Tihe most cotmpleie llne of oo-to date Alee'stFurishing in the city, is at
j D. A. TINKER & SON, 334J 5. State St. li'eeidaew
dealers in flats, Caps. Fine Neckwear, E. & WY. and Cluett's Collars and Cult-, line ef Goode foe
liasry and While Slhirts, Night Rfohes, Pajamsas, Bath Robes, Gymt Suits and I
ShtoeLbrtrSutanAposUnewa.oseyJeerUnrll. Met's olothes to order at low prices, fit, duality atd styie guaranteed. TROUSEBING.
THE tool of Workmsanshiip.
IAT 21ia st Wausington 5t., nearills Are.
W. J. Boae, PRS. STI1Th
T .AtNOLt, o is pete
T . .'V. SuWtas, dV i SAVINGS
A JuttI. C .W ALTee, Asst. ishilee fVIG
Y Transacts a general
!L We hare dectded to satisfy a long felt wont for anusp tot date totsnotut, and so
All arottttd the world. L hiaveadded o osto kfinhorssanarigsalAILY-110. swhich seats
Y Tally-"o. CiilOft
H ri1 lL OJ'l V Kl YIH raiii J~feo
Every OnIe XWarr'Ilited) for 10 Telephonte 106. 515 EAST LIBERTY ST. 0
Five ears. I a'°Capitl, $i0o,000. Silos asd Pr'oit,14d,000
FO S T - E T Z1le Tnssieralubanking busloness. Foeig
DoitIod ielb ~k in AlM P S S U D E"y exhange toughs and sold. Sornteh sleteso
Wo' edcie b aesgs e call oattenition to our compilete line of (Cenier iDraft Nickel Plated Latops, credi. KNO ~e.IAIi~NSi
aiid adlvertisemtents offeriiig the \Wat- rangirtg in price from 75c to $j2.50 each. TheeDLams areof Iie laest uiAiR ISON o
erniPtifroitim$1.01) liltatlpe i 'tmost improved patterns and makes. Including "The New Ilorliesier," "TIhe S. W. C i.K~toN, cashiere
noWatermniPl ial>it il ie ae, s"'he Ryl "The Berlin Student Lamp ""'horeelot tdn
We have the so-called Wlatermanall Lamp." If you want the best Latnp for the Least Aloiey c01100atid s eUs. v~lrljf5&AlT iaUs5 aunkI
Pen, which is extenisively adevertised .'-1.
ant similmleoloth tiisspeliigOld Number:
andwhih ladstheunsspetin i 44 SO. MAIN ST.,i
public t believe thlat tlieyare gi'tting ANN ARBOR, MCH D ACoe'.linats losre ets.
the Wa~terimani Ideal at this retimickli- __-_-_--__-_- - - I! I gen0100 'a ,os us-, JIO in sase l
bly lose lrice. At ,lily tifiO eolsect i. LsotINI ros. Ct. 10tttEs EVies-toe~i
y pliyr oea eetoouMeeting Oh Class Team Managers. I Villa Promises to Play. Ii to. iIf. Et-Eti, 5 alie.
--- --leisuireSte will gladily shlowthemlictithei' 'The captis aind anagersofsitthe {'Duth"iiiel'b e 1'rt reefriili alt ter .~ 'Rn
swiindle that islbeinig perpestratedcllassicofootball teams miiet yestersday ilfronitCosiit Villam yester=in iwh lichlI110111 Sail Lit
uponi the pulliic. eesjisiise' toIatal l frtsim the fooltbaill lie sidl is' touhl leave hiit lilf t; cami t a 1:1 stOock.e0000.'OSufplus, $150,000,
Wa~illia Walla Wallhi a f le y s tss, $1 llll',
flalifgee, tt fix aIiseledilO 111111aM'' ' e , led tl o tole e.e tc a fltl~it g L,,te t nitiltwtttldnticertinully lie u ilt nnArbore ~.Itoi1i~~oote io o ell
. 1;neeli thce' tteittito. Only tsto11ill ~timle ti llaliy liillheAIlmn i galte, exeohttge onsthIle 1pricil cities ofIthe I sted
ilir'ee ell<ioss'e tlen t e eelit it'es he)ts'- le ri l'tiiel l lay hs 111 S l t Crit. i ni51u "Prert;: .D.lrr.
