THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 3 UTTLh1 B AN\D TH E NE~W TAILOR, II1L...J~-.-J1r'4~-.9 110 E. Washington St. STDET' ANDYCORRECT AND STYLISH TAILORING., ALL. ASSOCIATION. WM4. VOttiUHT-AVIM..11OX, fi i s G EN Tg aSe t Ft a l o igRi t , M u s i c a l S uR l ~ T~HE GRAND LAUNDRY, Weoperalte th ies aloigtrade i the ciy n AT LOWEST RTES OF DETROIT. Sae.Teequal any Iln the State. SHEBELE TOR The heel high grads laundry in theSa he We respectfullysoit your valued patronage. AE RL MUSICSTR only machinn domestic finish in the west. Alu n 1 etLbrySreAnAbr Glv iihatss given.Alwee.. promptly, Algrets 0a~ y uskept pressed adin repair for 11OnsLyibedoors etMAnnSt ree. ally and earefully doe oneyyear.orsfromMainStreet. The Excelsior Laundry Co., O Tnec I3 'IyeaIr.0 M OF KALAMAZOO .106E.aroia .Newv State Phosne 43. ,M MARTIN,~ C~ollars......... ..........1 Cent _____________________________ FUNERAL Cuff's.. ......................... abirto........ ....................... CALENDAR. Woman's League Plans. DIRECTOR Eihrfiih Steacingarnee.6 ev. Year a anew step will be taken Embalming a specialty. No. 200 Fourth rmSaturday, Oct. 22.--Michigan TivvsAblnenih.n dy is OIfce 202 S. State at. Residence 610 LawreneSt. Notre Dame. by the Woman's Leaguie in the inves- Ave.m302 nceFifth a New State Phone. 441. tigation of subjects of interest chaosen SatudayOct.29,-Michigan from the list aent out by the 'esilegi- MGflI G R GENT R fL [ Varsity vs. hMichigan'Alsimni, at ate alumna to the different college M cfl aIO&' -Rgents' Field. clubs. Under its new organization "TheNigrFalRot. 1 -- into groups the ge is betterfi- Ifl., cETA.'Ai)ii tE Notice. ted to undertake a work of this kind Pll~~l IllS TahingIEf1ect Asag..55, 159. The gyme will be closed this after- than heretofore. nonadeeigfo ear.Te The suibject under cotisideration VTuI rn ld Leading Mail c wedEpei ~s* ~ tilb pe twvr~~ ll be divided and its different ' Arnold Jeweler N. Y. & BosttonSpecial........4 58' usual. Kissuca FITZPATRIcK:. pheases alloted to the different groups. =-- Fasts Eastern ................943 Atlantic Express .....a.............._45_A._R_ Each girl will be asked to spend one GET YOUR Detroit Night Expres......... 55 "hotir informinge herself oni some one Mrall Rai Extpress ....0.w.... A...i o" T eGadaeClofarc vr point aitd to report at the general LU C E Bo&EpesCi ... .........9I1 .M. ' i TeGraduate Club o teUni- nseetinig. Extensive investigations Bloston. N.YT. & Chicago .... 1 fast Western Express ........ . .R. versity is now etitering uponi its fifth twill thus be carried on with little sir AT (. H. & Eal. Exss......s.... 4 er Its active menibership is apn o effort on theat of the individ- AI A r rir sr Chiagigic ExpressW.....i........a23 A. At. to all students enrolled in the Gradu- uial meimbers of the oirgaiiizatioin.38SoSltSre. 0.P. &Y. RUGGL, i Hn. WAYESAnn Ate School, while all members of the _______ P. T.Ac, cdego g'tAn Arorfaculty are deemed honorary mecm- The course in "Popuilar Studies in hers. The oljects of tlse club are "to Shakespeare," givens by the Chicago OUR PHOTOS create and foster a spirit of fellowe-Reodisbciigqutppiar shpasonitmebrtstmle One of the regular contributors to AE . . 