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November 08, 1897 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1897-11-08

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f + t f References for coming Debate 3 f r ~ ~ qq
One of the oratoricai classes at Har-
vard as for general debate the same INSPECT THE WORK
Published Daily (Sundays excepted) during qeto htwl efuh ve e P o os a e °.AT. ..
the College Year at qeto ls ilb ogtoe e
THEUNIERSTY F MCHIAN, tween Chicago and our own Ulnix e t*
TEUIEST OFICIA. sity, namely: "Resoved,'Ttt theT h B e r m n S u i
tween Liberty and William Ste.o r m n S u i
rejsTie ulin,155 Mi t e tithet 'btrSeatineays~nt td
MANAGNG EDITOR rjcigteabtaintet ett (Successor to Gibson & Clark)
J F. THOMAS,'0ML. it lot tatlication in 189G"
--'The ,foltowing were recommended as 112 West Huron Street, Ann Arbor.
BUSlINESS KMANAGER the best general references:
0. H. HANS, '0 L. .
Afflnative-tGentlemuan's Mao t Fb_____________________________________
H,. . SKILLMnAe 'si L, Athletics. 1897; Atlantic 'Mon, Mar. 97'Cuirent
E. L. uisoun, 'H L.- - - Monday Hlistory, 3d and 4th suarter of '9,1s) Ht~ fTHTU
BULR~x LA, '0, - - Tuesday turnaa'97;1Rev. of Revs., Feb.,Nlati,
G. D. HexuT, 0 - - Wednesday Apr..9;Sn eats a.1-2
'A . WooBELw,'9, F- hrsday '9;'eaeDbtsJn.1-2
A. . CaurseL, '9 - Thu- rday 'te; Public ()Pull, XXII; forutis, Vol.
I. A. CAsrBELLe, '0, - - - Saturday 22.
Negaive-Outlook (Jan. Feb.,Alar.,
'li7); Forum (tar. '97); Atlantic 'ot.
The subscription price of the Daily is $.0 (la. '97);Publc Oinion, XII, pp.
for the college year. with a regular delivery 601, 1610, 51; Nationi 1897.
before noon each dav. Notices, communica -___THE____
tions. and other matter intended for public-TH
ion must be handed in at the Daily office be- . Juniors Elect Officers. hTSM w~BR3
fore 8 p m.. or mailed to the editor beor e I3lists er essesa0
p. in., of the day previous to that on which T'99'il literary and egineering BLICKENSOERFE
Subscriptions may e left at The Daily classes met in 21o0ln1 c,PUiversiy
office, Meyer's or Store's Newtand, or
with Business Manager. Suberiber" wilt con- Hal, Saturday afternoon ad letedt TYPEWRITER GU IT ANausBNJOS
fer a favor by reporting promptly at thisthfolwgofies PridnN
office anv failure of cxrriers o doelie paper, thAers follwn off b; icers: riet The Washburn iu the one and only
______________________ . yesofGiuls, eb; ic trr- IS THE BEST make of world-wide reputation. Sold
While there to yet plenty of time, ti" dent, 1iss QFlorence Sundelansd, ot by first-class dealers everywhere from
Dal ihstist~o htsnce-Ann Arbor; secretary, %liss istitieACHFRTH " A." $15.00 upward. Imitated extensively,
Dail wihesto uggst hat omeef-WATH FR TEIRso be sure that the name "Geore
fort tbeniade by tile Athletic oard to Hneo ukgn ih;Ir' Washburn" is burned uon the inside.
see that there is systeniatic ceerIing uer, Gustave Adophus Ojlinger, o1 A beautiful Washburn Book contain-
ri'n Aror;!baebal maage, Prcying portraits and letters from the D
at the innesota game. Seal "rot-JanAuorf oebllnanier erReszkes, Cale, Eames, Nordica, Scal-
itig" ought not to te a very difficult JenesBo Dowagiis; and torack mand- chi and to other famouu artists and
matter to arranlge, but the board has agr5 ur lm, fCiao rd teachers, mailed free upon request.
nee e ucee nacmls-crick L. Brown, of ay 'Ciy, ant Address Dept. U,
yeLeonard Verdier, of Grtaud Rapids LYON___________HEALY,____
