. THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. r o6 S. MAIN ST., and WATERMAN'S W. W. WEMR,342 S. STATE St., Car. William St., CARRI ES IDEAL IJNIVERSI FY TEXT BOOKS, Second-hand and New, Note Books and Students' Supplies, of all kinds, FOUNTAIN Fountain Pens and Miscellaneous Books. PEN AND OFFERS ALL AT THE LOWEST PRICES. JOS. W. KOLLAUF, MnILiOR, Bas received a new and serviceable line of Goodsfor T ROU SER ING. ietaco f Workmnship. 21a4 East Washington St., near 5th Ave.. WJ. BOOTH,,PRES. J. V. SHnEnAN, 2d Vice-pree . BlANK Transacts a general Banking IBusiness. MAKES ITS MARK All airiild(lie world. A A=,TG-I L We hare decided to satisfy a long felt wa.ni icr artuepic date tarn cal, ad so L bare addieditococr sicocoidhoiirnssacd carriages, aiAiLY-10, ichich sars L foar-tern personas.Caching arlptics iilnow be in ceder. Secure a dateefor rte L Y Tally=Hon. Gall ap y H HOLMES LIVERY H 0l Telephone 106. 515 EAST LIBERTY ST. 0 FIVA' YeaOs.0 F IIp NIEJT Capital, 100cici. Sturplusan d Profits, alcoa0 Five Yei b.tS U U- IN U ''renactsiaccgeeatl aingtcsincss. Piteetc SII-eschtagtgtatandrld. Fristdteso Do' b reeve y acesgn e call ittention to anr comp~lete line of ('enter IDrait -Nickel Plated Lamnpi,credtit. aa.iicineeo and~~~ ~ ~~~ tisrieictsiicii i ~ rangaig in price from roc to s.5O each.I'testeJLampaare of the latect anti P. n. icINNE, Prcc. IIAtR~ISON SOUL, elinan Pen rt tiiX1.0ilt,)ias there i5 mcit improved patterncstind mckec. Inclndding The New Ilochesler," "The S. W. CLARKStON, Casirt ,t !tlnitt~bcltli Ycle,"' 'The Royal,""The Mlelin Stndent La.mp,"'"The lterfection Stdent ,- We hatve thl catlildW Ztltici!Ltamp ' If yotu want te beat Lamp fortr .Letcl .t- ticy comte acid bee ns. P~rm &i#lranim Nkllnk lien, wihichiet cienivieis adveirtist'd Old N umber: anti tcliih ilaste usuit' tin 4 S. AN S RO, O. MANO,,MC. E A I o u r aian Set. publictoi it-livethtithebit'- are geligN c& tetting,000tt. T'anactsa lly lu ow rc. sAt allyIil('prospct- IAItte tiettig oitthIe state botardl WiNTL1t. Art OldTilelnnisNet. t, itLia, Pre tiC.E Git E, ic-Pr ies ivelpen Jbtd-j; ihat' a te itititientit itlittlli tttldilliLtaitg lat wcel, A dclress Deliidlfice. 22Fa).H LSxCsir liuewwilglaidly siowithemlitie Dr. )s'tvy reportditiettt heTl sc inr avng Bn pn ttt c t pi' btlic. attly itf bygictes fir ltttecttr nit ic c ti iititlielr _r i uu' i Ujii-t tcircciit, iti0,60 ring r h Ilrttiglicttthe statep. J)i', o y r fiii t i. Beicis'depoitis, ibu-stiaid ells Is 1 slt Ai liIlleptliI'i vt' i'Portlandi (tilte liior lboardti ctittige on ttheincipattl c -it-iesofthl it e was reu estrlti prpar atirc-l'r' St nlts.D a.Catidci on pperi detfcai Ino bfirlsi-cifsteran(leo'tyu$3.0(0 p ek, S city dpcict boxstaet.itiPc wni ii it ite lat osc gnrl158o el in(]lillP"at all h ur.Opcrn anan, ce r;Cht- . littcexCabshier4 Uivest iiiD tyiter, iStatlioners, eatitid5tight.liceri tzab itcnt~ashbee autd Euitiasi rs, thiPstut latbortortyi'of itygiee i-di) if)orgll the diatgniosis of iliplilenii, typuhoid Rfesevescasfur tlhc S.L.A. 320 S. 