45\ t l e . a 1 O " V VOL. VIII. No. 25. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1897. FOUR PAGEe. WILD Has received a full line of Novelties for Fall and Winter in Suits, Trousers, and Overcoatings NO 108 E. WASHINGTON ST. NEAR MAIN Al legretti's Chocolates.... Fresh every week. Only in' packages- 60c a pound. Lowney's if you prefer. PALMER'S PHARMACY. Just Received a Large and Elegant Lin.e of New Pipes I Sot and Cod Lunches at all hours. Agents for Hylersad Williams and Weeers o Chclate eon aon. R. E. JOLLdY & CO. 308 South State Street. [ATHENSTHEATRE ! SATURDAY, OCT. 30. The Prodigal Father Prices.... 2 c, 350. so and 75. THOSE NOBBYSUITS! MILWARD THE TAILOR, STATE STREET. WAHR'S 300HSTORL E Students should try us before making any purchase. We are bound to satisfy and please. Our large stock of Law and Medcal Books, in short, Tet-Books for every department in the University, new and second-hand enables us to sell at the lowst price. Blank Buks and U. of M. Sta tionery at low prices. Mtake our stores your headquarters. W AHR'S BOOK STORE Up Town Dow Tow . State st. Opposite CourtHouse Ann Arbor Main st NEARING THE END. 'Tennis Tournament Now Nar- rowed Down to the Finals. Yesterday's play in the tennis cthamionoships was of the -highest quality, andi had ai decisive influene tpon the final otconme. The two first class tournaments, doutle and stge, have now been narrowed (own to the fonal rond. to stogies Russel ansi Daiforth are left to contest for the toiior of playtng the pvs(nt stge ettampton W.. D. iHerrick. to doubles Herritk andi tK.Daforth, id t. )an- forth and Lamb will do ltate; i fis sacth e winners will be sdeclared cthsmpions, as tR. Danfortb and Lamb. Cie present 'Varity chasipos, are n longer a team. The 'best tennis dsplayed yesterday was ins the semi-final maeih betwan Rlussel tast Riitley and H. 'Danfotsff and Lamnb. 'The latter tel is won so straight sets by the decisive score t-t. (-2. The feaftures of the mtch were the remaskabe and strong volleytng f Danfortisnit the seady, brilliant gamse of :Lamb. 'bh- oth-rimati-hsin doubies was R. Danforths atd Ierik vs. (tore and fee; thle olsi r teamsstoVni with compaative ease. (ore nd Msc smade smany peetty assesteut othe-- u-toe played in execrable for. to first class singles Gore was va-s quished by the persiset game of ft. Danforth.'Te score was 0-,fu--1. Ths ony match played in second lass singles was one potoned frit Tus- stay between (olborso std Jcsstt; Ja- cotbsuon the deciding set by- the scre ti-3. Gianler beat Osborn by default. Tosoorrow- the seonsi round of ue set-ondtclassotournaesnt will tbe isbtr- esd. The final mtath in le first class single tournaent Is schssdues for ri- cay; the ctampionshlip rounsdi wilt e contesiest Sattrday sorning.tie- weather permittinsg. Tise miatches schesdulesd for tmotsrrow- aeas follows: Doubles, cisamption- ship round at 3:5i p. in., tR. Danforth's asnd Herrick vs. i. Danforths and f-snob; second class singles, second' sound, -Sudlowo vs. Denby, Jacobs vs. Wilbur, and Jernegan vs. .fee at 10t pm i. Has a Good Name. A new scientific club tis lately been establised by a number of the 13ni- versity torn and they lars given it the interesting title, Otlolepisfesiad. This was thle name by wicithue Usi- versity was known in its eariet days. Whlen te act to establish the Uni- versity was framed in 1517 hiss Greek word was adopted and it was keit up until 1821, wen the change was smade to University of Michigan. The atholepistesiad club moeets onice every three weeks and a papr is read by the ]lost on ecrt occasion. Tue first meeting uas held aatshot 'tints since at the hoots of Us-ot. tsral tnsell. The -professor read a papr on the, United States Geological So'-- Ivey string the evening. Among thse uembers of the club are Acting President 'Harry H-utchins, the tev. Msrt-iis L. DOoge, Prof. B. A. tins- sale. Prof. Andtrew- l atsglls, Dr. (Geerge Dock ansd Dr. J. P.litctsttirih. Mass Meeting Tonight. A tits smenig oill its- islit iunse lt-e aspoices of ts(tnesod tovrnimett Cltsta'tonight at R selek int he Dlaw lecture roomss. Thle otjetefsthlists site- tssg is primartiily to arosesu ttttsiastni iamonsg the sttidents of or Universit- for thes-causeo of good gsvrnssent to usr iftssatises-oosdatilyt expatintt the workitngs objectsondanihsesof te tonoi Gove--rnenftClusts astdt osere sew -msemssers ort-it. Aetisg Ut-isiett Irtttttltts tssdt Dean ttudsson ;sillai- sress the smeeting. The club is non-partisniandtis o e- votedstotithe siseussotsof lpolitcsl secal anid econossical qusionss. All studets, 'bothsmen andi uwassest ar urgedl to fis priset at ue