c he . 'Of [DAY, OCTOBER 29, 1897. FOUR PAGES. VOL. VIII. No. 26. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FR] WILD Has received a full line of Novelties for Fall and Winter in Suits, Trousers, and Overcoatings NO. 108 E. WASHINlGTON ST NEAR MAIN A.egretti's Chocolates.... Fresh every week. Only in packaes- 60c a pound. Lowney's if yen prefer. PALMER'S PHARMACY Just Received a Large and Elegant Lin.e of New Pipes I Hot and Cold Lunches at all hers. Agents for Hyler's and Williams and Werners C's Chocolate Bn Bns. R?. E. JOLLY &t Co. 305 Sth State Street. ATHENSTHEATRE ! SATURDAY, OCT. 30. The Prodigal fahej Prce... 2c,3c, seand 7c 11/N'1/M -V1M THOSE NOBBYSUITS! MILWARD THE TAILOR, STATE STREET. WAFIR'S Students should try us before making any purchase. We are bound to satisfy and please. Our large stock of Law and Medal Books, in short, Text-Books for every department in the University, new and second-band enables us to sell at the lowest price. Blank Books and U. of M. Sta tionery at low prices. Make our stores your headquarters. WAHR'S BOOK STORE Cp Town Down Town S. State st. Opposite CourtHouse Ann Aror Main Xt FOR GOOD GOVERNMENT. Verv Enthusiastic Meeting Held Last Night. 'Thel(opilligmeetling oi the (is)ad ("overiiuieut (list was heldlaLst es 'In- lng ililie' law lecture room. ilove than 150 sitdentsis-iere rsent. 'Piho imeetiing wsas sup-ned by a siot-s astir--s cuts,.AlMr. Jryri i.'fhens tollow-ed Ithe pinieipal btalkof the ieia'ii i'by sA-- lug President Ilctiehus. t'- slots'ill tart. as follows: "As each ecmibiesl student leaxis lthls 1"niliersily a5rgreai(sllccsiitiliiless lipon liil to ei'er the poli~iieal life of his piarticuslar eiisircini-iit. tie 'Aa tbeienlduaoatet :theliipulic-e(xlpins" and iniiieiis ixitectest fro is ihi. '-roe lerst duty of . siideti-i uson teas-log vsstti'ge is to hiself; lie 'ns as imiself t siieiss ill the spec-ial s-s-i dol ci li as ehcsenifur lislaife'is Will-i. Incsidental u to ndaisoiitaiin-ighila iis' ipuriseliei'should liolliss'as'tf 'always iii readiness is (as-o,-- ono .and t ArGood Concert. Thle Slayton,(rand Ccii 'arit's,,.is-ill gise the seccud numbeui-r t(ie S. L.. .A courset lUt hiisersily - Itohtolui'r- so's-nilghtiat 8S c'(tsk. Tlhis ecotpany is coi'pcsed of Ccax Belvlix. violiist; lts, trank Ormisby,. 1enor; Miss tinny (Oshorn. scpranoc; Miss Isiry Aug 'Ii, p~inistOustnd isse if thes- sliest miuisical o c iaotlicut ii tli sciiiil','.' aini it xii w 'siset a pis i t'slist still tie ar itsiiovet'his' si- eS . 1.A. '(-in- fos' te-nyeti'rs ecucertltisi-osr if ' !hi 'u- lvilaclegislaioun and ti suppiiort s--ili li:(assil's'atuii'iiiou i- shispubsiic opinicnias iill ibeIsfo' tiec oisbinon 'I bice'hat hs e ll-ostrilig sif lie gis'at natioiinai n lliciisiti irobh' 1"us l's 51 witilithe tttiveity's''l -"" t 'i- 'Oto e il smaller mtitter's :at isissii si MalRD lidilocal affairs wsie it' 'a'lrsiels' ii(Cll'elToias'l vrliestrat. "illyear is u~iffereut; si-cabsent osrs 'a I 555151 she lie fircist imi(' lii ssiili'lity hiss li's pocly; ansifirosmithieiris s- .On f ieu of Heitni-iiltsnisi lr'ly co-'st tins- miost prsfitasle'lhues 'sf ,o1 itha' eert ivork. (.ulsd he sindertaks'styith uias cu is 'le-l iso iiiheult's' tineuii't irks' tic study and stilsisia os5ss leri' no-icilses fcolss's: iiuniicipail pi'sshtsiis. Mr. iBendix is stio iAistihsss'pl11y' Fctolosslu,(.As-slug Pitsnis-sitIlisis's l- lg risusponssose; it issthaltsit a Iis, Deani Hsudsoof h is' iri ri d- true arist. is ithrasiing andiiiXi"'5- rissimesut. Itousi'hedi riutls' nit in t-iti liii tr"eitisks-si ty g'ril sleli'-st'-y and.s stoaet'heo'cretiscal phistlis' fst it -t1ili1erssfe'ction.-l'slises oIlerald. "i'fssi'si. Hito iiitli t'ia(lii'ilcfitlis' Ilas Osbsornis Is leifor: Inai' pos. as- lie ?laste cf this' exper'iensccifsither QOr cf sa beautisfulsoprano5sii.lvois'cwikii isles aissiof olther' sitisisis aid 'tTes lefsieally delilit ls'iliaicgs'is siadesis lii i'sinlg tivie sadiiliis.i-uiissi of sulty laisge ellis's.THe saist. "Wesigliht'r- lire snoothe soliit'esof stir roosssmt blinsk foso'sesr,Ibust we wo'usld'intut isi 'tssssr tso these' irottle-ms. Ilty byII takinig use combilined and suified ex- lierissisco of socetey for miassyceeuies east iwe arriv-e at jst antI rs'asoialle stiis'-usicjuss" After the smeetisig about 25 joined ecub Ason mei-wlle hldtiwiithinsi forlisisist.. Journal Club Meeting. At a mieeting of tlie Jo-unisal Club lst night Dr. Cooley psresided and sciological subjects is-e in order. Prof.