THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY, Published Daily (Sundays excepted) during the College ear, at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN Cearist eTimes buildin,0 .Ml t e tenLibertyand WS.Milliam Sts.he MANAGING EDITOR .. . P. ToA, '115 L. BUSINES S ANAERff 0. 11. HANs, '0 L. EDITORS 11, I. Ssss~s,5A, '18 L., Athletics. E. L. Cmsoss, '1 L. - ht- onday MusLsR LAs, '0,- - Tuesday G. D. IluesoucT, '00, Wednesday T. R. WOOODW, '110, Thursday A. CArOELL,'9,- - - -Frday . A. CAMroeL, 00, Saturday The subscription price of the Daily is $2,0 for the college year, with a regular delivery before noon ah day. Notices, communica- tions, and other mtter intended for publica- tion must be handed in at the Daily ofice be- p.l in, f iiorda preious to that onwhich r they are eected o apear. Subscriptions may be left at The Daily Office, Meyers or Stolet's Newtand, or with Busness Manager Subribers will re- fer a faor by reporting promptly at this office any failure of crrirs o deiier paper. ,it' ite'r-class fo00110l11'~aoies, whichh begini nIxt wek deser've tie hea 'p supplort of all tuts whi 5o'ocDlt- rind. NI)otsly is 'varsity ivtiaiil teslts, 'bult il'hnmbrl'ofthims 01h10 brogtitsio 'xisencellgives 01111111 Isitly for the ,Prtiiptionil of gre) istisbers "0nfooball In tlisle evY te critilisml uttcollege atltisten'5iid to this development'll of le few to till neglet (f tie mniisediproved. Let1 threbial re 111'attendlaneeat very '(hre is neel oia gehiral reaitg rooiiisomelIwer (IDtillef' Cl linlt. T'li autossiritie atit ill' gnrlll'library. 'v lis'ttiI't'rightfully or wrnigfully do to furish.ilithe Ipoular tilgzinesl'0a111 le daily paer 1and1 oldents wit.)or not imicmbes 'feel ia n' lrlil iI'itaiIOi Ining() tle S. C. A. asd Y. 21.: C. A. roous. The c-ed& ae rovided for in the main hal, 'but de reel of uts re left to shift fo' orsrelve's. A r 90:s -ishere stdetsica en met0111nd ii 'ull 10001ti'tiscIes5oelidaily hsP~ening is mitchtlineeedIa1111te UniverWsty wuildl be well erid for the exenseo iecesrred 11y'f11e1epri'tf le 101110 aii' loyalty thl oaf ldibtlle creaedatontg the alumnni of the fstsre. 'e Daily willIat' toore to ay on thueslilet iater Courses in Chemistry. The snumioer of sttdents ii each of the several corsres of work in the cioemicai laboraories is as folows: In aii the courses in genera asd physical cemistry -tere are S2; 11n all the cuniso'in anlytical Ii(d orgaict chemsistry there are 220 The latter are maade sil as folow: 10 in the olnalitafive course; 29 in suanitaiv cecirses; 13 in organic cores; 47 hr phlysioloica anlsyis 25 in oberative Pharnmacy Tere are sisudts in 211 elrctives fos' laoraory worh. Twenty- one sidents are ii he research work of the laboratory. There are also now going oss ight ourses of lectures oss iaenshal subjecs without laboratory work. ~1rs Tindal, oasisistres-elect of the fresan law class, has bent b- sent for the past -few days atending a wedding in Phbiladelpha. One Banquet This Year. '1151' freshiman cloess at isst tbe- giun its plolitial tissnso'vrI'. ?'li rt ticket in i eld' (111 is ea 112by 1111(es Heniry, of Enlgle'wood. 'hs ticket is ago, Dtroil.t, raldIlsiids. Anis Ar- 1111, Laissig a2111Kansass Ciy. A siset ins of sll t ra rsisies ls hetld last evninig to inamie so caid~isat' for tilesll iloorlantt positinl of toast nussolr. Till' Zea Psi aind Delals a's 111 Eps5ilont1frteritis bth puttttil eacitoes, thie oote s liilg'7 o 1u in fsvor of Mrt. Wetore, of Detroi, wh(liiie'b teD.K Oftrnty idtotil 11vos. I 1111er t 1152oidla2 ruptutlr'simitlsr 1o that (f lsst yeaite11'Zeta Psi fra'ectsy im'v- edt that air. Wtetisit'' toethstitaci- trstetiti's owilsupport111'lAir. I ilolyTe 11i''osil~. No 111211'hIsisyotsb11115a'- 1(1' first rgulalr mets''ig11f te'class Guests at a Banquet, 'Acting 'resisetH'usl'tc'tintslDsean IHutson andltDr. 