THE~ UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. N EW! -Our Furnishings for Gentlemeiwon NEW! We wii have this space for the rest of college year, andI will give you the lhenefhl, of our Special Sales. We HAVE the BErST to he had. Good values moderte prices. Come in and examine oor stock. OUR NECKWEAR IS THE BEST!° GLOVES, GLOVES, GLOVES, Fre~rh Fisk, Clark & Flag,.line of fine String, and Club Ties-Rufus Water- Adler's swell, English estillsg(oves - Werthiomoer's, 411 West &lDenmers in all styles. ::. N E W A - A E FINE HALF HOSE-SWEATERS!. Wool Combination Suits,2 5 1n( X.5-li Wool worth $f2.00 for F ine Silk, Lisle, Cashmere, and Cotton Hose-Fancy Lisle Hose. (01.5,a suit. Wool FlIeced, ( ttoi I Ieed Cainil's Haii, Etc. seamnless Mace split soles-see or two-for-a-quarter line. ITeSles h etBado olr n uf Night Robes, Bath Robes, Pajamas, it unheatrd ot Prices.j E. & WV. Bodie Narkette, Keleta, Niela,:Etc. Btarkers, Sonix, Mahcpzuc, Doen't miOsstiur UMBRELLAS. (liuetl Collars :iid ('tiffs. Our Telephone is ready to receive orders, atnd outr wagoii ready to deliver them. N. W. Cor. Main and Liberty IMAC0K &0G0. N. W. Cor. Main and Liberty thesut i l l-h::te Ar l* - t= I . ot , eeo tolo prV ' 1lnd .i , HdG5 c-ili. ,wtc:c.,:yi ANN ARBiORt MUSIC CO. I 20-277E..Waivnton 1St. ANN AR~BOR RAILROAD, Takingt Riect Sepit.,1897. Tratns. ee .ns Arbo:r by Ctet iiSt snd time. *12:15 A. At. ii:25 AM. i446 P. m. 8:401 Pam +9:i0OA. iM. +8:5 Pi. TRAINS AT ANN ARBOR AND YPSiLAN1 Taking biciinJiiiy 4, 1x97. ANN ARBeR, y o8st Dtetroit Night Es.....-a- 5 0as:. li:0ii.t Atatc Es peoss..I iii7 30 7:501 MiaiadExpresas --a-347ip. rm. 4:05 a.1 N. Y.&BostnSpl.---- 4 553 5i *Nsrthi:shores.Limitedi-- 6:45 Fast Easten...---to 4105 ti:20 Yeai. ANN ARBO lioson N. Y. & Ch-.--7:59 a. in. 851i a,s MalS& Express-.---- :t0 9 5eis Fast WeiternEx-..---1:40 pi. 15wip, , G.tR. &Kal.s 5i40 5 5 Chicago Night Es.--_9:25 9 40 Pacific Express....--12:15 it 30 *North Shores:Limittod is an extrai face tci toeascharcge of 12.50 ta New Ysrh thai:c oter tratas. 0 W. RUGGLES, iH. W. HAVES, iG. P. & T. Agt, Chicago Agt, Ann Art U. of Al. Shaving Parlors and Bath Root ,322 SOUTH STATE STREET. L~adies' actistic Haleiri-essing sp staf Otd tiieinds calltiagain,.We elscoesse sees. J. tt. TRtOJANOWSKI. RENTSCHIER, THEPHOTOGRAPHI Telephione ItO. ANN Aitlit ENOCHI DIETERLE, ErIiALMER AND FUNERAL DIRECT( Calls Attended Day or Night. No. li6 East Liherty Stret: Reidence. South Fourth: Ave. Plie,2H RANDALL, THE PHOTOORAPHE' WASHINGTON BLOCK. ANN ARB( KINDERGARTEN, o E Hro Call and See U. CAN FU" NISH MUSIC OF FIRST-CLASS; Oreders toe stl Fratecnity pacties, c dances, etc. Leavee orders as Ac:: Ac Music Co. sc at Restdence, 17i0 Geddesa P. a.