Has received a funil line of Novelties
for Fall and~Winter in
Suits, Trousers,
and Overcoatings
I lgre 1'
Only in :packages-
60c a pound.
Lowney's if you
Just Received a Large and Elegant
Line of New Pipes!i
Hot aed Cold Leeches at all hours. Agents
for Huylers and Williams and Werners Co.'s
Chsocolate Hoe Hues.
R. E. .JOLL.Y & CO.
308 Souths Stale Street.
Prices...250, 35c, 55C and 750.
THE PAST VS. THE PRESENT= How TheyWQillBe Entertained.
Ple alumni will be here freits all
Short Biographies of the "Old directions today to atteind the icii-
Grads" Who Will Play Today. gan-Alini gamne, and it will be as
eent without a parallel in lcal is-
0tr. All trains Isaul ibe etby ie-
Teday Mchigan of tile present lees ceptioni conimittees, aid the lisys of
MichigainOf the ipast and one of the te ftues 11tecre ohaqat
best andi most interesting games of era itt University Hail. Te Deritij
the season is asutred. Mlana- of ie delegatio, whirls will iso uearges,
bssi ilayers that ever attendledtG ilbeiath the I.ofMbtn.A
Itersity will play on the :rtnn 1:30 o'clock a mseetig will te hld inc
teatm and it will be iaen -orray fe foot- .Uiversity Htll, when impremtt
bail talenti seldomi seen on aticd at speeches will be isade by iecbers of
otie titehe. io'V'arsity latm ts its the boardt of regets, :messbrs of the
gooud condetitiinand it is hoped ltha t facutly, aluntii an thers. A proces -
their teats work will tiore than off-set -lo will ibe formed a :5 'lc n
the suplerior individual abliy of the useEaesl y the bandl and egents inscts,
1(1 itters. Over half of tie l sitstn to te Ailetic Field, where some so-
player had srived nitl to i-sa night ttsit enthusiasm will b' lt loose in
and the rest arrived erly this 15h0r- ceers for the Yellow -anti Mie. TeI
bug. They will hold secret practice lt a theic boart is desiriots of havigv
10 orbs-ck to perfect signals "anddecile al aluttni wits are still in college.
uponthesysem f pay."Jiruxie"present at headqitrters dtrig as
Baird.'i., the best qutarer-back imucht of tte day as Possible is assist,
Mi eltigan ca-r hail, and Cpitin of i the eitehinineit of te va-totrs.
tra '94 team, waill eaptain le -Old All will besu tplied wt-ll an aisro.o-
Gxradls." 'Biltdt played fosr Yeas at iliate badge antibtttoni.
te 'Varsty steam,. previoes to wahichs ____________
Ie aas on the Hyde 'Parks and An
Athot- Highs School teams. ';odr this Slayton Grand Concert Co. Tonight.
leadership will be the folios-tog:
Ferbort, 17. tPlayed.foyrs00at 'itefslloaing is tie programt for the
qunarter ansi half atidawas captai of SlattonGrang (escrt Co. ithetto.
'6 tam. Is eco"-sizedl 5aoeof te f. A. course toiight:
best iaf-iacks in the country an is Piano, Soatac, Op. 2J, N. 21-ios-Betovest
at ireset MCiigaus heal coch.L Tenr sssse. issMr"aryAset---Guo
Stevenson, '97 L., Ro-kportItdsia. Atr. lrankii. Ormsby.
t,a-er pulay-edohs a iigian tamts.Ie- Visolisn. "trment Fastasie-_.-il.uhcy
ing nelgibe uderthe matur ule,;.M. Max Bnduix.
og ieliibi- tiderthea telt-r vSits opranos. 'tat "omeo et Juliet Cesstsesl
Played several years atlPo'rdine, gra- Miss Jessy Osborn.
ttititg -its 'i9-. The only wt-sern pl-V- l'nicse .Wavaters Prize Sog _..
r to be placed ott altAll-Amierian b.-Tremolo" - Gotelak
las. tPayesd isit center anti gard ll"reolo"ss_.Assg Gotelmi
positions and is aiteititer of the t'hi;- Vislin.a.. "Adsgioleigiossss' viatemps
ego Alteic Assoiatisisteam, At t ib Fafla.---H---------ix.
iresentl assisting itt soachinbg tie'ttitu'fsTr -A Tteam".s'--- __-Batlettt
s itvy. Mr. Omsby.
Henninger 97 L. At pres-etnt a sill- spaoas. a."Tie Trste-__...evsn niera eri. ly ------ad aei ht
five years at center, guard ansd tackle-----------------------itistest
posiions.andl axas doisbtless one rf Motie' its Osrnt
-ilu Plnie isD.n - attestslnlaski
thte-'best tackles h inteouolnry. tCap :r. endl
A tsin of '96 tea. Dset. "Ngtsthymn s sets........
Hloomingsto, 'Pi I,., (fiicagi, 11i- -----_ -----A. Ge-itg Ttssuas
uois Plys fll-acdcon hicao. iss Osbon and Mr. trmsby.
Bankers' ean. Plyed second base Today's important Games.
on Michigan 'arsity baseball tetin:u
and haf atnd full-hack on footial PThe big galie o 1bteilayed ii the
teama. His eqtual as auputing and aest tday are those betaeenti ('Iie-iso
buckitig ful-backr never sdeveloped in and Ilinois at Camlp iit.and Wis-
teaest. cestsn aid MIneSOta, al intisapssis.
