THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIIGAN DAILY. NEW! .-Our Furnishings for Gentlemen..-m NEW! We will have this space for the rest of college year, and will give you the henefit of our Special Sales. We HAVE the BEST to he had. Good values moderate prices. Come in and examine our stock. OUR NECKWEAR IS TEE BEST ! GLOVES, GLOVES, GLOVES, Fines rth house renown Ascots and four-in-hands-Berliner, Strauss End, and No. 12-The best DOLLAR Glove in the city. & Denzers in all styles.. . . . UNDERWEAR-SWAEATERS FINE HALF HOSE.-SWEATERS! Wool Combination Suits, $2.56 aud $3.5--All Wool worth $2.00 ior Fine Silk, Lisle, Cashmere, and Cotton Hose-Fancy Lisle Hose, $1 -8 a suit. Wool Fleeced, Cotton Fleeced, Camil's Hair, Etc. seamless Mace split soles-see our two-for-a-quarter line. The Sedlers; h etBado olr n uf Night Robes, Bath Robes, Pajamas, at unheard of'tPrics. BrUBRLAS . & W. Bodie Narkette, KeletaNiota, Etc. Barkers, Souix, Mahopac, Don' mis or UMRELAS. Cluett Collars and Cuffs. Our Telephone is ready to receive orders, and our wagon ready to deliver them. N. W. Cor. Main and Liberty MVAGCK & 0CO.. N. W. Cor. Main and Liberty Notwithstanding' the 40 per cent raise on strings owing to the change in the tariff we in- tainnouruniform low price. Banjo, tat, 24.,ad, itih,5c. Mandoiin, E and A, 2%/c. Mandolin, .i and C, 5c:. Vioiie,Gut, each 1ic. Guitar, E, B, G, gut, eacih iic. Guitar, D,. A. E, iic. ine strings a specialy from i5c in 25c each. ANN ARtBOR MUtSIC CO., 205-207 E. Wahington St. ANN AR~BOR RAILROAD. Taking Effect Sept, 5. 1897. Trains ieave Ann Arhor by Centrali;Stan ard time. NORTH. SOUTH, 8 43 A.M. *7:30A k *1nis a. sM. ii:25 A. 5M. 4:4 P. x, 8:40Pm 19:0iA. M. t805 5P.sM. TRAINS AT ANIN ARBOR AND YPSILANTI Taking Effect Juniy 4, 1897. j ANN ARBOn. Tesi. Detroit Night Ex-.--5 50a.m. 6e10azu. Atlantic Sixpress.---7 30 7:50 GrandiRapids Ex---- 1il10 ii:25 Maii and Express.--0- 347p.ini. 4:05 p. m. N. Y. & Boston Sp'l ..-- 4 58 5:i3 *North Shore Limnted-- 6:45 Fast Eastern.-----10 09 90:10 GOING WEST. YPSI. AessAsoon Boston N. Y. & 512 am Mai &Expresn .5---- :0 sis Fast Western Ex -- i- :40 pm. 155p,mW G.R. & Kal. Ex ---. 5:40 6555 Chicago Night En.5__ :25 9 40 Pacific Express--- 5-1:19 12 30 *North Shore Limited is as extra tare tra to he a charge of $2.5 to New York than on other trains. 0 W. RUGGLES, B. W. BAYES, o. P. & T. Ag't, Chicago Agt Ann Arbor U. of M. Shaving Parlors and Bath Rooms 322 SOUTH STATE STREET. Ladies' artistic Bair Dressing op stairs Oid frieods tail again. We weicome sew ones, J. R., T1{OJANOWSKT, RENTSCHLER, THE PHOTOGRAPHER Telephone ',.0. ANN ARBOR ENOCII DIETERL.E, EnBEALMER AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR. Calls Atended DayeorNight. No. 116 East Liberty -Street: Rtesidence, 533 Soth Fourth Ave. Phone 520. RANDALL, THE PHOTOGRAPHERI WASHINGTON BLOCK. ANN ARBOR. KINDERGARTEN, EW QATERS) Call and See Us. CAN FUINISH MUS IF FIRST-CLASS. Orders cor ail Fraternity parties, cist dances, etc. Leave orders at Ann Arbor Muisic Co. ne at Residence,5730: ddes ave. P. . -Wiii, take tpspls on Piano 'and in sight reading at above named°,Pisces. A. J . JOB]nston. Foun.- xw q:"r- Pen. N OW is the time to join tlie ilasses at 0.l M.iMARTIN, FUINERAL DIRECTOR. Grnges Shol f ani, EmN . balming a Specialty. (jcoo fDa cn NO . UO OUR TH AVENUE. TERMne igtda.BEGINS WHEN YOU DO. ~ Ambiancn 1 ih or ay Ground Floor, Maynard Street. r [' 1 Among the Colleges. Ollio li:is the laigeu: :111ioTi:r 'Of ° whioimiarce women. , At the Univcrsity of tow:: :saileb S1:1 in the ailhletie a ssociationi is coiredl iy ibuying :i seasoniick set.f::r lie gaimes. In ill the uiniversities sif Fra: there are iioipapers, no glee eilil-s, fraternities,.'o ithletic:. anid:l io Eg: :ii'nce~eieiix'ereises. tII-tYrdlha~s sorganiicedi as Nuid.lco posedl it trese-ut ot iabouit sixleeni is: ien, siiandiiew m:emibers ar e ii)g a: edi f'onii meliitiIstimeS. ,(ni ft w ms poii; ares foricenhter :it Ya:le'is a you min:ister tris:):-NovaStcot~sia, swhi, isrea(s'irinc :his waiy iliriug;1olirge. 