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October 21, 1898 - Image 4

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1898-10-21

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The miost tomple.te line offuas-to-date Me's Frniishing in the city, is at
D. A. TINKER & SON, 33Z1 S. State St.
dealers in Hats, taps, Fine Neckwear, E. & W. and Claett's Collars and Cult'-,
F aney and White Shirts, Night tobes, Pajasias, Bath Robes, Gymi Salts asd
! Shoes, Laboratory Saits and Aprons, Underwear. Hosiery, Jewelry, Ciobrel-
las. Men's silothes to order at low prices, ft, quality ad style guaranteed.-

Has eeevd a iew anderiteable
liso of Goodyofor


AGENCY FOR THE fleet of Wokahnisohip.
LONCLEY $3 HAT 214 East Washingtosn St., nrear 5th Are.

L We hare derided to satisfy a long felt want for an ap-Co dale tarn oaf, and so L
All arotind the sorld. L have added Coeu stoch iffliar horses and caeeliages, a rALLY-is0, wihei seats
L fourteen persons. Coarhinr parties will now he in order. Secare a date for the L
y Tally-Hs. Caliiup5Y
Evefvau Ontt (hsWn-m.- -tit-ud ffl o ri~s,-.,,,10A rnlr% ART .1FeTV s, n I

iW. J. BasTe, PRE".
W. AnaIsi, IcC Vice-pes
J. V. SHinHAs,ss2 d Vito-poe
JANiaC.WALTZ, Acsi. Caosier


Tranacts a general
Bankinig business.

