THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. the bhall. Feberit, Heniner a - teckels each made 5 yards wi: Farnham made the remainder of Published Daily (stndays excepted) during distance for a touchdown. Bloomi the College year, at ston kicked goal. Score 6 to 0. THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. Bloomingston carried the ball on t OrricE: Times building, 329 S. Main St. be- next kick-off back to the 35 yard it tween Liberty and William Sts. Ott a. fake kick tihe bail wao fuichb IANAGING EDITOR and it went over to the 'Vars J. F. THOMAS, '00 L. -- Hodgman punted back of goal BUSINESS MANAGER Bloomington puxted 30 yardo. 0. H. HANS, '00 L. . game for the remainder of the h: EDITORS consisted mostly in eXchanging ki it. B. SKILLMAN, '98 L., Athletics. nsistod motl etanging ki E. L. GESMIsMER, '93 L. - - Monday and ended with tte bal on 'Varsil BUTLER L.AMB,'00, - - - Tuesday 10 yard line. G. I. HUDNUTT, '00, - Wednesday In the next half halley made T. R. WoODROw, '9,0 Thursday Alumni's second touchdown after A. CAMPBELL.,'99l, - - - -Frdayseeso shr rsh. dg I. A. CAMPBELL., 00, - - - Saturday blocked the trial for goal. Score to 0. Hodgman kicked off for 30 ylrt The sobs.'riptian price tof the Daily is $1.10 ttodgt.n kicked ott o for the college year, aith a regular delivery ltmiiigston '('tlred wit t is before noon each day. Notices, communica- hat netted 40 yards here the 'v tions, and other matter intended for publica- tion must be handed in at the Daily ofcebe- sily did the best work and beh fore 8 p. m., or mailed to the editor before 3 D. m., of the day prevous to that on which sItlenidid interference Hogg matte a theuuc ns may belet at The Daily of 20 yards. Then Felver made 8 o office. Meyer's or Stofiet's Newstand, or clever double pass. Gordon imm with Business Manager. Subcribers will con- fer a favor by reporting promptly at this tately following it tll with a dodgi office any failure of carriers to deliver paper. ds11 for 22 yardis. Af ter several m The alumni seem to bei waking p. Short gains ithe ball went over cwaig Ldowns. 'Varsity got tilt bal it at no time in recent years has there fiwis. md glt ked. n been the entusiasll among the ex- tuible and Hodgman kicked. T students that was shown Saturday. kick was lheeled and Biooiaingst Large delegations were present at the look a fair trial for goal froi the College Alumnae and Political Science yard line which was sticessftul. Sei Association meetings, Polt the attend- 15 to 0. Shortly liter lis Hutchins Assoiaton nt'tilgs. ut ie led- ei'bert cfnd Dyer retired ini favorr ance at the game surpassed every- Flrenif J y-i andired reor thin. Lt th almnigamehe adeGreenlEaf, Jewett and Freund respec tilng. Lt teauii gively. Time was soon after call gn aninual featire. with the ball on Michigan's 35 ya In its last issue that very virtuousine. publication, the Ann Arbor Register, All i all hie gahle vas a deid has the following fit:Alumni wOn, lthe Daily has received a V postal 'arsity is entitled to praise for il from Oberlin saying that 200 would work, as no doubt the aggregation pr sented by the alumni could, when eccomnany the team, to be placed condition, give any team in the count even. 'Here is a chance for some s cu- dent of limited means to niake a pa-ft a hard tussle. The line-up was as fo of his school expenses." 'VAsI The above local appeared in the U. atA Ind Ayers..... a. FarUMN of M. Daily, Oct. 22. Is it possible Lockwooa...........--I. t................Mall Lehr ..............1. g.....Stevensc that a publication issued in the inter- Cunningham ...........c...............Deng ests of Michigan students, supposedly Snow...........r. g.........R. enamg Baker............ r. t...............stre with the sanction of the faculty, and Bennett............r. e Hutchinson and upholding in long editorials all sleps Richards and ..'iver..q..... i i..........................................Baeel for the purification of college athletics Barrabe..............1. 5..Ferbert and Jew Hogg and Gordon....r. ....Dyer and Freu can preach such doctrines? Hodgman.............f b........ Bloomingst Surey it cannot 'be for the welfare Touchdowns - Farnham, Maley. Ga Suey itcno cfrte from touchdown - Bloominesa Fitr of Michigan students to have gambling goals - Blormingston. Time of halves - minutes. Referee-John Daffy. Umpire-1 held up to them as a reputable way G. Prettyman. Timers-Wright and Duls to make money. It cannot be to the in- Score 15 to 0. terest of the University to have ;ts "A Hired Girl" at the Athens Toe patrons throughout the state led to be- ter tonight. lieve that betting on gailes is upheld and encouraged by such an importaut Save noney by patronizing the 11 organ as the college Daily. Above all. lerss Laundry. Collars 1 cent, cuffs nothing is more in contrast with the cents, shits 8 centss Wm. R. Fo doctrine of pure athletics that to up- Agent 427 Maynaad t hold betting on games, for when 'the game ceases to be for pure sport and becomes a source of 'income Is either the players or their supporters the ChocolateS FOR spirit of professionalism is introduced and pure amateur sport is no more." r The Register is easy; hereafter we'll " illustrate our humor. The last of this week we ALUMNI WON EASILY. shall have Allegretti's Chocolates in 2, 3 and5 (Continued from First Page.) lb. packages. We also gale, bucking the line a have Lowney's in all sizes spirals that earned him the reputation the same as before. of 'the West's best full back. t Hodgman kicked off to the 10 yard ' line, Dyer coming back 35 yards be- 6o Cents a Pouud. hind great interference before tackled. Bloomingsaon and 'Farnham made DP ARMACY short gains and then the former punt- 11 - PnAnmAui. ed 40 to Hodgman, who made a mis- erabl fumble and Henninger fell on WJ)NTER SHOES I --OF--- Every Description A LARGE LINE OF CY--SHOES SEE OUR wINDOw? IWAL'S SHOE STORES 10) N. Main Street. Opposite the Court Ho use. Nw *- C s Also a new line of Co'ored Shirts-stripes, checks and Plaids-in our south window. $1.00 andi $1.50. led- he Heir" e- in ry ol- td t L!1t ey by Single admissions will be sold for each entertainment as follows: les at Nansen's Lecture_.- ...........-$1.00 Reserved Seat- .$1.50 ett Sousa, and His Band-.-.1.00 Reserved Seat-..1.50 on Gov. Robert L. Taylor. .75 Reserved Seat--........._1.00 ia Six Other Numbers-----.- .75 Reserved Seat------. 75 - ffSAVE YOUR MONEY BY SECURING A SEASON TICKET. i- Season Tickets, - - $2.00 5 3 S Season Tickets Reserved, [Extra] .50 i Dress.:-: Your:-: Neck Just as becomingly as you do the rest of your body-wear a tie that feels right and looks right. We're going to help you out on this Tie question: See Our Window. THREE FOR ONE DOLLAR ie 6Cuttingg Rer&Co 201 and 203 South Main Street. - - Ann Arbor, Mich BLACK EMERALD KID-$4.oo Hundreds of men count them the best, the easiest, the dressiest shoes they can gt. We hnow they are thoroughly good-any shoe appreaching their quality are S00 to $I.50 more. rEery stroke atwork on them is Oneabhn h le wh best shoemaking. Toes of two shapes. Winter weights, double soles, $5.00. WM9f. J. A WPRILL, E di9 EAST WASHIINGTON STREET.. i