THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHI1GAN DAILY. NEW! --Our Furnishings for Gentlenmen.-= NEW! We will have this space for the rest of college year, and will give you the honefit of our Special Sales. We HAVE the BEST to he had. Good values moderate prices. Come in and examinc our stock. OUR NECKWEAR IS THE BEST ! GLOVES, GLOVES, GLOVES, Fne t~h. Fisk, Clark & Flag, line of fine String, and Club Ties-Rufus Water- Adler's swell, English walking Gloves - Werthiemer's, 411 West & Denzers in all styles.I FNHAFHS-SETERS!UNDER WEAR-S WEATERS FINEHALFHOS.-SW ATER , "Wool Combination Suits, $2 lb and $3.10--All Wool worth $2.00 ior Fine Sills, Lisle, Cashmere, and Cotton- Hose-Fancy Lisle Hose, $1518 a suit. Wool Fleeced, Cotton Fleeced, Camil's Hair, Etc. seamless Maco split soles-see our two-for-a-quarter line. TeSles h etBado olr n uf Night Robes, Bath Robes, Pajamas, at unheard of Prices. E. & W. Bodie Narkette, KeletaNio a, Etc. BlarkersSoulsMahopac, Don't miss our UMBRELLAS. CluetI. Collars and Cuffs.sp Our Telephone is ready to receive orders, and our wagon ready to deliver them. The Correct YELLOW and BLUE Buttons in dark and light Euamiel given with purchase of a DOLLAR or More. N. W. Cora Main and Liberty MVIAC K & 00.. N. W. Cor. Main and Liberty Netwithsansding the 40 per cere i nst50 triags owiag t the chasge is the tariff we ra- tale asrsailerm law price. Bianjo, 1st, 2d. 3d, 5th. 5c. Mandolis. Eand A, 2%2c. Mansdolin, 1) asd 0, 5c. Violin. Gut, each 10c. Gaitar, E, 5H, 0. get, each l0c. oGiar, D. A. E. t0c.1 Flneeetriegs a specialy ram 15c ts 25c each. ANNARBHOR MUSIC C0.. 2-207E. Wsshington St. ANN ARBOR RAILROAD. Time Table. Sunday, Sept. 5, 1897. TIME TABILE: Testes leave Ass Arbse hy Centrai Standard Time. N0O5T0. SOOTH. 8:45a.m. "7:0am *12:15 a. mn. i1:25 a. m. 4:40p. m. 8:40 p.mi. 19:10 a. mn. t8:05 p. m. *Run between Ann Arbor and Toiedo oniy. *Stuns between Tsledo ad Hsweii. This train Sunday oniy. Aul other trains daiiy except Sunday. E'. 9. 151.BORE, Agent W. H BENNETT G5. P. A. Toedo 0. ICHIGAN G,"rL IAL The Niagara Falls Route." Central Standard Time. TRAINS AT ANN ARBOR. EAST. WET. Mail and Exn.5347 5B., N. V., Chi.-. 8 12 N. Y. Speciai.-._ 4 58 Hail---------918 *3. S. Limited.- 6d4iP. M. Eastern En---- 10 a5 Western FE.-15H A.M. G.l.a&K.Ex.--- 5H5 D. N. Express-. 5 5 ChiN tEx.-940 Atiantic En.-7 30 Pacific Ex--- 55 3 G. St. Expres-11 15 *North Share Limited is an extra tare train In he a charge of $2.50 to New Yerk than en ether trains. 0. W. RUGGSes, H. W. HATED, 0. P. & T. Agm., Chicago. Agt.11 Ann Arbor I.of M. Shaving Parlors anidBath Rooms 322 SOUTH STATE 'STREET. Ladies' xrtistic Hair Dressing op stairs Oid friends caii again. We welcome new ones. J. St. TRtOJANOWSKI. RENTSCHLERI THE PHOTOGRAPHER Telephonse 0. ANN AROR ENOCHI DIETERLE, EnIBALMER AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR. Calls Attended Dayor Night. No. ill6Est Liberty Street: Residence. 5SB Soxth Fourth Ave. Fhoee 1209. RANDALL, THE PHOTOGRAPHER. WASHINGTON BLOCK. 'ANN ARBOR. KINDERGARTEN, 102E urn t Call and See Us. SAN FURNISH MUSIC OF FIRST-CLASS. Orders} for all Fraternity parties, ciub a55cesetc. Leave orders at Ann Arbor "usic Co:. or at Residence, 1710 Geddes ave. I'.S5_-.Wil take pupisas. iats and in sight reading at above named Pieces. .A. J Johnston. Geo. S. Parker__ Foun- I tain Pen. r ROSS GRANGER, Teacher T HOSE considering the at the office of Ross to classes, private los: :r of Dancing. 4 0. N. MARTIN, FUNERAL DIRECTOR. tsubject of dancing are requested to call EbligaSeily Granger for correct information in regard N mbalmingFOURpHcaVEN. sons, terms, etc. OFFIsCF: Ground Floor. ANOhlanceeightOURHuy NUE GRANGER'S ACADEMY, Maynard Strejitesidence, 502 Fifth Avenue. Work In the Museum. i,'i somtime pas't:, Mr.0A.t ool, the jimsiiistii alxidcrimist, 1h:s becn sorik- ii::g oniithe groupls for the bird r::o . Severilihave bosnipto iinolascc collcge opeincd. 