THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. THE HOLETHING To the Clothing line are the famous makes of " ®r..- HMMERSOUGHBROS. and SU T R O T 0001 THE STEIN BLOCK CO.'S OIS N VERCO T Made hy these celebrated makers are models of heauty, latest of styles, perfect in fit, made and trimmed in the very hest of manner. A GUARANTEE GOES WITH EVERY GARMENT. We are sole agents in Ann Arhor and Guarantee these goods to he the hest made and hest fitting the conntry produces. We allow yen to take these goods home on approval or to other stores for comparison and if you hey and are net pleased when yen get home, come hack and get your money. We return it jest as cheerfully as we take it. Our store is not filled with chceap goods hut in Fine Suits and Ovsrcoats we show two to one to any of our competitors. Come in-We are Bound to Please -You. 221 SOUTH MAIN STREET. Tiondenschmitt & Apfel. PIANOS FOR RENT ANN ARBOR _MUSIC CO., 205-207 E. Washington AN.N ARBOR RAILROAD. Time Table, Sunday, Sept. 5, 1897. TOME TABLE: Tra ins leave Ace Arbor by Central Standard Timeo. 8:43 . a.. "730am, *1215 a. mn. 11:25 a. m. 4:46 p. m. 8:40 p. m. f95:15 a. m. 18:05 p. mc. *Ron betwee Ane Arbor and Tolede only 1tRees between Teledo and Howell. This traie Seeday only. All othce traies daily except Sunday. E. S. OTLMORE, Agent W. B BENNETT G0 P.A. ToledoeO0 MIGHIGAN jUflTAI "The Niagara Falls Route." Central Standard Tiee. TRAINS AT ANN ARBOR. Mailland Ex.0__3471 B. N.Y., Cl.---8 12 N. Y. Speila-___ 4 5 Maili .5_____ 05 1 *N. S. timited... I6 d5 P. Eastern En.---10 o5 Western En.1 -15 AM. G. R. &K. E.--005 D. NEnpres....- 5 50 Chi. Nt. En.5 _ 940 Atlantic En.---- 720 Paefie En.----12 30 0. R. Enpresn_-._15 *Nortk Shore Limited in an extra fare train to be a charge of S2.t0 to New York than on ether trains. 0. WT. RUuGGonS, B. W. BATES, 0. P. & T. Agt., Chicago. Agt 11 Ann Arbor RENTSCHLER Photographer. Telephone 0 . ANN ARBOR ENOCH DIETERLE, f+,,lb. ErIBALMER AND ti f+ FUNERAL DIRECTOR. Calls Astended Day or Night. No. lit East Liberty Street: Residence, 315 South Fourth Ave. Phone 029. RANDALL, me THE PHOTOGRAPHER. WASHINGTON BLOCK. ANN ARBOR. UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF DANCING Opposits Lam Building. Terms Low. Office, 27 Thompson Street. A'THLETIC ASSOCIATION. A VALUABLE GIFT. Call on the Sloite St. Agency if you hvnoiareadyc' loIorroi Conutincieidfrsii PerPace.) ll~ ot ,cerdyu ots TheioU. of Al. OGes l iuportant tor lie yeolr. oto heartily endosrse this org.anization iigeMd1 altl1 it is doling. Larg;e Ia lldy agel~cy fsr sale. L. Iti will 'be remlembiered that ini the This year lie asseciatisoi begilss:t" cas of Marstial 'Thmisiisovs. his AimD. Carr, over Aiin Arbs:' Savi.s bank. crok soscl'rs~cx'iccdet tidittoArbcor ROairoad Cs. recently ec'ilprs- iosped tha t :,veryotudenct sill coesieto ie ntecrutcut tvr olShavig Parlors and Bath Roonis itslsedpintthed circuitscoririligvsr,' 32SOUTH STATESTREE T. itssil~pl tondohsieitsprvilgesitlists anidinteresting cmo1et ofthe Tadiex' artistic Hair Itrexsing ucp stairs. o.Th"ioe'r , rsud f'old friencds sail aai. We weleome ncw Te"icicr, iienj'bridge swhere lie receivec i injriesicones, J. It. TIO.IANOWSiOI, lot~s hc('iii" cc' s b niS 11wcas coed ini evidence.''isodcel 11101(hthis coyear caiiithere 1s n005o Ii' sa lidcli55(Why not start the yarright by for' a'tles stidt ii t'ett'cie lilt)': Ones i-t'i oyteitroi~y .choosing the right Laundry? See closely' in touchowithi tie I aisersit y lc ~as'riyo teli '' s AL.MENDINGER and BAUlER, to thitiesiyoiihga.Teadits iiteiestt'osiianl li 'cieni11n ceitistoabout litte feet iTinc" It is IWite Lau nd ryk ii~oelilettig. Ti 511:s 0 i t ide owithi cart:ad cdsentirs.awl a 3 EAST LIBERTY STREET. tonared by a. 