THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 3 G Y ND OUTFITS. &~ SUITSGO117 S. MAIN ST., Al GfilN G[NIRfIL ALARAMCLOCKS, $1.00. Students! Students! ..ALL 111 ~~~~~~~U. OF MI. PINS, 50 Cents. I t't st th e eec TIoeWNiagaraaiFall aSpeciaet''to the __ ioetoehuepa~ohpht: EXCELSIOR LAUNDRY Iq TainCENTRALctANA.RDI4,TtItE 19.J CHPA A F.CVET Poptt209 .Watt. St. Hatt and Expres......... .. 3 47 r M.1 A[LOWE1~ST RATES. - N Y Betas o te n tr Special.. ......... 943 91_ ou"istD t SHAEBERLE MUSIC STORE Grn apidsExres_..._.._..............___"_---- ---id14 Wet Liberty Street, Ann Arbor. c~x E-after securing your room is to Only 3 doors from Main Street. Mallo & xrssa....9..iao........ 5. 18 A. A1. REGISTER our name and -- - Bso. N.I. &_htcgo . 1 ..ant Weaer.Exren . 38 P. u. addresn at DU Ch I cg ih nrs Ysa T RE..BROWN'S DUGSTOREOO O0 M. MARTIN,, 0.iag R... &atEnrs43Cor. Main and Hlo st Pacific Express.............12 30 A. it.__________________________________________ 0. w. RUOGL~rES, HI. 3. HAYES, -- U E A G. PAR.T. got, Cicago AtAnnArborc CALENDAR. games shall be ineligible for class DIRECTOR Friday, Oct. 2.-Prof. Loydl be- cioss Embalming aopcat.o.20Fuh s ' 4 fore the Philosopical Society at t. Professionals shall not be al Ave. Ambulance niht and day.Resa- A oodiiany inter-class contest; spe- dence 302 Fifth Ae. y I t R FidyOc.21J Wi c iacl students shall pay witb the teani - Ui A' Riley on the S. L. A. Course. college. Alm 11tocs TIME TABLE Saturday, Oct. 22-Miciiani vs. N. B. -This rule is to be construed Tkn intMa7,88. INotre Daimeg by the coiniiittee accordig to the11Ba nP s T e r ay vntracircumtisances of each case.UH rd Time. Rules for Inter-Class Contests. 7. The team of the Ann Arbor edn NORITH SOSUTH Iligh School meeting the requirements W mi. Arn ld, :43A 1t IJewe0Aler - - 8:33. ---0V0A he mangers and capinlis of all of these rules shall be coisidelreil- - -13451. l . I~tA. r. the class elevens will nttice the fo- eligible. GET -YOU f1i4:01 1. 850 P. 5. lowin" set of rules wis-hall o- . . GTY U to: 3A. . 8:0,. At10. sg 8lo~ .. 5Al~ny oii t odiopute arsng 'Ran between Ann Arhtr and Toledo only. ern in ll the class game. The which is not provided for in these tTloese trains on Snday only and run be- board intends to enforce each anti rules shall e decided by the ctli- L N H tween Toletio asdHowtell, All other trains b U C E daily except Sunday every sue ot these rules to the very iittee of the athletic board. AT 11.w.aEV E'P GP. S. GILMORE, Agent, letter. They are given belo i toto cu al r water Yellswad 1._Allclass ames saleplayed sitlou7per-W. W. TUTTLE S - ~~~~according t the schedule esttblished mlissionl friiii the anager. 38S tt tet by the special comumittee of the atli- No person iot entitled to the 'Var.- DETROIT, YPSLANI &boNRrd. eofcaso h aissalsity I'M" shall have it attached to YPILN'Y NNA' , heoficas f hegaess ai y garment.