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October 21, 1898 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1898-10-21

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RILEY TONIGHT. Expect a Hard Game Tomorrow. On behalf of the Athletic Association
If the 'Varsity contintues to im. we wish to make an appeal to the st-
Prof. Stanley and Miss Bailey Will prove in its playing as it has ben dent body.
Furnish Music, doing this week, the mn front Notre Trn ot to the remaining games. So
T T Riley will undoubtedly meet a fol Dame will be greatly disappointed in far no game has paid more than the
hoINEtoightLLat Mndayinsghttheir expectation of rolling up a big garantee. Last year the Association
H IN FLLSUTIGS H mmCicinaiNoospope turnedt score against Michigan tomorrow ad mny o eey game. This year
roin adenchn a n an00 eop packred The practice yesterday was good. Tie it has not cleared on a single game. On
E o
h le aanra na mes ui Varsity two, one of the latter how. ehv ntmny i h rauy t
encegin DeatronHeismmeenseitlmi ever being made on at fluke, pay it, because, of the $1,500 subscribed
greyer etrot. e ismeeing ith The chief criticism to be made on only $450 has been paid. We appeal to
T WE CARRY THE LARGEST T greater success than ever ever be. the playing is that it is too slow. The you, for the sake of or good name, to
STOCK ~fRie cre a be nitr backs are slowe in getting nit and it aid us by paying the subscriptions, at-
A NSOKA Rlysece ha enuiser takes the iterferenmce too long to get tendIng the games or purchasing Aso.
IN TE CTYeasin te.Has osn't ong(antito, in shape. Tihe 'Varsity was practiced ciation tickets. In fairness to our loyal
he s, a .se loesn'y r a mnd. dfniewr epcal etrfootball team you should not miss another
tinned.ad s seailyimrovnginlha gae.By 1llmeans attend the Notre
I da andis teadly mproingin tatDame game and help cheer Michigan to
po .WSIGO T 0lart of the game. vcoy
16Vernon, who was playing half om Signed, CHAS. BAIRD,
EWAHNTNS. pthe Scrubs, was unfortunate in hulrtl H. WEINSTEIN.
H tit ig his ip early in tie practice. l '99 Independent Caucus.
prola~lykeei lill ~ltof An impoi~rtnlt evet in tie 99
",1 tie game for a fesw days. t oiia auag okIlc ctr
11 , yar illa b tht wthhe Pltclcairgnto lc etrhardest Ya hl n oube aeof ne (lay fterltrnll, 01sa1of((Iucus efol h
V/_ alth ugh eih nis elonfiet o was hileld.
r ~~~~~As ws(ntciatd(1cnts
You May Have j* /"A wnnngitwil lt e a111easy gametok11ccvetiemlilltillii
ff y y lay lmens. Cochl IEHerrig, o tiereiilencey.'acl llaldidt( had
Forgotten teNteDm lvnwshr
tieN teraelvelWi5 her is rl'lresetltltves ill tie meetilg,
+ YOUR TOOTH BlUSH +Wedmnesay 111 lleie tl''il
tom ad itesedth1]e 1ndth110(outcome1(( i lst fol . mloen'lt
orYox ris- ROM cac itCs mnt e,1(iastgom e akainscertiilntil1thtie reslt(f tie seconmd
To;- HIKJIOS +acm(i umitrietplay agllt ballot ws ammlollceli.O011the first
-('II- tye of lay.ballt, votes wrecst nd1111Verdier
arTadocu you iil o reli e u, Yeserda'slpactcellne-ulwa
in5c~oe~lll'~lcl.t We _______-Yotedly-i -iilet1 sacked sonly one (f aIajity. O
Orneo )g~tssare took tile little fellowwihhisaboutmthe seomdld o. ayoftes
eoni.tile coulrtii.Youmng Jism, s10ie tells 5'llliT\' iiaunl. prters of r. Tronl senmt over to
WiLD R'S HAR ACY itnowlse, la~ failure ill school inl1Bown......... ...............mith Mr. MCreary giving himsstie mu(i-
,%16outhsthtstret. . everything except readig; inthtiat France .. ... r.g ..... Allen matioml siti4jvtes. Verier receivel
4.4..4.44.44...4........4 he (was1 a scces. Butihealasa cum nald........... g.t. E,..rm 3 ner d 1111'ryomm 3. This nmllinatio
ase-= ayselmemm they reall tie "Deathl Seeo..f......a meamns tiat Mmr. MCreary will comes
DON'T FORGET Little Nel'' ecasuse it made hims Richardson....r.e.C.. anhaw Ibefore tie election a so tie candidt
the OLD RELIABLE cry mnd tile (oter boys luged at ticks .......~....... ...[ase of tat caucus. Verdi.r, hosever,
Rouse. Hot andecoldilunches him. lie tried to tdylw but 'lalcott~q....... ... Street sill keep in till race, having con-.
at al hosurs. Chooeoates and Iec 3'cst'ivre s tml as, Witolot....... h.Vernon, Blenee
Cream Soda Water, Pipes, Cigars and Blcsoe'svre ilim't rhm)e Avery. . .i11....... Itasdwin sierale fraternity bacing and lal
Tobacceo, and fuli line o Smoking Sup. amd 11etavelledl fol' a tWewtha\eeks, Mlone ... f. ...Iannon a iheavy indeplendent supprt.
plies. R. E. JOLLY & CO. patentmedllicinle (1(1(1astie lind- For tie viee-presidency, Miss Annta
30S So. State Street. 010n-pa nterandchef sokliesImn of Good Goerment Club Ba~lrardi 'wls unaimosliy imdored.
