IlUN I VERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. The Store W. W. Wetmore, STYLISH DRESSERS FURNISHINGS CORRECT FADS Of all manner of articles that go to trade up a gentlemen's wardrobe ho-sn for the first time here. FISK, CLARK W'FLAGGS Complete line of fine nckwear. "E. & W." COLLARS, Newest ;-Shapes Barkers Perfect FittingCollars. Night Robes 50c to $1.00. Laundered Shirts, 75c to $1.50. Bath Robes $2.50 to $3.50. Fancy Hose 25c to 75c. Black Hose 12%ec to 50c. Hens' Sweaters 40c to $4.00. Street or Dress Gloves $.00 to $2.00 Umbrellas 76c to $4.00. Fine Suspenders 15c to $1.0. Newest) Novelties -in C aff Links, shirt Studs, Collar Buttons, etc. Kens' Fine Under- wear 25c up. NVens' Fancy Front shirts 50c. MACK & CON 1066. Mans St and 3426S. State St ~UNIVERSITY TEXT-BOOKS, I NEW AND SECOND-HAND. HAS FULL LINES OF NOTE. BOOKS, and STUIDENTS' SUPPLIES. Fountain Pens and Fine and Staple Stationery and offers all at the Lowest Prices. For Forty Years GOLDEN SCEPTRE Has been smoked by college men and is to-day, a LEADER as a pure, mild, sweet mixture for the pipe. Lamps Expressly , Students' Use "The Rochester,' "The Yale," "The Royal," "The Perfection," "The Berlin Student," all pickle plated, varying in price from $1.00 to $2.50 each. OIL Every student should use Dean's "Red Star." It gives a pure J1-wh ite light, is odorless and does not char the wick. Deliv- ered in any part of the city in or cans at 10c per gallon. For sale only by DESAN &OO MPANYV. 214 Srou1,th MainStreet. W. J. BOOTH. Pres. SW. AeN,cost Vice-pres J. V. SHEaHAN, 2d Vice-pros. JOHN C. WAL~Z, Asst. Cashier. State - Savinv - Badk Transacts a general Banking busi- ness. THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK Capital Stock, $50,000. Surplus, 8150,000. Resources, $1,100,000. Organiced underkthe General Banking Laws of this State. Receives deposits, bays ad 'sells exchange on the principal cities of the United States. Drafts cashed apes proper identification. Safety deposit boxes to rent. OrrICERS: Christian Rack Pres; W. D. Hiarrincan, Vice-Pres.; Chas E. Hiscock, Cashier: M. J. Frito Assistant Cashier. FIRST NATIONAL BANK~gr nize 6 Capital, $100,000. Sarplas and Profits, 840,00 Transacts a general banking business. Foreign exchange boaght and sod. Furnishs letters of credit. E. IS. INNE, Pros. HARRISON SOULE, VicesFree S. W. OLARKSON. Cashier Cor. Rain and Huron Streets. Capital,$0000 Surplus, $30,000. Transact a genesal baking business. R. KEMF arePrs. C. E.OsEENE, Vice-Pros icon. H. BELSERCashier. C. It. MAJOR & CO., The Aristic'deorators Have a complete line of, Wail Paper, Paints, Oils, Window Shades, Room Mouldings, Etc. ________________________________________________ pecialty o01fne interior decoratng, UNIVERSITY NOTES. i"Pa"iiecor'i, lilt96L, is iractielici, his professionc in Sell Lake ('ity, U1tah. ('anrl Flood, ex-08 L, is a guiest at thie Delta Chii fraternity for a fe-v days. Messrs. Stlurlerlilt, tHell and Ber- relt, '()9 6L., ar1.1nii istlaerslipi at P5eria, Ills. Sir. (. AI. iLivincgstoni, '11 iedl.,lies blein elected iiediecl ie plresilellt to tili ciie Vacanctly cused by the non-re- 1t111 of M\r. Jennings. "Eddlie" Shields owesenmong lie en- ctusiacstic Alumniipresent ec Se-Inc. iloys gamce end directed their yelling fories on itilessde lilies. 