lng it. _________eece
_______ weelectdindependent membrs of Cr Wabash Ave. and Adams St., Chiag.
The Micheiganensian oard sows the Junioi- Hop coitmtittee. ______________________________________
comiiendable enterprise in offeing Clinon G. Stewart, '97 A. B., is
(lie pizeso'announced in another col- teaching at Wichita, Kansas. I ,iI1u
ear, ' ngadyplc fls n s L c u s oi boadrd in offering only a few IF YOU WANT THE BET
miagazine subcriptions as inducemnents FRATERNITY STATIONERY,
fr cntributions told seriuly onl heu BADGES OR PINSFO T TH R SE ON
qoality of the literary portion of te Send toFO T -H R SE ON
book. With seventy dolars worth of SMITH, STURGEON & CO.
prizes alreaidy up and, we understanld. t37d, 210Wo'sodard Ave., lDetroit.
mrore to follow, there is no reasonl why Desis md estimt, frnisiedoalt wont THE UNIVERSITY'S GREATEST COURSE.
far aheaidt of hr '97 numbet~r.
Athens Theatre DR. ERIDTJOF NANsEN-----------------------Nov. 16
Would Not Be Practical. ________ HON. HOBsT. L. TYO, Gov. of Tennessee---------------- Dec. 3
A very plasant arrangenment for Elks ®y One Night Only LELAND T. POWERS --------------------------Jan. 22
tile ladies of Ann 'Arbor -vas decided "41 BOOKER T. WASHIINGTON, Chicago Alumni Number .--- ---Jan. 29~
upon at the School of lsic last Sat-SOAANHsBND -- - - Fe.2
rstay, during the lecture of Dr. "PL4.77 FRIDAY, SIS N I AD------------ ------F}.2
A~oser nd MrsAlie TunerAler~yCha t OVEBERORATORtCAL CONTEST------------------------------------ March 18
who divided the hour between them. 7HoN. BURTON ---------------------- --------------------- April 18
Dr. itosher proposed that since the n n ii esnTces
reetl aedcddiloudntb e ei.t 1 ractical, taking the ftuge into a- - -T~~e 20
count, to allow citizens to comne into
the gymnasium and {pay for tuition. A Hig-Class Vaudeville Entertain- Season Tickets Reserved, [Extra] .50
that classes be forled under 'Ars. ment by Professional and Amateur
Merry in Americanized Delarte and Talent.
these classes be kept under the friend-
ship of the University gyitnasium and e a e O
the pupils invited in to participaie C o oa*s FR
with the Woman's gymnnasiuto pupils ' THIS COLD, DAMP, ATMOSPHERE I NIDCTR NIAIGTA
occasionally. Several clases have iYUISUDDRS OE OFR ANEINDICAVTOR; NCIGSTAT
been already fortmedleeing in pri- ~P e e t.4YUSOL RS OECMOTBE EHV H EESR
Gamma Phi Convention. The last of this week we CUTTING, REYER & CO.,
Th*wet shall have Allegretti's 201[and 203 South Main Street. - - Ann Arbor, Mich
rI~.tel-third annual cismvention Chocolates in 2,3 and 5
of the Gamma Phi Beta sorority will lbC pcags W ls'
be held in this city beginning today at lb akgs eas
4 p.mi., and extending Ithoughl Friday.= have Lowney's in all sizes
Twenty delegates are expected from * the same as before.

the universities of Syracuse, dloston,' BLACK TEMIRALD KID--$4.00
Wische onsinN o eeCaltia- oCnt on. I Hundreds of mes count them the heat, the easiest, the dressiest shoes they can
andth Woans ollgeof a~i-get. We hnow they are thoroughly good-ay shoe appreaching theirqult are
more. $1100 to $1.5 more. Every strohe of worh on them Is dose by hands sk~ied w'ith
ALK____- ~ ~ .'IS' - PHARMACY. best shoemahing. Toes of two shapes. Winter weights, double roles, 10.50.
The tie game between 100 and '103 9.' Tl'I.J . APR ILL .
will be played off today. i . 11 119i i EAST WASHINGTON STREET.

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