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November 08, 1897 - Image 3

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1897-11-08

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NEW.! --Our Furnishings for Gentlemen. NEW!
We will have this space for the rest of college ,year, and will give you the benefit of our Special Sales.
We HAVE the BEST to be had. Good values moderate prices. Come in and examine our stock.
Fisk, Clark & Flag, line of fine String, and Club Ties-Rufus Water- Adler's swell, English walking Gloves - Werthiemers, 411 West
house renewn Ascots and four-in-hands-Berliner, Strauss End, and No. 12-The best DOLLAR Glove in the city.
& Denzers in all styles..UN E W A SWE T R
FINE HALF HOSE.-SW'EATERS! Wool Combination Suits, $25il and $3.60e-All Wool worth $200for
Fine Silk, Lisle, Cashmere, and Cotton Hose-Fancy Lisle Hose, $1 5 a suit Wool Fleeced, Cotton Fleeced, Camril's Hair, Etc.
seamless Macu split soles-see our two-for-a-quarter line. TeSles h etBado olr n uf
Night Robes, Bath Robes, Pajamas, at unheard of Prices. E. & W. Bodie Narkette, Keleta, Niota, Etc. Barkers, Soix, Mahpec.
Don't miss our UMBRELLAS. Clueti, Collars and Cuffs.
Our Telephone is ready to receive orders, and our wagon ready to deliver them.
N. W. Cor. Main andL Liberty M\IACGK(& 00~, N. W. Cor. Main and Liberty
IGeo. S
Ntwithstanding the 40 pr Parker .
ie o tch soin oange in the tariff we re- Fun-
tae aunifrm law price.,1s,2,3,5h5cliEadA2/. t oi,0adG5.,Gueh10.IP n
ruti, E, B, , gut, each Soc. Pe
tatr, 0), A. E, loc.
Flestrings a specialy from 1 a [ T+ D R UL G Sc O P,1J. I f0.1X. WMATIN.
2-07 E. Washington St Embalming a Specialty
Is the place to Reistei. This Reister is always consulted fit by theI NO .1209 1' OUETH AVENUE.
__________________Messengers-It'sFRIB E. Abhlance ight r day.
Residence, a02 Fifth Avenue.
ANN ARBOR First Eletion Held Valid. The Universtes and Churches. ANTON TEUIFEL,
TknEfetSp.5187 - It will le re uiubered thai the jiin- (Continued from First Page.) nEAnocVARTERSsFRoe
Trains leave Ann Abor y Central Stan lot laws had a 11liti letinlg otice~s colleges at the Country. This (0l- Trunks, Valses. Dressuit cases, and
and tine. loandIthat it was referred to a oilnut-1) aiiooii iiidoubtedly hls trie of all Telescopes.
lie cosistiig o Prof. Johinsot, dulcisiuations. Till qu0llou reials Trns and Valises repaired nealy and
NORTH. SOUTH, 'TruebloodalWigl.Iefolw ioliicirlio u cheaply. N. 3aS. Main Sree.
840 A. m. . 80A b. tug decision as ieeii tubmittid by tude of indifference to all otudentisoof
'12:15 . ill25 A. Li A LU EI 7'
4:46 P.. 8,4 Pem thiiealounittee, th iiirlnoiattion iiilte itc'iflt [
19:10 A. M. -:5 pes. To Messrs. Lotupson, lHogg et al. state coleges?'"
TRAINS AT ANN ARBOR AND YPSILANTI tnlm,1Tecmitet hM - EER TRtA H IFS was sonitted the locstion of I..A [R.xJIfN. .of Buttons and
Taking Effect Juiy 4, 197. I legality of le class electtio of te f Rolaid Reddiliut admi~irible conUol-. is
GOINGST A o eislertfr- MedItany, including -iss Isidore host1a,
Ass ABO, YPsi. sec sid yeslclashrtfrHed
Otatghn- Ha. Seawe find, ' ill be te itaget at (le Athens FOR
Atlantic Rap - I73 7:0 'T'lat whie all tcls uc .lios hisI Theter extsedneday.olr.It'
erandkalidnEx -.._l1 1;25 ta- -- - s pe lilltas ale ator f
Mail and- --rss5... 347 p . 405p.m n 1tte dparttent buildiniotr aiy atslr--Get deietr Lo nysO colate
*Noth ShoreRLnmited.. e6:45 . iiuoSe Without ex~tieso Ierllissilillof -eirccmdyrls7s i w. nr ~ 35S
Fast Eastern - 15..... 5 10015 10:7 th Deati re ini iolstiotn of the rules present dring his sty here aBe of W. W. TU iiTL State St.
