-VOL. VIII. No. 2. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1897T. FOUsR PAGES. B ar i s FOOTBALLPRACTICE. gaea n Good Men and Fast Work Bri! ht- IN Books. Stud'ents' Bookstore .....STATE STREET, Opposite University Entrance. Second- b andl Books bougtht, sold and exchanged. Law, Mfedical and College Text- books at cut prices. CHEAPEST PLACE IN THE CITY FOR Blank Books and Stationery Azents for Waterman's Foun- tamn Pens, Mathematical Instrn- ments and Sporting Goodls. SHEEHAN & C011Prop. W LD en Onr Prospects. Thell-tfatball squad which has be-,n deing preliminary work at 'Whitaisre Lake, returneud Taesday night an I was jained here hy ahant twenty-five additional canditdates. The men prac- ticed Wednesday and yeste ltxy at the Athletic Fiel. Coaah Fethbert Iias thus tar cantined the work almast en- tirely ta panting, catching and tailing -upon the hball. the mn being- lined ilp against each ether far the first thme yesterday. Thea tar there has been a dearth et heavy men far the line, haet it tn ex- pectedl that this deficiency will cce remedteut as sooan as callulge has tairly commenced. Thie heaviest ment to ap- lear are Snow, 10G; Lehir, 19G; Savage, -185; Jnittner, 175; and Btonaett, 20t0. Back aft ho line Michigan has "by all cdda cleue s ot 1sfatcandidates usto e touned anywhere. ttsgeg, 160; pingree, 155, and Garden (St last yearsce-a il, are trying fur halt and thceir work ins beenufs t. Others Itrying tar Ihalthack al-c lBarrabee, (vilecames with a greit reaord. ttenry, the crack Chicaga high schaal player, anld tRichardsan, who last year us-n the Fauclty Cell. Ac tulbacks ttamnahlas baeon doiag thue heat work, his pumting being cs- anlu Tooetzed. Tluue first ;ga lue ofthte sugasonu will bue tlayedt touucriou vwith tiue Nouuiuls, uof TYupil ueti. Gese(Aill ho called 'it 3:30 o'clocek. Thue ufticiuls c-l tuu' S.Freundiu tiuutR. 1t. Sin o uuus. Aut- ulision c-ill he 5 cents. ,illcuauli- utits alupearilug tn enitfoi-uu, cull te ud- muited tree. Nate Duftty- las tuen a usstig leeFr. tbert in coaciuhng the hacks. "Arcit Stevenson is uxpecteul 50011 touassist in coachiiug the line munsnSll cill rc- muain fleeur ix weeks. The truitning tablet ill ostarteul Itnauy I.t Prettynuan's. Trainilig quarters luvio( bsein established af Na. 7 Voullalndlsc. andth ie tollow-ingmuinhauve 1(0e1 tuiken there: Munaager Heuties, Csiuli ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION. What they Think of it and What j Membership Means. Oneu'fathe tu'first queustionus Svliitiue sutu'udthas to decciude11 iupo ieturilig theu' tuii-ers-.ty is, wthu'r lhe is to etijoy the lrivileof'uut liict(lsllitSin clue Athletic Assoctiatiuun u iult. It tiiue queistion is ielligenitly consiuderedI"t wounld seeun ihat utie atliriuuliue's ttie only ansiwer' utu e decidledupolun. Tlie assueiatiaic is thely 1.'orniuc- tona which as entiruly udevoted to tile college spirit. All tile athletics ofthIte uetirePUninversity arce1111(1cc the eon- trol uut this 'body, and u's -ry studcenlt Feihert, Itiehard s, tleiii-t, Huug , is enutitleul to aieellurohiuu and a voute Stuatrt, Bal-rulbce, Juttner andrl Ianiuca. in all its dulibiurcitions uo,)-SAitheu i~' Tbue ltne-eu tar thu Nurmaul g11110wiukl i uuuunt at thureuedlolla rs. Tthis 00111 wuaidt he annunlcedl tn tsuuirren's Datly. tue' tuit aa1151 i s'csiuuent iuonualcy PRES, IIUTCHINS AND PROF KNOWLTON ON THE ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION. The secret of success in college athletics in the east where 25,0001 to 30,100 attend a game is due the fact that tile stuident community supports its team regardless of actual or prospective results. There is gennine chivalry in this and frequently enscouragemenlt lhelps a losing team to plnl victory out of defeat. It [does no good to stand on the street corners and talk the matter over. Anybody can tie that. Students should join the association and attend the games. The ream will understaind and appreciate this. J. C. KN OWLTON. My only opinion of