Ab. VOL. VIII. No. 28. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1897. FOun PAGES. WILD Has received a fulal line of Novelties for Fall aniWinter in Suits, Trousers, and Overcoatings NO, 108 E WASHINGTON ST. NEAR MAIN Al legretti's Chocolates.... Fresh; every week. Only in ;packaes- 60e a pond. Lowney's if yon prefer. PALMER'S PHARMACY Jst Received a .Large anti Elegant Line of New Pipes I Hot and Cold Leches at sin hors. Agents for Hyler's and Williams and Iwernea Co. 's Chocolate assn Bss R?. E.JOLLY S& CO. 308 Sutha State Street. 'TO-N IONTI AT THE ATHENS THEATRE Price.....e25, 35, 551 and 75. THOSE NOBBY'SUITS! MILWARD THE TAILOR, STATE STREET. WAHR'S 300HSTORL. Students should try us befor making any purchase. We are bonnd to satisfy and please.Or large stock of Law and Medal Books, in short, TextBooks for every department in the University, new and second-hand enables us to sell at the lowest price. Blank Books and U. of M. Sta tionery at low prices. Make our stores your headquarters. WAH'S BOOK STORE Uip Town own Town S. State s. Opposite Cortflose Ann Arosr Main at. ALUMNI WON EASILY. The Final Session. COLLEGE ALUMNAE MEET. "Old Grads" Showed the 'Varsity P inlseson 4flh ictigasaRpeettve rm Al Ui How to Play the Game. is Rones 24, l'lives'eity Hll,'Saaicr- versities Were Here. t'lly-toienlon. i' tmus' wooiui- "'W'al! Has! Wallit! pally tlkn upiiinidictsing te Theii'ioainaltmetsing of tic ASsei- 'W'iu! "floe! Wall! duent's pauper on 'The lRlatio(n1sf te ion of (Collgite Aitutioea ts o n- ~liiciigei Alumni!t Corporation to liii Stats." aniiii .1. cidd in tis city lotstutrda". Raii! Itoh! Itah! Metionald, of Deoi, sid that liit'iin T'rsay oustFridy liii' sosi.ttIoai 41 ciigsitof ii hot as rt.t'tevtil crnefroiii untttntitsnils "uiis-hd mit in Dtoit andtiaottSalriks Saturday. So tmutthlio indeedthatfl inttg rpsort; of copoaionsthit 9 tonig tisirs'5st'throgsdto Agi Michigantof to'etrescot wastinitevi-toerent of le tprsntitdissstisactiottArbor to ottiitit' itheir discussions deite to tisveiy greatoldegr'e.5[he old tamefromitc ftct thattits' rcpos and stto cmplteisit'heir wttrk.OSite 50 soys camie sick hopsig fat'goesfIc- ott' not sfiit'sntly fll tslbse d'pendsed wsunen front icilyiart 1f te Union stills, th'irtoisowere reaslizedt lit iutptn, and 1thaittlte i's'i'lits itt 'o-wetrse'ntitasigscts; 'sits is famous Saturday night they owettsstle "Olist ste titliicil.5in ihercwuipariclasrtlcslitiy, while 'Toiwt." Fred'slA. fBakrs, lii'h'iiittil f).trisilsme has-c' nastitntl eitihois. '1'he seconsd largest crwdt of tie lawyer, wspsicent aisdfgave iiair 1 Anisslg tie iiorclprotiniis'nt wrs' Alice year wiiits'ssel te gamt~e oil Rfb'gcils't'r'e'ting toulk 511 tile Osaet' je't'i.Frs'etiisnoPatimer', wonue's sea sf Fildi'ndosaotta'sptlndid ihtafs'ctin He' Ifs sseo'l tiequsli n otn it itsIthe li vesiy of (lss'o's; le .a. Jite of goodotid 'bsadtfootblli. Th'"O (lsd fecunslstisn td said ti isifiilec 5i' Bsancrsft'fobinsosi, l'ssii's'cy prceepsi- Girsiss" haisist teisonoolfey of ougtito re'memiiber stt oigtss'tress at Nrtwsestrnt; is.siriiss lie forert'while the 'Varsity sirty esipilihasisrights.wes' tiscst ntstofr- lFoosts' (row, of ('Chig t iis'srsiy; securcesdasocorner it the litteri. ills'get rath file lest'ds as o. Dr. Cooleyl''Irs. ffsoy Siepiuttd C'he'rey of Stilt- Graspslalyedl hartd andsffast ndt sar- 5spo1ke'in. the sameins ''t. andotisiit eistF2rnciso; 3Ms. Ails's'tosniPtat- vies thfis'ball alirose s th y 1p'sted. iesiguet'iy f'relaitigperseonaill les-li, of Botoissis; iss fis cio'Ti't" 'f'te 'Varsity,oisthle centirary, ws ost-dpeie'ncesowhie'n engagedsthe ll'Iiit f IBryni Mlw; -Mrs. Ellits Dss s'''iy slowsly aotin iflfer('ntly,s;wiiihsveyfw ess s'sceniss. RIts's. lv m 's.lrtlsf ('etililols.alitMrs. Bars, sswife of I ettieno. antscoeto haiseissas'adfset 11 roit, wastis laii'st sekisr. thetprcfcssr o si 14cs astrwn i- 'ass' ofs"atgs'fright:'" ''Their plays itlisour t41. Ctl'ten itaoubtsiieroif. weet oet''tfsn utiloist ini their ithesi- i rsrslsti t11ti e 'ir, 5whit' ' le first ns'etig 4tulitita sst till anld timearts'~ fits' te manwho lis r eadbtheIlsecr-ettry. this'nis aitgst 'ppaIstsl l. Acig soret 15 fsltlus thlrownsacksseRfor Short Alumni Meeting. Iresisenit -Ilucilnoses'ierd'sh lot iti loss. 'Tere' is osdiscretlfsr tltthistandsaprprae auddresofst swelomus thoughlsesase sabosuti everya ucuutitAboust 49(10 stiuutih sitended sisi itr-sxe'uingitgieur'srtsi'sf ts' Fuite playr knets'hle ' X'rsiy igiassu ays. 115gmeis' lst.'ts'srs'stonthehis' sitysti'Io t115visiois. Di'.Eluzts M. Fosr tile 'sitt4'inithus'line,'.C'itttfavoriiites. The vatius.de'leatsio, flishie then' atddsresosedtie ltis' titighitm ti o enter, andstAyres,.st ed, Oil's' meth by' sotiituiles oi cds-tak ciiioton'bhtlf f the w'omian's Leguesh'ets mlustoiimolst favo'ablet hit.' isg. iheadqtutaters it I 'ithss'i'ileilt where'se sxtdc'st hiss'hansud iof gsudstflohisi Uipshtsseverau loccsionotoI'ut11itigs-ssnthey11f'r'sghi's'ed tud ri's'd's".t vsus'ir ltstheir esollgs'sisers fronst fait Irokethr soughs this'psingssslsilts' I buhst uttons ins'bags. Ove-i',Qill) e'''hets camtes'the eetti; 4ths. PIr goeststyli' snutAyr'ss osots'e0111 frssimaDetrils ans t 'crs'0tlbiy'thus'17-' itthit.f sitonslswa.sochripss'sidenohtt 1105 of thits'nd.,swisegot sisss'st ilt','sit M. isond..At "suos-isckithey'uisd sa tilt'thus'e'nsuig year. fihe'dtnslut tus. Behindst he inhe h"'iel'reelthig is is' sls chapuflsi.ihsi lst This'fisature of ft'usthe uherig gtiurisg pslayet sstur foiss'st quarsiter; fiodg_- caletoorhe rtb' 154 'et issMc' Lss ryusas this'puster etitllsdet I'trofsts'ii 55a15lsuput'ed ttard. btxei'sed'cutptuor tr, si-oitohntroduced'u'iPrsf. .lohiuton, sjofOcupationu"uby irss fKstec' Msl.- hseart weork; Hougg played'st i-illsdurig tpre'ssiitg ofiscu. S'e'a'istt 5 itI'itss 5ay"CItifhusrt, Ph. iD. of 11ry1nfMaw. the isstus he w nti u iss' ganasns'tuhdidi sw-rs' tislts, rosuinsut isasong silu h'his was eoshlsru'st 54' tlt he lust te'best iw-rieof 0114' of tt.t, glts.s i etshoseo'lf Hoi. Stiln. W'teaoskasdtiltehiptrod'iludtion aongsl t hot' r'ead Eve(ry oesof te "'u"S sa s suh fotshssusu'59. Bthtsstilfts'sthits'eseueither st Dtrtoit or AntiArbo.His ite tHiself, and11haoutthus'tshof "issyitug it to 1be' Ierivedt frostsatiltsissi-htlitt ('tostoruu disssed'tthe sufjet froti oh" foe wi-md sowsnto perc'ctin T,) tstushas