THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY f . * 'ow to .take defeat. Facts speak leed- S. C. A. Lectures. Published Daily (Sundays excepted) during the College vear, at 'iPte course of lectures uon socie- THlE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. logical quiestionl announced by (lie S. Orrics: Times building, 329 S. Male St. be- C. A. is 111' that can probably be do-' tween Liberty and William Ste. ilicated ill no Ams'rlciis siuniversits- MANAGING EDITOR this year. So far as representing alt J. F. TnOMAS, '55L. sidles of the iiodlern social question, it BSUSINESS MANAGER could bardly lie ibettered in an equal_ 0. 11. HANS, 55 Lrsnmbeir of leclur-es. All sides of tbs EDITORSsoilqeto artothdunad Hi. B. SKssLLMuN,'50 L, Athletics. sca usinaetuhduo n E. L. Geesunc, '9i L. - - - Monday by 'speakers of fixed reputatiron. 'Tltey BUTLERenLAn, '55, - - - Tuesday do not "coins to the University for i-e- 1. D. HrUsuvv. 'iS. - Wednesday ward, but becatise they htoysa0rutes- T. R. WOOnoOW,'98 - - Thursday sage foi- the'educated people of tbis A. CAMrBEiLL, 99, - - - - Fiday I. A. CAMrnnsi, '05, - - - Saturday (ountry. A short sketch of eachIlof (lie noted 111(11and wotnen speakers fellows: __________________________________ Professor GrIan -i Tiylor,lprofessor The subscription price of the Daily is $2.50 of appliedl sociology, fUicogo 'Tieolog- fur the college year, with a regular delivery tcal Seininairyasawasdepyip before noon each day. Notices, communica- a lasdstyo tions, and ther matter intended for publica- preedated the signitic-ance of (lhe ett-a l lion must be handed is at the Daily office be- fore 8 p. in., or mailed to the editor before3 settlemient idea. While a professor iti P. i., of the day previous to that on which Hartfotrd Tbeological Stiay t then are expected losa-pear.Seia le Subscriptions may be left at The Daily cooa a profound sitdent of soctal irab- Offce, Meyer's or Stodliets Newstand, or with Business Mlanager. Suberiberg will con- li-Ils. Sash tifter lie was tcalliet to fer a favor by reporting promptly at this office any failure of carriers to deliver paper, tie 'Chicago Ttisrologicai ASetituary, hii origanized (ie settlenient known siie Several recenit developmnents have- Chicago tCstinirons. Tliers withI his soitributed toward streligtbreling lbs fatnily antd associate workers h~e ts Daily's tielief IithatOberliii's 1100 lillg shaling lthcommLoni life 0of the Ipeople, was tite more to soeniess tbhln to ally educating tile tivic conscience anti es- rsal justice ill tbeir claimls. 'fitrst ti~lil'1it''ibelter social and religions of these events is Michigan's scsi-' colidit>:-: against P'urdue, Saturday. Few living -reptresentatives oi: the Just week's Oberlin tieview, in a Amnericanii lplit have exhibited to dtescripition of Oberlin's gaitmt with great versatility or hIllv' attained 'to Ohio Stats University, says: "Ober- em1inence inl 05oimany directions as Rev'. fir slid lot play to beat 0. S. U., but Washtingtoii tlaiddeni, D. .. LL. D., io beat Micligasi by minning uap a tug;- postor Of tise Fi-st totigri ,gationa.l ger seoret'h(131 Michigan 'did." Thley chutrchi of Coltumbus, Ohio. As lee- suitceetddinplihng nip a score sof 44 rtuier, editoir,itreachier aidautthorhits etc against M1icligai's 34, lint f(irgot stuccess has been eniviable. HBlt it is that 'Michigoai played onsi (ie defense as a writer' anti lectsirer on sociai nliost sentirely the lost hstlf, tIn ,uitg qulestions thtr D. Gladden is miost tbe bal laimost as soon as gainitig it. widely knownvi. He is of tihose wii, utstlingtghleGilioan's on tie ofteinsive, 1h0111 to)('li Crist's puii'tose is a. stier .nd titus gettinig practice in t1a1 part as svell as an 1iniiduailll regsei'iiiioii. sif lie' golle where the'y were wesak. It