THE UNIVERSITY,.QI' . MICHIGAN DAILY. 3 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 3 THE THE M " $ .50 ANWEAR-WELL GOODSPEED'S, m9 S. MALI ST. - - - -1'-- r t- G --- r-- t-' r- r- -- r- C- r- r-- i- r- [- f- r- C C.l-,J r-- r- r- r- r- - r- r- ; - "- ,- r--- -".-- _ .._. , STUDENTS' LAUNDRY- ASSOCIATION. WM. VOUGHT-WM. R. FOX, AENT FOR THE GRAND LAUNDRY, OF DETROIT. The best high grade laundry In the State. The only machine domestic finish in the West. Glove fnish also given. All work promptly, neatly and carefully done. The Excelsior Laundry Co., OF KALAMAZOO. Collars.... ................1 Cent Cuffs.....................3 't Shirts........,................8 " Either fnish. Satisfaction guarantee. G.oe se a trial Office 202 S. State at. Residence 610 Lawrene t.. New State Phone. 441. MIGflI6RN 6FNTR~L "The Niagara Falls Route." CENTRAL STANDARD TIME. Taking Effect Aug. 14, 1898. Mail and Express ........... . 3 47 P. M. N. Y. & Boston Special ..............4 18 Fast Eastern ................943" Atlantic Express.. ...7 45 A. . Detrot Night Express .1.....655 Grand Rapds Express . 1110 GOING WEST. Mal & Express.. ... 158 A. . Boston. N. . & Chcago...... 8 11 Fast WesternExpress. .... 1138r. G. R. & Kat. Exress... .....5 45" Chicago Night Express. . 4.3 Pacific Express ......... .12 30 A. M. . W. RUGGLES, H. W. HAYES, e. P. & T. Agt, Chicago. Agt Ann Arbor r v TIME TABLE Taking Effect, May 7, 1898. Trains leave Ann Arbor by Central Stand. 'sd Tine. NORTH SOUTH :43 A. . 1.:0 A. . " 12:40sP. . 11:2A. M. 4:56 P. M. 8:40 P. M. t:55A. M. 18:05 P. M. *Run between Ann Arbor and Toledo only. IThese trains on Snday only and ran be- twen Toledo and Howell. All other trains daily except Sunday. E.S. GILMORE, Agent. A. W. BENNETT, G. P. A. DETROIT, YPSILANTI & ANN AR- BOR RAILWAY. Cars leave for Detroit at a quarter after every hour, beginning at 7:15 a. us. and up to 11:15 p.mus. For Ypsilanti at a quarter before the hour up to 12:45 a. Is. Cars leave corner Huron and Main Sts. Tickets on sale at Brown's Drug Store. ...THE... KINDERGARTEN CIGAR STORE Carries over 75 brands of Tobacco, 50 brands lo Cigars sd 30 brands of Cigarettes. A chace ea a Pipe free with every prchase. 102 E. HURON ST. THE ORIGINAL Students! StudentsI . . ALL . If dissatisfied with your laundry service come to the EXCELSIOR LAUNDRY A. F. COVERT, Prop., 209 E. Wash. St. M Telephone No. 211, 2 Rings. hScellent Work and Quick Service Guaranteed. AT LOWEST RATES. ALARM CLOCKS, $1.00. SHAEBERLE MUSIC STORE ARE NOW ON SALE AT U. OF M. PINS, 50 Cenats. 114 West Liberty Street, Ann Arbor. Only 3 doors from Main Street. Fine Watch Repairing a Specialty, UUWN' SUHUU STOIL J. L. CHAPMAN, FRESH -EVERY WEEK. 206 Soute Main Street CALENDAR. Saturday, Oct. 29. -Michigan 'Varsity vs. Michigan Alumni, at Regents' Field. Answer to Criticisms. Some critisms have been made in regard to the management of the crowd at the Riley entertainment, Friday evening. I beg the privilege of answering our critics through your columns. In the first place it is said the doors should have been opened earlier before the people lost patience in waiting. However, it had been thor- oughly advertised that the doors would be opened at 7:15, and they were opened when advertised. People came earlier expecting to wait out- side, and have no one but themselves or providence to blame if they did stand in the rain. If arrangements had been made to open the door at 7 or 6:30 the crowd would have been there that much earlier. To open the doors, contrary to the advertise- ment at 7 o'clock was impossible for several reason-. p In -the .first place thirty ushers and six ticket inspectors and ticket sellers had been