Of i VOL. VIII. No. 34. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1897. FOUR PAGES. WILD. Has received a full line of Novelties for Fall and Win~or in Suits, Trousers, and Overcoatings 10,.108 E. WASHINGTON ST. NEAR MAIN AllIegretti's Chocolates.... Fresh every week. Only in packages- 60c a pound. Lowney's if you prefer. PALMERSI PHARMACY. Just Received a Large and Elegant Line. of New Pipes!I Hut and Cold Lunches st all hsurs. Agennts for Huyler's and Williams and Werners Ce.'s Chocolate ann Buns. 'VARSITY WINS EASILY. Purdue Suffers Defeat by a Score of 34 to 4. :Michigan won an easy game from Purdue Saturday bty a seore of 34 1o 4, by playing that was generally silper- ior in all tdepalrtments 1(1 that of Puir- due and most eucouiraginig to Mllbigani men. An improvemsent in leam work. interference and defensive :work of a moot healthy nature wao noticealie aisd sotwetd that tile hard work of the 1)10t week,unode herbert, Dllffy, Farniiam aiid 'alley lhad liorine frui. The playing, 'however, w-as not witih- out ito faults, as at ties it wiae rag- ged andTIalggedi to a eosierable de- gree. If there wasI one thing; mere lioan another ttnat pleased teahil'le's it; was the way the enids gtottdowniithe hield on piunts. Michigan kicked uhf for 30 ,yards. Oni till first line-tip Awird woo s ent arotiid tile enidifora nea(t1 gin lof 12 yairds. Puirdtentliateoti ii Ia lug lass whichi failed ini gailing ally grotindilandtihoc ball tinilwenlt (o Mi11chigan on tdowiis. On a doubleipas Felver okirted the righrt endi for 25 yards tnd then shori rtshes ca'~rriedi the 'bal to Purdue's 3 yard lin' n-tec it w-as fumbTled and woent 0 to' visit- _l. e i t:, t: ii P I e C { i ., 1 1 1 1 1 I "~ .::. 'nJ 1LJ1e IY C V oes.Psirdue immediately lillieli andi 10R nt tt tet the ball was downed on tile 40 yard30SotSaeSre. hute Puidue wao given tie bail foe P1A1AIA6+1/01/Vo00iAWVW oil-side play a-nd n-erc ilziliiii'y Iheld for downsn. Michigan sias fieldl, SAthens :x Theatre reginiing the leather on a url.f 'The ball ovas again forcedl l ito udtn-'o S WEDNESDAY, Nov. 10. :3' yard line, whlere fur holding iii tiii' Rola d R ed, inethe 10111 again went to thvstolng; ~oi uu i~ eu I layero. Doane punited 30 yards, " j] lien Teetzel made '7 yards. Stnuart 10. The eWr nn, 5 .-us, and lHannan, Hoggtind Baker shon'eer Wrog r.Wrrh fIor the tirot touchidoswn. t ale OMM/ 004 14:23. _____________________________ I+ telver caught the kick-off on the 20 TTOSE NOBBY SITS! yard lineOandiby good dodging and Biennett umade teii, then PlIIIlte'o ilin' N ILWARD TH TAILOR, held and they took posession of lie 4 all. Thley ruosied it to the1w5) yaird STATE STREET. line, where they loot it on downo. Bell- ni'tt anld Tecizel brought it back i10 ATTV~~C yards, when Punrdue again got thi' /A k I S ball. short srusheo took it to the 20 3 OO HSTO R E icianskick-off ovas retulrned and) - ttgg carried the hbll back is cenite. *Hogg made a gain of 20 yards and Students should try us beforeStatdpite i.Shrlafr nmaking any purchase. We are Ietdpiae t hrl te bound to satisfy and please. Our tianna-iin-was pushed over for Micimi- large stock of Law and Medcal gan's second touchidown, from whic-h1 Books, in short, Text-Books for Hlogg kicked goal. Score, 12 to 4. every department in the University,Tme2:0 new and second-hand enables usTie2:0 to sell at the lowest price. After the next kick-off Hannlian andl Blank Books and U. of M. Sta- Feiver each mnade gainso of 15 yards tionery at tow prices.an Statoefeih.Tm ws Make our stores your headquarters. adSur n fegt iena called with. the hal in 'Michigan's pus- WARR'S BOO STORE Hogg made the first touchdown in the second half after four noinnies and up Town Down Town ten sieondls of play. tech-er, Hogg, S. State t Opposite Ceurtnuse Sur n ann on oto Ann Arbor Main St. Sur n lna on oto Mehciigans advaning. Goal was kick- oA :Score, 1S to 4. Purdue kicked to tie 25 yad line. td techer dotged back the entire ds-1 irte. The'bllichangedi ihandlOsevrlc finlesc, Purdue's rvolvingnedge be- ing easily stopped anti Michigans' 'lay being sissy, Stuartetsoas inlt andc ingree took his place and Hannan vellinally scored isatocldont. Goal. 'Score. 24 to 4. tPingree earricd the tball across for CARRYIEG OFF TE INJsUnED t'e fiftthitoulchd~own'ill excly two Iillites 111111ltigg kickeid iii eosy goal. Score. 