THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. To Cover Your Nakedness Is One Thing! To be Proberly, Dressed Is Quite Another! How can you be satisfied to wear ordinary ready made clothes, or cheap merchant-tailored ones, when you can buy garments bear- ing the labels of The Stein-Block Co's. and Hammersiough Bro S.' Made ef the very best materials, by expert custom tailors, after the most fashionable models, at about the same price as the former and a great deal less than the latter., Our Profit on these Clothes is not as large as on other snakes. They are better, and consequently cost us more. But we make more money in the end, because we sell more stein Block Clothes and more Hammerslough Bro's. Clothes than any other sort and never have to spend a cent to advertise their merits to a customer who has once worn them. You cannot get as good, except from high-class tailors at aboot double Stein Block and Hammerslough Prices. Test the trath of our assertions. You risk nothing. 'Your money hack if you wsnt it" proves it. LIu deusclititt & Apfeli. 221 SOUTH MAIN STREET. LIHE LARGEST STocic OF Gluitars, Mandolins and Banjos in the City. The lewest price in the State. Agents for Washbure asd Walden instrumiets. ANN ARBOOR AlUsIC CO., 205-207 E. Washegtoe St. ANARBOR RAILROAD. Tine Table. Sunday, Sept. 5, 1597. TIME TAIC3LE: Trains leave Ass Arbor by Central Standard Time. 8:43 a. n. *7:30 a. m *12:i5 a. m. ii:25 a.m. 4:4 p. m. 8:40 p. m. 19:10 a. m. 0:05 p. M. *Run between Ann Arber and Teledo only, *Runs between Teoledo and Howell. This train Sunday only. All ether trains daily encept Sunday. E. S. GILMORE, Agest W. HIBENNETT 0. y, A. Toledo 0. Central Standard Time. TRAINS AT ANN ARBOR. EAST. WEST. P. M. A.M. Mail and Ex-___3 47 B., N. Y., Chi ----5 12 N. Y. Special.... 4 58 Mail -5__,_____918 *N. S. Limited.._,_0641 P. M. Eastern Ex-...10u05 Western Ex.--155 AM. G. R. &K. Ex,--5 5 05. N. Express.... 5 50 Chii. Nt. Ex-59 40 Atlantic Ex-_7 130 Pacific Nx--12 30 G. N. Express _-i1 iS *North Shore Limited innsn extra care train to e he charge of $2.50 to New York than on other trains. 0l. W. EcootaS, B. W. HATES, 0. P. & T. Agt., Chicage. Agt. Ann Arbor. U.of M. Shaving Parlors and Bath Rooms 322 SOUTH5 STATE STREET. Ladies' artistic Nair Dressing op stairs Old friends call again, We welcome new ones.:.. J. K. TRtOJANOWSKI, RENTSCHLER, THE PHOTO6R&PHER Telephone-54..0" ANARBOR ENOCHI DIETERL.E, EMIBALMER AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR. Calls Atiended Dayor Night. No. 11S East- Liberty Street: Residence, 533 South Feurthi Ave. Phone 125. RANUALL4 THE PHOTOGRAPHER, WASHINGTON BLOCK, ANN ARBOR, KINDERGARlTEN, iss'xnoe.urnto Call and See Us, - Geo. $ Parker - Yy'wo Fours- -a aZ iMl taro - Pen, I HALLER'S Lowney s Chocolates .W.....JEWELRY STOREI -GO TO-- U. of Buttons and W. W.TUTT1LE' 5338o St U . f X insALLEGRETIS, if you wish. ROSS GRANGER, Teacher of Dancing. T HOSE considering the subject of daiicing are requested to gall at the office of Boss Graiiger for correct information in regard to classes, private lessons, terms, etc. OFFICE: Ground Floor. GIRANGER'S ACADEMY, Maynard Street Dr. Cooley Resting Well. tDr. Thomsni C ooley, saul of .101:1:7e 111isiiilias 0. 1 (t'olcy, wsose: lailili- pia:l coiiioin wals noted so-icl weecks ago.,swais ill town a f1 ewshours thits ilorilillg-. Ini slit:aiig of his fatehers rolulatai. be saii that lit- tiaitmient hehoa::s ee:reciiilg -it i 'hlass provedl very ltsi(,a10tl. I"H- is nlilell stroliger bollh iiihotly anld imind," said Dr. Cooley !his sioriiliug, "andl alsao very ooiforta~ilie. Which, 0(o at isi in iihis toaditio, is :as necesiliry is inyithing else. There sis otliing occ-urrinsg svlierk lie is that1 teinds t0 excite hunl and the- quiet of the pllael is juist whlat bhe ha~s sateded. Whlii Nve kniow lie will never re-galln has old- tiui strength of iiiind, u-a fee~lthait it least lieis :1s aonifortaiblt 115it is ipossible to inlak: hiii. lHe riots boa-bh ealsier tihanlhe- axvoul it his - hlin:: in Asn Argbai-, so hieu-ill prosaibly remiain it Fliint."