6 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. ~E4COLLEGE -OPN TOld students coming back, new faces on the street, more mcving to and fro-all tell of things forgotten in the hurry of leaving home and of things needed in your room and at college. We have been getting ready to supply those needs, and we moan to treat you so well that you will come hack to us for future wants. ilair Brushes.... Everybody woofs a good brash for a little money-we have it-25n aod uowards. M~iitary Hair Brushes A fellow is noatis it" without a pair o his dressing table. 51.00 to P.10 per pair. Of every description, from 5i cools op to 10 cests. Tooth Brushes. The thing yea always forget. Oar kiod don't shed their bristles. We re- place them if tihey do. 25 teals for a good one. Nail Brushes Hood scrubs, pumice stone, etc. We cas't describe them, come and see for yoorself. - Shaving Tools. Toilet Soap Most all the soaps that are good and nose that are not good. I9c, 0c, lie. 25c and l0t. Bath Towels. You'll seed a pair for theo "Gym." and anothser for yoar room. We have the big thich hind that wipe dry, from 20c a pair up. Micro Supplies Whether you tahe Histology, Bacter- iology, P'athology or any other 'ology whore you use a microscope, we want to furnish your supplies. We tahe groat pesos to get everything just right and theo we mahe the price as low as we tan. Bing as yoar list. Photo Supplies Everything that as amatear wants, from a tamera to a pound ot hypo in to be found here. A fall line of Eastmao's goods and some othsers. We lihe to show UNIVERSITY NOTES. I tenson, of the "Timies, is the business uanager. ('of. Weinstein is in towu. Prof. D'Ooge, late deau of the lite r- The Chi Psi's have bought flit Chas. ary deportmnent of the University, It. Wiitnian fplace on Horan St while w'est, at iTacom a, founid his The Siguma Chli fraternity iiasovoA 1}ocet pickced of money and transpar- from No. 1 Volland St. to Glci oisn'tls ation tickets for himself and wife. The mDelta -Gammna's save smoveol It is a pleasure to annelsiscetehat froms S. University ave. to 130 Wilonot Rallph C. 'MoAllaster hiss been ap- si. pointed general secretary for the eon- A nesw fraternity, Phi Rho Sigmna. solidated U. of M. Aluseal Associa- has been estabtlishied in the medical, tion. This action was taken receutly tepartmsent. fly listboard sand was tunanimouss. A. snu'irisiiigly large nisber of old work has been pushed oss the miec- stutdents sire already bock and thelitic light plant all sumnmser, font it swill etnap of freshsisesn is gre~at. grTobatoly not be ready antliDa'. 1. 'l'sss Drsssssller's, '97L, qsua:ts' Prof. 'Carlsart 'has suspetessnded list back on last year's footbasll tease, is work osid about i0 students have been psracticinait ?Seattle, woos. emplsoyedl. J5. A. Leroy, '0t1,fursserly siasaging 'Melvin P. Porite','14, has resiowesi rsilor uflteDsaily is sow sportisng so Desroit to accepotlt gesieral soon- eitor of lte Dtrit Fretel'ress. agesient of list Ness York Life Insur- Mliss GertrudeitStundserlands left re- asset Cs.sit thastiplate. He is accoms- tieitly foot lFlint Itiasosussin 'tslouties isssiie toy isswife, furmierly Miss as teachier il'lie isigiSchslo hesr. 3Mallen Otils,'97. Prof. 'H. L. Wilgs,.oflist lass (le- '1'he streetsiosusbers ihave bfor' psartnisent, wassmoarriedSeptot. 1 tos Miss chsangetd iduriug stesummeisir. Tue ii in JuslisaGoy 'Pomoiisyof t'silsiyra, N. Y. aopttetid s is te 'shiolelpohia systeisn, .. F. Lsssise"-,195, swill loteosne of lt lst'efirst slotk beginnisig with 10(),thit instructlors iso t'e tit ano eataimt seconsd with 200, etc. Glens V. Mills this year. Ite will isis" charge of ste l sts e', ietrysoi ensginoeerin etsg 10h'515Mr.Es'i ID. Hesojasiss aswho giaatloesd Thst'Uiiworsity librsiry iiso'sn from froiisthitleloso i OiOO'lt ,C phasmaty of 9 so L12so. Ino. aissifrom2sos ) 3i). iii.lst'e nivtrsity if lisi75t5 to lst year Blegininig I'risdsy it sswillbeos'piess froimi sill retsuris to. Ass Ar'bor thsis fasll is 8 i. iii. to 10 p. 5m. actept a poistlion inillhitelitheildc- H. ('sleisa. '97,sissyesitlir oflte partmenst. is duotie ss-il be Itiose