THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 3 ++++ +++-+ +++++-+ifN44 Nf4 +414 $N0Nf ffNf+N N NfffN f N ffI+NN+NfNNfff NNN N+fN4# HI D BRAND THE NEW TAILOR, S 9 110 E. Washington St. ++++++++++f+f++++N++f+++N+++NfNf+.f+f++.Nff f++f++N+Nfffff f4+f 0+++ f+f4+ ++ff+++f+ 1ff+++f+++f+ ++ MIGHIGfiN GENTIIIL "The Niagara Falls Route." CENTRAL STANDARD TIME. Taking Effect Aug. 14, 1898. Mtiail and Express ...........3 47 Y. at. 'N. Y. & Boston Special ....... 4 58" Fast Eastern ..............9 43" Atlantic Express............7 45 A. . Detroit Night Eixpress........ 5 5 (,rand Rapids Express .......11 10 Mkall & Express ....5.....918 A. a. Boston. N. Y. & Chicago....... 8 135 East Western Express........ 1 38 P.5m. G.R & Kal. Expressx.........5145" Chicago Night Express ....... 9 43 Pacific Express.............12 30 A. M. ALARM~ CLOCKS, $1.00. Students! Students! I .AL L U. OF M. PINS, 50 Cenits. If diseaistied with yoor laundry service to me' a e Floe WaichsRepairing a Specialiy, EXCELSIOR LAUNDRY lhiin1 lfllll ~J. L. CHAPMAN A. P. COVERT, Prop., n09sE. Wash. Si. VIll(I.IIIIIi Telephone No. 211,l2ings. MR81RIJUU LUIIIU 201 Souie MainStrecet Excellent Worh and (;wick Service Guaranteed. r. ___ AT LOWEST RATES. Your First Duty SHAEBERLE MUSIC STORE _______ ________114 Went Liberty Street, Ann Arbor. after securing your room is to Only 3 doors from Main Street. REGISTER your name and address at BROWN'S DRUG STORE IT'S FREE.... Cor. Malis and Huron Sts. ( 0. W. RUGGLES, H. W. HAYES, G. P. & T. Agt, Chicago. Ag't Ann Arbor CALENDAR. "A Night at the Athens." Wednesday, Oct. 19-Michtigan It is seldom, indeed, that a play L vs. Caoe Scientic Schtool. brought to Aim Arbor appeals to the A Friday, Oct. 21.-Jas. Whitcomob large body of stdents at the State Riley on the .IL. A. Course. University. "Mios Franeso of Yale"_ ' A7 1 R0;4Saturday, Oct. 22.-Michigaiivs. moot, hioswever, swith ito clear, delicate Notre Dame. comedy, strike a synipatliic cord its TIME TABLE j-tile heart of every member thtat does Taking Effect, Mtay 7, 198 A Mandolin Concert. not miss the opportunity of witneso. Prains lcave Ann Arbor by Central Stand-. The lovers of good mandolinansd log it. The Yale cry, givear by the rd ine.guatar miO~c wll be pleased toi hear three students on the stage, has anever 1NORTH_ 5OUT13 that Mr. W. Eugene Page, the wvorld's failed tio arouse the most iantense en- 0:i43 A. St 11: 5iA. M . greatest matndolin virtuoso, has coai-thtiiiinheclgeovswer 4:.% t. sa 8:40at. m. sented to give a concert at the School "Miss Fraiices of Yale" has made its 50:04. 1. __ 00:5 a. ~ of Music on Friday evening aiext. appearance. 'RTan betweean AnSnd Abola nd ldoonly. =M. aehas received the hihet There is aiisneed to relate at lnt tween Toledo and Howell. All other trains epraise from all qtuarters on his the story of the play, nor to discant :galy xcpt undy.E. S. GILM4OIIE, Agent. isonderful power over his favorite upon the high excelletice of the com- B1.W. BENNETT, G. P. A. intrumient. tolloing tre some pany that surround the brilliant -__ - - - criticisisnfosm thae press. comnedianas, Mr. Etienne Girardot and The chief success of the evenitig Miss Agaies Rose Lamie. wvas made by W. Eugene Page, Sttaieiits anay he literested to kaiow DETROIT, YPSILANTI & ANN AR- whose matidoliat solos proved cx' that both Mr. Brentoax Thorpe, the tremnely artistic. His coimmaaid of mianager, and his trusty lieutenant, BOR RAILWAY. tile instrument oeems complete aaid Mr. E. D. Shawv, are graduiates it Cars leave for Detroit at a quarter he plays with flue taste and express. high hoiior-thie former of Londons after every hour, beginning at 7:15 a. oon.