- MeLasigllil isgae at "ex-lesiof Prof. .Moses Colt Tyler's tlook, "'IticMSS S30N Literature of tis Asises-is-sisRevitis- tioni.' Dr. Pillsburythis'sreatdla p~a-ssesmsitoiave tx-sr requsisite'. Itiso 'f tier oin "'T'eiSocilConsc'iosnss< > 5iargOtompatss, situhisnd full th its listlssgsislsest fronit te Instisiidut aloit i-lire synipati qu litiy sto I Coiioeiotisness." Mr. Maras s sde uch, cft'en imissiiig.Nt'ws Yorsk -Musite it last sississer, lh-lit a a s-lslrslipiiC'ourir. at the Chifcago socil t eles-lt' cl'td Miss IMary Ansgell gaives s'siil'e-' of Cicgoepo o s iv tese.Ptrofa. W'antuhte tPrAi'dslig" renroig fb iiigeortCofistheswokOillsr ittlest-, sisseliWaltes Pi, Slidtierouti rth o hliiisdate, Dixoss, Taylor saund I-ths greatest aptplusea fromthtie auid- Sithitook Ipart lits tle dis-u~ssoiois. t it'ttt.-Cit'igo ' rie-15s ss. Oberinns False Charges. 'r'io Oberlinss elit'slitof tis wes''k Constatininsg siltsss'esssst f lIst Saisi' risy's gamie listsbhs's'eiie'd and foundsi t sositainosting buttabsit' osd isi ill tiihost of tie ' 1~st it'sorat. lSysft henssiew is inpr: ""fihiisigs u n sporsmssalietteIlits xisre ecseiallty appasiriit in tli: eassd ihalf of the gatiii. Itsin lOherli tplay- ter s-sahurt, CoaTho'mptsions'stxas hi- u Cristly seizt'diand fsreihy rests-it- edi frotmsigoisg to his sassisase. iTe c'rowd'slaassuthatiillt'tOberlinula~tsy- usssiee holsinug utfor udakness. If in Obe'ri tiilst-is atisilying 055 bus groiutdsfter a serimiuage'h tisas site' tos tI'x gleeste'dwi-tiltasistrautof hiss-'" antuitjeerinig.l'hes-noses sapplitd o the (listslist mt's, uder this-guiseaousten- cuss-sgitig tli tmuitteamss. sre5unti1 foi- picati'tioct. I it' os -bof oottf te Michiganmissis-twhio sias in the game;tt' w a sitsilutsly "necs'ssary tuh t'oshstoul sit, itsrcyst hitSlio5 wes hhai 10tol"Ig andisplayst sxeedingy i-stsghsansituusifis hil, andsieisills.' 't-e Micigasns sit-sires-oicozd tietoazt baif tesivster'a sstresoutof the gaeis'L. f i's. c'haslicessof stceiss isoittdibhi'greatly impsiroetd.'Thets'twsis wresfsallen sut supon ind slsgtd its a motst openil andi tare'fscted manner-'l. Fiilly IW. louiser bhisla-i, hmihers't, sld uscut5f is esd isas cosmpielledittt rire froim i tthe am. 'fist Michigani' imitithast patially asco-oiplisiesi tiris i'srtcs'. Alltis ws ithtt tamte.sas- cortding o thet'in~rterrlatoniif this' ruleshby thits Miehigsts ciias. A-- cordsiig o te ft'w'fsir ti. of _. smts', lt'estire titssrisi tamtwstetiedltt ill st sietcthet-d mannlser, te trestetisi of lthe sttixr'a hing estecilly Ia." ('achstuis olilstii tas si-t iceous- v astinetdlfromustgoingtsIthe sislaass' of -a ptlayr thamt iis1huts. Iis tirds t hast ic 's forcei t tse ssit'ehisss, hut it ists ttecause uofrhis oeisathe It plsysrs mulishfuss' sis otiesresason.T't sasy thus' leastt thuttcis "emptled ycto lt'eOterlisn tplsytrswti-s'-uspiciso, sluhd Iitclokedttliketey wu-i'e paitntg for dsarktnetss, forwsitheti'score iwas (6-0 andihiiten 6- iOhrini's favors, scatrcely it scrimmausge hiased witout one ofter ttlayers having i',liecalted. It issnociceabhlt'thatsheiite otisnc turnedinhisMictilgatn's favor Il-hfewv were te ocissics si-hen O -slistt-me 'sere "hsut." Thtequtiucat~in rs'sit-' tsi Mihigua playr is false hut eery partuiclr. '"t'Tre s Inostdosut itht si-thistie tb'is- ves'soutsoif tilt' gtmet'Micigan's Chansst ostf succsscwesres'.'greatlytin- but it is equally truthlat til ethinsit' wossul hti'habei s uc suh isproed hasd ethier ('le, IMshlse'.r iuEgle or Wasitogin hteen osut tf i, for tey sereo forthe motica trt conisent groundstgaies. 'The satementu lstha tlii' Iutuers usre slugged s Ia1lie,"tale asui iittts. Nt oce utscurisgsthegmse tor ishilethIus t'samt was5it t hititybitt they' s-tsougt- Iii-ign wis-htslsuggng. ttt-hres' ntncue snd ts' leie-i's'otwsi it. If is isue thathlthe plsying wss (Continued on Second Page.)