the athletic association is a good oiie. I heartily indorse what Professor Knowlton has said. H-ARRY It. HUTCHINS. Has received a full line of Novelties military Academiy spriter, is enstihte OVER ONE THOUSAND. luoyal students' gu'uero'stty, it thue snun focalaudWneri aundidaite, and lies meade' a good ill- Twerestatonsinuply to tue uaidl11in ii a sub- SutToues uession. Stuiart is ua teun uecoiud i 'lh egsrtinb prmnts cuiplion, huttuy opending utiree 1101- and 11stic le deteaited Mlayhury in Up to Yesterday. lars tor an1 Atthletice Asseciation ticket and Overcoatings tiue spurunts. At quarter, iihards, os t i -wto aryluu' u nyc egets iuore thani his uney's wsrtui ____________ last year's elevenl,lua beene doinuSill the huriileges whtichth le ileiber- staywr.©ee r~i'n andu- twt o hcroal hiplgives lint. lvueuy ulielher of NO,108 E, WASHINGTON ST. NEAR MAIN thieuydy awork.ingctuere prounisiuig: dae o hspaeare Fs-t adtill' assaeiatiungcts inutouall tueiu- gine ItushurMaccyofnm- 'is eau, opleninig seonear uuio enud at tie weekc, o ~efshcl abl n rc THOSE NOBBY SUITS!Kespcted lyo-fhiahe 15duys. it ofntiunpootbahlebtoemake any jestk ! i isiinosiibl tomae ay jst oin c-petedwitin fe das.suason at hlfutplrice. 'fluis priviloso Au eusul Teulnel, at thue lngiewaoulI"rsnwt h reitaina or ullemalkesa the three udollars chIfe- MILAROTHETAIORresponding tiue last year,.1711 to yes. hIA~ff iughlchool team, wheolies morc than ' once if the student attenductheu colloge M IVV~lU HE AILRtcrday regintr~atiuse cas gaicug on STATE STREET. at mere local reputatien, teas been do- - gamises, anldl bcsidc'thcis cycry lenember ______________________________ing tho st c-ark. Gansccmw, of Ias-crachier slowv, belt a loyyesterday hl hesiifetoi5 icwlgta large crowds wvereliued up illthue ste.a h aifcio fkoigta yersAll-Freshn. n tensi, is close hi'- Ice is dhoig Iis sihcre tluwaitds heosup' wurd's office and at 5 o'clock the fol- A.JR..S hinsd 'end with itlcpreve. oignubrser eitee o ort of lhis 'Varsity tecececo Amothor Yesterday's line-up c-as as follow;.ve dfeetdprmns ieay privilege of the Atletic Asnoetixai 3 A arnicy. u R ieserves. thmifeetdpatmbs:Ltrrynccer is thie use of the usew 'Vearstty BOO M ST Q " ~~~~Gatmeseluow..R. iE........... Baech 450, law 400, msedical 148, dentistte nscut.Alag muto Snow . it.... T....... Lockw.ssd 145, pharmacy 36, hiomeopahhic 26, en- Students should try us before Bennett . I. ..... lcugineeriug 103. Total 1,308. McineyhIcs beenst hroend ne-tv~r making any purchase. We are Savage ......... C. ....... Newton It is the genral opinion thiat the at- Mcia istefns enscec bound to satisfy and please. Our Lehrse.... L. G........ Hampittous in the West. The use of the courts large stock of Law and Modeal - tendance this year c-ill far exceed 1. Books, in short, Text-Books for Jittner ......... Tm. ..... ,.. Cootlir will he restricted co ncnuhers of the dearmnti' te nvesty eetzel L. E....... Clarke of last, and with three large law every d'pr''nt'' '''''''''ty," "associaetion exclusively thits year. new and second-hand enables us Richards, Palcoct..-Q...-Gordoms, Kes-aa classes there can he no doubt that the to sell at the lowest price. T'ingree,' Henry.. L.-H... . Rehards('n atendance will pass the 3,000 mark. Again, one of the strongest reeoin- Blank Books and U. of M. Sta-medtosfrhetlti icAsca tionery at low prices. Stuart F....I. B...... Barraho ________ edcou s hcAhltcAsca Make our stores your headquarters. A large crowd has attended the prac- II0.evricatnntnth lenstefittat lu itsa tico of both days and cheered on the West Seminary last year, will be one student body in whcichu every me-iier WA t 0 STORE ~~~~ ~ ~~of the 'thsree assistaint librarians tishaavocitsaloudyte i7,r lies anvice, itrskalsoterduar.thTsup-cr Up Town nown Town year.heeofirmntfauyueibs Stass. Opsscornospedial features were runs tiy Ping cc vii~ f rmnntfcly ribr AnArbor MalnLat.. and Hegg and tackles bey larr.lie tmree delivery today. (Continued on Second Page.) i t 4 Ad I