THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. To Cover Your Nakedness Is One Thing! To be Properly Dressed Is Quite Another! How can you be satisfied to wear ordinary ready nmade clothes, or cheap meicant-tailored ones, when you can by garments bear- ing the labels of The Stein-Block Co's. and Harnmerslovtgh Bros.' Made of the very best materials, by expert cnstom tailors, after the most fashionable models, at about the same price as the former and a great deal less than the latter. Our Profit on these Clothes is not as large as on other makes. They are better, and consequently cost us nmore. But we make more money in the end, because we sell more Stein Block Clothes and more Hammerslough Bro's. Clothes than any other sort and never have to spend a cent to advertise their merits: to a customer who has once worn them. You cannot get as good, except from high-class tailors at about double Stein Block and Hammerslough Prices. Test the truth of our assertions. You risk nothing. -'Your money back if you want it"? proves it. Liudenschmitt & Apfel. 221 SOUTH MAIN STREET. Y . . _._ .._... ._. LIIE LARGEST STOCK OF Guitars, Mandolins and Banjos in the City. The lowest price is the State. Agensofor Washbrsnsoil Waldow instrouments. ANN ARBOR IUStc CO.,, 205-207 B. WashingtonSst. ANN ARBOR RAILROAD. Time Table, Sunday, Sept. 5, 1897. TOME TABOLE: Traiss leave Ass Artosr by Cjestral Standard Time. 8:42a.m. *7:0am *12:15 a. m, 11:25 am. 4:46 p. m. 8:40 pm. t9:10 a. M . '8:05 p. m. 'Bus betweensAss Arbor asd Toledo only. }Runs between Toledo ad Howell. This trainSunay only., AlB other trains daily except Sunday, E. S. BFILMORE, Agent W. B ENNTTG.P. A.Toledo O0 Central Standard'Time. TRAINS AT ANN ARBOR. Mail andEx.--3 47 B., N. Y., lChi 812 N. Y. Special.... 4 58 Mail -5______ iS91 *N. S. Limited.-.6043 P. M. Eastern Ex-- iS-10uS Western Ex.1-_ 155 A. M. tG.. &K. Ex.-5 5 D. NExpress--__ 5 550lChi. Nt. Es.-5-- 40 Atantic Ex--7 30 Pacific Es.----12 it G.ER. Express --_11 10 'North Shore Limited Is as extra fare train to be a charge sf8$2.50 to New Yorh than on other trains. 0. W. BUGGLESs, B. W. HAYED, G. P. & T. AgtL, Chicago. Agt.1 Ass Arbor U.of M. Shaving Parlors and Bath Rooms 322 SOUTH STATE STREET. Ladles' artistic Hair Dressing op stairs Old friends call again. We welcome new ones. J. R. TROJANOWSKI, RENTSCHLER, THE PHOTOGR&4PHER Telephone &0. ANN ARBORI ENOCHi DIETERLE, EnIBALMER AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR. Calls Attended Day er Night. No. 116 Baat Liberty Street: Besidence. 53 Soth Fourth Ave. Phone 125. RANDALL, THE PHOTOGRAPHER, WASHINGTON BLOCK. ANN ARBOR. KINDERG6ARTEN, .2.Huo t Call and See Us, CAN FURNISH MUSIC OF FIRST-CLASS. Orders for all Fratersity parties, cil dances, etc. Leave orders at Ann Arboi Muic Co. or at Besidence. 1710Geddes ave, F.S.-Will take pupiln on Piano and in sight reading at above named Places, A. J .Johnston. Foun- tain Pen. GORWR M N ADaHU \R/STREETS F~a/ 0.UNERAL RDIRECTOR. _ CORNR MAN AD HUON TREES i Embalming a Specialty. is the place to Register. This Register is alwvays consulted horst by the' NO. '209 F OURTHx AVENUE. Messengers-It'sFR EI Ambulance night or day. IF'i~E~E.Residence, 202 Fifth Avenue. Saturdays Tennis. tennlis disphayed was very high a111d ANTON 1 "itg t'P T. shooed a ditin:ct ilillrovont uon !