GONG NST, ftheetl mtlitt;yt iastlil ~1(1uost succssful of Ameria in-Ol ALLERETIS, if you wish.
Boston N. y & h-755an a. nIie115n t 11 t( -oso ctli dies,"TheXWrong Mr.t0Wigtl fr10 1
H'ail &,Epress -5--5:09 :-0 a 5111115 ".mi. em~iutohl h lasmei T5A N D E M S 2~~i
911peof eog Iodhtt.Fast Western Ex---- 14 p.in. 159, m st swhich 011'.Fittoni 'tlpollit ul 10le fGog I.Boiltl ~u - w
G. R. & Ka. En .81..640 555 eeted resdn a gvnii1u~ _tepayhsmd n nu ~ i
Chicago Night Ex-...:5 9 05 15a rattltiwas giseti10 hI ll'5is
Pacific Express-....1151 12 30 teer of thei faclty ad sannloncdd i sttn onsy ttla To Rent 1
"North Shore Limited Innsn extra fare ta foit h ags ienfliyteSn
t e a charge of $2.SS to New Tack than on oi the piattoli st a1 ill s wheni iii word, for its wit is liei iskst~ h ags ieo lylSn
ther trans. ev-iy nolllter of Ithe iClass sioultd1a11ad is movl-et is itll5sslltl dries andi Supplies as
0 w. TRUAgLESagoH. W. HAVES, trhaeb re setan tlmililIs -NOTICE. M. STAEBLER'S CYCLE EMPORIUM,
ah a subseulent class meeting of a .Tier will bei'a0ineeig iof the. Mich- Telephone No. . One dor East of Aee-
U.of M. Shaving Parlors and Bathi Rooms taiajorily f the clas tile prceinigs iganenoan Bomar this aferooni at 4 cat Hose
3a SOUTH STATE STREET. oftl aleetit sccdly iiid o'clock in Wl9.nThi. s lvill le a The Namaehe Guarauneeo.
Ladles' artistIc alerlDressing p tirawe-udecide thaht Mr .hatutois he Ils ser)- iiorllta loeelilgm111it his5d- -a PLIG'
Old friends call again. We welcome new y 1SADN'
ones. J R. TROJANOWsSKI. ligsal tid rightul prsident of til(, sirstle that every miembur of the Fo alSple o 9
yeoi ear lass class. bm1c i ieeot h ~eI o Every Reqisite for the Gae.
TH HTGAHR Siged. alered for compteitive literary std sirt Manager will don well to write
1 EE.HLR R.1F. JOHSNSJON, . for samples and special rates
Telephone ,O. ANN ARBOR 1'lt)S. .T lE-lG lD-oad er wilte deiei uonit lls before purchasing.
. _1,. LiD ieetig, and seseral lhiiorlalt cowl- Th Spalding Official
ENLDETRE . SIJIlIS. limtleilinted. et every nmeiher Foot Bll.
EnIBALMER AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR. 'heIlMichigan Noruoslies haest- osf tietosrd tbe presnlltis after.c Adoptd y ale. Priceton, Pennsylvania,
CallsAttened Da or Nght. polld ther firt. InetiuguntilNoHarvardn. fovandCo.nand a allllother eadinaunl
No. 110 East Lierty Street: Residence.sa38 sealed vrinie n paratebox stwith dbrased Infl ator
Soth Fourth Ave. Phone 129. , - - .---. Price. $5.00.
RANAL, TE ROOGRPHRUniversity Schiool of' Lancing, Spalins's Official Feo Ba l Guide
for -817Edited y byWLT~ERenCAMP Pst-
Stat Stret. oppsiteLawBuilingpaid, .s cents.
RASHNND LCTHEPHOTOGAPRtttre..ppst awBidn Catloue of Fall and Winter Sports,FRE
WAHNTNBOK N RO.Terms $5.00 a semester - - Single evenings 50 cents. A. 6. SPALDING & BROS.,
KINDERGAREN (twwQcARnoSistOffice-427 Thompson Street.NeYokPialpa
102IU, E. Huron St____________________________ Chicago Washington
Call and See Us, y o speak Greek? You cman B O O H
_____]Do______u__lear___ it while buyingAG NYF R'H
Orders for all Fraternity parties, clab ~ nu onavu house. Pure home made candies Mandins; and Guitarse
dances, etc. Leave orders at Ann Arbor RICHlfMOND & 0 DUSq, and ice cream, fine California fruitMadln utoorteinc,10Gdsv.vryutbefrpeeta n w e SSSW iA
P..-Will take ppis o Piano and in DETRtOIT, MICH. kowyolilhwnttemfo ta
sight reading at shove naned Placs, pknowyou arwiwnt th iem.for that! LRL SNs tr
A.J.oh stn.JAMES KOSTAUS.1 114 W. Liberty St., Ann Arbor.

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