THE UTJMVERSITY (OF MICHl-IGAN DAILY. CHEST PROTECTORS AND CHAMOIS VESTS ! e ; This is the time of year whens we need protection4 S from the raw, odld winds. 4 A chest protector is much4 more safe to wear than a sweat- er because you don't have to 4 leave it off when you "dress4 up," and being out of sight, it ' don't make a man look slochy 4 at any time. We have them ' *for ladies, too - dainty, well, Vmade and comfortable. 4 50 Cents Upward. 4 SCALKINS' - PHARMACY The Store= STYLISH DRESSERS FURNISHINGS CORRECT FADS Of all manner of articles tiat go to n'ade up a gentlemen's wardroe hown for the firt time here. FISK, CLARK & FLAGS Complete line of dune neckwear. "E. & W'." COLLARS, Newest Shapes Barkers Perfect Fitting Collars. Night Robes 50c to $1.00. Laundered Shirts, 75c to $1.50. Math Robes $2.50 to $3.50. l$acy Hose 25c to 75. Black Hose 12'c to 50c. Mens' Sweaters 40c to $4.00. Street or Dress Gloves $1.00 to $2.00 Umbrellas 76c to $4.00. Fine uspenders 15c to $1.00. Newest Novelties in Cuff Links, Shirt Studs, Collar Bluttons, etc. Mens' Fine Under- wear 25c up. Mens' Fancy Front Shirts 50c. MACK'& CON Non Irirant... Soft and pleasant to the skin, perfect fitting, health giving, service- able and as near perfec- tion as UNDERWEAR can lie made. GOODSPEED'B. MAIN STREET. Cold, icy times will be hers ~' -soon. We are prepared for the emergency with splendid values in Combination Underwear, $1.00, $1.50, 1 $3.00, $4.50 and $7.00. - Warm, Durable Undershirts and Draw- ers, 50c, 75c, $1.00 and Up. WAGNER & CO 1,Frnsher Lamps Expressly'~ Students' Use "The Rochester," "The Yale," "The Royal," "The Perfection," "The Berlin Student," all nickle plated, varying ini price from $1.00 to $2.50 each. A TT Every student should use Dean's "Red Star." It gives a pure .Jki..4 white light, is odorless and does not char the wick. Deliv- ered in any part of the city in our cans at 10c per gallon. For sale only by IDEAN & COMPAN-Y. 214 South Main Street. UNIVERSITY NOTES. ani ioietiol1 of officers'at is ii'iling F-ridaiy night. Quite,'a crowid of studets cwint to 1Yisiilanli Moudaly night to iwitnies the plan.",liss hFraincsof Yale." f"ieliterarN, societiies willmeitit hie iieek (onilrida~y iniglht, owying to thie cltirtainent iRiitle S. L. A.. Caiiite t-iaiurdtiy night. Theii Detroit and Annt A-ieor ttin'k Stchoole wi'll play their annual footbill gainat ilii Fair IGrounds e nxt Friii-iv i t:30o'clock. T'le fiiiversiyof XWistconsiii hias do- ciili'ito «it-ililrsw Froiii ihe 'iiiral Dobatiniogleague. 'i'Thecauoseof lte acni is n ot staled. Jtaiies'South, a student, iwas eaugti afterntooiianiil was takiensto itle itis- .A. Scott . L. 18.istrareliugnoe i'itevr ianl frc'iglii agi'n1t of ttie Cielit- radii and AMiclilil Ii. It. Theiiciiiilii'itioli for liie irizee offer- edi biy th'eIl0 00lOricle riiiiaiii open sin- til Niii. 15. 'liii'board in accoridaiice vvitli ltii'ucual eiistoiiiriervesft'e Si-lit lto ui' ouy or all ariicle: ofifi 'ii. tDr. liza.i"Mohitasoebeen asked to rc'i-oe't lie Woianes Leaguc' at tle i-iilifi'r-Iii-(of the State Feideration 'it 1iiion.s (lobe,. wid h iieets hetwi' 'ii lii' liiih:iidl12thiofnixitiiioutli at Eaist Stina iv. taiis a. ethily ci-iliolinon ABieligaii'e 'leaiii. Full'eii i'iii-licute of 1lii_,eunel Ihichirtle. Tot-tzil. o.