THlE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. the Store Nmon Irritant... Soft 111111 pleasint to the skinI perfect itting, health giving, service- aole and as near perfec- tit)l, as UNDERWEAR can 1e, ite bae. . GOODUS P-RBED'S, MAIN tTIIE ET. W.J2. BOOH rn. We. X.AH' ,ttotItotVice-pe JV. Os ttiio, O"dVice-prto. oo( ot, O-.ijooltier. Stiat 31I'l - Bl(1"1]k. irna t tgiieral la 1011i11t busi- THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS DANK Cap1t11 Stock,$00001 Surplus, $150,00. Res oources' $1100,000. Organized underlte GeerallBing Los of this Stat.Receioes deposts, buys and eiloiehangeOile lie 01ototl I tiesOof the Unlled Stateo.lDraf-tsottsed opon proper Identification. Sofely deptosit boxeso to renl OFFtoeoo-:: Coristianolock Preso.;VW' I. tilooeinloe, Vito-Ireo. oa l?'. tisoct, Cashier: 0M. J, lFritz Asssttt Cashiler l . . . .._. ,.. ... ... ..... . _ . .. Gtf~(RAND IHURiSOAY LIL DA ~~NtCKW VEARNOEBR456 A11 SATURDAY - DECIDEDLY DlOSIRAI3L1E DESIGNS Popular Priced l'LLINERY 111111a 'ihttpts 11111 t tilriltgs 'ill be arranDgetiandIdislayett or t or e 1 - - --- -- " i11112lw,(,1'1111ee',ldays. A glimpse ii at il'r winatow 'will ltallyou tot Our Own D~esigns. staid this Week tit $1.50 0a $5.00- HATS TRIMMED TO ORDER!I Yom 011 ownlptesItervedl in Allds- BEAUTIFUL MODEL HATS! vatriety~-Selliltgctheathi lt11elt. Shoes F rTLadieso 0 wo eselllt'et"ligbest possible grade Wilbulr " tollars. WAGNER & C0., 123 South Main Street. Lamps Expressly 4o'4 Students' Use "Tte ochstor," Tilt Yale," "'Tiele oyal," "Tile erfeetion," "'lite Berlinl Sttldttmt," all pitckle plated, varying in Iprice i-ortm $1.00 to $2.50 each. o yL Every studdtlut shouild useo Dean's "Iced Star." It gives a pture wite light, is odoarles'aid dues notcrtime l witk. I hit- 'red ini any part tit lie city ill 0ur1 (1l11 at lilt per gallon. lttr stile (mily by 214 South Slait Street. I-A OMP Y UN IVEROSITY NOTES. 11leitt o10 itdItl1a' I or or-ictt.tiott. 11 1 1 glsf(.lwl ~ t~t 1 itI it t 1r jilthe 1toti ri~ttt ttt' tltt i.' prllr q u.i/.'zos. t ::wile d. Ill(, ll: j 't)1' the ill- ->lXiCciRlitelily{it)' iti'tt't'ttttfo o'i"ilitpro .11ber ' FortwLad iesl. lePl. i $ . tOo $5.00, .1'0)i ' 9s1 T .e Tained urr os. t't a_ Preliminary Debate to Be'gin. At 'tll -itilett'iio ve lwtO' nott-itiiti':''it it'o lt' 1tri' iiit' tdlttlt. Aso lt- will t o-il lit'litit lIt. Itt it itwil- Do 10 lltalel ttellilt' aiws.ttAattll it toi lat ieotIl tiolt',e l it.olwI e' G g. 1.ew 1w 'hld t'ruot. .1 ' . Ttiit'1 it is hl oed llttitao B Iultt ait oit to te 11111111 egginis. Price~s -25C to $1.24; Shooe Di'patmlent it 1111001. ["~ I( Itt .'It' 11 it'tallt I ii'C )t x 1 i'n,1itllt"t tO> ols to yilrt .1110 laor iti' t'.al t l fil'l'rt Nit '(ears No-ti. I EW- dx*deriiloweerToilet Soap 0O 0@* Steam 10 Cents a Cake, 25 Cents a Box, at Laundry And SAVE 20 PER CENT oni what you ate Mu i mey'sDru ' SoreNo 123aE. Washington Sr now paying tot'laundry worok. Leave ordets M-ummer Y~ 'sDr ugy ..or or. ourh ae. t 1ll3Snut. MainpSteet.