is his bielief ibha lt'h teachitig of 'pietsiule' 34 points 0a scoretd ititill Jesuts presents us list lieroly a bseauiti- 4 4 1.0 4 n 4 160 MEN' WS INTER SUITS! From our large lice of winter suits we 4 have selected for mention here our4 $10 00 and $15.00 suits, not because they4 are any better value for the price bnt4 that they represent many more styles4 and many more patterns than are4 usually shown.4 lBnt we would like you to remember4 always, that we have suits from $5.oo4 to $25.00, which prices are as low if4 not lower than you can buy such suits 4 elsewhere.4 (CDINTER FZSHOES! _ Every Description CYLX SHOES / .~ ~{,SEE OUR WINDOW? BEAL'S SliOE STORE, III IN 100IN. Main Street. Opposite the Cosurt Heuse. half. 'The fort that tbey bud scored 44 tpinilts satisfied the Obeiins oiind stled ini thieir ontiiids at noast itha t ey were stron~ger thanll Michit- gan. Hut they must now reverse their opinion. Obterlin tdefeated ('srius 22 6.i 'iMichigat's score againist Purdue is to be found in another column. Tce review's attentien is diretetd to it. The se'cond event is the occurrence stescritied tn this followinig clipinig from. yesterday's Tiines-tteroid: "The ('leveland football playesso01 thseir retrn from Oberlinh this evtin- lug told of an exciting expierience in that college towvi. As (icy oere abist to teke this troii for hoieutet Cleveland players were attacked 'by a c'rowvdofminisand tioys artneid withi bricks., stones anid otlier missiles. F~onr of thieni were badly hurt and several ethers slightly injured. "'Duhscan NWolcott wvas hit in this tempihle iihi t brick. A bud wounid was rise result, an tirtery being sever- ed. Edlward Hall wvas rendered un- conscious by a blow on this head and Arthur Landlow and Josephs Harris received bosh scalp wounids. This bombardment began just hufor, the players reached thi staltion anti was kept up until the train ptilled roof., some of the players weres bit wbhi they were standing on this car plat- forms." This coupled with the experience of Mi1chigan's baseball teas four years ago proves that Oberlin does not knowi fnl idcl, but this only workable htieory of (rile social order; anid that the sitelisps of a solutioti of existing evils lies ini this prevtilence of a_ genuine Ciiristiaii spirit in society, lIn Moyor Jones, of T1oledo, we hauve tContinued on Fourth Page,) IF YOU WANT THlE BEST FRATERNITY STATIONERY, BADGES OR PINS Send to SMITH, STURGEON &.CO., 237, a39, 201 Woodird Ace. Detroit. De~signs and estimates furnishied on alt worki Students I[Lctvrc Asoiatioo1 Single adnissions will be sold for each entertainment as follows: Nansen's Lecture_. ___$1.00 Reserved Seat--_--$1.50 Sousa, and His Band .---1 00 Reserved Seat--.--1.50 Oratorical Conttst------------- ------------ ------------ .25 Six Other N'umbers----.50 Reserved Seat-.........75 , SAVE YOUR MONEY BY SECUSRING A SEASON TICKET. Season Tickets, - - - $2.00 Season .Tickets Reserved, [Extra] .50 THIS COLD, DAMP, ATMOSPHERE IS AN INDICATOR; INDICATING THAT YOU SHOULD DRESS MORE COMFORTABLE. WE HAVE THE NECESSARY CLOTHING, BE IT UNDERCLOTHES, CLOTHES, OR OVERCLOTHES-WE HAVE THE LARGEST LINE IN THE CITY. CUTTING, REVER & CO., I Chocolates FOR14 Presents, Telast of this week we salhave Allegretti's Choctolates in 2, 3 and 5 j l.packages. We also 1 have Lowney's in all sizes the same as before. 6o Cents a Pound. /I-M Y 9AKN HRAY 2Otland 203 South Main Street. _ Ann Arbor, rllch BLACK -EMERALD KID-$4.oo Hundreds of men count them the best, the easiest, the dressiest shoes they can get. We knsw they are thoroughly good-any shoe appreaching their quality are $100 tn $1.50 more. Every strohe of work sn them is done by hands shilied with beet shoemahing. Toes of two shapes. Winter weights, double soles, $ab.0 fig EAST WASHINGTON STREET.