1LR~QA interst in gradute work andthis course is Prof. Isace N. Dewiinon PEFC NSYEADIIH , Al LR A E3 r iieethods, and icy all means to ftirther ofRFtheINUniversity.NIS - the welfare of the Graduate School __ftheUniversityTH TMTALofteUiest"Metnsae 'ie"TitClb"coeofTig Effect,lMtaee7, s189a. Iseld fromtnitmeto time, usually at t T hiretyaPhi, coitipoeda Pi Ber rm n udio ratins leavee Aces Arbor by Central stand- the honies of members of the facuilty aiid Phi Kappa Psi fraterities gave Weste.orofohHuroner St.eUnvesiy rdis~e o o ohe ofier o tesUnvesiythe first dance of the seasn last I12 Ws uo t NORTH j SOUrH and at each of these meetings an ad- a grsaaey saePee 15 8:A. t. I- 7:3 A. M dress is given by some memblers ofveig r t y r 055o5 A. A. sos r. u tuiiity is afforded for social inter- 'Run betwreen Anne Arbor and Toledo only, course amaoing those psresent. IThose trtinsa teaSunday only and ran be- , wesn Toledo tend Hlowell. All other traists Thee first meeting of thacrclb swill wil exeptSunay.E. S. G LRdOIE, held Tusesday evening, Oct. 25, H5. W. BENNETT, G. P. A. at the leotse of Mrs. Morris, corner S tate and Jeffersonm streets. Prof. I. IC. Rfussell will give a geographical talk on the suibject: -'What are thec rvers doiiigf" All graduate stu- OSTROIT, YPSILANTI & ANN AR- dents aind nmeihors of the faculty are BOR RAILWAY. cordially invited. C. F. KLelly '98 L., last year presi- deiet of the Oratoriclal Aosociation hess becii nominated for the legisla.: tuire of Montana, withe exceptional chainces of electioii. Hasve you see the ItSereisata" a nosy iinstrumet at the Music Co. Store on WashingtonsSt? They are very neat. Not expensive citleer. A good osie $7.50. Cars leave for Detroit at a quarter after every hour, beginning at 7:15 a. its and up to 11:15 p. m. For Ypsilanti at a quarter beosre the hour uip to 12:41 a. m. Cars leave corner Hunroti and Main Sts. Tickets on sale at Brown's Tlrutg Store. ...THE... KINDERGARTEN CIGAR STORE Carres ever 75 broods of Tobacco, 50 brands st Cigars aad 30 hrands of Cigarettes. A chsance on o Pipe free with every purchas. 102 E. HURON ST. 1Rcntscb~er, the lbhotographct. Inter~oIlegiate Bureau of t1Gad~I1Gi6Gostume. GOTRELL & LEONARD, ALBANY, N. Y. 4j Caps, Gowns, and Hoods mads to order and rented. Also Class Canes, Class Hats and Caps, Class College Pins. Address WT. C. KERN, Western Mingr., H~askellMseuarm, Ussir. of Chicago. Every kind. RADLTHE PHOTOGRAPHER, OAL. Mo. STAEBLERt, 19WASHINGTON BLOCK. ANN ARBOR. Both Phones,NoWa0shinn Arbor. A. G. SPALDING & BROS. Thte Nae teGuaeranetee. -FOOT BALL SUPPLIES Officialtoutitlters to all thte lea dini, college, acitool and athletic cluib teamts. Spalding's Official Inter- collegiate Foot Ball tUsed exclusively by Yale, Princeton, Harvard Penstylvania. Corell and all otlier leading colleges and universities. Masiagers should writ'efor lericesandtsiamsples before onering elsewitere. Spalding's Otfieial Foot Bali Guide, ediced by Waiter Cianip. Records, photo- grapihs ot leading teasets, 1090 rules, uith .io- dex and explanaetory notes, 10o. A. G1. SPALDINO & BROS., New York, Chicago Neor's Lalllily AhelcY At News Stand, 607 E. William St: Give me a trial. First class work and prompt service. PAUL MEYER. F. J. SCH LEEDS, 340 S. State St., Binds Boobso far 25c, and upwards, and selas Waterman FountainPFrau for $1.215 and up. All Linen Paper 4 lbs, for 50c, Finest Stationery in the city a1 laweat price. WE PATRONIZE GOODYEAR'S DRUG STORE.