30 to 4. P'urdne kilked of i3) yards aldHa- 00t yards, Doane ovho got le balliltie- ing downedlin istotraciks by n ex- cellent tackle' by 'Tetzel. Purduiie iould not gaino 111dlpunltd. Inas raothee dark nows, butit IiciigaslIfaild to gain a1111Punduie10011:ithe al. yards. After gais of ill yards by B~ennlet and a like is litancle by lIogg Felwie got the' bal on a donle 1150 0111dlmadle a touhdiiown-. No ol. Score, 4 is 4. Withi 111nillti' left lii play, title was clled o11 ,lcoutof darknes. T'eline-p folowvs: MICHIGAN PURDUE. Teeleel-........Ie.....Jhsn Lockweed-......I t... -.... - H.end Lehr - --.. .....1 g........ eihed Cunningham......c..... ..reen snow- --..... ...r g- --.......Webb Haker..-........-r- --........Award Benet ...--- - --e..........Hal Ptelver .. -........ - -....... -..Sear Suart - - - it - --... ..........h..........M oe Hannan-.......ft- - -he.......one Touchdwns-Hoeg 2, Hanas , Pingree, iewver, Award. Goao from touchdowns- Heog. Substittes - Pingree for Stuart, Haird for Coben, Sampe ot- Bond. Umpire- H. Award, of Harvard Referee - Ralph Heagand, f Princeton. Timer - . it Wright. and J. A, Jameson. Linesmen-Shm menu and Gesham. Reading by Prof. Trueblood. The reading of Jnlius Ciear by Piof. Trileblood SattrduayInight wasl n-ill atended anil provedi ios enjoy- able, It lastetdaoiut n hound111ws niore an imlpersonatiofl than a reading, and the professor left a vivid ipes- sioil of tiecharaceroleselected that of Bntuo being epecialy goid. fTle next enertainment of the Or- torical Association sill be asnouneci soon., State Urniversities and Churches. Prof. Kesey deiveed a most ii- porant lecture ino Newberry [jail Sin- daly niorning, on the subject "Te Stuate Unversities andmile h ul' rholches." Ano adidiess of this naure fotnteil up- oii the ame facts oas to have teen dliveredl livPresitdent Angel 001111' time this year but his uniexpeted call to thii Orieint shutit off this probabilty. Accordingly President Agell hrned ove the lateril to tProf. iNelsey, suiT dele-gatedtimn to deliver an adress upon this sibject. He spoke in lpart as folons: "In the lost 75 years and especially in the last decadet, tie stat universi- lit's have expe'riencei-dilaIgosthimcvihe ts swithiot a puruallel ini te elus tiomiei antnals of le '-oiuntry. troiii 18505tI 189:5, ln tenm representativ-e state cl- leges, tie stndeiit ieinherhip ha~s i- treaseedfrolm 42310 to 13,50,arin- ceause of 3211 pci cent. '110 elm Ntw E-nglandiolleohgesilcutdiig Yale lnd H~arvartd, theilresee was onliy 10i iper ct-nt; wshile in tell deomintatonalhcol- li-ges the addiionO was 5reiresentedI b1 but 14/1 mer cent. Te remarklal, suhooing nmate by the sttI unveri- ties is alonig tlihe of oue natonalt growth. Ther-esis n so tost10hlink that the catses of tise grow-ill siill 00011 becoime inoperutive, The yeurly itncreaste oill folowr tin'lins of ila- Iit-lallprogets,'this augmentetd aI- lemitamce lendelrs iiminperativtse frte1( elate tollege is chuang' itrelutiotoll ( i1l its sonrets of siphori 111113) Ithe religiouls inetitutiio. "Im1850PIresideint Angelh woteieh sixten state colegis anCit he Phers- bytlerian colleges asking fr tatiotics it, regardl to the religious starding of lii'estudehnis. All thloe iwrittenitos cordially responddt,setiing the de- siredi infourmation. 101011l ist econ- sider' a group of byve eate univerisitie's, Illinois, Kansas, Washinigten, Wet Virginia andl Michigan. Of 5175 etu- dlents reachittdbythe cumsus 84,% hpr cent w0ee atfiliatedl h'yimebhership tir 01ttendaniice withm some religious insl- ttiomn, andI55hor tint -wercthurhe memnbers. 'OT'e various eniominiiato, tn retgarilto hle nimhercf thit-i' mm'i- hero rankedlas follows-: litodilir. t'm'isyteria, (Congregational, -hEpioi-- pauand Battist. 'liii folowing significamt factso iver 1101icei. Amonog nomen tie perent- alge'of thutrchi members n0alitrllly gr'eiaterthlanalibing tie metn, and ii ti'collegiate' departments Itla ilte professionial depuarnents Ini le l'7i- sesty of Mlichigan, hower, themeIi- paurtmen-ht of micIine omd sliger,, ruanks highest in perenalge of chtrcht -nemubero. "The tPresbiyteriano chiurchm c-011egee oen' seleteid as a,mbaeis for olihirig th tiltanidenuomuitioal olleges. -Thiry-seven t'resbiyte-riani colegs, th tieuntire ntimbler nosy iItine' Piiteul States, furn-iisettlstlaiiei. Lat yar the hilamd ',7001)students,of wom on lyh -2.30 weic Presbyteriuans. In seve- ello stite colgs thereero-et'24-F Presbyt ti-erianlhstud~ents, mnoreu thuan the 1total nullber im all tie Presbyterian (Conthnued on Third Page.) A