W ATERMANI'r ze6 S. MAIN ST., and
, W, W TMORE 342 S. STATE St., Cor. William St.,
Note Books and Students' Supplies, of all kinds,
FOUNTAIN Fountain Pens and Miscellaneous Books
A s \ ==TG ZT= IA
M~lAKES ITS MVIA R( L We have decided to satisfy along felt want for an op-to date turn oaf, and so L
have added to ear stock of fioe horses and carriages, a TAlLY-HO, which seats
All around the world. L foarteen persons. Coaching parties will now be in order. Secare a date for the L
Has received a new and sersiceble
line of Goods for
Best of Workmaanship.
214 East Washington St., near 5th Are.
W. J. Beeva, PnoS.
W. AnnoLc, Itt Vice-peer
J. V. SHEEHNs, 2d Vice-proec
JHNs. C.WALTZ, Acct.Coctoivc
HHOLMES LIVERY H Transacts a general
0vr n arne o Telephone 106. 515 EAST LIBERTY ST. 10 -- g-
EvryOn W rrntd orFIRST NATIONAL BANK Orai d16
Five Years.
L A M P S F So Uu D E N T s TascsCapitalOl ts 0.Surpluo end Proeits, d0,00
'Transeacts a generalbankingbusness. Foreign.
Don' be eceied b fak sigs Wecall attention to our complete line of (Center Draft Nickel P'lated Lamps, c i
and adton ieeostofoleriiig the Wetgs.!ranging in price from 75c to .0eath. iTeseeLamps areo h ats n . D. KN ', re. IARIONSice Prer
ereanPei foit $.0 up a threismoat inproved patterns and makes. Incltuding "The New Ilochester," " The
no Wateromans1-eni01ad1 at that price. Yale""The Royal, "The lBerlin Student Lamp,"Th Perfection Student S.WtiAItNCohr
We have the so-called Wastertman Lamp." If you want the heat Lamp fter the Loost oeyegcome and see us. &Rehat- Iftn
Pen, wvhichi is extecosively advertioed, Old Number: I---~lh~.tsiea. af-" ao----".i
and which leads tie aunsuspecting' 44 SO. MAIN ST.,N A
pulctotbelieve tlcat they are 0ttng ANN ARBOR, MICH. D E N X Coar. Measnad PiscesStret.
the WatermnuIdeal at this remsarka-' geCttpit lba50,i00 btci usintt.o5 es ose.
bllow price. At laly timse pr-ospect-.t At the "Soo." WANTE-ss-Twoboarders iii private R H t, -, Pres.Cth,tioGtt~, ice-P
ive pen buyers ha~ve a fet ie'notots Severtal of thte boys of the '98 ftatmily. 322 East Williamns. 24 FRED. H. BEL.R, asieo
leisure we asill glatdly show tlhemithte entginoeeritngcloss at- caeted witl WANTEn.-An Old '1enonis Net. The l rhor Savio S Dailk
swindle float is bteitng perpetrated I the Ltake Superior Power Coo. This Address DAILY office. 22 gO 511 5
upo tfepblic. Cisitaltoc 5150,000 tupu$500.
t15e compatny ishowenagedin the con- Will the party oesiritig ta ptenore, 0,00opte 10.
stroictioli of a water-ptower Canal at oct ipiease call at lie DAILY Office tcgaizedl tunderthte General Bankinsg Law
Saut Le. ari.CTis an lohen after 7 p ? of chic State. ORecesdeptotsitsycsoand sells
rrtr N Sadt Se. ari.pThs cnalexchancge on thse principal citieso thc United
iicomp~leted will be one of the largest Try the Portlanod Cafe for board 5to ". Draftscshedtupon ot epee idetiticationl.
UnviiyIotslcs lo Oertf its kind illthes world, andolIS ex- first-class, and only $3.00 per week. ,OFFCr:jc~c Chtanck. P;. Il D.oICoctcciS
Univrsit Boo~se~ers Staiones, eted to develop 40,000 htorse Meals anod lunches at all hours. Olsen s2. Pub., cAssislosO Cashier.
aod Entgrav-ers, powver. ________ day and night. LA -B& S
320 S. State St , Aonn Arbor, Mir-i. 1TR. L. Nye, special, wvho entered Reserve seats for the S. L. A
4-college wcithi the class of 11900,wscouorse will be on sale Oct. 20, 9 La B S E C R
married this aummner antIis inoson, t- ileso taeSt n
teachintg in thle southern part oif this Goodyear's onsAMain St. Price 50 dos. .-TH H E ,
state. If you want to learni Short-hand,
Gerg it, weeih asafe ll ay you to call at 503 NorthFaoc r
Ni Ge olle A.lliae'cwo wan frglot- n y G r c s
-- of 'tclaavi be govelp. . h.fuHar-
_i;ttan denst, duiring the year of '94-95 -
-artillery at the outbreak of te mgti ''ecer 2 e keep everything nsally kept inl a
- Spanish VaWar. Tlhe Fe Press, the old reliable first-class Grocery end ititery. Call
I ~atid leading State and Sporttng paperanse .
'There will he a meeting this after- is hiadled by F. Stoffilete Opera House 318 S. STATE ST.
nomi, at 4 o'clotck in Rossu C, of thte Newos Depot. Call atid subscribe.
// ~candidates for the Freshmlan Glee' Gootd delivery guaranteed. STUDENTS' LAUNDRY
Club, for the purpose of effecting 01an , t ucaeSeoi-al A S CA IN
0% Orasiatito.Lacw Text IBooks? Call save yotu
PuES. '01 FEHIIAN GLEE CLUB. money on all pttrchases. Wi-s. VOUGH'1-i\1. It. FOX,
Notice. C. E. BARHELn,, sANTS OR~
.1 6 4 1% MCanididates for the AII-freshmmo 24 Care of Ltaw Librariatn. THE GRAND LAUNDRY,
1I ftootblsl teami are requested to ri-port IVANTE).-Sitatison as Cook in OF DETHOIT.
ICQ is to key" Clark.catthIe atlletic field Ftiateritity or Club House. Canl give The best high cotto- laundty tn the Stotc. Thes
eac afeeloon Antoo oftosnigood referenice as beat cook. Please Gcloe fiisalso givca. Alt worhklocseptly,
Isechfedir i nogn.Arnged owhiwilcall at 817 Packard St., or DAILY scatty and caecfullyioe
R lybe published aoon.ofce r.E The Excelsior Laundry Co,
I HARHY B. POTTER, Manoager. Bureau of Law, Washiugton, D. OF KALAMAZOO.
OHNTTtE C. Infornmationo pertailning to the Colilara--------------------1..... Cent
LusT-a silver slhield to watclh Laws of thme United States, of the Cuffla. .........................4
S. L. A. COURSE feob. Getoeve, Le 11 Mars, enograved several slates and territories of the Shirts......... ............ ....
A1t7rtttt, on back. Finder call at 803 5. State United States, of Foreign Coautries Either~ finish.,Satisfactionguaateced. Give
St. and receive reward. 22 furnislsed upon application. 05cus a tr la~ t cicc~sLwac
M eth dist Chli7Ch New Slate Phene. 441.
Frirkw- Opt-91'Hit the Pipe
AT8S P. M.,
Assisted by Local Musical Talent.
If you get a SEASON TICKET you
*an hear him for 20 cts.
On Sale at Wilder's.