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November 03, 1897 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1897-11-03

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'C t.o


VOL. VIII. No. 30.


. ... ___

Has-'received a full line of Novelties
for Fall ad Winter in
Suits, Trousers,
and Overcoatings
Al legretti's
Fresh every week.
Only in ;packa~es-
fl0e a pound.
Lowney's if you
Just Received a Large ad Elegant
ine= of New Pipes f
Geot and Cold Lunches at all hours. Agents
for Huylr's and Williams and Werners Co.'s
Chocolate .Bn Bon.
R. B.'1JOLLY & CO.
30 Suth Stte Street.
Uncle Tom's Cabin
Students should try us before
making any purchase. We ars
hound to satisfy and please. -Or
large stock of Law and Meda
Books, in short, Text-Books fo
every department in the University
new and second-hand enables ut
to sell at the lowest price.
Blank Books and U. of M. Sta
tionery at low prices.
Make our stores your headquarters
Up Tow Down Tow
S. State at. Opposite ourtouS4
An Arbor Main et.

Dates for Opening and Closing of
College Changed.
Al lie loot imeeting ithe 1-looril if
Itilets, lie cle of opi'nilitg01c diso-
leg 01 college woo clhanged.llegtltninig
wsith the foil (if 1898,. it isill opt-n on
till ?Tiiesloy preesdhiogtle loot h's-i
i~socly of Ss'ptclo'br. slidssiil-lls(eoil
Clioe TI'lursday Ireceuhinithlaslot Wesi-
ott-liC11,-itt'lll'gi-plty oion)cli sic oly ,1
,Se-pt. 2:1asitunoltlitiri' jell thlt'9211 i;
soieleesewethtit'18th and thei'2-111t.
Tliihlojec(t ositeii'1It,1ii"' 1 ist iaIs's liii
still tijii s-sie'oii aiflxisitidy ifth
witsic.5 t-s s-itolitigci-bs-s--sto iii
witlilt gi i-slice iionts hots inthets
Lectures in Evolution.
".iotut its sid toleligisi1t," is folts -:
"'iii. 714 'e Eotuts i oist -r
it itl.''
Is itsi 21-"TeEvltono''lg
Nov's. 28-"I l-sslistii itl It h i-

Faculty Concert. Work in the Woman's Gym.
'list foliolloIit rogrslltis-ill bl ii' g 1n lThoys'tsr't wosik ini liii'-si-onion
si:th lii'I-ti-oly -oilit I'l'ltnctsslsiy, Nit -pgitliisitilib(listill'Monidaty.i ft-s-sote
ssiit'ni' 4: iiliiith ismsin rotmti nsl'I-t'e isetioin
I. Sontsp. 19 otf iitli-tti ii ls's Syndter woithi aifists'aorray of
Ji1is Ehl-so Von (fiots-iandl LI'-. !'ttudtit-ti Its -il.I t'ln sItt s-s .1 i-t wi
Hit'nss'nti-tze, fill' her(. ''ie's(.l--esi' of sistr isa
It. (si) l---it-y.- -Mrs. It.IL 1.A. Betii ltt'g(stcssist' onsettuend .-tso~c 'si-i-i'tIlsc-e
(1b) Alt! ' sa Dr-st- Iiss-ai- 'y cis, o- Si) 11ththo-ste55'itokcss thliii
is- I Ilhis(*. intl ite soris tl M l-sso 'ttuyer idar's1'i41tlstl it
mie.... . l. iytoil 7l.itis tit ic i t'' thi 'lsi t'kd s spljlttotes.
luhsts Alit- *i' l is-. T'liii lits if ictisit af s tt~toti(ssls'e
III. (i) -Elnil-' iops.110.Ni. C- lii coiol5,o1W'sfsttiisl'sl iltliii1w t-iscly thats
Is) faise-Iliillisios' -..Batit-'ti ts t lits's-s- ; t itistgli Itsp to tisay
Is-) lsti't-tt' lilltaiitt- - -isiiwok ilssdr tl 1t it li' isi'siilstlle liii
t-ts-liublect ,i -s i E . tl1 it s-s tIltis t 'x '. s nalsitlly
_lit.. Ailwts'i J ons. tnittl itilt<1. Its tush l ;yrn sti is' g'sns
IV. 2ndtlost~ n.ie p21.--W.is. s .lttt.t' Ilst is-ttl'it 5of M1is'Syitil 0'
At-. IlitItuitZt'itz. 'nis Iiii I itst- i -t giti loll of
Freshmn nTicket. 'Iihistilt ties for tes' -s'sityest'ir
i a se sit i stis'ssts notI . Isibti oill
tst lii's> llitit cttt s 5 itis tillsesicstit. It ie'. t i ,s so n a ,it .) t-it lii- ti'-I tiill Mtiss 11(1s' ut'ii'l tl.
is5 s tssllssss-: 'tei'c ttt'it..1ts.l lettit
ISit-t. i -e solti ct i lg int eat and
I 'Isis-ti-sit's' lse-itls-llt. :Oin, s Ete
it- l1ii'''ills i's' n ta tiy l h
[' ra-kIsic',.l'f'tt'sttDeltro i t l. 515 I t'fr .tt tttsss -stissi ly 71,( n~tsl-st Itlhas fssst
- It. I-.l( fDisllil. Ind.s;tcela- tttiiitIiit1.1 ttult'ssIlr
s~rItut tsi.''. I)pi. l,'tts't' 3>.>.;L slsittiIsI il it'iss li-;o
slitssu isiill' li-It-s. ~st 511 1stIi ito iitsitour Eoi stl lit)iti-ll-s.ai
Detit'. Mrs . 'F i 'ogh yltis te-si to's tsa- sis-ti tloutsiltt-ll)-si t al tt
its fist' iitittiiis tcontsidlered. tt_______________
s's-c- ciitti. . - -

