THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. of 4 1. P, a1 f nearest to him who has gone, andtIWEA .. his stricken sisters and other kindered~ I EECARE.V. Fabliahed Daily (Sundays aexpted) dring the te eiet extend assurances ofEXLSV Callge eaa a hey esie t ..AGENTS Collee yea, attheir heartfelt sympathy." THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. _______FOE 0ri} "t The Inland FPre. Hening lc. Juttner Will Return.l AA l dlBNITR Siomre very welcome news was re- HA N'liB ANTt5EIO. Iceived from Knoxville, Tenn., yester- FINE F. EnrLaRD.1M,'1L. (day to the effect that eight moreSH E ItIrsINEss .INAGEIL." Michigan moen had received their dis-SH E 0.11 chargees .from the 3stMichigan r__i EITOEis. cares 3st rei1-09 N. MAIN STREET Ahletic Editor, TI. EAWooaasa,'00L. aent, amng then Juttner,.on last B A .S S O T R OPP. CORT OUSE . W. JONsIN, '99, A. II. MeDouobALL, '1 E, year's 'Varsity eleven. It is sapposed ___"- "-__"-________°-________ -" "-" "' P.D. EAMsAx, 101 L. C. H. Lena),'00 M, that he will reenter college at once - - -- - .1D. lI~laaaTT,'01 . and will prohably e seen on the gridiron efore many days elapse.I The others who were discharged are:l t Percy Church, '99 L.; E. S.Bastin lo Th usrpinpie ofthe DLY iws2.551efor'01;> E. P. Kinn, '01; A. S'. aid hecole, ya, wth eglrdivy befoee St, '98; J, S. Doyle, '98 I..; CNSut otlher matter laleaded fer pabliecataneasel be )Miller, '98 L., anal C. TI. MeKeans, SergeSut handed in at ibeODALY oafce beoen8 0 e In ac O Several of the men wlto were 6 mailed ta ae edior befare 3 p. . f the lasy peviousato thai on whiea they ae expeted ta discharged last week have returned ar ~sbaeiplinsmay be leftl at the DeAILTOffiee. to Ann Arhor atd taken ip their ® Meyer',ar Saaoflle teweisad, ar wiahBusalinesstee r Managfer. Subcribera will cnfe alao by studies. Amon A K repartinlg praamptly at ehis oaice ay falutreeof Wistrand, '99, and R. E. ]ioinson, Taiore All chleradip adveertiin'Imatter taast be in '99 Several tf the nmen will notT th1ofieby e .tont ine aparay pFvouatoathta turket college until these00tid1Like 117 atlieae.semester. The fact of the Michigan INl~nEo TDYSISIstdnsbigdischarged wa 1oin Custom Suits v.. ITUDNl. to the efforts of Pres. Angell, who I Adcnaneey on ffsto Resolutions for Prof. Walter. rought what influence lhe caildto AdcnaneeyPito aho I~nldd en ttsa' i bl, ear upota the secretary of war. He ithat elontgs to Suits this Season. Int Doule or Single (Mr.nlled rowamahyuecsdday'ilsItisefaits.ay - 1Breated. Silk Faced for One Dollar more if you aratteso a tlltofh G o. Pittgre. want tLt. to illusions, atid ready always to look Fresh Engineer Caucus. facts in the facelie Ihated all lre-' A caucaus aras leli lalottigt ill £ ~~l~ teso n hl;teisneemn ! d'tewas hiso aersoni e had positive til Engineerinig building, and class + l con~viction~s011 a widle ratige af sub- politico were givetn a thoraadghl goitig J'I.cJ'- jects aand was ready to defted them over. 