frj '99 Independent Caucus. Before Beuying Your
L~f f tU & V tU+ The independents of the senior
literary class met in Room 9 yester ~ I
Published Daily (Sunays excepted) during theda ateno togrifpOil.IlL
THE NIVESIT OF ICHIAN. account of the football grime a so-' See Ouir.. We gm aantee the Style, WVorkinansahip mliAlaterial.
Bothi Phones 147 voted (down. II. J. McCreary and
____________ OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT.
MANAING I)1T54. L. D. V erdier were then placed in
F. hort1IIAsno, O L noination for the choice of the in-
0tSNSiING~. dpns h te addt o h' . II.IoANS,'(0 L. oficeC. T. Tryon, hetng absent, how-I Cutting, RB eyer & Co.
EIITOJIS. ever, the caucuo resolved on the rep- 201 -2031 SOUth fNouni> Street.
Athtetic lEdior, T. It. Woonetow,'00 L.I reseistatins of 0111 of ths einhmers that
P. W, JONan, '99, A. HI. MCDIJUALoL, 01 14-. Mr. Tryon was uinable to be present,
F. 0. EAION, 01. C I. tO ,'0,2 . 11. leon'QI,1M. to adjourn until this afternoon at
- l.0.llnsno OL :1,when tho independents twill CAMPUS DRUG STORE. . . ON THE CORNER
endeavor to agre e on a candidate for NEW STORE.. . NEW STOCK
tile chief office. In fant, everyltig aewn bat the peopte-ltrey hare osimpty
The three cand~idates 5see10to be e n Jdloais AS.'J. QUARRY.
Thesboscrption prcelf he DAILY i~t se .0fraboust equally matchled ill tileenber . . J
he colege yr, with a regular delisvery bfore o uoreo'n 1 a h ots
nosaneatidoy. Ntioes omulnicationsand sad i1)ter n ofr h ots
other matter intended 177r publiionuslt 'beilas heen remallrkably free frown the--- --
handed in5atSlhe DAILY offiesbsfora 8 p_ m., o
maniled tn Ihe nditor bshoe 3 p, ia. nf dhn day political intrigues so prevalent in]N.peiutotaonwchhyarexcedoclegpltcs Nnefte ni-F L OP NI
Surptinsmanbelf a te AIY rfice ates Ihave nmade any promisesFA L PE IN
Ilnyen', o Stofsl n~ nwsnson with IBsines We cordially extenld to you an Invitation to examnle our F'al
manager. Subcrsnwi011llnea favoe by plendges, as far as tileilisposal of off'i- and Winter Shoes. You will find all of the swell and newest
reportngacpromptly at ths110 nllin any failurne of ces is concerned, an~d tile election lasts and with popullar prices. IIEMEM13ER THlE NAME.
narrerns tisdlivennplpen.
All llan-bnea adventising mattne nunt be in proisises to be a cleanl and fair one in MILR Th 0
the oficeonb'a4 p. ta. on thenlayprevinos oIhat st at t28aMI T WlI ILR l~Si6M
on whlinh they an o sappear, every respect. Itito aeplaceat28.MISTj
/ - ---- 1 o'clock next Saturday afternoon.
A. If. MnDOLt.ALL. Leaoe Your Addresses. bamns I 3 ar
Many students ftorget to leave
The Philosophical Societtl hi n ro adnsa h ot HEADQ UARTERS
The Eoxecutive Committee of tile office, with the result that thleir mail For LAMPS of all kimids.
Philosop lical Society met early in is not delivered to themn. There are DIN EAINCAMER SETSanFA YCHN.
the Semlester and defined its plansl for a large number of letters at tihe post- 115 Soath Main St. Japanese (foods and Novelities.
work. Pnblic as well as student office whichl will soonnbe retunmed to-
mleetillgs will be holid as heretofore. the senders, because the ipersona to ® O N D M K a S R K
Trhe general pulblic will be addressed whloim tihey are addressed have n M Ne UAN D M KE A S R K
by represemntative, constrnctive think. leted to leave tlieir street as uit e- O snone, ialondpeny. hePe--s n
em Is t (only of the United States, bult hors at the P. 0., and tiiere is 110 WATCHES AND JEWELRY REPAIRED. BOWLING ALLEY.
