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November 03, 1897 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1897-11-03

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NEW!to.--O.==ur Furnishings for Gentlemen-- N EW!
We will have this space for the rest of college year, and will give you the benefit of our Special Sales.
We IIAVJE the B3EST to be had. Good values moderate prices. Come in and examine our stock.
hoseClrnow&Asesaglnd f ntorinhand-CeluinestRus Wa En And wel no.12-hosaDlLARGlove inetheetty. 41 es
FisCrkow&AsFl agndefouer-ingant-BCluineS-raussWater- ad swellestDOwAlki love inWthiemy.,41Ws
& Denmers to all styles.I
FINEHAL HOE.-S EAT RS!Wool Combination Suits, 2.51, andl$.54e-Alt Wool worth X2.00Ofor
Fine Silk, .Lisle, Cashmere, and Cotton Hose-Fancy Lisle Hose, 315 a suit. W~ool Fleeced, Cotton Fleeced, Cail tHair, Etc.
seamless Mace spltt soles-see our two-for-a-qoarter ltne. - h elr:TeBs rado olr n ~f
Night Roes, Bath Robes, Pajamas, at unheard of Prices. jThe cSeldes NarettBetanolaEColars onxCMhopt
ilot iit5 N~ UMRELAS. Clueti, Collars and Cutfs.
Our Telephone is readly to receive orders, and our wagon. ready to deliver them.
The Correct YELLOW and BL1CC Buttons in dark and light Enamtel givenl with purchase ot a DJOLLARI or More.
N. W.or. fain and Liberty IvIA'O 0 .4 No W.Cocr. Mainand Liberty

