsisalites ttts been postpotied-to 0fore coil of titus. The entire gatie
variety-Selling cheap this week. s-dttesdsce. Nov. 1L. They -will isetet woo evenly contested. 'Ninety-eighs S II EE E
as 501,l S. Fith avse. ltehnkiigwastheslit'srssigsransd 'ti 140 5. STATE STREET
ie '9Slaw:, failesd to saripeart at the- titetan1 a sgaitn saved hser goal frssis Book Binding......... ...25 cents asd up
SH EDEA TM Nlap er' *putig Solid Cold Fountain Pens ....11.00 and up.
gens'ptl*d attilyiigr. , aidWaterman and Wirt Pens in stuck and
- Wholesle andBetail Paper, 355 lbs of Lin-
,.st ntavor of '01) L. ,by slsfa'tLlt. eause'99pae el hu - en Paper fsr50c.
Ralpt fttosglsnsl svtss efees-Iclaiittesi wasineligil. is-. th tletc 1~
- 0 ittrsla's gaite, i lostitog o rd . tlwill sdecides-thse prot st tioigt.t
S'attieanextgginteiselocsisslaster tic (1 Chafing Dish Recipe Book!
Fooftallsinthe MisleVWest' its Usr- 'oisoslteHg etsiOli VAK0 N
:tekvsirn aisrWi-I '0as 1) ilpa f l Our New Chafing Dishes are here.
ns b ceabroasd.1 ofsthtyi
;s tiiae tsosday. ..~oA LEAING,
! LastFiday eve-ning Oscat'Linsder- _______J__E WELER.
ltoltmt latchy eletesd presisdi-nt of tile Among the Colieges.
fressmau law class. entertattnesdthe Peiln ttfilyhs lcsie tsJ1A G T i FEIRS1
"steering commsittee'":at a very elalsor - ". h i. .. ...,vt iiositto cdslives-tt01o'ition on,
ate Duteis social." About ten avere Wtasiing tossi' Birthdasy it tile sits"i A
present ansi passed tse timse its htil- sity of Peninsyls-aia. N ICE CREAM_ SODA 316
Shoes for Ladies, c"oerean entjoy-ment ains listetsiing to in At the Pennisyhvaia-Citlisle gisite G
WrgtPtrs&C o oce fotimal toasts tiy those present. ;Satur-sisy, the actual iplayiingtoicessf 8 Most Excellent
terFe 1 ueF-ootwear in ill the lead- Mr. Clarene'L. (Meader, instriwtor thte ialves wais showii on it large- dial 'T
ing styles and lasts en Welts to Latin, has lately edited a panmphlet facee visiles-froisiail pints of the Gield. 1B Choolates A
-$daTurnto $5.00 treatitng of te list of books recoit- 'Tle Harv-arsd essisiittee sit Inter- R Hot Sods. E
-$250to$500ineded by the iicisigao Scissolmass- collegiate Debsating issue chosen the S
dSee oure $3. 00 Calf ho Boot.. a splen - tee's Club for a high seihool classisal affirtmative side of tite question for the B+__________.___
did hoe or shoolwear I lltraj.'Te pi-oilgiaes a so-sss-:ale debase: "Rlesolv-ed, That the R hFUI ~ 4HBIBSS T
plete list of books of reference, coi- n-iited states shioulsi antex lte S
Rubbers for Ladies.*. lstrative phiiloloy'aulthe-clasosical iltiwatiat itlatzis." -0@ MUSICAL !@
religioon-sod mtooy Vbi lf i I X1TNKSGIVI G DAY AT GRiANtD- MetGillespie. teaciser of Masdolin}-Banjo
Goodyear glove fitting Rubber to ' toylitoitogy.npsiuctie affairsiversi-
fit all style toes. Prices pivate affalirs, the lssfinet-is, pislos- sltososchooland G usita.Instructrs neiencieas
-2,5c to ilyasisiecsusel i1'ss sasa aiti teacher.Call at Ann Arbor tIaste Co's.
inflsuence of Greece and Iotueai, n01danicing halty- siill take phlicc at Store to arrange for hours.
Ensglishbnovels illustrating tse life of GrangesAcadenty as usual at 3 to
4li" sFr ais classical antiquity. The coist of tite sciosk. All stidents and fiends HOLMES' LIVERY
Oaltos forLadie" " " entire collection: is not for frosos$3,200. at-c invited to atteind..Vise advanccd ,.
ltiss to datniig will mest Satuiday STABLE.,
All styles, from 7 Button Gaitor FORIPENT-A very desirable suite evenings aftetr Titanksgiving Do). Sn- 3
to the Highs Leggins. Prices5 9 -LbryS
-5to$.5of froiit roonms, with statianary bowYl, gie evening,30etstirctpeeto 09E Lb
hsot and cold avater. Hat awater heat- of 31=si-eeks $5. Classes totr botnnr Central' location. Good Service
ing and all modern conv'enience-s. Ha- usoa open afor tile receptioti of psis.
Shoe Department first floor. quire at 413 5. Divioion street. Granger's Schsooi of Dancing. 30 "TRtY THlE..,
Elderf1ower Toilet Soap ©O Toled
-- Steam
10 Cents a Cake, 25 Cents a Box, at 'AndSV Laundryv
&i, CO i iu nr ervs Dr .~St re - Ge.Far ae, Atn1dSV oPERMaNT nwa o r
No. l23F. Washineton St now paying f anryCETwokwhLate oure
,M IQK Om um ervs rua St re jo Furt av. t 13 or Mianreewor. Laesdr

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