notified before hand to be present at 7. They were on hand and ready to open the doors as arranged, but not in time to open them at 7. In the second place Mr. Riley's representative received a percentage of the door receipts and had an absolute right to be there at the opening of the doors at 7:15. He was there then, but not at 7 o'clock, and the management had no right to open the doors earlier. As to the handling of the crowd by the ushers, we believe it was well done, and wish to commend Mr. Hodge for his work. We know of no way by which it is possible to make sixteen hundred people entirely comfortable in a hall with a seating capacity of only about thirteen hundred. We acknowledge however, our limited experience in handling large assemblages, but we shall do our best, and shall be very grateful for practicable suggestions from more experienced and more capable persons. 1. We wish to add one more word in answer to those who find so frequent and apparently so delightful an oc- cupation in berating the students as a gang of hoodlums. No doubt there was crowding at the door, but not worse we believe than would have been the case by any other class of people. There was crowding because it was known that the hall was inad- equate. The same thing occurs, un- der similar circumstances, in any town and among any class. We re. gret very much that we are com- pelled to hold our lectures in a hall so unsuited to the purpose. But the hall is the best one available. Under the present circumstances our patrons will possibly have to put up with some discomfort for one more num- her. Meantime we ask their leni- ency. Respectfully, J. STUART LATHERS, President. Miss Gilling, vice-president of the sophomore class, has appointed the following cane committee: Fred Fredlund, Otto C. Marquardt and Forest H. Lancashire. The Waldo Mandolin that the Ann Arbor Music Co. carry is certainly a wonderful instrument; beautiful tone. If you are going to buy, examine them by all means. s M .MARTIN.. FUNERAL DIRECTOR Embalming a specialty. No. 200 Fourth Ave. Ambulance night and day. Bee. idence 302 Fifth Ave. Wm. Arnold i'''''"g n A d Jeweler GET YOUR LUNCHES AT We W. TUTTLE'S 338 So. State Street. OUR PHOTOS .. .A4R E..r, PERFECT IN STYLE AND FINISH THE Berryman Studio 1 12 West Huron St. State Phone 119, A. G. SPALDING & BROS. TheName theGuarantee. FOOT BALL S UPP LIES Official outfitters to all the leading college, school and athletic club teams. Spalding's Official Inter- collegiate Foot Ball Used exclusively by Yale, Princeton, Harvard Pensylvania. Cornell sod all other leading colleges and universities.__Managers should oprenascaprnrsr rern . f lTentscbler, the jjbotographer. s + J IfltOGOllgiat6 Burau 01 tGad6niG Gostum . GOTRELL & LEONARD. ALBANY, N. Y. Caps, Gowns, and Hoods made to order and rented. Also Class Canes, Class Hats and Caps, Class College Pins. Address W. C. KERN, Western Mngr., Maakell tuseum, Univ. of Chicago. f Ever kind. 8ANOALL, TNE PJQTOQRAPIER. OA L . STAEBLER, 119 West Washington Street WASHINGTON BLOCK. ANN ARBOR. Both Phones, No.108. Ann Arbor. write for prices and samples before ordering elsewhere. Spalding'sOfickial Foot Ball Gutdo. edited by Waiter Camp. Records, photo- graphs of leading teams,1898 rules, w tb in- dex and explanatory notes, SOo. A. G. SPALDING & BROS., New York, Chicago booer's bLndiry ARonc At News Stand, 607 E. William St. Give me a trial. First class work and prompt service. PAUL MEYER. F. J. SCHLEEDE, 340 S. State St., Bins s osfnr 2. and upwards, and sel WaterumanFontain Foss fnr $1.25S adP. All Linen Paper.4 lbs. for 50c. Finest: Statlonery In the city at lowest prieu. WE PATRONIZE 'OODVEA'S DRUG STORE.