i ,der VOL. VIII. No. 29. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1897. Four PAGER. WILD Has received a full line of Novelties for Fall andWinter in Suits, Trousers, and Overcoatings NO, 108 E, WASHINGTON ST. NEAR MAIN A ll egretti's Chocolates.... Fresh' every week. Only in ;packages- 6tc a pound. Lowney's if you prefer. PALMER'S PHARMACY, Jast Received a Large and Elegant Line of Now Pipes!r Hot and Cold Lunches at all hears. Agents for Huyler's and Williams and Wrners Ce.'s Chocolate ass Bans. - R. B. JOLLY & CO. 30S South State Street. This Space Reserved For the THEATER C THOSE NOBBYSUITS! MILWARD THE TAILOR, STATE STREET. WAHR'S 300HSTORE. Students should try us before making any purchase. We are bound to satisfy and please. Our large stork of Law and Medcal Books, in short, Test Books for every department in the University, new and second-hand enables us to sell at the lowest price. Blank Books and U. of M. Sta- tionery at low prices. Make our stores your headquarters. WAHR'S BOOK STORE Up Town Dawn vows 5. state at. Opposite Courtousoe Aon Arhor Male st. PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY. Full Announcement of the Meet- ings-A Splendid Course. Te program of the Philosoihical Society for the first semeotr of the en- suing year has been made ot com- pletely and is given belowThe ex eetive committee afthle -soieth Iave been haid at awok ot soie time ar- ranging this prograti, and citiny deseves great cecdit for tte reults oh its eftorts[lhe list of lecturers se-itted contains the namesofatseie of the leading tphilosohettrs 1101 only 01 this country but of Scotland also The complete program is gives betow: Dr. WB Pillsttr-"Thle P1-ie ot tsychology Aiong the Sieicecs Rocmens, U.LHft 8Sp. is.,lThrsday Nov. 4. 1This aill be a pibi-tietie Mr. W. 'M Wherry Jr, 'Is Iit- "Evidence of a Design ia Natre Room 25, L. t1,S p i..Fidy, Nc-a 19). Stdent nicting. Pi-of. Win. Cldwel S.D,rofes soc of 'M101l si tlosopyity iNorth waestern Uiverity-"Philosohli sind the Net.er Socology:. Study in Con tenipora ry Thou-lt" Lectur Roost TitaanHall, S8i. in., Tescay-ic.t 7. Public meeting. Mr. John 1I. Stacy, '0-1s, An torus of Natural 'Realisto't'enalt. Roiss 25, U. IH., 8 p.i.,15 lTursay, .ian. 13, 1S8. Stutets' luetto-- Joint meeting of Phriloatpilt tind Phtilologcal Societies-Subject of dis- etisio: 'Tie Relaitonsof tClahss-si Study to the Stutdy of Piosohy." Lecture Room, Tapptntatslol 8 p. m., 'Thitrsday, Jai). 27. tPibl'i-eeting- Mr. A. A. Forhee, 'PS t tou1lts ot Intdivtdtial and Scial ttpssisbility in Mtaral Qustois." RoomttiyiUP 11 8 I. in., Thursday, Feb. S. hnadadition to the above te follow- in0g cioineft smen are expectet to opeak isefore the society diinii-taie ensuing year: T. Mark Baldwin Ph D. Princeton; Dr. Paul arlic edittr of the 'Monist, Chicago; [rf Tvler Coruell Uniaerity; Prof Ja Kight St. Andrews, Edinurgm-; Pro. Giman, editor o News-World, Boson, -nd ev eral oilerjprominenilt naies Duiiing the oecondoemeseir ppes' sill 'be read by Profesors Walter, Scoftt, MeMurrict, Wenley, Lloyd, and Rebec. Tie-subjecto of the papero and ttie dateoawil be a nounced atter. 01l Glee Club Organizes. The tFreshtiman Glee Club mi ye- terday afternloon and effeced a per- manent organization for the year. Henry ,Danforfh, of Ann Arbor, wao elected manager, Sam Vimmernan, hresidet; NWillam lM~gley, of Cncn- nati, leader, anti Pratt, sertary. About fifteen candid.tes attended th meeting and . F. Ebel coductd the examination. After thienetig Exaiiiner Etel said that the quality of the casddaes' voices was very high. t is the purpioe of (aager Dnforth to have the club appeir be- fore- the public moore than is ucual with freshsati oraniztiones. Senate Trophy Contest. Althiotughi the date of the Sent Trophly cotest is mny ivees idistat an artivte Interest hs are--aiy becci imtidec ottnifest, andif it ict i ra- seth greatest success in thit historyofuthilesi- eonate-t-, wilt be recorted this ye-ti Up to thetpresit tiiie soiiit six or sirv cii hose sinifiedthli-ti- entitiito i ainy eat eat at the -very dteoit-hie contestBit while this is so ttire tre someniienolers of the inic-ucs- Senrttartate is faoidttotppig it htlics- tug that t totintre--st towns ntot stfit ceit to waratsthtet-offerinu- of -a trophy year after year Dr tuteri'lit is of an opposing optutont.a le as never kinowmoso iany tos ti-keitir ies aboutitthe Contst so ea-ry :ii te yeiarsant says it is a sate -ritrin [lowve-r he says the-eu--lt -o tbe nmany sore contestants thi-tii rt nosv trotisised a-iur-c--altlt-uake a -l.