isie-ing tonight. Philosophical Club Program. Thrtouighithfis-untiring efforts of ProfA. Wenley, the Philosophlical Scity ti-to s'-urest soie of the most anot-dptuil- sopitial thinkers oftfistscountr-y,- ind osill Iresenta pfrogram-sts oc si)5 550e. in its history. Te folsoing ae tlte statists of those os-Io hae poiaasi.t to oisit AnaitArboir: Pof.. tslutso-ll pro- fessor of samoral pilosophy is Nr t- weste-rn University.till letrtDe- cembher- 7 usa "Philosophsy ath te Nes-- er Sos-iology;" Dix Cans, editor of the Monist, of (liltago; Pin. Baldwirns,sf Prinsceton; Prof. Gilsman, editor of tte Neor Writ. of Botos; Pio. yl}r, profes-sor ofitphilosopy of rligioss in Cornell; soil Prof. Knight, irofesor of moral philosophy in St. Adresvea, Sc-otlands, sisy possily fit scre. Alpha Nu Program. Net tridlay evening te Alha Nu literary socity twill presnt the folowtor- tung programit.at7:0ttocok: Jusic. suatet xeprnossecNr:an Sweat; detate, '"Resolved That this Pitest Statessholdstasotte tosalsasvings ank system,' affirma tive, -Miss Nash, Mr.ttllisge; nega- tire, -Miss Austin, Mr. Strogt extemt- poraneous speech, Mar. Gauss; msics, quartet. Vie arrangemsens smasde for teIter-Society Debates xwiiitic.isade psiblic at lhiss meeting and a larg i- ferdance is desired. Engineering Society. -Mr. F. M1. Green uill address the Enugineering Society tFriday evenisg ott thse "Working. Draoings and Temp- lets for the ti.Nan ArthSuwuay of li-s ichigan ('stral tRailroadt over thissGrandt Boulevarsi at Detrotf" ie maeetng till the held in fRon10.ittu- gineering Building. All enisners are invited. The Deroit members of the ros- smasn class sitny the report liat te-y are going to suppiot iHenry for frst- titan presidtent. Celebrated Women to Mot. This msoring the ainnutal mesetiig of the Associstion of Colegiate Alussnae. tisgisoat Detriit its the 1ttseuni of Art, suitdosill be- contlinsud intt tity through 'Fridasy afternsoos. Saturdasy uscoisig this-asociationstesitsntugs swill he re-ssudintoAssnsAibor suit coi- ftisuet hroutghout the day. Sco-ral promsinenut. ioosen frooteis-itatses soill attietulatushpartricipate i itsthiscels-- bs shutsof fle event. lTe-ussetigs in Auto Ashieresicopen to this public, and it ti shpe-thliatIa barge loesl gterig trill bhuesttto mset te ditinguish- edsvistos. Choe fosllowing is lt-e cnustc- tso- grain for Satfura~y: Tappan i-all, 10 a.ist-Addsress of aselcomse. Dr. Hary Burnso Hutshihu, ailing prsident of this Universiy of Mic-higssan a itsiean of te departmen-st of law; asdress, Elia 1. Moser, M. -. profes-or of 'hygiene of thus Ussiri- oly of Michigan, anduwomeosisd ean us ft-esdepartmsent of lierature, siissue souldftse arts, report of the sisiitstig cessiiuitteee, balloting for officers; lii per, 'fTeProfblcum of Ociuatio-.i," Miss Ksate Histiasay iClaghorn Ph. .; 1 p. mu.-Lusoiheon owill e sevestis te womsen's gymsnasissuss (ticket 50 cents). Thie afts-rnoon uill be given to a i- 551sfion tenderesd this assoeationty this Womsau'sfeague of lt- nivr- ily anti an inspetion of this niver- sty biuildinogs.4 p. it. mseeing of tbis directors, prlace not yet sssigned. Amsong thiss ssot distinguishetd of this viitors till be Mrs. anec Ba-- coffthRobinison of Detroit.trite wts at oust timue hrceptreso of Nres-- emn Univerity; and Mrs. Mlaria leoe ('rosy, of Chicago University. Tlise twoel-shiknsown-womnc oill be tin- seredt s receiption at thie'Aha Phis Sorsority house Satursday senisg at 3 ocleck; attensdance toshby-iniasiton only- -Axilisrv commsitee In AnnsiAriaor for the literary andu social functeions arrsange-d for Saturday io as folloows: Mrs. (G. W. Patterson. Mi1s. J. -. Drsake,.'Mrs. 1.. .. Walker, Miss M1asy Hinsdisle, Miss A. I . Lortli; sut- communitee, Mss. Abers Kahn, Mrs. Bernard Gtsbtrg; pusblicaton,iss I. H. fHl, 'iss Myra 1. tot; trans- portafito, Mrs. W. J. Bteef, iss F. w;. Hudtson; dives and rides, ;Mrs. J. F. ittancrson, Miss Blanche ferry; nta- tions-Mftrs. H. A. Bisop, Mlis . S. Watrner, Missf. L. 'Bsuinl; register and 'badges. Miss Querterry; rece- ten, Mss t. W. Last, iss A. B. Mossifos-il;-bureau of infornation, Mliss Queen Ferry. Miss L. B. Swift, Miss Maud Walton. Many Orators in the Field. Thin aleting hanlRon-is24 lat night in flue interests of oratory uas a great success. Vie room oas crwtded with prospetie Orators and grea enthus- iasous wtssmnssifestei. rof. Tru,-- 'loodstgao-c sslong list ofsubjects std madseisa.sshort adtireson mstie formss and 'otructlurs- of orations amd dbtes. Sitboribe for fle Daily. CI , 4' Thuseetstraotin a st lt-e 'is-er-tty -has nsw ets tachiest 3,043i. Probably tthe castaloguieosill have 3,300 daiies.