"Of- , 1 t . 1 l . VOL. VIII. No. 35. ANN ARBOR,, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 9,1 897. FOUR PAGES, } WILD I Has received a full line of Novelties for Fall and Winter in :dui ts, Trousers, and tObercoatings N0,108 E. WASHINGTON ST. NEAR MAIN Chocolates..... Fresh every week.- Only in packages-, 60c a pound'.- a Lowney's if you~ prefer.: PALMERS PHARMACY. Just Reeived a Large anti Elegant GREAT.INDUCEMENTS. 98 Michiganensian Board Offers: Valuable Prizes. The 198 Michiganensian Board iteld a mteeting yesterdiay afternoon and de- cfided uponSte jprices that would be offered for cotmpetitve literary atidtr matter. Thte prices to eo offered this year are ttuch larger tthantthiose ever offered before 'by any college ,aftnsl not only loere at ttte Uttiversity of Mtfcbigan, but at anty oter college in' tlots couontry. 1cclhbocatrd decided to offer $70 in prices. oot of thots scion wdll be offered itn easht. 'fite lilera~y' departmenst of thte anutal is to he onre of its strong features tisoyeat,ttud' the offer of such liberal prites will cer- tainty result in cc large number of ex- cellent contributions. Six itrices will be awarded, and Itey are as follow4: 1. For the best stttry, $25 ito casht. It to recotmmtended tht it contain ttot m~ore than 2,50 Words, and thtthcie plot he taken from college life at cte University of Michigan. 2. For thte best poeit, $10 in casio. >. For thce best drawing. $+10 in ctast. Must either ice suitable for atle i obttciaed frotm the Managring T+ offor, Saturday's- Game.. Thtos.'It. Woo0droov, 307 S., DivIfisct . Arcngecunco sfor thce MTitigan- Min- uroota grane are progressing rapidly. Whist Club Contemplated. MNanager ttugloes hats eng<,gagped tUvo Plan ar itm' ttal fr aUttv5.-'celal traicns to carry tin crowd frost t-re, 1'hc tirst train, to leave Satcurday- sity Wihist Club. At presepnt thcere arti aotf 5stuet ttIt civriy oroiiticogat 4) o'clocic staudoord actd tin- sccocod at 10'o'clock,. 'fbe band soan't wo* moeet tot little grocups cfltirregular -Vtoc-fat u tloitts'' itntervals tand meneyttheplealsure"of g ttttplicate wisif.'fwo otr it lot- otfo io ent itrio rt dyedI othoers playat te e- e 1l xii eoeDc-t t o-okc o iccricos oflic tcleccetlccrcccimtind'i Io'clock nmidnight. The fcare tot to ottocoo tgetoo a ococy ooicoso rotgameo is placer'Satthde very lowt blo ofIttseloloyso.A oiglf oteco-Irate of $1.50, Tickets crc nowoacotsale herolp fece will porobaboly be ctcorgotl to dfraytheexpese o seeralnpl at Milloect's, Slseehttt'o cnot witl rte to efry lotextecse ofsevralcicloi-noetobero of te Atleltic Board:. Act- crate wx-ilt sets and ofter necessacry ccotc otc rtc coo ilh 0 co zapccccnalca. ctosot-tccisasuctteot ct Soiottloltics necessary ar-ranogecoents c~t xradsaswl.b nsl r mid h h ilb pnt n atWr ighit, Kay C (to inc Detroit. tsr cocooe icecloh illbe toeo o ayG(ote wiltoerolled lptonltli- ct -it10i studecot of lice "Universigtooln i ct ,bout once every twos weeks. It is- ex- otclotrk." . cie 500 5~O5OO~O ~ ' tilltoe tllie tRussell tHouse, whert- socuexvweeoear 50, astlhatfottes U t-iltt'iiceseta teocoocwill tals stott.'Tit higo will he 'held in soome room n to Cci- i'cinnesoofc's xili leave -tciiuniceapolto- vertsity Stoalt. [he organizors ct lice Wdedysottrie nfer occovenont hope .to bare te ltettrcy'Thuorsdhay cnight. Lighct ipractice xii sycoptlly and co-niceration of floe fit- toe givenittics team Frida~l~y atztile .A. tifty mzeznolers courtof the soccdent itody. C. grotiodo, ite place olflicesnext. days Religious Services in the Eant. atottie. -''fle list, of, cooed to he tacteti to Do- i' ~± i ew ~ page, or illustrate some phase of col- fn a recunt letter President Angel troiftxiltoe, posted cot: Shiteott titlt Agnslege life, says:. "Thce opirittoal privilegres- u oc. store atnoono tritlay, atool also- at i lt nd Cold Lunches atealllhours.tAgents for Heyter's and'Wiliats and Werners Co.'s 4 For tiches legal oltory, $12 to here are not all thost could toe desired. thte trainicog taoble. Chocolate Ben Bans. lawv hooks (from Cotlagano cats- 'cW' go nowt to thce Britisii Emnbassy Mactag r lgloes annococe,. float hboo R. 1B. JOIdsLY & 00. logos). 'Must not contain msore titan chcapel, whcere te sermon to, always xiii gos to Cicacgo Saturdasy nighot an{1 308 Seoule State Street. O,:xv ords, and musot he on some exactly seven minutes tong; e nd Sow wiii, retoritovwitho toectart off hoc iorc of legal subject or have to do wvith col- -t) the Germ-an, where the speaker is thce Cocisei th lat is, to toe-resrve ftor- Sloe life in the law "dep <3arlousut. difficult to follow. T wo Sundays-t tat Tcttigocu rsoclportect. (tetiecal ati.os 5.Porthlie best series of thcree co-o bert college we have hetted Acueisoisoi tickets tore placed ct $I acnd re- Ath ns := T eare odly ilustraterd legal "teens, $Stot law ca preaching. 1Last 'Thursday weo