1 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. The Store Non Irritant... Soft and pleasant to the skin, perfect fittinga, health giving, service- ahle and as near perfec- tion as UNDERWEAR can hbemade. GOODVJJS PSBD' S MAIN STREET. I Watch this Space Wednesday. Popular Priced IIILL.LINERY. I I Our Own Designs. Trimmed with Plumes, Birds Quills, Coque and Fancy Feathers-will be sold this Week at $i.5o to $5.00. HATS TRIMMED TO ORDER! Your owi (ldeas preserved in Artis- tic style and arraignment. BEAUT'EiR MODEL HATS! Copied from Paris models in large variety-Selling cheap this week. SHOE DEPARTMENT! Shoes for Ladies. . Wright, Peters & Cc. of Roches- ter, Fi' se F otwear in all the lead- ing styles and lasts in Welts and Tuine.Prices -$250 to $5.00 'See our $3.00 Calf Boot. a splen- dsd Shoe Inr school wear. Rubbers For Ladies. . Goodyear glove fitting Rubber to fit all tyle toes. Prices -25C to"$1.00 Giaitors For Ladies.. . All styles, from 7 Button Gaitor to the High Leggiss. Prices -25C to $1.25 Shoe Departmcnt first floor. MACK &Cor Lam~ps Expressly 4t- Students' Use "The Rochestri' "The Yule," "The Royal," "The Perfection," "The Berlin Student," all nickle plated, varying in price from $1.00 to $2.50 each. O L Every student should use Dean's "Red Star." It gives a pure wielight, i odorless aiid does not char the wick. Deliv- ered ini any part of the city ini our cans at t0c per gallon. For sale only by IDEAN & OMPA NY. 214 South Matin Street. S. C. A. Lectures. tConitinuedlfran second page). ani eiaiple' of a practial riniiin lois- ness wtii caries alit the Gotdeii Rule. His efforts sic so earniest ad hots riti- (Ale sii lopulirtiiatlie wis elected Iia~ool of the city, anid has proved ito to .a favorite official,.tHe his nooe a thoroughi sltidy ef municipal ionilious aindl tos spoken before several recant assembhites of scientific ioiei on the present situationisnl large cities. A recent inumber of the Lonidoii Progres- slve IReview says of litis: "tHe is a successfnl maiinufatuirer; lhe diir- garis the imarket wage ini the pay- itteit of lis men, shares tirofits with ttieiii,asuinu every way n his power teals with them as brothers." lhistiieiinaipointedl-to imittrta iii dvi lissitious rilating liio liii'cleanlliness iinilpurity Hof the cito. UNIVERSITY NOTES. Roland I eil in "Tii.'tWrong Mtr. Wiright' it the Attn-as thleater. Wedniesday, Nioeiiiter lii. Th is Liiiciilioetity. ci thelii',svwide- liairtmnt, it tfur liey firsltoi'e Sat- 11. (G. triettymn hais iiadie inor- r,-iinp e.lii y which thirty l)iii''s, fwill hi' tliced oil liii'tables every tay. Trhii'U. of \1t. assio'Clhl tii'i ts aiinniualitiiqiiit attPrettyianosiosatuir- day eveinig. Toiaists wen' toe orider of tiet'veinig. 'The 101 itgaiicisiaii Boacd ilol iieo't J. V. SHEHNs2d50Vice-pres. JOHN C. WAL, Ast. Cashier. State - Savings - Baik. Transacts a general Banking busi- THE ANN ARBOR SAINGS ANK Capital Stock, $50,00. Surplu, 15,00. Resources, $,0t000. Orgaized undrthe GeneraiBaking Law of this state. Receives deposits, buye ad sells exchange on the principal cities of the Celled States. Drafts cashed pse proper Identification. Safety deposit Sxes to reet. OFICES:s Christian Mch Pre. W. 0. ilarrisnan, Vice-Pres.; Chas E. Hiscock, Cashier: . .. Fritz Assistant Cashier.