Science is driving commerce, and one mpust either keep the pace or be left hopelessly behind. That is why we have secured the exclu-
sive sale of clothes bearing the labels of
The Stein-Block Co's. and Hammerslovtgh Bros.'
These clothes are far-and-away ahead of any ready-made clothes that you have ever seen. They are designed by genius and fasth-
ioned by skill. They are equal to the best made-to-order sort, though they cost but half. So convenient to have ready-to-wear clothes the
moment you need them, without fussy measurements, "TRY-ONs" and a multitude of exasperating alterations.
Money Back If You Want It. Come Today.
221 SOUTH MAIN STREET. Ltudenschtnitt &c Apfel.
Guitars, Mandolins Foun- _
and Banjos in the City.-
The lowest price in the State. Pen. -<---~
Agents for Washburn ansd
Wadwinstruments. eU A' L F<OR ---- . o. lE. MKARTIN,
-" KI I -I Lowney's Chocolates F IUNERAL DIRECTOR.
205-207 E. Washington St. &* -.-JEWELRY STORE! -G0 TO- I mbalming a Specialty.
T,{Buton an " istaeTSLE NO. .209 F'UT VNE
____________U. of M. Putns andGETS Wf Wou TUTh I St buate nihtody
___________________________________________________________ Residence, 502 Fifth Avenue.
ANN\ ARBOR Special Rates to the Game. AT TIlE ATHIEN S.AN O T U EL
RAILROAD. in- Prdia iANTiet wiEUFELt
i Time Table. Sunday, Sept. 5, 1897. Te lnlaetkna raril- thPrdglIle wlbeheHAQRESFO
TIME TABLE: tcrest isl the ie~iinAisi gatL n it c1 attraciots it the Atheiicio Yeatci' Sit- Trunks, Valises. Drnss Suit Cases, and
Trains leave Ann Arbor by Central Standar seToenxlescoypes.iwssnr-sits e-nliOioe ~ts u
Time. se o etStra hnwsatc-uda ~nnOtbr3t.'~e Trunss. ad Valilors repaired neatiyan
Norm. SOUTH. paled, and spccial sates arc brinig o~ plaiy is 11o ini its ifiii yelie of 1)01)11- cheaply. No. 307 S. Main Street.
8:435a. m. .7:30a. m isrity and by lit isseasis new to Ann
*12:15 a. a. 15:15 a, m, fire froms Uies go, Dctroit T oledo Q&( d
4:4 p, m 8:0 p mArbr, he ompny siatable' of C. lII. MAJOR &C.
19;10 a. m, 18:05 pmi. unit initeeiate psoints. At Deits ('tttitu eniiigh enterisius veit if a h ri~i~ertr
*Rus between Ann Arbor and Toledo osly, 1,0 isiv-c already iglniicd al n titi loisAtsicdortr
"Russ btween Toledo and Ruweli This litvely order otit ofl it to ?seep all tush-
teals 5Sunday only. All other trains daily to c-omesi; So5 arc psromsted fromi Troledo; an-ei-u gisiil itnnitor for sisacnit Have a complete line of
ex.p SundayO,, Aen 25T will bei hesre froti 'Chitaco; aniiii ~ ~ efiisustssei~ W Paper, Paints, E.S IMRAeteI ~riiut h u uare u Wl eg ,Oils, Window
W. El BENNETT O.P. A. Toledo 0. Grsansi Rapsids. Jackons ansi oilier lie sirigisisl text andssi ituistiosis. for- Shades, Room Mouldings, Etc.
pits still sisi at least twso tissndredt. thsr sd-eroioto rs prsovided by tite in- Specialty of fine interior decorating,
UP I'~.R T I~h 5g:e tiioioioi' li to tir cs-slt if trtoi-tcioii of ,, ntumtber of letl:ng painting, frescoing, tinting and paper
sissetlties Niii isL of va hanging. Only tebrat of workmsen
TeNiagara Fal oue" ".iiniie" Baird wsill surely its sise sr t lnig Te sti-ttle
CJestral Standard Time. b #, Tei'pe- ltemploye11d ork gurated
TRAINS AT ANN ARBOR. toily an islil issist mi thie o eitii1' tilln to sitts ands exec-disigly clot-er. CI AO~&C
ESA AN A . this ifterunoon. lIrice', Dye(r. F-arinhamii - -- .