'ihiese gro-apso arc Ito ilustroite facts of nturtatiIstsory, sc as toloraion iof 1pliiiiiagcSo sit i tvir- oniiiii'it, varlitin of hs' pii,:osgc willh 1t'e seasons, toarsiticailihits. It is intendeod, oltimatliy, Itoive Itic it's- eut Obird roomtitaoctdlecexclsiveoly fot' groupils of tuis kind. It has bes'n decidcd tos sisosify ithc largec ooict'tios of shiciis fronti Sout Ahmerica aiid this1i"iillihi Ilads iiadoe by P'iofs. AVorcster anod Siee:'. F'or tiiis upurpose Ir. 'Sargcsol, of alie Detroit Art 'useumt. who is son1explert ini conrhoiogy, hiss heen sccorcsl. 'r. 'Sargcsuol coimss to AiiiiArbsor ticers'a wesk. 'T'his classiiicatioii Nvilrequsire ani iioriioussaioutit of wrork. ,'e it- sr'i (iOl oleotion cointaiiig about =0- 000 sticcies. Three'seasl shilts soereioprchised': about0a mitilil ago firiii tice United: Statie Go'ogrosplisicl Survcy, Soil they lossi' iiot yet arrived. Physical Examinations. Dr. F-itzgerald desires to sigaii cail tile itenittoit of tile stuidenlts to tur itlysiclsi O'xmiiniosi and sothels pracsti- cal value to be derivcd fromiti 11' I. 'The systota uscd is tile oaie a10 Oh it in vosgueat ttoelictaicway(Sylillni- University Sch, State Street., oppo Terms $5.00 a semester - Offlce-427 TI: siumtiat THa~rvarladsod ornpei ANTON TEUFEL, E-acli personi cxained rceve r HADQUARiTROS FOs rotart gb-uin o his:isuireoaenis :to- Trunks, Valises.IDrens Stilt Caxes, andI s~i~ill hisreltiont0 he c~l'a;.'e Tlescopes. slosoiag is eisionto lies-r'rs~te Treats and Valises repaired oratly and grsde of dvcoentct. It 10isitnt titcheaply. No. 3o75 S. anStreet. 11:1 s'atrachstoudentt IsiiorkOisnItohe g'ymnatssliumhbet'xamlincd naow so 1t1at LH AI IER'S lih' wlly iknaoe Itir exact .1' l lii :10n 11e maikes dutritig the ,year s. NIoihrgeO .."...JEWELRY STOREI 10i n~siactindttoe iloersarts it:c~l 1 i convecnieit, being frontI to 5:30 U.of IV Buttons and o'clock. Atpreset !betwesn 200 silnd __________________________ o00 iso-ctyiobt'thihcusolo t ould~ DR~ l~ti~'iiitS.h~tths11110 oootlLow-ney's Chocolates hr tritled ot least. i ~-00GOTO- Ax Stagg Sees Us. P WW TUTTLTE'S ae St. Coarch Staogg ha~s tilt follsowIig to soay YALLEORETIS, i you 'wish. abI~iiout statrday's ,gtel sitliho'br- .0"The nnArtoor ff5110'I cxlec'os'd So ,f,4t.I i)E l'MIffS see rsult in Miciiigson's favtosr, boil thes' To70 R e tt s150' of teso-ore' 01a10s :a le'ter shtoow- lug for ani arbor t11an1 fornior git-4 The Largest Line of, Eleyvirs, Sun- - dies and Supplies at of tto'yeasr sootld ooarrantt. 1Itlis ei- decit to'e' are learnlig te' gailt' std M. STAiEBLER'S CYCLE EMPRIUMl, sowilh toSlo'argo aiout of italc-rist Otney Telephone No. S. One door Fast of Ameni- b aoise and therSlt-ii'is Ito doubttheyIls-aeneHouse. soul too'in ;good- conditioti sohensttho'y Fle anlishe Guarnantee. couse to se'e015 oni'Nosy. 25"SPALDING'S Choral Union Social.- Foot Ball Supplies For '97 -- Everv Itequisite for toe Game. 1 Onttu'srdaly eocintg, Nosv. 5, tl'cre Manugers wilt do oetS to write willbo vistin socal ivenforthefor samples and special rules ovilt ~ ~ ~ - to's 's~tgoca i-'tfs t'before purceang. ne tico-ttoltlttrs of to' ('iil iaoi .ait The Spalding iecial i"o theSchool of Muisic. TLet llt'ool - Foot Ball. t ando nsewo ito-ihe-co cneii and hesosiso'Adopted by Yale, Princeton, Pennsylvania, atcquitedtt. Harvard, Cornert, snd all other leudingeunt- versities. Each bail tested and pscked, and sealed in separate box with brass inflator Price. $5.00. .ool of ID ancing, Spalding's Of telni FVoot1Mil Guide for 51897 Edited by WALTER CAMP. Post- )sIte Law Bnilding paid. n gcents. Catalogue of Fail and Witer Sports, FuEE. - Single evenings a0 cents. A, G, SPALDING & BROS,, oompson Street. New York Philadelphia Chicago Washington I1oYou speak Greek? You can I learnl it while buying AGENCY FOR THE Fruit and candy at the Greek Store, WASHBURIJN, also BOHMAN 203 North Main street,- opp. court house. Pure home -made candies Mandolins andGutr and ice cream, fiene California fruits,S Gutr very suitable for presents, and we know you will want them for that UEi party you are going to give. SCIIAEBE1(LES Music Store JAMESICOSTIIS X114 W. Liberty St., Ann Arbor. THIS IS SPACE OF RICHMOND & BACKUS, DETROIT, MICH.