THE UNIVERSITY OFL MICHIGAN DAILY. 31 4Ll~~dw Published Daily (Sundays excepted) during the College year, at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. OFFICE: Times building. 39 S. Alain St. be- tween Liberty and Wlilliam Sts. ANAGING EDITOR J. F. TeOGMAS, 97. ATHILETIC ED)ITOtR 11. 1B. SsLLtAN, 'TS L, BUSINESS IIIANAGER* 0. I. itAxo, '05 EDITOSS E. L. GEtounI, '95 L. BUTLERn LAMB, '00. F. S. Sumx,'05, I. A. CAMwnEs., 't. F. A. Fixm, '98 E, A. CArneLL, '09. G. 0. itULNnuo, '00. T. R. WooDcuow, '98 G. D. JENxixoS, '00 M. The subscription price of the Dily is 2.50 for the college year, witht a regular delvery brfore noon eatch day. Notices, communica- -tins, and other matter intended for publica- tion moot be handed in at thte Daily office be- tote 8 p. in., or mulled to the editor before3 p. in., of the day prevtous to that on which they ore oxetotd to npear. Subscriptions may be left at The Daily Office, Iltyex' or Stoiffet's Newstand, or nitb Busiets Oanucer. Sbcrihers will ton- ter a favor by reporting promptly at this office any failure of carrlers to deliver paper. 'T'e Daily s13ar1s its e'igh31 ye'ar1 0u1- to 1113111 11113 13301n1 for adtii 3111 omoing in. ste feel ;tle' t promise1'0 0110 fctionl, lilt) Avll fairly V(oi(e IIll opinion.1 ttf lt'e e'lntit' stn.'len3 t it'). Colg neil l beV give0 r to'sll t' our1 33311. Wt' r('q03't stallI '111 to m11i1ke 11011 pt llmesl' io it 3791 1 11eme 10%ho '''cs '.'i e 1''th )3Daily. it sill 1113 on01y [1i(3 119 b131 it 55111l 11wy youi. .911(131' 9033 9pllecli'on 11 of tile Da3ilye; ('1111031 itt' bty tillll'3131g at 013c. FCCULTY ANNOUNCEMENTS. Prtof. AWalloi' sill inot 3111's iis c3las- e's1331 untllltlui9'. Dcl. 4. 3031 hisec tion iii Regillniig 0131581, SOiol Ilit still reporlt 33) 'Ar. Eilii't'r 131iIooml 2. J'iivs'iey Ha~ll, 331 9303 a. 33. on1 1F33- d1ay,' for ('rn1111i1. L.ECTUR'S (IN OiXGIIAE. The hour of Dr. Mlool's 5 tctors i Hy9gien1i0 is change0 fro 103 1 01113015 10 2 o'clok, Mondayi,9, 'W'ednesday113 and3 I 1I'ila', at Tolappa Hall. DhtiTPI'7N'lI' fI PtIILCi'if)PIIy. The plrofesors still be found sll1 theO Morris Semniiary Rooim (2, 1U. 1., on day froiii 11 10 12 a., in. atod :;t 1 4I1. I11. 13 is reqt~ied' that s3 det p11'150r0- posoing to 3t1kt elective cou3res will miet o'31i 313011 oh oiie of these' 039. R. A. ACELNLEY7. AMERIICAN 111STORI'. I still b30 11 Ro0011 2, Tappa'nt H0a11, every' da9' at iiooii for coOnltaution. Classes will mieet at itie hiours g-l in3 the lllll0001001000. A. C. McLA'12IMILLf. POLTICDAL ECONOMY. Professor Taiylor anld Dixoii sill ho in Room 11, Tapplan Hail, every clay at 11 ocelocis ts conisult with suetnts. DEPARIIENT 000EI 17TI('S. lHE- BREW AND HEiTA NIS'TIC GREEK. Profesoor Crag still be in 11000 2. Tappan Hlall, to conoult withi biteniiig stndents, on M onflry, Oct. 4, at 9) a. In. I1AIII.5N1\ F1EN'i' r )O"UNDERI (lIIAL''ELAIN CURSES. Courtise 4. Roman11i