= - --the Ienicile 1(1n(110troupe. 'The 00011 GovernlmlentCluhlPro Ernest Lmnmlweas nimiatei witlot
Riley s iknownlchief~ly as tie great poses5 to hoddia second mass meetimng laly oppositionm for secretary. Ges.
Vw drrdisbU ioet f tile I lousier dalect. Ytlie soon. Owing tl tie success of tieled('(11Clleshorougim sas inolred foll
IIcan ((rite as pure Engliish or Shelley mleeting twes weeks ligo, tie maalge- treasurer. A cotest proies tl le.
TuubII Briis~i~s or Keat. Prlobablly 11(1jpoet since Ilentihave decidedI to rouse interest velol for ortor. Wbster ii illtill
Biurnss hs succeerd better inl touching illtie orgamizatioss still furthem' by a fieli buet is name sas not pre~lopsel
TheTooth Brushesthat tile heart of tile peope. His syn- secondplimhleIeetig. 111tie cacus so Eugene Reinfr ak
I sell for 25se, a mo reare P
good brushes, an nr IthY is sol 'cllat and his tuchl so Hlon. A. J. Sasyer has een se- was unamoll(ly Inoiate. Miss
well made. If you should trme that mlen, women and111ciildreess cred to speak. It is probable alls Katherine Miller sas noinatel fo
get one that sheds its undertandlll leav1 ~e h11is poems. As tiat several faculty mlem~bers will ipropietes asd Mss Visscent for pot
bristles a reader hese 11 rare polwer, andlo .malllke sholrt speecies ia tie interest ess
I WILL one seioiears him(1 ever forgets tie of tie club. No nmsliatiniserersmade for tie
REPLACE IT. hul~mollr or the pa1thos1in iIls ('oir, Tie dates are being definitely other offices solltiey swil1prbaly be
E. E. CALKINS. face and~ gestunire. arranged for tie lecture course. The left till tie eletioms tiibs diposed of. -
____________________________ IAdeihi.first lecturer, William Dudley Foulke, It is not certaim as yet tiat tieelcc-
________. sil appear tie first seek in Novemi- tion sil come off' tomolrrowe, ht it is
The seoclndl prelilimiary ellntSt of er. lHoin. Herbert Welh will tiought thalt if no ro01(11in55Univer.
FOOTBALL CLOTHING the society swili take pla5c Saturday come ahouit two seeks later. For sity Hall cams be secred for the
night, Oct. 22, at if p. m. The quies. tie fifthsnumbsser, shicih is as yet election, Neweerry Husll sill be
GYM. SUITS AND tosn to be debated is tie 5sme as was open, tie club is trying to secure it hired for tie event.
debated in tie preliimsinary, "Ressiced, noted English reforsser whuo is nose
SWEATERS. That timeUntied States should build in this country inakiing a study of The Senate.
_____atnd minati innvl powe 111r muntichimAserican instittutions. Tie Senate sill meet Saturday
greater tisan at ipreset." Mesrs. ornig at h9 o'clock in Roomio2
Sae One 5tok i the mot John M. Elligott and Lons Vans Th'l'lso for and the track is te University Hal. Reglar business
completenin the city, and Ave can Hook have tie affirmative, while Gymnamsaiuinm il e losed Satirday sl1b rilatl is h imtiaim
as we lblytem fom toe mansan. James Evans and Lafayette Young afternoon and evesning to alowetie of officers take place.
Illeciulandher, e md t u have the negative. numunsers snste floor to e repainted. Tie debate will take place in a
The winners of the first contest Tie basement swill, hoswever, e left committee of the whlole onin a bill to
W H wre W. B. Harrison, Charles Hur- open as usual, retain the swhole of the Pillipine
rey, adJ Leslie French. Te.h et hBt ht Isands. Everyone is invited.
TWO STORES Paul Ye Albright, '98 L., cue of P, and Phi Kappa Psi fraternities The address at Newberry Hall,
Up Town Dowa Down the members of the Michigan debat will give the first dance or the sea. Sunday morning, at 9:15 o'clock, will
state St. Opp. Court House lug team three years ago is practicing son this evening at Granger's Acad be given by Prof. E. F. Johnson,
Cl'ain Street law in Green Bay, Wisconsin. emy. upon "Religion and Superstition"

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