THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. The Store Non Irritantf.. Soft and pleasant to the skin, perfect fitting, health ,giving, service- alble and as near perfec- tion as UNDERWEAR can be made. GO OD S PEED'S. MAIN STREET. STYLISH DRESSERSI FURNISHINGS CORRECT FADS I Of all manner of articlss that go to made op a gentlemen's wardrobe hewn for tihe first time here. FISK,. CLARK & FLAGGS Complete line of fine neckwear. ".&W." COLLARS, Newest Shapes Barkers Perfect Fittingjfiollars. Night Robes 50c to $ Laundered Shirts, 75c to $1.50.' Bath Robes $2.50 to $3.50., Fancy Hose 25c to 75c. Black Hose 1211c to 50c. Mens' Sweaters 40c to $4.00. Street or Dress Gloves $1.00 to $2.00 Umbrellas 76c to $4.00. Fine Suspenders 15c to $1.00. Newest Novelties in Cuff Links, Shirt Studs, Collar Buttons, etc. Kens' Fine Under- wear 25c up. XIens' Fancy Front Shirts boc. MACK & CO. o - r I t, "1, QV O I Cold, icy times will be here soon. We are prepared for tile emergency with splendid values in T NDR W VEAR. Combination Underwear, $1.00, $1.50, $3.00, $4.50 and $7.00. Warm. Durable Undershirts and Draw- crs, 50c, 75c, $1.00 and Up. W G N ER & COiN;Furnishers Lamps ]expressly 4o- Students' Use "The Rochester,' "The Yale," "The Royal," "The Perfection," "The Berlin Student," all nickle plated, varying in price from $1.00 to $2.50 each. ATI Every student should use Dean's "Red Star." It gives a pure OILU 4white light, is odorless and does not chlar the wick. Deliv- ered in any part of tihe city in our cans at 10c per gallon. IFor sale only by ] DEBAN & COMPANYV. 214 South Main Street. An Excellent Concert. another arltist1new to ain Acn Artbor 'I'ileSlaytonl Cr11111 (oucort (Co. gave tli('llr.oi afld the m1111110r ill which ie 1 c'U'ie lir'51 lly lighlt ill t prl'enl '1"Faust" 1at 0111' ,lade' hi1m1a favorite. One of till 11111 lprograthat 1111it 1has IIe110posssesa particullarly 1Ill, aoant b~en1 ill'goodl fortunle of local acid- soic and1used1i(tl 01advanltageously. i'enes to 11ea11. Ev-ery lllillber ws r ltllne0xtllnumbellr ill till'('Oll'111110rl" 1mos1tlheartily applauded andl 1111(encoes Novs-.)', 1w-1e11 llhe Hon1. Alter Brue swere frequent. lectures. Alts Mary Angeli. a liece(If Presi- After till' cocert Malx Bendix was do-lt Ang-el, was 1111epilnist of te 01- intierviewed'1lby - ily)11 an1111ill re- ensionl 1101lnladelier' firot 1public ap1souselllto a que11sionllrectlrlinlg lis psearanlce hiere lunl slhloed lmarkedi opipion of Michiln lltdell s 1asll ability. RBeethov-en's "Moolighlt" 8011- illltiellcl, 110said: "I found he and-1111 1111, till'first numberlb l' 11tile llrllgia' ieI'e110symlpathletitc11nd1 a1s (-lallltlg 111nd thelou10b110lelnumber', "W'tllc's to 111113t10 is0any t1h1at --ie es-er, Price 'Song":' (Wagner-1t(Ilel) 11111 net. 'fhey 0seemed'llto 11kWnow 111,1an "''relllolo" (Gtltscl-k) were' rcsuoero'l w5hellto lisl-rillntule andswd OIl l th i' ill1 an excellenlt Imannler, andi troulght C0l1tt151ll 11at1111'poits15that li('51r5.1l forthl aecalls. 1110 formler 01113 beinlg re- it mos0t. But to1 1e11 tie truth, I was5 sploullel to witih anothler numbllier. MHiss corm;11i1tei3lundber till weather and did An~gell also lacl'llllillied tile otlher arI- 10notlo111yself julsti-e-and thatt foot- fistos111111showed as 1111c11adapltatility 1111l ameldll it. Tt 11110 ieenl seven- il, tis as 1inlhr solo wsorkt. 11e111orelighteenl yeatrs since I 1111v1 311. 'Max Reudix, for 3ears tilelhetatIse1011a11gamell, 1-111 1 1 payedi on lmy violintst of till 'riomlas 011ciestra, collelge teaml. 