THE UNhIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. The Store WV. W. Wetmore, _________ 1065. Main St an~d 3425S. State St. ____________UNIVERSITY TEXTBOOKS, I NEW AND SECOND)-FIAND). HAS FULL LINES Of (NOTE. BOOKS, and A, W_ ISTUDENTS' SUPPLIES. [iT[ ~PARJ5J ANYE Popular Priced I1IILLLINIERY. Fountain Pens and Fine and Staple Stationery ' and offers all at the Lowest Prices. For Forty Years Ha benGLDE"?N SCEPTRE HEa ensmoked by college men and is to-day, a LEADER as a pure, mild, sweet mixture for the pipe. r LampsExpressly . Students' Use vII fl t r'The Rochester,' 'The Yale," "The Royal," "The Perfection," "The Berlin Student," all nickle plated, varying in price from OurOw Designs. $1.00 to $2.50 each. withPluesBirs Qill, ~ Every student should use Dean's "Red Star." It gives a pure Trimmead wFancylFeatheirdswillshe I white light, is odorless and does not char the wick. IDeliv- solu d tisWeek at x s $-o. eewn niat ftectyi ulcn tibee alo.Io sold ths Weekat $i.o to $.00saed o ny pr fteciybyu an t1cpr aln o DEANe&oCOMPANY HATS TRIMMED TO ORDER! Your own icy (as preserved in Artis- tic style and arraignment. BEAUTIFUL MODEL HATS ! Copied from Paris models in large variety-Selling cheap this week. SHOE DEPARTMENT ! Shoes For Ladies. . Wright, Peters & Co. of Roches- teilFime Footwear in all the lead- ing styles and lasts in Welts and Turnis. Prices -$250 to $5.00 See oiii;$3.00 Calf Boot a splen- did Shoe foi school wear. Rubbers For Ladies.. . Goodyear glove fitting Rubber to fit all style toes. Prices -25C to $1.00 fiaiiors For Ladies.. . All styles, from 7 Button Gaitor to the High Leggins. Prices -25C to $1.25 Shoe Department first floor. 214 South Main Street. UNIVERSITY NOTES. 'i-ot. F.N.'Stcolto-asa gt ti' t o-ok l AIexaadit- liiiittitgs. '9-0. i-s atprs rnt lral-lie-la ittIvi nn Arbor. ,rheetiortil Unioni many ;e C titiIo--e state, nitde by itis-If. Iis tlieittr t an ibridgantof It-e or. eOt-has tb-nc this at tihe sogg(eottogn :)f Prof. II. li. Hutchtins, dtetin of the law dleptirt- itet-itt int crtitg tpreidteltviofte Uni- versity. 'fTis aboridgament tIstdesigned& iprtitmar-11)-for tht-use1 (f studnts iin t telaw derpartmntt, bot will lbe'foundii i W. J. BOOn, Pres. W. ANOLD,1st Vice-pres J. V.SiliEHnl.2a Vice-pres. JOHN- C. WAco, Ast. Cashier. State - Savivl~ - Badl. Transacts a general Banking busi- ness. THE ANN ARBOR SAINGS ANK Capital Stick. $50000. Surplus, $10,00. Ressurces.$1,100,00. Orgniized nderthe General Banking Law of this State. Receives deposits, bys and sells echange on the principal cities of the Unitd States. Drafts cashed pse proper identification. Safety deposit oes to ree. OrrICnRS: Christian Mak Pes.; W. D. Hiarriman Vice-Prs; Chas E. iscck, Cashier: R. J. Frtz Assistant Cashier. FIRST NATIONAL BN Ogunnierda186a Capital, 8100000. Surplus and Profits, 840,000 Transacts a general banking business. F'oreign exchange boght andold. Furnish letters of credit. E. D. KINNEM, Pres. IAIRISON SOULE, Vice Prs S. W. CLARKSON. Cashier Co. Mainand Hut~ron Streets. Caipital $0,0000 Srplus '30000. Transact a genera banking. business. R.I it Sri re. .f. B hiee. Vice-Pres iiitnED P eLsashir. C. il. MAJOR & CO., The Artisticdeorators Have a complete line of Wall Paper, Paints, Oils, Window Shades, Room Mouldings, Etc. Specialty of fine interior decorating, painting, frescoing, tinting and paper hanging. Only the best of workmen employed. Work guaranteed. .In. MAJOR & CO., The Artistic Decorator. F. J. SCHLEEDE. 40 S. STATE STREET Book Bindig... 10..... r.2 ees and up Solid old Foiunain Pens....