Five Years. FIRST NAINL BALK tOrgaized 1063
P S FO T Capitli, ylOOOa telipiarplusoanC se, (d0,000
LAM P ® STUD EN TS I erisatcgeer bani uid es Frals oina
S xhnebuh n od un etr Don't he deceived by fake signs We call attention to our complete line of (euler Dlraft Nsickel Plated Lampas, .riN'ie.CAORSC ~CL
au detsiinoifrii h a-ranging in price from 75e to $2.50 each. 'These Lamps are of the latest and vice-Pe.
erman Peii friiii $1.00 up, as there is mst improved patterns and makes. Including "T]he New hlochesier," "The 5. Wt. CC.AiR~SON, CaChier
no ateitan en nale t tatprie.Yale,' "the Royal,' "The Blerlin Student Lamp," 'The Perfertioin Student
We have thie so-called -Wateriian ap"If yoti want the heat Lamp for the Lrefs Movsey rome aiid see us. 7@tttsls &A4Isswtmse Munkth
Pen, which is extcnsively advertised Lap"!isaiin k~s~
and which leads the unselspectinig Old Number:
public to believe tliatthiey are gctting ANIROMC. D A , O -tte Coi. Main antdliurons trts
the Waema atniman Ideal at this reiiarkai- '_____ e~pt,150,.OOSolO..X30,000 '1iats
bly lost price. At atiy time psrosplect- 1R, Kiwi-ct P'es. C Ei. GRcE), Viot-Pre.
ive pe sbyers ''eafe nmet Miss Fratnces of Yale' it is eii- Doamos. ip).H111ECser
icitir St wil giidy sies thm t e vttilly conceded, titl liy fair the '1' lie ])esinss, the Deiital quoarterly, fi IPJPBn
swidletht i bingperetate 'gi-eatest coiieody success of the poet lias oi-gaiied fur tie yeiar auit ex- h Illo a flbo svingslU
swindl that ibeiiig strerae easoi. Ies visit caine asa grewa silt- sects to iiiake ies fist aplpearaniie ! cpial Stool. v0,000. Surpius, $15t,000
upnjh prise to the lovers (of the drtama oil Nov. 1. 'bius is published by the I Ieote enera10(lO
iiLi ~accoiint of the nsovelty otf the thieiie Delta Sigiiia Deliii frateriiity all(,] esoo iiaizIe noe tse erl Po3liking Lats
anid thie umiversal exc-ellence tof the einters this year iiponi the fifth year exchiange ote pinecia clities- oe td United
606 iuportinig compaltniy. Meore thn tof its existenice. A. W.Ilie i I afet deoit el itlo, iret. eieiillt
litiillitetin sdrssi y hepts .oruiate deintal studeiit of Negoauniee iroea'(holsiloo.teS. ilr-
Univrsiy B~kseler c reran, Vice P'ese.; the'. E5. Plieoori, Ca-bier; N.
Unierit lisEgraers Sit ite tliroughiouit tlie country to the per- Mich., still be its edlitolr. .. Peilo, Assistant Cashier.
'it Iigaeo -feet cast-s-cry iiieiiter bseiiig ii - ----
320 S. States St., Ali Aihos, Ificli. ;artist suet coinlg ini for the due WAsNED----Twos boairders in pirivtlie
'_ail.32_atilam. 2 share sf prisise. Mr. Brenttn Tires for enil. 32 EatAiau. 2
innovaioin of toulrinig a big sticcess Try tie Portland Cafe for boaril,LA
with the original anti ttiiy comapany, first-class, and oiily $3.00 per sweelk. E T H- E.
has prodoced oticha gratifying finaln- Meals aiid loiiches at all iotirs. Opens
vial and artistic results that lie is re- day aiid inighit.
pouting his experimient this seasoii Mrs. "E. w"',' residingo t87 G o e s
stith the saine comnpauy in return Packuird, is swanted at 101 Eao. uroer
M 01Mvisits that are universally recrd~- Call as soton as possible.
JA hl ESbreakers. Miss Franicis of Yale c-ill 23 MIRS. PEELSe. We keep everythinlg usually kept in a.
appear uit the Atlieiis 'Theatre, to- Reserve seats for the S. L~. A. tbrot-cl-assGrocery and Bakery. Call
iiighit, csirse wcill be sn sale Oct. 20, 9a a. dse o
AtIli., at Wilider's oii State St. and 318 S. STATE ST.
Acm Sgtemot hor-had. Goodyear's on Main St. Priice 50 cts. STUDENT'S' LAUNDR
A. E. Hartington, of Jackson, T D N S A N R
WHIGUMMici., Atithor. This system has us Waint to purchase. Second-hanid
Shatde signs, 110 ipswared stroke coil- Las t'Text Bsoks? Can save yoti ASSOCIATION.
sonants, no peisition tif consonants, itny ii all purcha~es. M OGT-M -.FX
anti sve guaranttee the average stiiu.E AMaEL B AOGENT-SM F iFOX
BI Edent can learii the system iii 15 days. 24E CRAre teLLstLirain.RY55ri
Ternus for fall course, including The Iunter Ocean, leadiiig Chicago 1HEGAD L NRY
btotk, $1t5. Call at Nt. 503, North daily, is haiidledh by F. Stofliet, HiF )ETRtSCT.
4th ae,4 to 6 p. iii., °fr fuli ptar- Opera Hous Nests Depot. Trial Thlne bthg rade Claundy in the State. The
I I\I S L.A.COURSE ciiars, aiid read shiat educated iien subpscription, edaily 0111y, delivered at Glove finishl aleio give. All woeS promlptl,
Swhso have learnied the system say of 110101, $1.30 for 3 moe., payable in neatly aind caeully done.
AT TM it. Remlemlber, 1n0 pay unitil ytti advance. The Excelsior Laundry Co,,
have lear-nedl the systenm and find it Buireau of Lats, Washuington, DA OF KALAMAZOH.
METHODIST '( GH tUC as represented. C. Informationi pertaining to, the Collars ......................1 Cent
i 1 CHURCH Lasts of thle United States, of the Cufts.................... .
Cuss. Simns, 98, returnied yester- several states and territories of the Shirts. ..... 3 ..........
day__ to continue his svork ini the Last United Stats of FoegnCutrie MshrIiai aifeio aene
funihe r91 a ' p plictin Offlee 20l S. State si. Residencec610 Lawenetf.
Frd y, Oct. 2, ehattet __________ ______Now Stala Phone. 441.

AT8P. M., Au Inl lthli In Lo~
Assisted by Local MVusical Talent. 111U ILIIL I II i
ADMKISSION, 75 CTS. Do you know what aI
' ' + IFull Pique Kid Glove in? Most of the gloves sold as Pique
sewed are what is known to the trade as half Piqne. Until
If you get a SEASON TICKET you can this season we have been unable to buy Full Pique Men's Kid
beanrisim for 20 cts. tCloves to sell at $i.oo. But we have them now. You just
r? think
NSAE T ILERS. Men's Full Pique Kid Cloves, Imported Stock, ansies$*1400


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