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October 22, 1898 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1898-10-22

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AiffRII~' U o6 S. MAIN ST., and J OS. W.KO L L A U F
WATERMN 'SI ~ ~W1 WETMORE, 342 S. STATE St., Cor. William St,VV
ID-EAL UNVESTYTETBOOKS, Second-hand and New , ayreeieofaoad o
Note Books and Students' Supplies, of all kinds, TRUEIG
FOUNTAIN Fountain Pens and Miscellaneous Books


Bsot of Workmoanohip.
AND OFFERS ALL AT THE LOWEST PRICES. 214 East Washington St., near 5th Ave.

All around the world. L
Every Oneo Warranted for0

soz/Z T rI=11T OG- IT j~
We have decided to satisfy a tong felt want for to op-to date torn ot, and so
have added to our toch of floe horoes and carriages, a rALLY-Ht), whioh seats
fourten personso. Coaching partfes will now be to order. Secure a dote for the
Tally-Ho. Calf op
Telephone 106. 515 EAST LIBERTY ST.


WJ. Boao, PRES. 8ThlTh
W. ARNOLD, tet Vtce.pre
J. . s AL ost Caes SIWINGS
transacts a general
Banking lBusiness.

Five Years. FNI rnd i VA IUNhL UDARK'. tganicoat 1
beORCoptaltot10f000it. Surptus and Profits, 140,0
LA M P S ®u S T U D E N T S Transat ts agoneora aningbuineoo. Foroigy
Don't b deceived hy fake signs We call attenftion to our complete line of Center Draft Nickel Plated Lamps, exchanetouht end soltd. Foonioh tttoro
and advertisements offeritig the Wat-} ranging in prie from 75c to $2.50 each. 'These Lamps are of the latest and C. 0.KtNNtI, Pre. HARRISON SOU=L,
erage rm$.0 pt5teei most improved patterns and makes. Including "The New Rochester," "The V. . eAR-IN 'bO
no Watermian Pen made at that price. Yale," "'the Royal,' "The Berlin Studetnt Lamp," "The Perfection Student ____----
We have the to-called Watermian ' Lamp." If you want the best Lamp for the Leastt doe come and see us. Q ~tm Xfatr~ t
Pe n, which is extensively advertised Old Number:n whc led teussptig 4SOMANT.
public to believe that they are getting ANiROMC.Niiij tetootdocttcoo
te Waterfnan Ideal at this retnarka- __Cap i'ad500. S~? cln:: $30,Ot:. Transct.
bly low price. At any time prospect- FLIMT-FLAMMED. tiot given sttsfactioto Stanybody ox- Ra o tc Pe. C. :. uEa ca, Vico, a.
ive pen buyers have a few tootments I'cept thiote who gtot what they store Fetoc. H. Potson, Ceatee.
leisure we will gltidly show thiemth ie Some of the Students Discharged looking tfter.-Tittc. Te 0 Savings Bank
swindle that it being perpetrated P rom the Armu Will Not Return
ttpon the public, to the U. of M. Mir. Carl Cooper '97, is teachintg Capital tck $0,00.Surplueost,00.
SH E A o It looks ao if PresidlettAngell and iOStrSgiae ihshol ani tooudetae tGeneral Banktng a!
1. I ~Mitt JitlitaAtigell it teachitng hs-l ti tate.Receivtsodapots', tbuysand sett
the ar eeparisen hadbeentortitCory itt the igh school at ClitntottIIal,canonoetthe petncipaltites of the Ulited
Sop[ll ~ i . flim-flamined by tattme of the studetits ' S Otte. "Dratscashetdaluaon propetidentfication.
set were '' snSaetydeosi:t'hositt atoato.; .i.to
who 00esoanxioustso noteiscarged A. A. Foiltee '98 it pastor of te OaFetky:do thtrios tontck e.; .D lr
Uttiversity Booksellers, Stttiotters, fotSt ftys htte ol e First Btaptist chusrcht at Dutratid, Yuat, vice-Peo.; ChasEe. HS coca, Cashie, M.
adEngravers, ;suttie their studies in the University. Mci .Fte eitttCeie