'rho supporters of both Boi-q~2 whe qustined bu atthesamae scoter atndIBrawti were thlere ill c11- time his kitadly natttre ttade himsiealnubrutheymty-; tolran ifoppsiiot, ad tc ar- af the meetinig seetned to e with the oredno o d nreseotioa nd h. h a Tte. e110sapporters of the forner _____ ________________ atie pulsed but little. Th'le offered to the engineers the offceo ofv- ahrosriigtllasilwititksecretar-, treasourer, baseball n a- -t C&- S (Z - abr"ewrtnwa nlair-some to himhut he alwas rote ger and track anager, provded t the witha excellett jaudgemlent and taste. chlCass woatld pledge teaeleves IPRESAUMNFCUESO Hlis papers before thle Philosophical to suplport the entire ticket, ut CE IA adPYIA rasaHe and Philological societies, and Iis nothing was dotie ita regard to the coti ~tostisadn cbiaiu ote. Aohrcuu scle MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS. Headquarters f'or all Labora- cotrbtinst suen pbi ftomatr.hrsAyniert fcaucsis cee.tory Supplies were prepared with as mucb ability frTus a ih fti ek 112 S. Maa 5tree, Ann Abo,Michie. and care as lie would have given to Miss Julia Angll is teachitig Fin Cofecion the larger word aadiece.lco e History int the IhighI school at CliniFneCnecin thought it wise topu leis strenagthl ton, Ia. - Bon Bons and oin extetiding the ratge of hils scholar. . .._____/' Chocolates. siancutrfothmoer0_ fet adorntment of his class oom011i- ATHENS THEATRE. I 3 00 EAST WASHINGTON STREET, structiott. Anal so his lnamel was Ia- 316 SOUTH STATE STREET. writteti up01 few title-pages, bit it Friday Eening, Oct. 21. is written moreedrolidtngly apon The I I ft llean, I o vn Or Binding, or Ruling, or anything in our line, no matnter huondreats of living liarta.I ouW n "Perhaps thaetmost ciar acteristic m r- * r , how amall or how lrge, thing abiiut the' iiana remlains to he ivissrra nis ofYale a Job of WE CAN DO IT nlotd-al certainl chlarm of Jpesonal- 1,with r.E Hte Gttardot t Ii . Prnt ity, which attenaded 11110 from iahs inal Cales a'- Aand Meliias Agn Prntng for you. Call and get aiqainted. bohoodasidays. and rliiahl aefies an- : I"')e' te The Inland Press, alysis ar deinilti, 11n1which ill1 leee25I, s0 ad ;sacents. 00"Hening Bnck. felt who cani withinl therage of I Seat, ontsaet h s o n a lsia S t..d lis influence. Perhiaps it IhadIits xnagoterf er'aton iaateSt ______________==r-___________________ root i a hapiiy Ilendlig of thle jour ___os,_iththeerios os elmensaofour340 S. STATE. ntature. lUifornmly holpeful TnRLATmENiceHEaiRding0 cheerfl, he was never shallow; and andrnleath a happy exterior 0110 SPECTACULAR aight ften catcla glilupsof greats COSMORAMA Law Book Publishers and Importers, depths of thlought and emiotion.4 "tHe encountered lifeosprsblellsand1 OF TRADE AND ART. Secondhand boos for next smester cheap. Special bargains on anertainties with fearless reast, 100t-l'RJTTY (GItLS-ion. HANDSOME LliWilson, Bacom and Burke's Works. Erskinme, Cu.rran and and we ma y he sure that inth lose COSTUMES. FANCY DRILLS. W'ebster's Speeche. Great peeche by great lawyers last crucial moments, neither his DareecIOn orn J. HlENRYacGEamS. H Ioscher's Pltical Economy, etc. Call for new catologue. h u m a n ity n o r h is c o u ra g e f a ile d h i . P rl en , 1 .> 2 S a n d 3 5 y e n t . e a ts nat s a le O r B a c e e C o e b u o . I He has been snatched away fromt us =___ Satuday mnrning. t mortal sight, and our hearts are left' UNIVERSITY' . desolate; but his work and his mem- ~ o H K H S e YU ET ory have taken deep root laere and SchoolifD n i g S A E TH S e YU ET will :abide. O DDancingan YOR ANY "aThe members of the Senate, amid OL-U BOT°an YU-FNY the deep sence of their own bereave. Granger's Academy. BY COURTESY CALLED SHOES. fit YOUR FINANCES. ment, are not unmindful of the heavy Bell Phone 146, W.AJR APRILL. 119 E. Wahington St. ' . _. ' x ,,i