'Iig 11110 ll:ii l 'Nx ilt 'g nlfr rprisct o ic F~ridaty eveing. let ever.,icttill i 'erdeioltc1iiitlic c ieKINDERARTENI ixc c ott s'ctc tu n e o icta embter of tliii0' o o ioi rdi oc h sit EG O iLi 12 E. Huron St. retpresenttive orgaiaion Aietc nCall and See Us, . M i t tilnMocirosesutily. 'rsioctd::l __________________________ pn'ciwsoll probably he placedl :ni'eie h cossenni or sengineerticg di s'rtiiicit of UNIVERSITY NOTES. tue University of Sticc 'lci An. r- W e VVant (Contineitfrotm 1'ourthrce.) cc oc soil willtie studtidity generatiocis YOUR DRUG TRADE! I 1ititic, lMieli., icrolo 2:i students to o, studentstotevoen incy ite clod !n the Unioersity this year. tele ro f~esin i lutaigt And oill do the square Theof tmontt o~idi tic't thfeL.thing by yotc We've ta ric nncnosatiool ililicer tft points raised in tics 'iica ese. -t'. good steelk cod we stantd A. Pratt,6, ied Wedneotbie at tilt:e sc 0ceeoc b it toedl ack of anyting we sell. Thmsrcevdteidao resn- Yul moineys worth or yotir htolce icf his pareitts iniTraverse Citc'. intic'liimodsiel to theis 'i i-is'ity tiers monley hack. F. S. Sints, '98, of Detroit, hasiit wousilidhe siapprecie liad kept withlt'' just returinedlto ;AicicArbor after a caie, tiolci a frtindsfflice stinostit- P ER PHRAY oveksosighit-seeiiig in Newco York ei y. tintioia As ast ockildcer ic inteisih- SThcere is olne tchk of isscinug a bci- Iction (eoery citizenin ictle slts being ___30_______UT_____S__AT_____T._ wveekly pictatinc ftcr front tlistricou- cne),lie immiate li authorzdthis lion amenglice S'niversity'o 14,0000fisend Ito5s'ii'ilnicais Owithl 1ref. 1-. al-Lumni. h.Itutchtinsoacting ltr.'oldsnt in: Ann A ra m Q1ocIMs ~here is a otrog probability that a Aibori On Satimidaty Mr.FTionmas re- (WVARRANTED5) minstrel shoev by local taicact oill b0 :eetvsd 't let'er fioni thleacting presi-. r#1,00Each. given doring lice year for the 1a51i l ent accepting this donation and exW- ROIf EDNGJWLR of the Athtlctic Assoiatiton. r inttl fj. W A M [_LDIGJ EER r The IlndiPressit oilst printing ilhe host foriis of a 6cOO pt'sgens,-l catalogute of PitDelIa Phi, tics ir't college chapter of wh'iich wssor's- Nedi at thie U. of IM. 'The Athenas Beberces141011mor players. 'ids is a good echanc01'o stidenut lmusicianls to hellspcc ex- penses. Aplpicaitosshotld os lmadei to 1". -MetOnter at lithe5asilil ns effite. GSe.XXWahiss1u1stfromcthis Inlid 1 P'ress thiis week a sloth-boand book of SO p.ages,atet-host in Algebra pre- pared by OF A.I nau, A. C. 21:11 and T7 C. Coddard, istructors in lice University. The bosh is prepared es- peeily 11for mss in Coers 1and la in wa.thienoaticosat thenUniversity. ues tn tinkiin'of thes Cnlver.sity.-- RX... . ' Owosso ArgsoHO"T L'' N C H Do tfbr's' the Stats St. AgTone w o uie are'loking for rosoms.I Tiey GO TO-- Will trest you righit. TUTTLE'S, 58 tt t All studeinto desiring ftirishced or unurnished roo-iasoultdl0callo his Stiats 'St. Agecy, ancd get thieir sot'n- Std enJ. Itsi: pite lsofroonis. The work in Algebra oili begiii on Do you owant a nicoly' fir- Friday, October 22, aned Satulrdaly, Cc'- nishedl room, with bath fur- torber 23. 4d nace and all modern conven- __ __ __ _ __i_ ences----C.0H EA p? If so don't fail to call on subscribe for the Daily The State Street Ageocy1 .20 South Stats Street, Over Sheehan's Beokstore, i