-.,Willtshe iiapiis on P1.aso and sight reading at ahoye naiced Places. A. J . Johinston. CG p p 3arker iPen. BROWN'S DRU..G ST'OR E. 30. L.IMARTIN, CORNEB SlAIN AND) ~HON STRETS I.TS FU I I EtlDIRECT(OR. I I1l hali g a Speialty. Is tlie plice to Register. This Register is always conlsultet i trst biy theyI Nt. '09i')2O01.11' AVENUF. Messengers-it's ERIE F. Anil~iulan~ic i;i bs t orfly. It:Rskiiee 30 itth Aveinui. Trho Alpha Nu Program. I I. l il-,el-:i1t 11t ; t: I il i t: t 1. Tio ills: h ii l iet l 5 iiiiliiilt lt: Aopo l nte den s oFt he Naitonal1.1;FO the i-ic ::i:::ecro, :t thii:itri.hut I'leagusre of Republinoan1 Clubs. .''ttlli, ~ae.DrossESlRYCasTesan 7:3t0Ilts 1:11: t a-etl sig:s o'ts linxtI 1:. t ic ad ic it: .,: i eti:u t::1 t,;: 11(x:i rII:: hise ::sn: l t i \i5:i N iiittlltis lit iti 1. it:: tlls:.; Wlliti. 1 r Trunks o and ie s rChoedo las -1:1:ic; hu lt Its c:t:l. 1 tit:itllen rl l iiict if Slit. li lt. rIs, . e.,t:tNihl . (;iti l c Ap .LL G ET S Io u wSM ins e. a s c hs . 1 .1: : p ubli~ ti- i ic s it xvi-tc l, .Is t .; I «-si i:- l ni::-1 ,i h .; 11: i ls~ li o : ac pt i t n d ( b 1 o l . b xpl ists fortlix p-s:ll fIi-ltteiig t:- ifpsoint t: s i of sl:tihilNtional t; A DM atiil~t::huau-tnsms, i f irthy loc :i at~ Xh~gue :of.RAsubleicnCs . J WELYiSORE '11 saigr -l __.1 kel_ in Sb l. A :1, . ID. 1:;l 1 'tik of s5 I.. ? :1 ii::: he lret ie oh IiyleSn c- h~lt-lasisssllsiitlmu sict.-:al il I s.e f:-pltican 1 II:Cole :.tClMTABERSCYLsEPRIM tit- il (a-ti- i t-t::::n( t: ::ii:: bt:Ic 11 .dold l1( :- Sislajenames(toacanslPe. riv -- -- t-'i las11iChocolaites:lii intuy tfi thes::-is 11::Nu :-l~ssis itlli's list lFoot Ball Supplies For '97. ~oli (1ER 'oll :itile iot h : in 1 slt::t i-o l i os csitt l l .:1s5 ill tt s ia~sc SwilF ::cel3o3 iS eneinlc to ld. ln~tt ap'ro 1 u iofW W .T ![.L l scui-:sli u l::- tillt alenuri:sdg b( a in~nber of ne of. He oebatill;i I to.. Isall; 1estesi an.d1 oalhlitoa. o t,) so(i~tios.A l~lrs attenlance iasese4 \T(Isoil:It50r tiosuisir he. iss inm~itTA Ntoc ~~ University S echooltiv o inanli tOlicllhe Irsh TclyheIr Sltate andSeet.. oposItl .(re It Cai::t::oaI::1vad, dreofsiand Suppites a~ot.cas bo Terms $5.00lassemeil wl'st :e - - Sr nd ifcli f even l. 1ings 0 .cets. ABLESPALE EM&RIS, - il .hefirt:of he Offre lcae-42o7 .Thp 1so npre t Y on~it( l('Tlp orko.8.O hilor a dofAelh MS he(ol~ec1anlioshi. I°1ewok eanm.'Yol e~rkin itowhe ui n g AGEN1C aFr Hs Fruit and candylict thebotreteSteno1WA1.B'th, alsosBOeIMA 1o naniann on:sautous. Pre omeInGdeaarain.tee.l oi ben(it (r fllhUNU 06Dot gild a nd i . c ce , fCalfoialefru1'it, ns andI Guiar Iew 1,v~r btmoildl c as~'sis ilte very( ,1sitbh f pree l i 11'tsl, nd we i, "es Foot, Ba.llow uuuwll aiesthm fr tus " " 1. 1a (1-foli ~parly you are:1 goingd.toxgive. 'USnSCIIAEB.EveRE'S uiCSortorGae. (ER «-llbe aledat ocl:.ks1;c'p -4 Te nw onlien l, A l PinO(T " 15 W.Lb erstwillAnnweArbowrt