of Oaoklaindl Countsy t'ost, andsfMils Miss all assistanil Rihlarsds, '9Gi ofthlist sy, Nvettl'mar- "'Tie sougress of the Presiodent An- rietd durisng tistl iilit' srescarse as Mrown nivtersity llas Canidoates for thit 'Varsity' foo.5oall isoarked by thoese stages: First stage tami will appear cth e lithlletic Fiel -'Floe.presidlent resignss. Setonisolstalge for practice every afternoon a5 4 -"floe presidet withdraws ilsignoS- oclock, toegisiisg toy.Iis andidecktles to go baoktk o :osoi. The S. C. A. liaisduoodiliss oil iiii'rThir'd stage-fist lpresident withidratws toy fsasrlteoesitiossmoer of rreent y~garsith swithidraalof his resignsaioss and both ini mastter asidlappearncse. H., asserts that 'he'll be tolaied if hell oc- 0. Sewerancse, '97,o-woas t editor. ceit a joto fros ucsosi aoit. Fouirthi The Ohio Naoval Academiy of Tooleodo, staoge-Th'ie presidenlt witlidrawsss lis Ohio, of swhichs J. G. tlatlisis, '9.i, is wsithdsrasssl of thit withdorawoal of tlis fc-unssoer asid president, 150s issoseod its r'signations sndS tecides that old fiost annuassl sannsousicemen'.t foi 97-118 friendos are'ths' test frienids, sifter sill. A gloss cos-eredl anniex 5wa5s addedito __________ thot Uiversityhospiutaol dusring tileva- Dosit for'ge t e SateS. agesncy ctioss for se as a ii lslisath llnss'ork swhen yoare sn'lookinig tonr roits They is ios il orgres 01 lo Iosse or fe will treat yous right. Proof. T. C. Troseblood wsill rosiotriloiw All studsiens d oesiring fusrnlivsl'd or tli' ladng rltirIshoeNotiito'runofsrnislhed soomos should tall on thse issue of Wersier's Maguzisie, beinig a Staote St. Agesity, aisl' get their coms- history of thse Inteorstate sOnolttol ilMete list of rossis. Assoeisioas. "Tuck" Sliesosi, '117. will isot toe bashr ts iplay blllthis3year. lit go's los d Rl'sisgtons. toll. 1, to acrolot a gos-. A h n 'h a r ersnment ipssitions aod will later iaket 1yid usi liestuody of isaws. Thse Grand Opera House in Anns Ar- Tli'he rasid Opsera 'Howe his' bewn 1 boo has been rensvated and a number5 ls~sosli bytuis . ~isso. 0eslsts i ofThesine cngemesave.eLouisde boiightby oui J.Liseoredior ofdTessne aagemhen, ee.so mode. ise W'shitna'yi Te, It 1hasloteso Losemer has succeeded in boohing cur thevseason onsly the so andard plowsso re'namedosbtihe'Athenss 'Il'.5ro 'fTo- lise day, end be invites she fatuity( Ot~gly eneed nd enoate, i is and stoudent body to hear fhem. Pop-( ossohly eisesedsoos rtsoositol ii s slar prices will prevail sod order will( nisow suchoass ioera ''houoeas Ann r beopetseve'isnwieeseotssos n~n s lins vessng viti 5iall er toot has long desired ands it oks(iervos lolfesode in. "hiosulct." liberal stsodent p~aronage. E1. C I is-1 A 1NI^ Rtazors, Brushes. Strops. Sosop, lugs. 'Veil suit you on these tou. ShaiSs o daloteg :lroso cests and apward. ISoaW tr Whisk Brooms stoany old price-5 cents to H5 tents. SHOE BLACKING AND BRUIShES.e You don't issose to bunt up a shoe store for these. W~e have T. Al. Hlaching, Ruosset h'lsho, etc. Polishing brushoes, and dausbers separate or in sets orcom- bined in one brush. All sorts of peices except high ones. Postage Stamps All you ooant, hsways excepst Sunday. There is only one fountain in tono that draws the crowds and that is ourw. We save nmoved it hock but are still ran- sing it. Peaches and cream are on tnp now. tot drinks later. CanfdiesO.. Loovney's and Aleoretti's. All hinds of packages. Alwtays fresh. City Water Den'tIaseeowithlotofugnew consers. Helter drink rstal wales. Its pure, 1armless and palatable.5'.0H a dozen (halif.dozen bottle,). i i REG-ISTER If you wont to recoive your telegrams amid want your friends to find you, the only way is to leave yonr-addreos witho no. No charge. The postmaster won't toll people whore you live. Calkills' Pharmacy, 324 (34) S. State St. at end of N. University ,Ave. S7Uweaters FANCY SHIRT to displace thue Sweater. This is flhe verdict fte eoeming seasun. In vieworfo this fact wt hausenoade heavy purchases of the mostsiqu500 and nobby colorings and tatterns frees theeeastern moe- het. They aoe nest open tor your ionspection. FUiRlIISHBRS. i23a8 Alain St., - Ann Arbor.