'he'lieml-ibrs of last yeer's 'Varsity baick teamli iavoe recenved itheir ca,ii swhichi differ frosi those lieretolferic giveic. beillg. of lice golf style. S. B. Coilger end C. W. Wilcie-, hiave retnpedl frioli Buffalo.,-sohere thley atteiiied tie cnational convention of lice Brothierhoodi of St. Andrewo. Prof. E. 1L. Stiller, of tile Engleovood High Secool witicessed lice alccini geanie Satuirday. Sir. Sillier owcs foit- bell mns ter oifitie Univ 'neity ill 1889. At arecent ieetineg of 01 Al. clase organization xvs pcsIerfected and Sir. (G. F. Hatacieict(5ed thlicic nanger. T1heclesoill p-tal efotb-ill learn in thec interclass coldest. 'rhe skating seaseon is hceralded by the bieginniicg of wooniew" rink betow-eic Hill aiid Sldisoci streets. 'ie rink will cover more thaini anisaceand soill lie flooded froiciaespring soatih- orst of town. 'The caee conii eo of ti'Sculls0- 110occ class will ss otre v he lcd coreigcciii cciiofglicss ceoZ-s Itc e D11Umbe'r of fifty. Stosid,,'., of tie 31900 :zsdesiring to (oliti niot- of tdi' seacve oisy do so by &ad his .t. coilSi W. B. Pitkin. 1317W-eo2 I iilI lot lelac Psi Hotis- Michigarn Alumnus Honored. Dr. St. B. Hinlilioni1, Slicigan '89, I seisialtin iii Honolilie., is one of thie late arrivalls of the faecly. Htilok 01ne yeiar if grcdcuaiework at Wicoi- Slill. peintocci'year icl t3erniaiy, andi tiiok his Doctor's i'iltlinlliie. whceri e e leld a felliowshipin. hI ern. oiits ini'93. Dccncg '94-3le tlrav- eliii in thie southlern ipait of thle Uniteid Stales in liretO~ril hon of en orticlieOii thie History -of the 'Cotton Indiustrly i the LUnited Statecs, which sil soocn be puiblisheil by the Acnecican E-eiocoi- ic Association. In '95-0' lie 'as acting ied dprofessor ill Econioics 01titie University of lisseocli.-'llie Illioi. Sir. Itaceieond se-s thle first tbled. ni-so nlaclc-cger of the U. of I. ;Dels, anid it ofes largely dccc to hiis energy thact liii'pulrtiilo as iaadc a stir, esefLil ventucre. High School Notes. liii -uohig h olllol gyilliasicl'c is cili- Illilil. It iIs tilted ccp oith tloe'ar-e shcioow-erOathis, liceirs for 1010 stucdents 'and all tho latlest c'apparatus. Re.>ides j hie, it las an exercise coon 3lsxIti feet whlichifuirnises rooin for a class of 25 at a ttaie. It is seaic heated r11n1 lighted tiy electricity. Casses for boa-s elli girls osill at once Sic fornied. A chcargce of $1 te dtfrey cusrrent ex- penses oill be inade. 'h1 hoLyccsi literary- society of lbe HighiSecool, has cheiienged tice Cres- cent society of Ihe Normal to e debate. One of the Detroit Highl Sc1ool so- cieties imay be chllionged later. Collars 1 cent, cufse3 cents, esirts S cents at tiller's LaIundry. l ark gueranteed. AWin. H. Fox, Agent, -27 Maeynard st. 28 hanging. Only the boot of workmen employed. Work guaranteed. . ff. MAJOR & CO, The Artistic Decorator. "'F. J. SCHLEEDE. 340 5. STATE STREET Book Binding- --..........Mcense and up Solid Gold Fountain Penso..-...$1.00 and up. Watermsan and Wirt Ponse in stock and PonseRepaired. Wholesale and Retail Paper.,a3i lbs. of Lin- en Paper for 50cg. A RED - HOT LINE -/AT- WM. ,ARNO LO, ewele H ANGST ER FER'S x ICE CREAM SODA 316 S Moat Excellent . T T B ChoolatesA R T Ho 114Soda. E E S R Cor FOURTIH lnd WASHINGTON STS T Ss. o MUSICAL!t Me1 Gilespie, teacher of Mandolin, Banjo and Guitar. Instructor la the University School of tMusic. i8 years experience as a teacher. Call at Ass Arbor Music Co's. Store to arrange for hours., Holmes Livery Stable! 509 E. Liberty St. Central location. Good Service IR " During the past ten FIE siyears the. Toledo Laundry Co. have kept their custom- ers goods insured against fire, a fact; that is appreciated by their patrons Best of work and Prompt Delivery. Branch Office 123 South Main St., Ann Artor, Mich A BIG STICK OF LICORICE For that cold --AT- Neo.IsisR, Wsclsrnton Sr, iM ummnery's ru Store Cor. Fourth are.