$1.00 and up. Waterman aid OWirt Pens in stck and Pens Repaired. Wholesale and Retail Paper, 05 lIbs. of Lin- en Paper for 50c. FRFEEi Chaing Dish Recipe Book 1 ASK FOR 0ONE. Our New Chafing Dishes are here. H ANGSTE RFERWS x ICE CREAM SODA 316 ° s. S Most Excellent T T B Choolates A linot Soda. E R E E CR ~, [000TH and WASUHIO SS T. S." (JoMUSICAL ! @ Mel Gillespie teacher of Mandolin. Banj and Guitar. Instructor in ie University School of Musi. 18 years experience as a teacher. Call at Ann Arbor Music C's. Store to arrange for hours.. . Holm s Liv ry Stab 1! 509 E. Liberty St. Central loction. Good Service wilY THE .. Toledo thisyea's encets. rhe Ott-l bit-'g l4-it lled t ~lslit ton.forileys, for it vwill tcotintotiret. itoot lion11t ill 1(1' litie Ot i!) iler1 stattes llv'1'wtl h ivslmbevery attortoty ine by-t isthe AlithaDtotttoPhi fril -r ttlist Ote foamilitar, vepo totexd frominthe 1111 ~1110 li ltvn li wil le gs-tiigt-ntitol inaso ofvtittelass. 'Plie ft- ie t~itter fty-Dr.Moshelo mo~iirrowvi-tI ol dvtatelti roiililotio till b001-o tI liil' tEIndetl, as well tis rootitolo totitihis 'floe regulair iet-ilg of 10he As lttandoti:ttoions of MtlittiiiItiese's. 'Phe 1t0o1 of MltIgtti ntraollies lib-h iiwirk lisinititbbinglirinteill iy t'e17011. w111111 regularly- otc-utt'ne'tt -riti 7'I-rItSiit 'ititg tltiipttihi7 night.,vsill b o stponediI'I nt' vweek, 1111- til Ntov. 12. The Forty Club. ('lirtfol W1ood. of theii-Mlsetotit.s10.11 ye'steriday - totniitig aver It-ewoos The'flit'lst Ptdy (Clubtdalet- will lie tndulanroies liroill lmAitArbolr, -:4- -is-In ttit oross-night atl rtoigt't' Iecting ,brush 1a01 01-tss wh-ilt-l itetvill .5tt'tit0. ,'i-tois iihe irst ttfti ste-(,, litt i Ntlilitii itt-O s iltti'tv. Etf'11h110sItatisill Ott giv--ti bsvwio-r The'l etaE osi'-ifrtlerity gtav- .-11-by 'the lub. r"mtPory'ts- lb exetl- tdiiter lrently' ito!Itio-r it Sits. Iti'ettilitil tei e v lpoold tof Mc'soro. ilogene Field, of Chicago, andl her Letster E-. ATittihr. BFtil tiIli P; Mcir datighter,. Miss Btory Frencli Field. 1B. Sntow, Allict lita Pi; ANt. D. it vshIo has-c recenily-bi-enft-egiltsyo'f rh-k. Psvi pltotn:.1J. Dcl-. Rlhlar'v. tDt. ianl Moss. F'loitiig Carron-. 'Mis. (Si-itt-i; I'Varid iltilsi's. utKap1pa1 Fit-ld's soit5is tilt-tither of It-eZEaPi P'si fraternity. Mi'. t-retderick)S~tintsof DPtli t, ADistinguished Visitor. eame to AIn toAflion T 'hursayton te invitation of Pro-f. A. B. Pre'seott Mis.lHenr-y Wade Rogers, wsife' of tild, ejoy-edla iltigat thle 1Poisetsits Ithe Preidttent of Norlithsternii user- .01r. -Stetarns is to warmoofriendotfO tte si11, is inItwn fttr afet-vsdasys' sttay. institoltion and(1has clone ninth ftor the Sl1 it-lvse11 ttierltinedIby Soroolo or ptharmiacy- ceptartment. Amnig othe'r in 'aterncon teatohdisvateroio. Mrs- Ihungs lie supptlorts a fellowshiin ii Roers tis-a chartter nmenmber of ihis school. For thte post 7ear intla hailf soiety. Slitotol: a ligrit- froio Ihe MIr. Stearns hats Obeent rtaveling abtroadUiesity7of Oultiii and vsas s-ery- andItly01'retiurnetth lis cIouintry- flreec aetivt- to o'ticitttotil ilattecr, during toontho ago. litir luistoitt's sojotirni heie. Lewiso'At. Miller. swho islowussipt-riti- WANTED-Au experiencecd clothing t-ndingOt-e printing of theiewt-vBoti- nan to 'tlp ottOSatutrtday's. Nobles pilation of t-eneeneral stattutes of the Star ClothinegHoiist-. F I A BIG STICK OF LICORICE For that cola Steam --AT- Laundry M-ACK -COAnd SAVE 20 PER CENT, ii what You are 'Ii 123 -.asahiseton St now paying for laundry work. Leave orders