- FIRST NATIONAL BAN Krgdiet Capital, 910ie0e. Surpus and Prefis, 145,555 Transacts a general baning business. Foreign exchange ought andold. Furnish ltelers of credit. E. . INNE, Prs. HARRISON SOULE, Vice Prs S. W. CLARKSON. Cashier Cor. Mai and iuro Streets. Cpita, $5t,000 Srplu,$0to. Transacta generai basking uiess. R Kmur rPers C F. OENEs, Vice-Prs SREDn Ht BoLSRCashier. C. I. MAJOR & CO., The Artstcderatrs Have a complete line of Wall Paper, Paints, Oils, Window Shades, Room Mouldings, Etc. Specialty of fine interior decorating, painting, frescoing, tinting and paper hanging. Only the best of workmen employed. Work guaranteed. C. I. MAJOR & Co., The Artistic Decorator, F. J. SCHiLEEDE. 40 S. STATE STREET Book Binding ..... reel, oas adp Solid old ounlais Pens...$1.0 and s. Waterman and Wirt Pens in stock nd Penn Repaired. Whoesale and neail Pape, 314 lbs. of Lin- en Paper fo e FFBEE!T Chafing Dish Recipe Book! ASK POE ONE. Our New Chafing Dishes are here. W m. rimoA. LAD JWLE.M Music Studio PIANO, PIPE ORGAN AND COMPOSITION. CONCERT PIANO TUNING R. H KEMPF, From Stuttgart Conservatory, Germany. 312 SOUTH DIVISION STEERT Q MUSICAL!? @ Mei Gillespie, tearber of Mandolin, Bano and Guitar.' Instructor in the University School of Music. 15 years experience as a teacher. Call at Ann Aror Music Co. Store Ho arrange for hours.: HOL1YES' LIVERY STABLE. 509 E. Liberty St. Central location. Good Service TRtY THE .. Toledo (Steam Laundry -sad SAVE 2n PER CENT on what you arO nowaying for laundry work, Leave ordes at 1~3 Seuth Main Stree. Mliss tounA'Mdtaoos, te remaoining this afterinioin. sndt hs'.iits other usa t- speaker, hios perhaps tlie gresiest tier- tees. swill deidi' on thie prices toi hi soloility of oll. While yet a girl. she offeorid fur eonlrilbiiious Isoiiheinuli- spoilsoseal years, in Europe for tier catioii. helth; ther' the terrible conitions of 'l'tie tiiecisity iosvlottiis coving at the overcrowidedt quarters of toe greait veriy sunessoful yiear. There niave oh- cties attracted tier attention.. idetlirn- wtays :benlorer pa~icults thiainicould iitg toslhis country, she sotiuhtot thi' lie iell accomodaoted, andithiei'cl iic. cost degradedcitquarters of 0tliucjos itve0been fiioriishieidwitiilorgi'niini- ainitsecurig a'iistoric' but forsa~k "o ters 01fiteresting case. house 0o0 S. IHals~ctdst., stir instituuht the trasfsormuing work of the Hull Aipha Nu Preiiminaries. House Settlemncl.shilch atoil ceiii.i hi terc the iniie'hg of the Alpha Nou etinse the ;entoer of the most ivoted l -o "'ietiy 'Saurotay night, the o~niotcs vioul setlle'noent w orb in Ihis countoy of tie .sociey, who will cooler thoc p0-- Mliss Aitoails woso iifiuoeolley recog-oh' ouao'y for liii'debaute uitho Cluisao nized,. not oiily as the iiost se-issffulact '11andtdew' too'siodes. The society worker ini the fieldt, but as tielohi hsOt00ill Ioli twlo rt'oioiioaoiess Dec. 2? ailthioily oio the social lproblemls s i .iiod .1~ 'f loe p~ihiai Nui-'Aitll debasteil great renters -ofIioplatiin. Sii nile to wtht hie coinsentlof(lie Adeltul So.- tical was her work that it forceid the centy waestiosiponced from Dec. 4 to ri-cognitian of the politicians, iiod shC Dec.lb EIderflower Toiet Soap.@ @ 10 Cents a Cake, 25 Cents a Box, at S o e No. 1lB E.Washington St ..Lv.Lul.nIerv S D r ms toieLr. Fourth ave.