"I N V ,' r eo. s
NvotettheiooLdie- ths e ' Parker i__
,!t ie oiitoienV- jo un~t,)- _r'"- _
toc~eur ithetrie f o e '11_-e
eli -,2, 5t C , = -
ol t ecahhteecPen
so lti I , 1Ggtiteachl oec. ________________________I_______A.________,_____oe.___
i?1e stringsaa seecily fronNS a 0 N S D G S' . i, . A ,T ,
ANN7E. ashiRngto-n0St., O tMI M IIO itlI i balminl, a Specialty.
is the place to Regislt. Ibis Register is ablways coi)sulted first by the I N. 009 1111- i AVENUE.
Messen er s-lt S iii .Ambutance attit or da~y.
AiNI ARI~oi l Bill Nye on Ann Arbor. twtere, woe sheortan1eoetilh e ,]~I teiesetO tn Ae
RAILROAD. sligtiesi little sil;kulcptihat, it tl I ANTON T1 EUFJJg EL,
Tinae Table, Sunday, Sepi. a, 1897. 1t1 liiiate till Nyi lii.titid ioithe S. 1 lik ie abl il -d}elbitt ovl iii ii, itt t t Etnis FOR
TIME . TA:i L.>.A.icoursein '029 t ini tlet tee cec-il t- 1 wtis i(t Iatidstorm-ttooted l 1 i.Trunkls, Valiss. DressSuit Cases.and
Trains leave Ann Artiortiy Conteal Stantdard tn i at itheItilteiand rn t itl lbtihi I it iled l ti t h littmosti c ei l ilpr.)i 'Trilesicopes.
Time. i h e okWrdh aehsiuTrusandtrtVaies rieeat rly and
NuaTH. SOUTH, nth ewYrkV odfusietic00 o ad swayed to aittil oitte5a1eeaply, Na.3075S.Mins treet.
8:43 a. . till0a, m, lpresisoi ofu Ann1 Artot i ntie aiitV :"5 bltite f ti i e -iw oloreld 15t1izat t otn,
*12:15 a m.t1:2ta.Im 0m icteiti nnt eut t hFit Itllowvinti o seS
"x9:10 a. to. 1~5 p m i ii tlie (lto say:t ' Vtte ltti h nt oer tIldcide S S FR
EounbetenenbetwenAss AToeritorad adToledo ontyhis "-ecvsidCiii tArbor .not Iontt-r. not li tilpt tie cieltote itf onurt tiillic
rala Suiiday only, Alt other trains daily IThe twi is Oli-e'ill eollege. toceo s I isii- 1,ll s"J~YLYSOB
except Sunday,.Thecitizet et o tli ettS nd i serd Buttons and
E. S. OILMORE, Agent IjU.of M.
B. HBENNETT 0.0P. A. Totedo , ittniptreheliteira f N, A DAMt. Pius,
titere waltingo toseot-c sstl e i ti in----
°,TTf' I MN T d wilito ttlildo0 mxt. Tttursdts- NoviseterF"Leihteit RP
UENTR 'liii"Te tllege- I behieetiti e one ofLihers- meDUtink' of Univer-iiy Chit-c Lowny's Chocolates
S1c .lNiagara Fallo Route."
Cental Stanidard Time. ihe most progriteie tuit readybto Cleib. hild, '10
TRAINS AT ANN ARBOR. Seize upon the pompatpdour itpkno t f Friaysov. h-egeut'Fil, 0 W"W." TUTTLE' 3Sate S. St.
EAnT.WnST. titme aud b hi ir ntiebi O griiounitd ot Vs. 01
P. M. A. M.a.iniuour counitry. Tie stndeuntsire Sauday os veombter 16, 1p. ?n.-Ri- ALLEGRETIS, if you wish.
Siland E -___3d47 BET .., Chi....- 8t1
N. Y. Special.... 4 iS Maili--------918 tianfisoutie spcite0of5OtyoungAnto- ns i e tlda Michigoii vs.tturdue. * ~
NI~~~' . Limited.._ 145 r. .~ U- II
Eastern Es--s1Su Western Es-his 55c,in manhood,<aud the lace deptartmnto hdy ocuert- hlii Y ~ i jj.. ~i
DN Enpe .. G. R. &K.RE.hit555has 'lon;stood cs-ll tip at ite top in Still, liton. illaiceBruce in S.i NiLE-0A.
thantlo Es-___7 30 Pacicfic Es---12 30 the judgmient of able jurie1s not 5crse,_ T
G..B Expres ..hsi _____11__10
*North Share Limited ilass exIra farestrain counuting utyself. IT1THE ATHENS. The Largesst i.ne ot lilcycies, Sun-
«'s hevacsp~ioNwYc hno W ioited Chic D.SK. 1E.tizenidihicri 'dries and Supplis ai
other trains. Tenx ititerttteAhct
0. W. Run tEns, H. W. HAE$ ers lot a couple o1 houro in tie evon hensilltraho ncl e Ao'oC-hin M. STAEBLER'S CYCLE EMPORIUM,
0. P. & T. Agt., Chicago. Ati Ann Arbor g ceheratBr wore mid'Unclecouc 'heCtern-
lilt~Iwheie wecuingmaotlwceedfne Telephone No. S. One door East of Ameri-
bandsala andmar-can Hhouse,
U. of .Shvn Parlorsan Bath Rooms ittalade. I shill loungtreimber our andeille on ,Saturyday eenhng.
322 SOUTH STATE STREET. evening. thlere amtong, the fture judges tries', 25,5 andt5e cents. The Name the Guarantee.
Ladies' artistic Halr Dressing up stairs PLIC'
Old friends caltIagain. W~e -rlcome now and physiciatis and gevernors ofeIi SPLNG
ones. JR. TROJANOWSIC, Cnion-the young ute n husheo aiids Jsp Jefferson lecturetd recently ohn Foot Ball Supplies For '97
:hir Phlane ant ISwcill soon have to "The Dramia" beoeothe Studentsofut very hieqaisite far the Game.
RENTCH ERITHE HOTGRAHERYale University under the auiuPcos offManagers mitt lo well to write
plac th welareof or cmmonforsamples and special rates
Teehn .. ANABRcounty. the Yale Union. h efore purchasing.
Telephone__', __._ANNARBOR The Spalding Official
"On the train we satw a otedent with WANTED-An 1eperienced clothinugFotBal
ENOCHI DIETERLE, the must phtenomenal chrys. uthemurn nan to 'help out Saturday's. Nobles AdpeFboaePictnPeslvaia
lAtteR NDay FUrNERA DIECTR.ban, that I evetrnmet. Issofhair else- Star Clothing Ihouse. Besti. aar d, ECrnlaland all totheriadnn-
No. 116 East Liberty Street: Residence, 53 rce .Schoolo wt bas nlao
Soth Fourth Ave. Phone h2s. -U ive sit Sc ool of Dancing, PicSpass.' fica otBt, ud
fur 7 897. Edited by WALTERt CAMr, Post-
RANDALL, THE PHOTOGRAPHER, State Street., opposite Law Buildingpadocns
Catalogue of Fall and Winter Sports, eRas.
WASHINGTON BLOCK. ANN ARBOR. Terms $5.00 a semester - - Single evenings 50 cents. As 6, SPALDING & BROS,9
KNEGRE {NWQATR)Offle-427 Thoninson Street. New York Philadelphia
KIDRGREN U~TR~ _____________ rek oncnChicago Washington
Call and See Us,j DO Youler it while buying AGEBNCY FOR THE
Orders foe all Fraternity parties, slob ~ nnu house. Pure home made candles M andolis nd 1itars,
dances. etc. Leave orders at Ann Arbor RICHuMONuD ACKUS, and ice cream, fine California fruits, BGIAU.LB ~ 4
Basic Co. ne at Residence, 1710Geddes ave, very suitable for presents, and we
1'"S. - will take pupils on Piano and in DETROIT, MICE. - kntow you will wanst them for that s
sgtadingat.aovename tonce. party you are going to give. SCI1 AEBERa lsi Sor
A. J. J hnstn. JAMES ROSTAUS. 1 114 W. Liberty St., Ann Arbor.


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