, . . A ES. A M ieisunr e and l) twill eineisI- "The Parin Salon." The Artistic Decorator;
Mail and Exs...5 d3 47 ., N. Y., Chi .... 8 12is.Wrltoio tt eiirs rii
N.Y. Special.,. 4 58 Mil ______ i 9 18 ali. '1r'iasn tbenreeid'rn
*N. S. aLirnItL_ 6 45 P sitm the others st-it wiltisAar i a ~ rt Lesaguie will mciit uThrs. T A D11 Eo Nl Saepr nSt-Esenx.-.05WsenE--_5
as t x3. rok tteA. M. 0. R. & R. Ex. 5- 5 st urtay's gsstie as0 to tiii timise of tbheir isay er-enisstn 7 t itls-,stt
.N.xees... 5 50 Chi. Nt. Es___ 9 40hoefhisDul,"ynE.lra
Atlantic latcExs .--7 30 Ch~cgjc .g Ex.....t1 30 strrtsal , lint ill still tie here bsy F-1-d-y. 1iss i 10 otilostR li-i
O H. Express__11 ..nis____________ o., upon wh-iichs otcait-sion tlie Wi- T e t
*North Shore Limite is an extra fare tr-ais lisis Iutileous-sel gist' a Icetsiri oii The Largest Line of Bicycles, Sun.
t acaof$2.i5to New York than on Adminintrative Hoard. ''"Te flsi 'Sailon." sgfr. isooi will dtries and Supplies at
o,.w P. &&UET. Agt., Chlcago HW. At.AYEhor
nnW.RnnOArborB.T.ttention is called to theo fiossoing give tu.P .atesi froti itis ptersonial expir- M. STAEBLER'S CYCLE EMPORIUM,
litof ds for tite regular ismetigs slice. Tihe'ret 1.11 ite sa sent's of It0ttO- Telephone No. 8. One door East of Amel-
ULof M.Shaving Parlors and Bath looms of the. Aiitrativ-e tBtord: ir lectiries i'xtt'idiiig throughl the Win- ca oue
322 SOUiTH STATE STREET. (li-c. a, 13 aisti 2(; Nits. 3 aina 17; lDe. ti'r. 'lis tlsik art' not t'otecissllyt fotr The Same the Guarantee.
Ladies' artistic Hair tDressing up stairs S; .tis. 12 an~d i; Psi:, 9 andi 2:;- isrofesitsilo. butt it' of ttreot ts ill. SPALDIN-'8
Old friends rail again. We welcome new Mrh',9ad2;1?
ones. .. R. TROJANOWSkCI. -sri ,8sid22 Aptril t sandt 2-;NOTlICE,. Foot Ball Supplies For '97
_____________________________________ ust bnd m Every Risite for the Game..
RENSCLERTH itTGRPE Due regar -fothset s il. p 're. teMt i~isgr itllit~iiCanagern will do well to write
ENT~HERTH POTORAHER Do rg-sri totbsetlttt it u~>a lit otf the lnon thesy intseidtoinpllay for sa mpes and special rates
I seutin0 ltctitiossi Wsill scoid tie'lsy illltein-ter-Claso ftootball scries itot befre purchasng.
Telephone ,o. ANN ARBOR action. A. 0. BSALL, liter thani Satuirdlay, Oct. .30. Thore The Spalding Official
ENOCHI DIETERL.E, Sooc'y Admiin. 13d. lists wsill be pssblised ini the )Daily til Foot Ball.
EMBAMERANDFUNRALDIRETOR 'Xondy 'nd ll p~tets ustbe n b Adopeed by Yale, Princeton, Pennsylvania,
EliBALMER~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ANHUEA IETR rsds-sdalIrtoslltt'ei s iarvard, Cornell, and all other leadin toni-
Catla Attended DayerNight. D. J. Tsiriicr '98I., b roke his leg' Wdeay Nor. 3. versities. Each balteted and pached, and
No. _______ 11 EstLietyStee:neidn' 53datoatrdy sealed in separate boa with brass inflator
Sooth Fourth Ave. - Phone 129._______________________________ Spading's Official Foot Bail Guide
for F'897. Edited by WALTER CAae. Post-
Catoou of Fal. n Winter Sports, & R Sas
is te plce t by New Yor Philadelphia
KIDE 6REN tt QUARiTERsS) tepaet Register. This Register is alwcays consulted first by the Chicago Washington
RHETO'IC.COUSE21. Uniersty chol f D n~cng WASIIBIJN, also BOJIMA
Th or f o~ 1 Dvlop- U iest Scolo Da inMandolins and Guitars
Bentof hetoica Thorywil beState Street., opposite Law Building
.Morday and Wednesday, at 11. Terms $5.00 a semester - - Single evenings 50 Cents. SCABR Music Sore
F. N. SCOTT. - Ofllce-427 Thompson Street.'14WLietS.,Anrb.