I3tealre sill 010 i till'1003310 1 131nnoun'ed111for 113100 71 l1hl1ora. Course 3 ill Jbe giv01r,$000113 ttmetrlr i plac' of Cotrso'. (ll7NEIIAI11BIO)L)OGY CiY.ff1 lt'I. .Otllt'lls 33133 desire'tocsltllftt' isI ttt' trutr tcneing'theti 310rl'3of15 1 313 c'our15s ill fid Profe'ssorSauslding it the Boanichl Llaboratory adli Mr. Worcester30 i 1113'Zooltgical Labra- t(319'(outi in'thig d11131lo), 010 Fr- 31139'ndlaturd0ay439. O(t. 3331(12, froml 0to 2. V. 9.iSPAUTDiNf, D. C'.1 OiR30~iER, Gii'FFSi. I sill 1130013119'class tote hours initetdn101 he11311033 l eieliut'0bll' in-"3l 13111g with Ttu'eday. Cosulaiol ho033rs: S.ttrday, O(901, 11 a.1. 9001n1339, o. 3, 11 a. 11. 1. L. I)'3OGE. CAMPUS IMPROVEMENTS. A fore of cane rsJ~'10, ipaiter's 1311 o3ther w5okmenha11300beein at wor.o 11(e 23313111$ll maotll3ll The 11'oldl lttloleopa.t 11330f1333111114,vas roled31l 331311 d1 ad3 heden3a i 0330.1Jldin11g wits renovated1 and ain 0 ltd. A iiew 333311 lias bIen'sit11331betweenl tlie den 3.11 c313d ll11(13t1le uld30 11i14s. A 'd3c3(1bo31101100 felong103(a3330eenlllp131 illrot h miei11 ch11a(33ica31l3lboratory 00 313'333 tri 'dtu1ctnlso330a130'duc artund( 1311' 1113113 buildin31g t30 r'ver'3 he1' 1131 3l1e 13i31htwile". '1(1333310 Momtha; b lln '3313r03+1' a11(1 1i't b3('109 .03 'l s 3o'1'1'.ie. '11333gh1013130the 33'0lroill'331 s ('331 3'..1 rlt'31 be9' 3no3tietd, till' 13115319'of h3331. Reteve 33139' 13' se-ei from 113. facle13333a$11111' ix tos o i s lead1033 andtl80.19310 1riolso hateen sed313. All 1111 gountds adhjacent to30 t'1103113 t'.'3li5 13353'beenu 0933101d0333d01sodde'. THE NEW STATE TELEPHONE COMPANY no 1305qulippililinat 9A031'Atbo 500 of the finest teleponei exhangs in thie Knifed St5a t. Its Lon~g Disltince station is alredy establhedlat te Cools Hotetl, swhbre connoetis can'0now be Iom1110310itih the Comtpaoy'o exhangs at Ypilaniti, lloiii'oe, Aft. Cleiiiens, S. Cliii, 53.3 Huroi, etc., antI wihlheIlenorouisa exchaiige of the Detroit Tlponoie ihn NewSt8ate Tlehoine Comtpnly has cime 10o3110 0111es:(f tlepone us300ss'io have been jpayig exoob- tot prices for twenty year o itoinoi- opoly. Patronize the N oCpllay. The public has 110 sympty fo "dea3th betd repentance." 33 JAS.A.1AHISTEF{C. / ri / ,, s l f 0.F 3f30> J ai 5 WAOCH FrALLOpng DBEAL'S SDOE SIOBE 109 N" Main Street. Oppoeite the Court Hlouse. Something Extra " 0 0 " s " In buying our Fall line of Suilts a coats. We bought not onily an ex litne, but ani extra flue assortmlent- swellest of fabrics, miade up~ in the NEWEST STYLI As to the wor~kmaJnship of oDrll'o wvish to say that it is equlalled oul. best of tailors, bult is sold at a JR price. NOBLSE'S STAR CLOTllINGi 209 SOUTH MAIN STREET. to n 1113 Over- xtra large ' t1 5 -the very 'J~ ES itling, 'ye y b~y.the ~ ~ \ sudh 'lower \31 b Watch for the Annual Anouncemert of the Students, lecture Association, Advertise in the Daily, IT WILL PAY YOU. l