of Canlada 1111(1Englanld: Amiong other tray of knlowinig whlere to de- Offine atlrenidence, 331I5..ILibety51., Ann Ar. 310 S. Main St.
thlese expected are Profs. Clark, of liver thren. This miatter is qulite as hoe. Mihs. All busnessnnfiadntlial.lourns,8
to111011 a. ind IltsI:fsnnd nt9p.tin. T. MAH O NEY, - Proprietor,
srots; Geddies,'(If Edinburg; Coe, important to the studn~lts as to the doseph C. WaIt.
nn .Northwesterni; Tyler, of Cornell; postofficee officiails, if they desire to BnrgainisnrSnd-hadwathesrandoDiamns. Open slay and Night.
otdtA lalson, of Qumeen's College, receive thleir niail plromiptly.
tMoron to.
The faculty sidvisory hoard ins
heemn namedl as follows: Assist.-Ptrof.
A. H. Lloyd of tile Departmlenlt of
Philosophy; Prof. Helnry C. Adanlis,
of the Departnient of Political Econ-
omy anld Sociology; amnd G. C. Huber,
Professor of Histology. It is ex-
pected thait thle Scienttists anld tile
faculty of the IDeparttient of Polit-
ical Enonomy and Sociology will in
open palriamlenlt, joinl the phliosoph-
lea1 facility for thes pnrpose of poit-t
ing slit natu~rally existanlt relation-t
ships between their reospective fields
of researcli and~ the Department of
Phsilonophsy. 'Fie Ineetinig last year
withl the Classical iDeparttment, lielid
with a lilte purlpose it view, teas a
con~spicuous stuccess.
Studenit's mleetinigs will be held
froul timie Itotimei, whlere papers
froms studenits of tileIDeparltent of
Philosophy trill be read ansd freely
discussed. All interestedr- in philo-
sophical suhjeets nay join flhe society
anid avail thsesmselves of its oppor-
tunities anid privileges.
The first ptiilic nieeting trill oceur
niext Friday afternsoonl at 4:15 ill
Tappanl Hail, whlen Proif. Lloyd
will present a Philosophicanl (riticisms
of Evolu~tionl.I
Michigan Men Again Stand High.
Nineteen Michilgan mten took til
.ecent Illinois bar examlinlationl, anid
all passed with giiod records. Tile!
snns..tnnonpmsor adislsn to te barsnsI
WY. J. Wright, '98 AI., is practic-
ig alt Laiising, Michl.
Friday Esening, Ont. 21.
ThelI vet of tie Seaoan,
MissFrancis of Yale
W ih .11r EienneGirardot, thein -
i~nltClesAnt, nnd lEa-Agnesa
series 25, 50 ans 75..etes..
Seascosaeatal's, onan Sit., sand
Ilssngsente', on S5tate SI.
ATHENS THEATRE, Snelsstybe .ninga,
If You WVant Or Binding, or Psling, or anything in our line, ns matter
how small or how large,
aiJob of WE CAN DO IT
Printing for you. Call anod get acquaintedt.
te lInlmandPress,
OF TRADE AND ART.-- -_=1_ "' r =-t_ = T- - ;-= Ct® '_ _
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0 L ,.Prcs1525ad3 ct. etso n Sale I(i I It
PiISatrdyi~tlno. Se-nit SiLaw ookPulishersand Ipres
UNIVERSITY Have you read Wilson's Wsrks, as edited by Jamies DeWitt f
LAdew, B o rulst's"CosiuimdPotlHitr.
School o acn of the Umited Stastes?" These books are .for sale at our
i.,ancing ~ banretooreVo andts Cswieitsn l ad Politi oucallistor
Fl - eamh nethemn.
Granger's Academy. Our Branch Here Closes About Nov. I St.
in Illinois have lately been comsider-_____
ably ra ised, sI) that tiley are now Ihe Man WAho Sells
about as high no in most of the
pstern states. Peanuts and Pspnnen at tlsn Atille
_______________Fielt iso
The Fresh Engineers will bold at w.S P RK R
caucus tonight in Room 10, Engi- S"P R E
neering building. 315 S. State. Call in and see him-
We J. APRILL. 119 E. Washington St.