-ii The rtituly is g-iven tot- teticst "cii craltituysicali eaveoitnt utdtiitltitit ini ' miasiti s -d s --irst oteutdin i '95, whenm it wa-a-w-n tby it lt- ut-i iaii', tof Detrit'Thc-eitvtye--r Bttoiuitiston '96fLthe ' i t sif- ott stcotiit'baseisan andifllft back as i vi-toidos-. aisi-last -ar tl iilv'iter totalsaint to tRic-hardusoim 't8 1,. Th lievents wshichi iat-eleritofor tteein contested aert-- 1-cse'-vaultt rope ctimnting, igsh kitks-ar--lte Itars Ciirtian loise antutmttiling I is yeasr it is tproosedt to e'timsint tite sisiscito the otpec ttor iI-rtptat-et si t hese teaects counts livae pintss-- For tbest itlussittdteotmuent l1t toits is given 'Varsity Practice Thet'V'arsity 1had idisgreablt water aisilgrotuincs for ,yeseittys ticactie btt nvtrteltss made a. shoimnsnwahich pleasetlfte ioat-tes Tthey conisdei it ltheitst in waeeks I. the in-uptihl~e scrubts aacriino matih aa-hichtshas not lieli the-casinl tietpleviousoiaomi. Ini liii-short hl-t playedl the 'Varsity scored two-ctui do-usBesitdesCoachs 1- eret and .Stevensonattey,-Farnhmaimi Dr-c Duffy and Gates looket iftethte War- sity's tlay and infsed oieot the desiied sap into It tRichiattdson and Ayres, endsfod maniimfull bat-ianti Gordoiiii-if ai the latest additioins to te tratiu table Chess Club Meeting 'Tte imeting of ftie '1hes Clt aa Wlciwsas to htae len Let atis 'Thurdayuill beselicd WIeniesda-y -Noa.3 at the libraiy of le Enieer- iiig Society iii the old t.Igiueris btilding ft 1is lotlts-t a i-r-i nunber aaill icoiie i. Eaery Stueti intere-stedl in ihess should atteidl ntl help sake the ycear -l 51ce-t-s-tll one for tie Chess Ctub.T he''ttiniitiotift-c is 25 ells andtheric aec ioittie et- tiuire-t. The miost ipittrtait hitsittss to icomieup aail be the eleci--tu ofi-h ccis, piudnt viceprestdeitsr- i tar'- treasuirer audtwao director. OUR DEBATE WITH CHICAGO Local Committee Proposes the - Question. The Debtatig Comnmittee et last night amd votest to tprotose the folhlot- ing qutetion to Chicgot for detate: Rtesotved[le -tction of tie Scnare in rejecting thet- propotsedttreaity of arbi- tration ietawteesGrc-t Briaitoato te Unied tltts-wa1s aise. Chieago chloosessiots.tPot. [ruebood yes- terdtay rective-d a tele-g-rim frois Chi- cisgo annoumnciig tir wilithnness to goahieadtami detetwcaathustins isulsti. [hus year the debate illa-t be heid lure just hi-ore the strsu 's-a-atiom. Ar-n-emiuens aitt be complthed at once so tha t thuetdebate fimay- te ex- pected to go off in au satis-ictory mlan- tuem this year For 'lie tiesent atlea-t t-e Cental Debtating-'-ag-e is ini 'le air and crtainly iciinnot bc comltted in timec for a contist ths ytar. Tht 'it-itl AlishaNui contest ail be hit-hi Thurs- da-, Dueenter ) andutthet'Jt-herso- an-tWIebsttrtdebuate Surdi aDecent. hem 11. Thefinal deitte btwet a he L-awaanaidtiter-icy Dethcctmetslsasil occtur Januiryi2us Tennis Tournament Postponed. 'fle soiny we iatheir rea-ctet thet tontication of thu tems toura-mentt y esterda.a Tirhutremai-inguumta-tchies will te iplacut oft asson a5soteuoi- udition ittfit-ecouts peintit The fis- tossn matcesiti a -re yet itoue ctuest: Danforthm stterrick, hpresent c-ltge chuampuuion; sec-ond lassh-i :st-uti- final moud, Ludow vs 'ilbtutu fintl roumd eil ettcvsas-inner ofliefLudlowi-- -Witiuimatsc-tm The cuusiugeiisiflos been geatly plueasediwit [leiquaityS of fle tentis idislaiyed t>o far in the tournamtisent mattcs, suitextects 1o maitke it good sowsaing sagaist Chmictgo nel sping. Junior Medic Election. 12elting aiioth --^rsti-isc he'n electe-dtin te JunisoramiI- I -ii itc:a "'-usiletit Frederica W.IlB --sa-uswl-c Preside-nt -t-ina.Asesitt-ti-''en..- tamy Altc GISydecr-'1"esw'i,'(,lar- ecet-.tChitk The tue. ytc mulot 'a-itsuch sucess -oI n3atiucestlst .year sumoume tothi still--isisa-udl lufes- srs it-ia mlcits utinsituusuisy udecidec to adopttthe samelilw's-s-wereIona 1. 0['-ink-r and 1B ,G.Sow waert eecited to fill vaci-tncesontiieu court of Lonom. One More Scientific Club. "Thu Cathot-tstoteniai" to the namse of at news scientific cub whiichi meets once in threaeeks to listen o a pta- per 'by somueumemmber. lhis apislatio is h fuaimse ths U. of ). c-rriedI for the first two yars of its eiltne. PresideoftIHutchinus, fro. DOg. Ta f. B. A. Hinsdae, Prof. -Amdr-tv M et . ighsiu, Dr. CGeorge Doltksiind Dr. J. P. Mle81umniel and oters blon.