'Well. wihen we arriv-etd u-as entutllstasla13- receivedl 011d1fullyiJ' Ito10n1tis aftelrnoon andl heat'd.(of suistained ihis excellenlt repultationl. His 1110 gamell, wss-e t11ld rigiht 0111to 111- renudition of tile "C'arumenl Fanltasit"'fheld. :Whlenlthat first slrllllllagl' canle hlad a Idashland brilliancy t111t 11110itllitie 1' illartl ill)lrit up11ill halrdly 'been sulrpassedl here, allIds'Was .11y3throalt and comp0lel1tly3 unnerv-ed ttice interrupited b11y'appllaulse. His 1111. RBut I11 joyed it immesly,1003anul otler num~~bers received1 Ileritedl recog- 5wa15 1101e'tiall ipleasetiatIth1e1rec-l'tion~ nition. givenl 110itotil er~tng. Miss ennie Osborn, soprano, coin- plieteiy l'aptiv'atedthte 'audience 11-tilhTTl ~ES 'T1erecisa abanquet 000110 in Chlarles tile swaltz soug from fiounol's "laisu" lnesnc asia old et Juliet." tier voice istpowerfu0 llnd sweet 11111 unlder perfect eontrol. No wichel appears at tile Atilel.s Tiheater leoo enjoyable was iler stining of "aThetlilt, 'ld tre loti, ie f r roaglclan, 15 giv-euran opportuntty to' 'Trostic" (Maude Valerie Witie) anld dslyii seyoe iebakat "Song of Thlanksgiviug" (Ailetoen). dipa -i aseyoe hebakat "Mr. Ftrauk II. Orlmsby, tenor, w as Subscribe for tile Daily. A ]BIG STICK OF LICORICE For that cold. -AT- 'Ta ~ .i. No. PI3E. Washington Si Mummery's Druw Lore Coer.Fourth ave. W. J. BOOH, Prs. W. AoN'OL,lst Vice-es J. V. SHaEEHAN, 2d Vice-res. JOHN C WAL, Ast. Cashier. State - Saviiius - Balk Transacts a general Banking busi- ness. THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK Capital Stock, $50,00. Surplus, $10,000. Resources, $1,100,00. Organised underthe Generui anking Laws of thIs State. Receives deposits, bys and 'sells exhange on the prineipal cities of the UnitedStates. Draft cshed upon proper Identfieation. Safety dpoit boes to rent. OFICERS: Christian Mak Pr. W. . Harriman, Viee-Pros.;t Chas E. Hscock, Cashier: M. J. Fets Assistant Cashier. FIRST NATIONAL It OganisedA1803 Capital, $100,00. Surplus and Profits, 40,000 ITransacts a general bankng business. Foreign echangfe bouht andsod. Furnish ttters of credit. F. . KINNE, Prs. HIARRISON SOULE, Vceeree S. W. CLARKSON. fashier f! rmrh fflirs 1itik Csr. Mai and Huron Srot. Capital, 5,0000.OSurpus '0000. Transci a genrsalbanking busness. H. K0MF srsPe te E.G E, Vice-Peso Foo. H. BESEl Cashier. C. n. MAJOR & CO., The Artisticfdeorators Have a complete line of Wall Paper, Paints, Oils, Window Shades, Room Mouldings, Etc. Specialty of fine interior deeprating, paintinlg, frescoing, tinting alnd aper hanging. Only the best of workmen emuployed. Work guaranteed. C. M. MAJOR & CO., The Artistic Decorator. F. J. SCHLE]EDE. 340 S. STATE STREET Book uindin .........1 cents ad up Solid old IFoutain Pos.-0...100 and p. Waterman and Wint'eens in stock and lens Repaired. Whoesato and Retail Ppe.13 lbs. of Lin- en Paper for 50c STEINS ! PV A RED -HOT LINE -AT-Ladn WMARNOL iJe Mutsic Stutdio PIANO, PIPE ORGAN AND COMPOSITION. CONCERT PIANO TUNING R. H. KEXPF, From Stuttgart Conservatory, Germany. 312 SOUTH DIVISION STREET. 0 MUSICAL !@ Mdl G'ilespie, teacher of Mandolin, Banjo and Guitar Instructor in the Cniverity School of M~usic. 10 years experience as a teacher. Call at Ann Arbor Music Co's. Store to arrange for hours:. .. . Holmes Livery Stable! 509 E. Liberty St. Central location. Good Service FIRE !P During the past ten 111 years the Toledo Laundry Co. have kept their custom- ers goods insured against fire, a fact that ise appreciated by their ptrons Bet of work and Prompt Delivery. Branch Office 123 South Main St., Ann Arbor, Mich A