'Hfaddein, '95 L., Chicago. _ilinos. If the rorts sent out frntlCtillsago
'Member of Bankers' Atitietic Asooia- are true °te yisia-y teaml is in io
tisti lean. Played taao yoeat at ke.c-sdition at tll. ierseiberge s "'ood
and was one of Mieliganslsars ight leg" is lanc; Garsiner's ;htndtsi
Price:, '9 L. Dartsmossth, 91,Ct-tsn a Plaster ast; Kenedy is itited;
eigo, Illinois.. Played tao sears on andall te remansintig ilyr are smore
'ibotis the baseball arid foothll tes os less out of sape. Illinois on te
Jewaett, '94. Ann [Aborsel Pia uS oter hand. is in primte condition ad
t ltslf-ack three years andsi xcitsed cofident. Te cianes cetainly favor
amiong the best us thees-ct Attended Illinois. othethe, Minnesota and WVis-
' northwestern University -n playest oism eatms are reprtest ii goodenl-
cn ItushsMedical College teals dihi. t frssNaoessfawh
"esoaching thse Ypsilanti Normials. Badgers ought to ain.
Hull, '91 At, Ypsilanti. Mlihigat. Jo tte east lensyivasni-s sos-Is
layed guard eta teamiaof 90. Not tBroavn, liarv-ardh oisspossCortel, aish
prat-icing nmedicine at Ypilait. Yale awill conest awills rest Point.
IHutchinsoi, 97 E., Atn Atbor. Play-
I ed n '15 and '963 teamss at tackle and 'fhe Boarsd of tRegens aill tolds its
cnd. regeslair iseeing toa~y at It a. 15.
e (Contnued on Second Page.) toi the president's office.
Michigan Association Held Two
Sessions Yesterday.
'VtoIAfirt sesiostoefthe semsi-:sneal
msestisig of te Michigasi Political S-
ee Asso-attn was held i loo t 7,
T'paistnl-tHsll yesterday aftervoon. 'Tiii
ussgraist opened aiths i engthyipaier
sit "JTeInitiative and te Iefere-
disiss," by . i. itat-iss, wvho sou,"hit
to give u general tideaeof its aorkin:;s,
slid to shoss ilev. thiouighiit miay bes
successful its Sswite'rlans, it woslet
fail short of its bject is this coosihry.
Prof. Hofisot lath the discssiotn
whiicis folowveel andsploke its part as
followvs: 'Those wits advocate th>in- ii
troduetien of "tue Initiative andh the
teferensdoui" in this coutry becasse
of its success n Switzraid fail lio
eistinsg-uishibetween theconditonss of
that eouintry andt ths. Onte s'ei'us
otbjection is that it aeaeis tie fact of
legislative responsiliity. Our liops,
lies in the cdirecion of an Lhtsrovesisnta
in the qusaliy of the legislative boty,
ansd it ts a greatl misitake to throwx thic
lpssaer on the people ndthius waks-
en te esposibiiity' Prof. Iiusdae
,followved with a question as thviethe-r
te introdutleioni of te eferes-dtti
wuildi do aay aihithe 5systemtiof
In te discussionsichdsfolowxels o
this qusestion, Ie. Ier. Pecl, of St.
lehit's thiurchs. Detrit, Ta-ces If. 1i:-
-Dosait, of Detroit, sad Igilt
Ptingle, of Jacksons, tok pcrt.
The seconid sessiontwasasld-sduisrisi
tie evening in the leeture ron, T''--
Pinll, li antiwssaddesoyd itt Wi'.
L.. Webber, pesidett of the assci-s
tien, en "TheI telatiots of le ('orpor;a-
tion to thse Stale," and Prof. F. H N.
'Tat-le, on "Soise Nesy Projets for
(us~enet -RIefor." 'Tt'e seeting aas
largely attended by cninsiereser audi-
ence' of studlents caini faeuty.
Yesterday's Practice.
'lhec squas of "Odt (radts" u-"as i-
ceasedi yesteiday-bhithitsarrival of
Dyer, Hul, .Jewvtt and Gates. All
took light pratice wx-ork aol set
sone im ut'ecoacehig te 'Varsity esit
didates. Besides the shove, erbe,
Bairdl, Stexesoit. Farnhaitis 11011
Fireundier xee ota the fir-d.
Thse 'iruity h-lnd uiisfosr heshrt
half agaisst tile stsibs aitd neihher
side axas able to score. The pay vas
fasoteuti dthe interfers-nie is develo-
I Phi Kappi Psi Guests.
'f lie folloing "oil :gads" are
guests at the tPhitaipt tsi .ouse;
IF t.Phaus, '8t; W. S. Holen, '89 f.
tFredRusthi, '89; . . Smith,11; C.
S., Sensienbagh, '94' . B. Willianms,
'9a; .J. C. Bradley, 9t6;iH. A. Cole; 'hi6;
H.1R.It. esic, '117, and It. L. Dean, '97. V
Daily, nowv editor-in-thief of 'fue Sat-
urday Scrit, of Grandit ids5ti, is here
to semaitiliiftfer-te gaios.
Students should try us before
making any purchase. We are
bond to satisfy and please. O~ur
large stock of Law and Medeal
Books, in short, Text-Books for
every department in the University,
new and second-hand enabies us
to sell at thu lowest price.
Blank Books and U. of M. Sta-
tionery at low prices.
Make our stores your headquarters.
Up TownDown Town
S. SateSt. Opspusite Courtuse
Ain ArborMain St.