2 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 2 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. st+ voters present it was decided to hold4 64fi.+ P + ;f another election for that position in thlenashed .ally (sundays excepted) daring the thenear __uture. _ College year, at COMMUNICATION. THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. OcricE: The Inland Press, Henning Block. The following conmunication has Both Phones147. been received by the DAILY: MANAGING EDITOR. To the Managing Editor of the U. of M. Ir. ENGELHARD, '01 L. Daily: BUSINESS MANAGER. Thenpleasantness, incident to at- 0. It. HNse, so L. tendance npon tihe first number in EDITORS. the S. L. A. course of entertainments Athletic Editor, T. R. Woocoow, '00 L. gave evidence of two facts. It proved' P. W. JONEs, '99, A. Ii. McDOUGALL, '01 E, in the first place, that the men who F. D. EAMAN,'01 L: C. H. LUND, '00 M, have charge of that course do not G. D. IIUDNUTT, '01 E. know how to handle a large audi- ence. Instead of allowing the people to enter as they came, a few at a time, when a very few ushers could he obscriptionpr y caw th ceA dLis2y efr have tended to all, they kept the ooneac ay. Ntice, comuaicatioae "a addoors closed until a large crowd had otheccmattee inlended foe publieicaon custhelag handed in at the DAILY office before s p. in., or gathered, too large for even a numer- fialled to the editce before 3 p. in. of the day SCr) fusest adeand preious to that oa which they are expectedt ous corps of lshers to hanlle, appear. 0kept the crowd standing in the pour- Ster'e, ccStorfet'scewt hrd, oc with Busines ing rain until it had lost its temper. Maaager .ohbcrihers will confer a favocy A similar event happened at the time repoetiag promoptly 01 thie office aay failuof~Asmlreettetm earier to delivee mppec. of the Nansen lecture. Let us hope All chagee ia advetisiag emattec maci he in the office b 4p. a. on the day previous to that that from two such experiences they on which they are to appear. may may be able to learn the lesson. IN CHARGEo TODAY'SI SSUE. The other fact shown was that the P. W. JONES. students of the U. of M. are in danger The DAILY Board meeting called of forgetting how to be gentlemen. for today will be postponed until In spite of the fact that a fair pro. Wednesday, Nov. 2, at 7 p. m. The portion of the waiting crowd was meeting will be in the DAILY office, composed of ladies, the opening of instead of Room 9. the doors was the signal for a terrific rush toward the entrance. Women Verdier Successful. were carried- off their feet, jammed One of the stormiest class elections against doorways, crushed until they that has occurred for years took place could scarcely breathe, and no at- Saturday afternoon in Newberry tention was paid to the warning cry, Hall at the senior literary class elec- "Don't push. There are ladies tion. There were four candidates here." In fact, the few in the crowd for the presidential honor in the who were possessed of enough gentle- field-H. J. McCreary, of Erie, manliness to protect the ladies, were Penn.; L. D. Verdier, of Grand jeered at and threatened. Women Rapids; G. F. Paul, of Peoria, Ill., were forced to fight for an opportun- and C. T. Tryon, of Bay City. A ity to breathe and to save themselves contest arose at once over the ques- from being crushed, and no mercy tion of voting-whether each office was shown them by men who knew should be voted on separately or that they were crowding women. Is whether the whole list of officers it not time for the U. of M. men to should be voted on in one ballot, realize that it is cowardly to thus The latter method, being much more trample upon those who are not cap- expeditious was favored by all who able of self-defense? desired to see the football game that Let the manliness of the students afternoon. A very stormy scene show itself hereafter in guarding took place over this question, which against a recurrence of such shame- was finally decided in favor of the ful behavior. W. A. fA ...... 'dh 46 ALAAAkAbL AWA6A ftdk'ok A&2&d% AILAAkAdkA &AL^AAA" WE ARE... R BS EX CLUSIVE " :" AGENTS .. :.FOR - FINE - SH OES BE AULS SH OE ST OR E - o.N."COUR TOS - - --- ..., .-saas. cara r.:+s-a" -F e i , "i. s, i.Fs,, n : I I 3 q4 i1F iF'iP' -'i aF +T 1F 1 'iF' +I i'+lo7F ' M aFi 'i' ii'aii i+lFi i F s+ 7 7"f a 7 ' n. : r GET INTO A COVERT TO P-COAT This time of the year and Syou will find yourself ,Er properly dressed. Its a coat that can be worn these shivery fall days, or on warm days in the winter. We are display- ing a splendid assortment of the best tailored kind. ASK TO SEE OUR $15 1$16a 2 Blue Serge Suits. If you want a suit you'll look no farther. IMPORTERS AND MANUFAcTURERS OF , CHEMICAL and PHYSICAL APPARATUS. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS. Headquarters for all Labora- tory Supplies 112 S. Main Street. Ann Arb~or. Mich. i t S one ballot plan. The opposition then moved to adjourn which, however, was lost by a big majority and the ATHENS THEATRE. election then proceeded without fur- Friday Evening, Oct. 28. ther disturbance. The entire Verdier One 1ouchof eaturemates thewhole word ticket was elected with the one ex= T ahe favorite comedian ception of orator, there being too many ballots cast for that office, and another election will be necessary to MR.eUBIGBY BELL fill that position. The following Scpported by LAucaJoYcc BeLL were elected: President, L. D. Ver andtheoiia coman'estcody lama