( OUR PHOTOS BOR RAILWAY, be appointed by tie manaager of th The Aosciation rsetftlly re- ..ARE 'Varsity team an~d shall meet the quests that in selection of insigniaARe"". Cars leave for Detroit at a quarter approvlal of the captains of the cn- anil colors for class teanms the follow- PERFECT IN STYLE AND FINISH after every hour, beginnig at 7:15 a. testngg feasms. ig rules be observed. T H E in. and up to 11:15 p. m. For Ypsilanti 3. The names of players oti class . eThe literary deartmens re at a quarter before the hour up to 12:45 teams shall be given to theo assistant toerryolyclasntierlsuedieio am. Cars leave corner William and manager of the 'Varsity teml and, Medics and Dets the nulmierals rm i di Main Sts. 'ickets on sale at Browns published in the DAILY four dtys be- withliniitial letter attached. et uo t D~rug Store, fore the ate of the partictlar gatme, 2. The colors for insignias shoultl I2WetHro t andal Itotolsshll e iialeto hebe as follows: Literary delartment, SarPiue09 assistant man~lager within two days Green; Lawe departinit, Brownt; ___ ~~~after stchi pulication. Medical departent, White; Dental A .SADN RS THE ...4. A lplayer shall complete switli the deartmnt, lRcd. A. G .DNGmeIt o OS.ol KINDERGARTEN ~~~teamn of tlie class in wlhicll ho is ree.TeNneth ,nate KN ER AR EN istcred. The University record shall FOOT BALL CIGAR STORE be fiali all cass. Prof. F. 1R Mechem is ini receipt SUPPLIES f rr teattiradso Tbcc,50brn byf).N person shall compete swhit is of a letter from C. S. Boice, '985s 1otittrst.alh Car ad 0 radsofCiarixs.A hacecosidere aner oandhe Varsity atnottncitg that eight members of . Ofi Scial tittersstol and tabytemngradcaptain of last year's lae clss took ad success- atlettc cltb twts. 102 E. HURON ST. that teaim, and aty persstihainlg fily ipassed the Ioa bar emhm-_ Spaldings Official Inter- -played oti or against the 'Varsity listn last Tueday. A nutmiter of te collegiate Foot Ball - - - --i -hy -e t ieot, lre r BATHS--lOC --BATHS "ter tile begitingig of the iter-cltss thier applicltnts failed. i eusylovuia, COrnell ad all oihele -dn Until No, 1 t1898, I wl sell tLokets_____and_________vers____ties.______Managers_______s____u____ GOODFOR_10_BATHSFOR_$1.00. wrtte fopricets- arpese t rerinu S lg GOOD FOR 10 BATHS FOR $1 00xc~++zr :v elseere. Spahlgs Oisial Fot Ball aide SR . T3t.Shsvaagitlot spi Stte ah r .~r l l o L p " A~ sPofLe:Sutg tc Sa 1518 ,Rers,. wthin J. . Tossoessas, Pop. 3259.tate St ccsdepi : oynos10 RAZOR HONING_ IS A SCIENCE . .. ARETHBABRInroIqit Bu o 0 t1ademiG Gotulil. Al News Slad,67 .William SI _ WhRE TH BABER Iner~ileiat BueauGive me a trial. First class wr n TEMDL of State Street GOTRELL & LEONARD,prmtsvie lTHEUNMODEEL LAsNY, N.Y. rmtsrie BRE SHPIf you desire Caps, Gowns, and ilnods mails to order and rented. Also ClassPALMYR first-clans work and courteous treatment Canes, Class ats and Caps, Cas College Pins. Address F.JS H E D , try George and Harry at 332 S. State St. AV. C. HERN, Wterna Mnagr., F .S HL E E --lakell Mutsem, Uats. of Chicago. 340 S. Stats St., ENC DEEREEmbalmer and --- - _- - S-idsoooks for 25.c. and apwrds, ad ell EOHVLILFneral Dretr. Eeykn. Wtra onan Po$. adp Catlssattended Day or Night. RANDALL, THE PHOTOGRAPHER. QAL. Esykn. Wtra~tnaalssurmSadp , M. STAEBLER, All Linen Paer 4 l bs. for 50c. No. 101 E. Lihry sret. eideace 533 . WASHINGPTONIBDLOCK. ANN ABORD 119 West Washington StreetP Fourth Ave, Phone 129iIIR ~l LUIIJI. Both Phones, No. 108. Ann Arbor. Finest Statianery in the ity at lswest price. WE PATRONIZE. GOODYEAR'S DRUG STORE.