~ Saturday :afternooni 11he'doubi:' tar- the forillofl lasts siring.BEADQUARTERS FOB liua:it caineoslo cose. t.,.Danforh1Trsuks, Vaises. IDress Suit Ernoes. and an Liihlat ei~ lohe i:s:l CLLGEALMNEMEE'T'. TobsadTelescoprs. alidLam, lst yar' doble 1a,1- OLLEE AUMNE TrnksandValises repaired nratly and pit no, srrendel:redtl1he title aod Lis,-or (Continued from Birst page). cheaply. Ne. 307 S. MaleStret. to: it. Danforthi sod 12:-rick. Tisiafact 'Thse.boal cosasi.O-tee-s a1:1h2Oti' , AL EP was5 - scolpitisiiedi by list victoiry of errs of the W oiiiaiio Leasgue wore Nv.711 /' L ' Jt. Daniforth:anld tHerrick aver 11. Galo- 1'oc a:liiELoRli l aleolali:' forthi and Li.s ilo inso well tought When ini:'rviv es:by a. 1: hores-O..J W L YSOE r::alcl: lastiiig th~e fuililfive sets. fisoros- lide of fie: Daily, Mlro. Alice Fritemani . f I Buttons and lay afteroonis Herrick andle i Palnoer, a gradlia te of ti~etUnivo-rsity U f ,P ins. had woiitloeotut of three oils; onoo ihiahoili oool 1:iloe Satsirday they mett agaio to fiiiishte to a tloesti oil regairlilig tle soject of FOR . i::itei. It. Daoforthosad 1ab ovon ,1ac 'o1oiiinios Iessgsie: Itsobject is Lowney's Chocolates the 'first set, loot the oldeci'tlam tracethreie foldl. I-i: otii5 i : to' an ail- c-G O T-- and woo the droidiog set ratihetr e.sily. oiuislral ivo' lodpaoi ssle u of ottile 'WsW T8TT s.~ "The "first set playaed Satoarolay was yowiig ldic oafIi:' oifr yyolii'wista. the( osot stubbornly coolestsed of 11hse-ies of nieiotos'rs of "tilo' facul.ay l ALEEIS i ouwih 3match andaolsboundedl in brilliant playscareT A N D tli OfssoewStlen; co-ioltoey lorives. -enah'l etrs -erfl n Dafothha heled 3 2ani hean:1 url, lto provide foor the socal __ I :ost adx-antag~eo:.s side of fliar ao'l ; life of tlileyosllglaodies. 'ITo JRent ! ! t lobut Danfortho and TLam~b playeod their S.TOA The- Largest Line of Bicarles, Sum- uisual steady game and woa tie11:00a- S.TOA dries and Supplies at joity of thie foliowiog gamaeos andol ii.' OSERVIAT9RY OF MUSIC M. STAEBLER'S CYCLE EMPORIUM, se.t, score f1-4. Telephone No. S. One door East of Ameni- The last set wtitnesseod tile Walorlooo CONDUCTED BY TiHE can House. ef Danforthi sld Lambl. They loIt down (-leomletely aiid seemieo at the S I S T-or a The Namne the Guarantee. inereyc of thir opponents, whio soaonlOF Ti-lBADIG' hadthescoe -. Hre he youn "r TFoot Ball Supplies For 'W tearbraed -nd on he nxt wo M 1Every Requisite for tihe Game. lesin trao-'01110 woi ho n~l tos 11ON OE C NVE T banagers will do well1to write ovms bti as thae last ficker of for samples ured special rates the ande, nd he liai~pinshp ws rbefore purchasing. th cudeald li'claiapoislil W5 Piano Forte, Vocal Culture, The spaldingOfca soiinlanetgae le002 Mandolin, Guitar, Violin,. Foot Ball. th.nieIltl a t-,108 -,40, Banjo, Harmony, Counter- Adoped by Vale, Princeton, Pennsylvania, 6-2. Harvard, Cornell, and all otherlrading uni- In the fil round of flrot closs s111- point and General Musical versities. Each ball tested and pached, and sealed in separate box with brass inflator Igles ;It. Danforth well fromit usseland Theory. Study of Harp, Price, $s.ns. therby he igh to eetHerickforSpaiding's Of~l ooitensRal Gutde thrbyterihmo aet 'rikfr l1e . O1azkeZ' for 897 Edited by WALTER GAMe, Pot- the college chamapionshsipa.Each flay--" paid, io cents. rr had w-on onie set Fbridlay and 21he catalogue of Pall and Winter Sports, FREn, play-off Saturday uuorning woas moestADDRES A' 6. SPALOING & BROS.,! exciting. thussel 'did not play aso well Now York Philadelphia as on tlae previous day; and Daniforh 1llST. THOMAS CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC, Chicago Washington wo.n in straighit sets. The qluality ofil ELIZABETH STREET. A EHNCY FOR THE UnTTiversity School of Dancing, WSBRas IA r Mandolins and Guitars State Street., opposlte Law Building nTerms $5.00 a semester - Single evenings 50 cents. SCIIAEBER9\1LE'S Music Store Ofilce-427 Thsompson Street. 114 W. Liberty St., Ann Arbor. i " 9 3 t i 1 I 1