-Chicago Tties-Herafd. telaeroNwYrk Acleg i. and up to 11:15 p. m. For Ypsilanti Mr. Page is considered the finest -play toured by college graduates is at qurte beoreth hor u to12:1 aaioii plyerit Aiiercaaii hsossmiewhat of a rarity. ataqatrbfrthhoruto1:5mnoiplyriAmrcadhsEa. . Cars leave corner William and wvork of laot evening was decidedlyII Mai S. ''ikes o sleatiron' the fianest ever heard in this city. otice '99 Independents. Ilylig Store. Rios'playing was marvelous anal his There wii be a caucus of senior ability to execute seeixed otily limiit- independents, in Room 9, this after. ed by the number of iiotes the printer nooii at 4:15, for the purpoise of iii- is able to put on the paige.-Blooii- dorsiiig an inidependent caindidate for iuoton Leader, president of the ciaso. a .THE. _ __ KINDERGARTEN R. C. Woodruff, who took his B. Miss Gertrude Boynton, is teacher inI '94 anal M. 5, in '96 of History and Mathemnatics inl the CIGAR STORE expects to retiarn to the 'University high ochosol at Le Grange, Ill. .and o0r h bands ofloCaoc c, 5 bas.ofthis fall to swork for a doctor's do. Have you seeni those 100:gnificent Pipe:free wia 0vcr: purtcas. gree. ________b ound volumnes of min noi10Wash- 102 E. HURON ST.. A sog-service will be given at ingtou St. at the Music Co.'s Store; - thse Unitarians church next Sunday all stanidard things. I am collecting U, of I4 Shavion Parlors and Bath Roomfs eveninig. a Musical Library. 21 } 32S0UTH STATE STREET. Ladie' artilic Hair Dressinag op slairs, Old r ands call againa. We wecoeonewones.. J. R. TROJANOWSKI.e tc cth Ihoo wa h t RAZOR HONING L6 IS A SCIENCE. . __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ We Guarantee Our Work. WA"REN THE BARBER. InterGOllegiate Bureau oft tlcam~iG Gostume. THE MODEL of State Street GOTRELL. & LEONARD, is BOISE & ELY'S tjALnAxY, N. Y. BARBER SHOP If youa denime Cape, Gowns, and Roods made to order and rented. Alto Class fdrab-clans work and courteous treatment Canes, Class Rats and Capa, Clasa College Pins. Address try George and Harry at 3325S. State St.,iW. C. KERN, Western Mngr., Haskell Msoeusm, tUniv, of Chicago. EHOC DITERE Ebalmser and EMFunELIL eral Director. RADLTHE PHOTORnAPHER, fAI - Every. kind. LE Calls attended nay or rNight. RANALLWest Washington ~'- M.SteeRt No 211-R. Liherty Street. Resideace 53Sas. 5IIII1I5TfNBLOrifl'V assu ARBOR 1 etWshntnSre Fourth Ave, Phone 129. U IO IE MIU Both Phones, No. 108. Ann Arbor. It M, MARTIN,,, FUNERAL DIRECTOR E'mbalming a specialty. No. 200) Fourth Awe. Ambulance night and day. Res- ience 302 Fifth Ase. A~Mrm ClodksI Win._Arnold, ~acin GET YOUR LUNCHES AT W, W. TUTTLE'S 338 So. Slate Street. OUR PHOTOS ..ARE.. PERFECT IN STYLE AND FINISH THE Berryman Studio 12 West Huron St. State PhIonse 119, A. G. SPALDING & BROS. The 1sane ItheOGutrantee. FOOT BALL Official ocuifitters to all the lecadinag college, xchoaol and rr.collegiate Foot Ball Usedlexclusively by Yale, Princeton, Harvard Pernsylvanaia, Cornell and all othaer leading colleges and unieersities. SManagers should write fot prices and samoples before ordering clxewhaere. Spalding's Ollicil Fast Ball Guide, cdited by Walter Cuamp, Records. photo- graphs 01 leadkng learsx, i833 rules, with in- dex and explanatory notes, 1IOc. A. 0. SPALDING & BROS., Neoc York, Chicago Movoer's bLlllry Ahowlc At Nes aShand, 607 E. William St. ive me a trial. First clas work and prompt service. PAUL MEYER. F. J. SCHLEEDE, 340 S. State S1., Binds Banks far 25e. and upwards, and cell, Waterman Fosuntain Pens for $1.25and up. All Linen Paper, 4 lbs. for 50c. Fineot Stationery in the city at lowest price. WE PATRONIZE GOODYEARW5 DRUG STORE.