Uiniveeil eolter, ands1111 ceio lisltly filotlliltg w s P 1ooftlt fit lt'ft tackle lifiel till tn ott - s .; lti' telt oo. Wasir . Ioo
and11 Lloravero l oute. It ws d iecitledthafltill lffna- ' tike llyl sitck inthe ideai tfIlea. J. FitziototaltICashiler
gel's ef claftsteafit flist hiave tt'irsbtt'r's tlBairdpheald'foil -iDtlve,0 P N E
320 S. State SI;., Alln A3ltll, 3i('ll, lstofttp1layers ini by fnext Saturd'iy, Iiiflit liit i t-liot ltt
faililg tis it'ey still lot beillltc le t piy ittore ltfyo ' f L
to pult .te l sithe ield rti h~l'ie Ipromfises Illbe lete ad' l a itltlthei ,
claiss series. 'Iii" gamfies lwileolt-1 gialie, T___F Is
aillerhbegin ut tlf Nt. ist. WAssi'i)i.-Aii t)l l'einiis N,,et,
The Cosmorama. AiierGriivofie 2ocers
1fi ei t' .1Th(''' ididales tom'a sle piill)isellet'eifo
Ihe pt-tetiomglt'tell elmt li iee lf ciaillptssneirsiteCii, tully it
'1 ttAlitloTlt-sieMoidiyeveinmg, .4 p. nIii H.i. EBioi, ,Capti. W4e keep 0ve1ythingft ustially kept ina
C0Oct. 24th, tileCotilitralomstfTrd f~,a,,l.i,.,irst-cltiss Gracetv intd hikeryCl
andthArt, tumder thedcion f . Itoreand seeue
'7IoiyGeo o 'mcg. N first-closs, amielemly $3.00 per steek.' ue
>7A'~ Ii, tivrfsemtoistatth ciy t. ttelMeals anuth ies at-all hours. Olten 318S5. STATE ST.
7 F i / i A" houses still Ittetmade by youing lashes dy aut itilit
I ' !mm { top 1t!/rsuites pull dell teseeve seats floetime S. I. A. STUDENTS' LAUNDRY
liviig iictrcsmindlahheasx 'sIcottitse still bte on sile Oct. 20, 9 a.i
i%) calciuiii light twill mmakeutiie twto i., at Wilder 's 011 Stile St. mand ASOCATON
' ;hioursitt solid enjoymnent. Adinis-;Gaoutyer'son Maia St.Itrice 50 ets. %WM. VOUGIIT-WM. ii. FOX.
l iomi 1:), 211 end 3so cetso, Geteral Agommcy for Detroit, Chli- .o~s o
cao, NetwYttrk anth Toledo palper,} 'HEGADLU RY
Notice. i t 121 N. Min St., Opermi Htoise EGAN AUDY
James Y..Itc(1 i l ,, oantidates for time All-freshmnm NteD-hto t The hst Iihgraeadr iuly ithe sttse. the
footbtall temimare requested Itcoto 1'e m1 t oaCublo s.Cooii1give ly achinedomtic fintishmi inte West,
to tlkey' Clark at the athletic field goreterenityoraClb Hest ck givPlease y andcreflly donte.
Rileylei~ l A ed hitit of ll call at 817 Packard St., or DAILeY The Excelsior Laundry Co,,
isbeisuiarramnged s mel office, ithe. B. W.V OtF tALAMAZOO.
lItN tTHlEledBiureau of Last, Washintgon, D. Collers .....................1 Cent
~.~.A.CO RE l~mn . o~boo Mmmge. C.JImfitrmuathito pertminminmg to the Coltlos..........................3"
S. L.A. C URSE LOST-a silver shield to watichi Laws of the 1Unmited States, of thme Shirts....... ...................
AT -TiE tob. Gmeve Le, 11 Misars etigraved several states and territories of the Either finish, Satiefaction guaranteed. Give
oil back. Tluder call at 803 5. stato united States, of Fotreign Counmtries Oifiee2S. Stale st. iResidence 610 Lawrence AI
Methodist Church St. and receive resward. 22 furnished upon application. New Slate Phoe. 41
Friday, Oct. 214
AT 8 P. M.,
Assisted by Local Musical Talent.
If you get a SEASON TICKET you
*n bear bin for 20 cts.
04i Sale at Wilder'..
AuOpportunity n I Goves3
Do you know what a
Full Pique Kid Glove is ? Most of the gloves sold as Pique
sewed are what is known to the trade as half Pique. Until
this eeason we have teen unable to buy Full Pique Men's Kid
Gloves to sell at $i.oo. But we have them now. You just
Men's Full Pique Kid Cloves, Imported Stock, asaile, $100