320 S. State St.. Ann Arbor, 31'lt.( Sixteen tof the studentasItave left Mitt Gertrude BoyntonisI teacher Cm oad u yn maswlmfhsoyan ahmtc nte AM B P NC
all if themr ceter the U). of M. Corp. high school at Le Grange, Iii. LlIlU, ~L C R
Ralph V. D. Mtigofin will go to his Miss Mary E. Armstrong '01, OfTHE
]itonie in Kansas; Corp. Oscar P. Lapeer, is leaching inite White..THH -
~ 3~ ft Cole has gone So hit home int Berlin, Pigeon high school.
jU*i N. H.; Corp. Richlardl L. Flynn will Baipli Sloper, '98 1)., president of(Fa c G r e s
Ii ** ~ ~emafin in charge of the Y. M. C. A. the senior clato, islpracticing iun + l ~ e
tet Hospital Steweard Walter M. Sanita Annla, Orange Co., Cal.
Warreni hat gonie to his home ill We keep everytiig usually kept iln a
Noe York; Privtate Florian A. Car- W'AN'ED--Two boarders inl privatefleirst-claiss Grocery and Bakery. Cali
ItoeT'LetrAsoiin. nal has gone ts his home itt Wadd- famtily. 322 East Williams. 24 and see ne.
(Sudnt' ecur Asoiaio.) intton,'.N. Y.; Private Samuel F. Try the Portlanld Cafe for hoard, 318 S. STATE ST.
Nichiols, '98 L., htas gotie to hit home first-class, and only $3.00 pei- week. BATHS-- l0c--BATHS
at Beatrice, Nob., atnd Private John Meals atid lunfches at all honrs. Open UntltNec, 1, 18085, I will sell tickets
Tickets for tite efftire courtsetire H. Notley, '98 L., has gone to \Wicks- day and night. GOOD FOR 10 BATHS FOR $1.00.
nwOtslatWle',oSttStbturg, Micht. Want to purchase Second-]latid 5inglc Bthslt wilt remeain betefore, 1tneac ,
and at Goodyear's, on Main St., or Titet again four of the eight sttt- Lawy Text Books? Can save you J. R. Tto.A~ows, Pro. 3225.ttate St
they may be had fro ttiutdenttsolic- detits wh elt cre discharged last Tites- money oti all purchases.
tort. The price is otily $2.00. day are graduates and may never C. E. BARTITELL, RAZOR HONING
again eniter the University. 'There 24 Care of Law Librarian. IS A SCIENCE .
Think of hearing are mny students in the regimentWeGurneOrWok
swho are anxious and willing to rc- Getteral Agency for Detroit, Chi. eO-atoto ot
BOURKE OOCKRAN turn to their studies, were they per- cags, New York and Toledo papers WA"iREN THE BARBER.
s nittedi to do so. Thte officers of the at 121 N. Main St., Opera Houfso H- O EL o tteSre
For 20 ctsa., reginient are questioning the wisdom DesDpot is Dunn & ELYv'S
of tuserig ot sudots t tis ureu o Las',D.BARBER SHOP If y~u desire
tfmu tere ar tuets any menC. InfraionLaWashington, Dfirst-claswork and courteous treatment
I S A DtmwhentheeaesaaymnC nomto pertaining to the try George and Harry at 332 S. State St.
Sni the regiment either physically dis- Laws of the Uttited States, of the -__________________
For 20 cta., or abled or having families dependent several states and territories of the ENOCH flIETERLE Embalmer and
on them for support who cannot se- United States, of Foreign Countries }B FIL,1uneral Drector.
1 A N M A CLA R E N " cure discharges. The schemne hasI furnished upon application. Calls alienated Day oe Sight.
No. 101 E. Liberty. Street. Residence 53tt

For 20 cts.
The dates for te above will soon
be made public. 'Watch te Bulletin
Boards. t

when he went to school here.

V Fourth Ave, Phone 229.
11 t { all.
'' -ANN ARBOR: f

Ll As

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