2'.1. Ositg'oli serers guests (f till liisersisy 1111b of Chi cago atli 111e11rclis lsot Oli islas vets is 0(1 0singtsoestwo 111(11 andfify, its. Iidilig' many pr1oietlii'lfgraduatstl. wereI' lrsct. Tius lss elon Pag, 1,1' gratsouthserii novelist, 511(1 liie b-ishioof Vals n-re gests o f ihonolr. Theuivsioty C'ltb is eotlIpOse.'i f grsdstues of the difr'it tiiverstico of this, ('otsry andsiEtropel'.a(tlt 1)(- ies ,,pac'liouA(tb rolio 1111nlDeabors s. Itsobljet 1s lrgly social, 01111to thle ael'Ipisllstsiei of thi enId, dii- nero are givenisacall year in hoolr of the dice'n tisssseriti s rereeted Prof. Trueblood to Speak. Profs'ssor 'Trueblood will lt ll sudentseinoterestel iithe cominitg itsr- :society Ieates bull orstorical c'ontests this ev'e'ning at 7 ocloh in 1Roo0th2-. Evry stdIet wholinlitedls to ('tter any of 11(1 contests this yer sosli attnld this mseeing. Professor 'True- blood nill hasve a larg' list of sbjelct suitsfble for ortionls ntl will gie a talk oni te miethodlof lprearigfor the contests. tHe will also exlaini the wa'sy ini which the ra torical associa- ien and th(lieIlbatigll esges al's'ol- duted and wi111 give a history of the organiizat ion and w orkings of fte Northern Oratorial League. Alt st- denlts who are itereted 110tis work' shouldl elprset tonight. '10 lEN'-A sie of ooiise wihall counveienoes 21 514 E. Lbrty s01 ST. THOMAS CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC CONDUCTED BY THE SISTERS O THE MONROE = CONVENT Piano Forte, Vocal Culture, Mandolin, Guitar, Violin, Banjo, Harmony, Counter- point and General Musical Theory. Study of Harp, Xiss Ellen Clarken. ADDRESS, ST. THOMAS CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC, ELIZABETH STREET. (DI1NTER FZSHOES I -OF- Every Description! A LARGE LINE OF SEE OUR WINDOW? BEAL'S SliOE STORE, 10S N. Main Street. Opposite ______________the Coure Mouse. B HEAVY WEIGHT FANCY BACK COVERT COATS i ~A rongh daorip. - ien:StOrapped seams, wide fucings edged - wisth satle. satin 1'shoulders and _aO sleeves, skeleton . ~buck, rrvralsngtlshe fancyplaid / ~which constitutes - thle bach of the rev- ert cloth. As to the appearance of these coals we - fee you to thol se- cemponyieg illustrations, SWELLEST . "1 QNOVELTIES, NOBLE'S Star Clothin.g HOUSe, Zso South Main SI Students'I Lectvr Associatioo1 Singe admnissions will be sold'for each entertainnment as follows: Nansen's Lecture- _$1.00 Reserved Seat ----$1.50 Sousa, and His Band - _1 00 Reserved Seat - ____1.50 Gov. Robert L. Taylor..._. 75 Reserved Seat - ____1.00 Six Other Numbers--------.75 Reserved Seat---------_ 75 SAVE YOUR MONEY BY SECURZING A SEASON TICKET.. Season'tTickets, - - - $2.00 Season Tickets Reserved, [Extra] .5O Dress :-: Your:: Neck Just as becomingly as you do the rest of your body-wear a tie that feels right and looks right. We're going to help you out on this question. See Our Window. THREE FOR ONE DOLLAR Cutting, Reyer & Co. 201 andI 203 South Main Street. - Ann Arbor, rlch If Better Lasts, or Shapelier Lasts, or Easier Styles can he had we have them-Econimies everywhere except in quality -that keeps going up, up, up. Our $5110 and $5100 shoes are far and away the best money's worth we ever offered in those grades. WsM. J. APRILL. 119 EAST WASHINGTON STREET.