ttteis' fot'iiisttby4'till' susitboils this isesutis otanuhf tutuhtsalr pinsit eut 0114'espeluont'e i aes t'ailartiu ititnd .aidtit wisstit' utytof a1lito sits.fer txter sil te ptubliet ii Tar slt-r is 'ititOssibte. Dnby,'. ait j. Alt s-r' les',for this'footbll frillutuy-)4'liii'ssocia~ti. hito nesry 250tpoundsto ootsgoodst.at"' gamsis'.hsoseer, atush atusheiuir At oots thisolen iwe'e sntet'ttinet sfth usetetr position, wsiei''"Psa''Hie-ss Oi't'in'essor. Al le uiesitig'51' situtuceiosn Itsthus' ss'eusuo ftttis iigit' ltist"At's-Ite" 4evns~rofelsio01)11.1 pros'hionfsr'edtansluheit-i-siuu; amtiI Itoo 29wer1e'ii ttt'nih'155. sTits's' site site''tianbea'd their on edu's ly thus tbandt sa'itthssosrsof regnitl, Itsts thafs'tenoon a rs'ce'ption walststell' agaist tohieir'nuchsiightler ophoens's. ututrceuttilltte iRegensFiel-dis. udeusdthi ssoelas'huhhsuuby ill' Wouilis', "Chik" ally ad Itecels1th lnsLegue ffle1I tii'sr5. Shor aints "hic"fotyadSecst.ls - UntyuClub eLecture tepaeTo enight. -shls-f'ytalstwere madsetty'ifrs. Psi!' sgibes hd laed tobesuestio uis Xegarne.u, hs'ttoi ctit''. seris frs. IRobinsoni.frs. Batress'anus fs~hiit' on pof'sto ssft'etsrgiuut-.isy oiltbetiedtitoutheris'1 1114Cliut) frs. ('hient'y. T'lst Isltoned ot'i irougif (1n thu esnds "old tHutchs" aslutine- iprogramu by4'A. L.. ('ltist. who1 scll lain sidespsefectf' t ofmuue oast istthegeesting,of thiss wsomsn oftis 05 Resiusl tuu' lte ~ glvee ofinelyiltustratedstlectur nGisiesif fC'aliforiat and o f Isessuuu athey fplesed. B"'i'ihelio usr fe losas"Dfr. ('0115111lutisorlutehi'Ssufoatoheseitssofieos- flue sssame usrtet of hplafers tuatntull' s'essoobiss i5hatht iil 'ouu.o'it hsfbeussuofgshes'ugsins fiehigon so fsauuouts in 'ql. Fu tifTh sho tsor~ies'ofnhts'uutos 1t i 1st by tiftoeralsufa1(1rtue fill "Jiuuuiis" Baolest, ohuarter,.,s in totasr Obsrv'atory. It'tits tbroutghthslety'tlif0ht'pureseif to hitsh4sue everf' 1104' and dsirected thissp151040faultt'-illsstsenjofyoble('artifisrthssthesOutse tissif. Thuswsyoy-in ivhiceit'gase thits suust largeollstections of sides'"Ilss- 'f01-othssuusnsstsslIetf .igiuslosi-s itn markeed contrst to theilti'e of thud umoon thst exists 5eAthis' anysf'hesousisuouseuspgetupar- slow mnsnter of thus ''Varity "Dultch" wsil ~ei'ius osgu si r-sty aternoonuinusoscing'uustheo. Dfro Ferubeu't,st half, osh -s to 1 17-ofwteed1001hltast1'hi'siia', ou-l- styuisu'ldist'anduuossafmpus thegusts 114' 1to osdge jtump,. suirmsss iir'ust!g uont 's'hsie-sf we1100oitnseh lru otala slugno111ee010sthisd andwsntbestnsi-se eltdbthe4' ito-ury f fle t'o tuh fesnlescuset ositsi-ion te ories s regrd's its bhieginhasbslitet, 0s tsss u tee'nsgi su- caedletthis bol fle yelin55w0sudeafetn- s-is'.'flueads"sutsnsitu ss'eninfgs-o1-usuif ilg. "Dumput" Dfeattes er uoi stShaat.ohfi'f',ioisu coset. usssbeof tl istrsei-ri' giucts of I 00s011 obe cmpahotshio hlietandhsnor of as ureception gsunuy the Al- I mde decidest gins. Al ftll-back, this 'The PhllsRhio Sigmasofrssternity' woostpla Piisororoi'in heusr 0ffs. Rho- slf' "Bieousie"tplafeditluts ats'col enessraiuet lridays-eeuning 1sf Drt. adlslson andissfs'. (rus. (Continued en Second Page.) I'ffrs. Lomnrd. (Continued on ThusI Page.)