-kwood,. T'sleott, tiv~aaoilaii.lLihr anid C-1ltain1 W.J. Boom, hre. W. AROLD, lt Vice-res J. V. 5HEEHAN, 2 Vice-prs. JOiN . WALZ, Ast. Cashier. Statg - Savings - Bailk. Transacts a general Banking busi- ness. THE ANN ARBOR SAYINGS ANK Capital Stock, $5,00. Surplus, $1i0,000. Resources, $1l,1000 Organized under the Generi Banking Laws of this State. Receives dopsats, bys ad sells exchange on the principi cities of the Cnited States. Drafts cashed upon proper identification. Safety deposit oes to ree. Orrocos: Christian Mach Pres. W. D. Harrizman, Vice-Pres. Chas E. Hiscuek, Cashier: . J. Fritz Assistant Cashier. FIRST NATIONAL BA Kr nanizdi5N3 Capita, $10,00. Surplus and Prft, $4,001 Transacts a general bankng business. Foreign exchange bought andsd. Furnish *. letters of credit. E. D. KINNE, Pes. HIARRISON SOULE, Vice Pres : . iW. CLARKSON. asier. ssg P & fhiig9Cr. lMaunand iurin etreet. Capita, $e0,000. Surplus, $30,000. Transact a geneal banking boiness. R I. KMrP, Prs. C. E. Goc,, Evce-Prs FaEDi H. BESER i. Cshier CAL LAGHAN S 340. STATE STREET FOR.- Law Books F. J. SCHLEEDE. 340 . STATE STREET ook inding- - -Li ......25cetsad up Solid Gld Fountain Pens-..i. $,0 and up. Waternmun and Wirt Pen in stck and lens iRepaird Wholesale and Retaii Paper. 3 bs. of Lin- en Paper for 50c. -STZXNS!a A RED - HOT LINE -A- AN Lading WM AROLD, Jeeer Music Studio PIANO, PIPE ORGAN AND COMPOSITION. CONCERT PIANO TUNING R. H. KEX9PF, From Stuttgart Conservatory, Germany. 312 SOUTH DIVISION STREET. ® XUSICAL ! @ Meli Gilespie, teacher of Mandoin, Banjo and Guitar. Instructor in lbs University School of Music. 1S years experience as a teacher. Call at Ann Arbor Music Css. Store to arrange for hours. :. . Holmes ivery Stable! 509 E. Liberty St, Central location. Good Service FIRE r' During the past ten ] t 1 years the Toledo Laundry Co. have kept their custom- ers goods insured against fire, a fact that is appreciated by their patrons Best of work and Prompt Delivery. Branch Office 123 South Main St., Ann Arbor, Mich 1 1 I 7 i liy Officer Sweet yesterdiay, ruclin-gg a21 ht,g i laiii-tilearticle. iiycle on the sidewalik. He paid $3.20 I,.vry issciblt'e siitidatt- for oralor- to Jstice t'Oltl for the pleasure. ic-al tu11ors is urged to0atteid the Niew-'bulltetiin bioards liave itenati- 1nel lug ini Rooiiu24 tonighit. Miciul- i-t onithelit-sOtfdoor of tilawiiibuiiild- gall"' ing lhue of suinterruphted-ie-tt lug; fur a.iiiotuileluiintc iitio esenioiii ones hoscatused i-very uinamber-of tie i-loos in coniviying iiod prtic court .Northeurn Oruulrical oagytse 10oidttter work. minet to dow-i her, anti Pc-ry ye'ar it 'Tih'esophloimore - lasiof th-lhoirie- icsarider for uc to carry off first iiiii- oplatic ni.edical i-ollege iwill elcltfOft-- os. io- is the timiiOto hi-gin sonid io uersic iithe thomieopiathict-lectiure rois-n helter plan -for gettinglthe woirk clant- oni Wtdiul-dy imociiing, Noc. ., at it uch ciiulid le dev-bed thlall suchl a liieei- ocieck. ing s is to be hold tonight. Thit focotiall teamic of itie fourlr it-- -_________ citry clasces u-crc out prcticingogncii Ccago TOcivercity cciil cci'eher lie camusu near 1the gyltraiuiliie-s- athletic fieldl on Janailtry- 1st. ulessc lurtloy afternoon. Tue '98 and 1)11colilione comes to the rnctoe. 'iThe teamis liui-tiii against eat-hi ithier. lease exhiires on that tdate, ad tie Mili-u. one of lie candidates 'fortheliocwner, SMarchallIlol, thie grealt('ii- highl School fotball teami was qiuite cago uoltr'iuilt, aftiei c-hoii the lield -eviere'ly injiureci while pratcticinig on is naamed, is relui-tanit ituetor into a tht- High Se-1i0o1 commiions :yeterdaiy iuecv out. A BIG STICK OF LICORICE For that cold --AT-- No. 1-03 F.Wasitunoton St Mummery's Drm Store .(or. Fourth ave. I