--Dtroit Jeurunii. \ tiCE. Class tainmnagers :must7 hanid me: a list of tile iiiein they intenda to 101a1 la the inter-el-ass footbttll series lot i3l icr thai :Satturdaly, Oct. 30. T-sc lists will beitpulishied in the Daily oiii MtKii(1y aiia all prolests muist be ini ly Wednesday, Nor. 3. 10.'T. HIEALD, AsstS."Mani. The new danceso adopted by the as- sociation of teat-hers in New York last June, an~d 001110late figures of She ger- oman will be taught by Alr. Graiuger at the academy this winter. AT THlE AIJhEN'S. Ti'le iPraaai-al I-oilier." which asill lit 5eliliatlie Ailieis 'Theatuer Sail- d1all Ili t ushei 11: s.a tIi. nT ithi ;lita fewv-ogdiieotces aof the aliiiaotr- dei til: arei:fuliler ott alaila-tfiora Prodsgatl Fathier" is ill iie i:::iislsoa eapialelt peoll. 'flit-is5;I1tramop, a oiti i teole1:, :111ofsvho'li alit salt;a(- liols to) the soil of fira- -iltay.81 -prelty girls teealle ive oi six aind its this 1bevy 21 islbos 2ls-lilic is the tahitir. Thoe:arit alsoaa hoiasl tof per- foriiiers with stonigs, olailo- s 111(.1 iiiii- taiobns. iltis lair: of tile perforancei:- is enitirely saisfactory. C:AI ICND aR. Frnida~y and al htl lly), ita-sloer 29) and: It).-Tappatn 11,111 lni tog A lolitia -l Science Assoeia tion. Saiturdiay, tOctocer l.-11etiing(if Woment's thyiiiiiaisilii. Satunrda~y, tOtober :10, t i.t.l--- Satiurdaoy,tOct-tber :130, 51. p.s-Cut- versity Hall1, Slahyton tCryaiul toncert to., iii S. 11. A. cosircse. i'btirsdlay, Noveiimber 4.--Elonilnlirilig hLitrairy, IlietinllittfUii'iv'Isily(Slie-s Club. Frid3ay-,Nov. 3l-1e tlst' liiti )'00 vs. '03. .Saturda~y, NeivI-lel ir, u 11.-i- otignts Fieldi, it Iiiivs4. Itirdue. 0.,IT. NARTIN, FUNERAL DIRECTOR. Embalming a ,Specialty. NO. 200 FOURTH~ AVENUE. Ambslance eight er day. lResidence. ,302 Fifth Avenue. ANTON TEUFEL, Ternis, Vanisers. Drens uit Cnses. anid Troelis sed Yalises repaired neatly and cheaply. Ne. 307 S. Main Sireet. C. fI. MAJOR & CO., ' IThle A ristic~de orators Have a complete line of Wall Paper, Psints, Oils, Window Shades, Room Mouldings, Etc. Specialty of fine, interior decorating, p ainting, frescoing, tinting and paper hanging. Only the best of workmen eiuployed. Work guaranteed. C. ff. MAJOR & CO., The Artistic Decorator. TA NDPEM S The Larcest Lisle of Bicycle, un- dries andI Supplies an M. STAEBLER'S CYCLE EMPORIUM, Telephone No. 5. One door East of Ameri- can House. S The Name she (guarantee. 1 -Z SPALDIN(FS _ Foot Ball Supplies For '97 F Every equiisite for. the Game. Mainagers weill do well to write foe samples nd special rates before purchasing. The Spalding Official Foot Ball. Adopeed by Yale, Priscetos, Pennsylvania, Harvard, Cornell, and all other leading uni- rersities. Each ball tented and packed, and sealed in sepesate box with bras sator Price, 55s. Spaldisig's OffiilFees Ball Guide for 81)7 Edited by WALTER CAMePuPst- paid. .o cnss.-- Catalogue of Pall and Winter SportsREss. A. G. SPALDING &BROS.,' New York Philiadelphia Chicago Washington AGENCY FOR THE WASHBURN, also DOlIMA X andolins and Oluitars SCIIAEBERU'S Music Store 114 W. Liberty St., Ann Arbor. 11 CAN FURISH MUSIC OF FIRST-CLASS, Orders fee' all 'Fraternity pas.-ties, club dances. etc. Leave orders as -Ass Arbor Mlusic Go, orstiRenidence, 1770OGeddes ave. P. S. - Will take pupils on Piano and in ight readingasabove named Places. A. J . Johnston. -University School of Dancing, State Street., opposite Law Building Terms $-5.00 a semester - - Single eN elings 50 cc u ,s. Offilce-427 Thompson Street.