2:-Much*sisttii'liOniitanioin-foetbi i lissiissts sit VYale is atousedl by t s'sasiiig :departmnt :indui OilI (Clubhail yeair we:: $i2?.r'' 7.tT the' loala::es'$4200.77. ilie clbs taike a two weeks'Isour at (lirial:: Ilirosig1i the ;South: aniud (est. A. iewv sork is5liu peparation i ca:liedl"U'irsities anditheir:::Sou to tre'at of the histoiry.,iBi':ielle. characiteristics of Aimir::ali niOC.I tiea, swith i: sraileai -ketilies : iortraitso oralitiiii. 'Ti::eworkv GRANGER'S ACADEMY. Cositof'fr Otvov~l'li4 ) AN 50 TON TEUFEL, pagnes eac'iiand wsvilibegini will: tisie Trunks, Valises. Dress suit Cases, and 501. vai rd, Vale, PVieiii ouaid (iruell. Telescopes. o~f T1iie treshimen at ilovdoiiii hay:' wise- Trunks and Valises repaired neatiy and i51y doptedthe iule tha t :sha'iliicheaply. No. 3075s. Main Street. s'r wearthe class letteisls is he1 .1:iii s4 i hse earniesdthiensi tby haivting rpie-IiA I. .. 3l sehi-tel the claiss ilii huh ti.ii~ilideh-& ,s L:liR' lstic' eontest. .- JEWELRY STOREI i: Aithsu gi:.lboti: the Serelaiss o Tof Al Buttons and Wa ((andaiulNavy favore'i the gao:: ' . 1. L"..Pins, .Academis, ts, wa1s s.opp~oss'di by',tle 'sui- F'COR...... ril eriuteuuleut oithlatterland' iihenic:ie assLow~ney's Chocolates ibeen sde(laresi off. Both ss'hools wili Go TO-- d-piay otiw rcolleges. =T. . UT LES, 3~t i- AT Tl'HE ATHENS. ALLEORETIS, if you wish. StL'P.oiaiidttReui aid i lila atimirabie s:::s: th~is cily at thei::' Al s 51: :: T ' Wedne'sday :'veninig, i>ntee:i::gfotoheIi To .. LeI).. 111 Gmairtthu~ie Ihere'the newv so~nedyftoo.::The cLaraest Line of Bicycles, Sun- th :I1::.ieiouf:t (eo::'e i.tdoriut ines and Supplies at iIn ca:ll'di"'e:W'on:ig Mr. Wrigh::,' wlieh M. STAEBLER'S CYCLE EMPORIUM, ha:s ashe:ved: an i:ililens:' hit ll, msia Telephone No. 8. One: door Past of Amern- Glc is: E . :. i loft' I i "ESfeeeof:tcan Boise. Ii::' eearly se'ason. '71"helopuisl iC 0:::-The Nam1e she (Guarantee. sili ian: ha:s ai.lhappy awion-;d~~g'ial role' ' n SPALDING'S" hat tlssives Ii:ii sip:'lenidS sopaollmuliti:'s. Foot Ball Supplies For '9T --- EtverytReqisite for the Game. is e ' niew isow s::lieru iplay, "Al. Ciii: Stanagers wili 0o weli to write for saples andspeciai eaten R. iidge," is etnwtliigthe l)irquh'51i' heorprhasig :11:1 'Thiater, I:lttobuig, this wve'k andiill~ The Spalding Official tsiiortliy bepietediii lit 001r city with Foot Ball. cti:: ali the Original ocenery, coSnii:.Sy aiid Adopted by Yale, Princeton, Pennsyivania, tiiiefects. Barvard, Corn~eli, and aii other leading uni- verities. Each baii tested and packed, and s:eaied in separate box with brass inflator 1 'T"r Price, $5.n0. pooli of D.,,ancng, Spalilng's Offilnia Foes Ball Guide for =:807. Edited by WaILvnn CAMe. Post- >posite Law Building paid, ls cents. p UCamloene of Fail and Winter Sports, FRan. - Single evenings 50 cents. A. G, SPAL.DING & B ROS. ThmsnSre.New York Phiiadeiphia. ThmsnSre.Chicago Washington DoY uspeak Greek? You can AEC O h Frut and candy at the Greek Store, WASHIBURN, also BOJIMAN 203 Nogth Main street, opp. court house. Pore home made candiesMad ln adG itr and ice cream, fine California fruitsMa dln a dGutr very suitable for presents, and we know you will want them for that ~ 1~ ~L' ui tr party you are going to give. SLI1ADERL SMsi tr JAMES ROST AD 1 114 'W. Liberty St., Ann Arbor. U~niversity Scl State 'Street., Op Terms-$5.00 a semester office-4.27 TiHIS IS SPACE OP RICHMOND & DACKUS, DETROIT, MICH.