Io Iswsill a-slis tssoltiy 11(;1-evis's I
a sort courst' of illu sitted Iravil Ii °_ Aloha N u Program. ''T''e 'iiclc " ltt' t''si -ticati ok if c-es-
t-ic~, withi tii' i'ollowiit;'-sttji'cs i: t'cly wso-sis rsdly wito cthills tandard
Ntvis' -- 1111111 115'psit' 'iitze'ilsitl," 'it ltls N sil isi 1 itglsc set liei' lyltbeifore', but wsi- ni-ertlss'-
itsliln i'Aps ss'{tttO' t-etlilg hisitlilly s'slilig in l ilit I o i ili-l iit ly i'pss'iih-
il Ilodio-seiA.lpssnss-r'tkei s)t'si'rltstl IPh-il-is I c 15till Is1'i ti"i' nt ntsf-r-eebt
Nos' 24 A fllttiist'ol lsis ii I \iu'ii'l:l ott" -;'lie f llin pllseunf willt, Iii' liofit fie-i' o si l erii' Tsi eitiis ltr
o s 21-' nduc tis'r osm ite ls til'Cali b enderediandt eet-lit ygits orilly lii 'ls'i' liio o-i v oh
la It-i 'D et " toritg thi ltili-,' ti risl osiik is-icli '-tlips o sroge iin teliftreeceerdty
AllFhele'tti'o s-il le ic''t'iitt i nviWeted ls slo ationms-ei L tiii -fite r st esanfthreolugn Lin 'lo ere
___________mida eric51'p lideat, R egsllsol it'd, sullssocp'bliciity .it- E1 owl +e~~rtw sasitdbyF
Eleven Collegter a ilies titAolllt iuouls mshn olis I.I l gotriln , 1111 Its - e'swil toks'
II~ !eed,,nory ns'mlthe1i rglals'iiatiyrtives ie'.uCosvh-it lii'Irilsilftfs'tera
AWiste lectu'restoffil eti(Ornt-ioo'li-isfohohisltome,.after___________b_ en_ here


a dtily plapter',Whit';Daily I 'illfsrni i's
by 110111. It wsos lash ye'ar knavvn ,3-
The Iierkeleyon nd iwlovs liingid st
the begh-iningof te'prsent'si 2--sr ho
'The Californian, ond wstissiltdilfoar
tiiiis a wveeks. The ciltg'to asdilly
pstblictiion has on0112'recently lit-in
leade, nl-Ibring-sthis'totllof holly ecol-
lege' paplers illsto eli's' n, yiz.: 'Thes
Doily ('Cilifornion, 'T'hicDaily t'alo
Alto, The Brown Doily Heraldl, The
WXisconslun Cardicial, Yalet'News,. lar-
yard Crimoson, TJhe Pennnsylvaianii,
ts' Cornell Sun, Thse Print-etonitlo.
College Spirit (Wlone Uiniversity) slid
The 1. of ONI. Daily.

For Bicyclers.
An ordiiiance relating ho hicycle-s
and lisyslers 15is pendliginltesity'
sciiiicil. It lmits raohss suf op--cd
sitinit sy to .12 mils a n hour,
ss-he'slnien lto slots'uiiiat crossings, s-ts.,
not ho rule swithi hboth(hanssotff if
httnsdleblis, shlsl rude sin right 01111' sf
street, Iass vilsicles on left, carry a
light fromiiisuinset tourrise0, -they
belles ant ring at coccr' crossig. An
amendmiieiit to cot spee'dliit ho six
mills'sais hour owas host.

To Play In the Coliseum.
Ait liii'msiting of itie atlieboard
laist night lii'. hughes slate-sIthast
Mlessrs. Alwasrd & Smith swill b hues
oulhehoho satt hie Pudue gaulle. It was
annunuce'd Itat ft'e Coliseuminwiae
uhsiitely descid 111up11. 'Ihie beard itt-
(~ios'tllianageur Iluglis iiithis'policy
of plainllg this'-,slise In thie Coliseum
tih yeasr. liesstw. Cauuuisiell, Htericik
ouch A. 1). Steves-i'woer'esappointed a
comintteie to investigate tiii Tennis
Al, les-sr-s. Vs-anon, Potter and Sim-
ens were appointed so see the 'PP med-
ics in regard ho lbhr At.
11ev. Dr. Charles Woodruff Shields,
a professor in trinceton Unio-ersiiy,
has dause1 a senstion by withidraw-
lug froii the Preshyterian church. Ills
determination woeseciused by tho se-
vere attacks of the temperance publi-
cation, the Voice, on bban because he
bad signed the :application fo it
lisquor license for P'rinceton In1n.

t5 "Steam Pipes."
________ There iiashb-en00o1mesldobt epes
exres ho meeting of the Engineeing So- ed us to whlethier the reading by Prof.
ciety for this week will be hBeld on Trueblood next Saturday evening will
ISaturday instead of Friday evening ho open to 1110 public or only ho asso-
so as not to conflict with the lecture elation members. The public is in-
by lon. (Wallace Bruce oin the S. L. A. vited and will be charged a. small ad-
course. The society will he addtessed ieittance, fee wh~le -members of the
by J. R. Allen, his subject beinig Oratorical Association will be amt
adi-"steam Pipes." J ted on their membership tickets.

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