'trate .5, An n Arlarar, 1'nirb feser andticitlsliipttmiontldoto(le couhrse sill lie oisaitle Oct. 20,1)9t a. M B& SPE AER --- - -liactei'ittogical extinaiititni itt wtatr + iii cases ot Its suispecedulcontamin-iiltWlleo01Sae tatt tito y(legritnt tp1 Goodyetr's tilt MaiSt. Price 50 cfc ITH E The Free Press, ite old reliable T he C osm oram a. arid le adiin g S late anti Sp rtitng paper r c rite M o d a 'Ilie Epicoitlilitgeicill preientl is Hliled by h'. Slofilel, Opera Uoue aalCy Tl, ryeeig esDpt aladsbcie I__at AtheinsTteiiMidtyeeinNsaIpt.Calai tbcli _ ,Oct. 241 iilthe ('isutitratiia itt Trtade' Goodl ielivery' guarantteed. We kcep everythiing ucually kept in a citilAn, trrilr (li cliretici ittJstbcilaos Grocery and Iiaklery. Cai Hn rterthfe('icon oft'. LOST-Lasit Wedrtesilay evening, and see ne. i - advertiseiietstofte iteybs'bsirlesiscw'r ieEgieHae nla- 318 S. STATE ST. /1 lutitises still tie rittdi'by younladiescs ntt aril Ged0 iderAspialrnev ,e~ h ini cpproprniate eostumries,lpretty drill"strtllrrigT50.FiNdrSi illrNeerv r iig.ieiie abetux - I liheral resward for return of saineST D N SLA DR alciltiht wil et attoto 1333 Wilmiot Si, 20 ASSOCIATION. liotuis of siolid enoymrerit. Adlnis- Birreau itt Lasw, Waishirngtorn, D, WM VOUiGIIT-WM. Iti. FO, ,c " ipin 13, 2,5turd 35 ceents. C. Inforrmationrtpertuiinrg to (lie cAENTrS Fa Lawsittfte Uriitetl States, onithen G'DMmlarDY Notice. nevertal slates arid territories otthen El L R1a 01 NILAUNDR Ja es I (' anidtels for Ilie All-freshman United States, of Fitreigra Countries OFnEo'ro'. foottillt~ll lttiare rqetdt0 ortfurrnieledt])naplton The besthti-h grade laundry ira the Stale. The cnlymichiin domnacafintsh in the Went, toIii iIltty ' Clakitir- i r te thletic fieldiblase finaitshas iena. Alt week permpty, ill teiatr-iirA tl fts' If the yourrgitarn silo pickeid 1110neatlyp aridcarefitlly don. scedutile is beinig arrtanger]i h wltasill a black leather chtielairle bag, con- The Excelsior Laundry Co,, be punbn hliseiteoon. tamning money'arid a buncheliof keys of KALAMAZOO. BARIRY B. POTTEB, Manager. and tther things, onhac atet Collars..... .. ....,,.......1 Cent S. L. A. COURSE sourthr ni Montroe, on Saturday, Oct. Cufs.......................-......3I IOR SALEn CHEAP-A large size ]15tb, will returrn the same tin Mrs. 0. Shirts .......,............-.. 8 AT THIE Bar Stale Guitr'r little tised. Call E. Birtterfielil, at 327 Packeard street, Eitiher5fiih. Satisfactioa guaranteed. Gisa } ustaatrial 811 E. Huron Si. 20 be swill be suitably rewarded. Office 20a2,Sl ate st.,Reidene61.0Lawrence ci. Methodist C7huirch New Slate Phone. 441. i Friday, Oct. 214 AT 8 P. M., Aesisted by Local Musical Talent. ADMISSION, 75 CTS. If yorn get a SEASON TICKET youl can hear him fur' 20 cts. On Sale at Wilder's. Hit the Pipe WiE- SELL PIPES. .r. U~aAR'