VOL. IX, No. 20. ANN ARBOR, MICH., TUESDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1898. FOUR PAGS. II I Varsityj Gillen Hard Practice. Reolutions for Prof. Walter. he had travelled extensively on iat Saturday's gamne convinced In response to nuieros requests the coitinet aid is England. Two the coaches that the elevens would the DAILY will print in fol the years after his return to the Univer- have to get down to good hard iwork resolutions for Prof. Walter, adopted sty, he sas made Professor of Mod- ini order to make any kiod of a show. y the University Senate. They en Languages, and agaiii went to T T ig at all next Saturday against sere drafted y Prof. I. N. Demmo,, Europe, this tme to Paris, for study. H FINE FALL SUITINGS. H Notre Dame. Notre Damse defeated and read y him at the lastseetiig In 87, at his own request, the de the eleven front Michigan Agricul of the Seuate. Tie resolutions fob- partment of modern languages was E N E tural College Saturday y a score of low: divided; and le chose the chair of 753 t ,weesMcia was only ERoaice Languages and Literatures, 0,shra ihgn"uis residee apositpudorot moduwihhildwtho i osiuu ahle to roll p 39 points against them'. "'faincr aii. wihh iiwthcupcosse ARYTELRE T The iieiidid fairly good work yester- -Horace. cess p to the te of il death, T W CARTHLARE T Idsay and estered right into the gain. "s h orsn fJl it "During his services tim the Uni- 1STOCK A Thes coaches intend to shake the teams last the whole sword was shcked to veirty, exteding over a period of INTECTup agosod deal ti week aid try the sa htteFeihlnr aBu thirty years, lease it growe from IN THECITYhatsiteheiFreifferetipostions isoss men n dffeentpostios. no ogiead eeini collision ot Sahe comparatively sisall, though vigor. was put ait fulhack yesterday aid two ays efore, and hail gone downos, propsoton to the great inttu- L LW id some gsod work there, ut sill slsiiaersssietcryngei ton t has now econe. He saw its prohaly not e Iept there, If te l h ie-ls assgr n courses msultiplied te-foltaid its 0 tebkesu tegm i a corps of its instructors corresponding. Streh E.e WASHtINGasieNleSha the officers of the ship, It sas lv enlared Studenst flocked to its 10pp WSHNGON b eens playinig h sill dobtless e a knosn to the friends of Prof. Walter q 0 H tR ixtu re st qurter. He is iii the that le had taken passage 0on til- fals in eve increasing iuers, ad gaue every second of the th im sftd tasr and aliupofIis le cheefutllsh iarei in the added re- very qu~ictbesites beig stroigsn eiscusrte sotn fatetassay. And yet it 1uishltehs n di srto alelesive play. Lehrs and Ciley t sws is ipossihe to realize that e had andu teachinig whlirh ll tuisivolved. ..m..~uiiI li i ii sohsrd ause ssiu Sit gisefoeve frusi us Vuesiios He rejoiceriniithe pruserty of his ceedledl isnreakig up mthe tScrus hdays have slipped y, anid1 sc lisve 1sinlmter san sas alwaso redy **+*** +++*4*4+*4++ lhne repeatedly. returned to sine scesstosmesi place. frayfrsr tpshnteseii f hi'+ ai~ lce two of thue (Aiidst ormta reigas see sire at and to sarrant it. * 'fie Varity slokedussrsisstusi geet cag, - 'He was ass ardent stsdent aid YOU May Have f Prilobs'sunts, bsut wssuisibshe tos po-have us i si ss iuu h ae-sctie upityshs i viSi Forgotten iac risw wesn le tried to putiitdiitcquired eeraiieelil wostfantiewotksitbst Your. OO~a uIUSH alsoallosweda place ktk tiy y souls hear agains iis familiar voice stlieid. notl u til f fo h ± oum s IACxlo IN usa, *Tecteto beslhockes.Ills the fist worfl Withimusshee ws a 5timie mm arouss WmiisK-1m5500155, * of sngrasp.againu the frisdly an..frsoksiiustnfopl or oua 1vrrK-xxa;X,* part o the practice tie Scr us scred Bitrie pifuli onsiousiess is at fo'okkn iefrpa. By + -oe* a ocdw nte ast y adls;bogthm ou httesysemsatizinge his tisne ansd Iholding + Tie oe y,m mr ae, n~mse wbin ourismlihe busceinig. Ott-side plays y hsmn uufuee ausiu n htrigorously to iis hours, he sas ale a'iym us sntsmpsei.W4Viarait men helpiedh theim get theirI'xirei tu Al , to muks extensis'e acquisitions ilia havse thir a n 1ump-tim-mi yl. iscne ? oee °il nds 'e > u isne iorsrus mggst'sndrlo +touchidownem. ciietiehirhswa h ls rhseside rnsge of kotledge, andi at this conrpe. ceeteetogrther tforty thatehumtserebutemsamse tisse to keep Iis powers fresh + WILDER'S PHARMAOY S*. *tin our eloved colleague and friend, andi ot hs ieteijr s n osra pn u eod u elastic y unbending in the o- ot ini Iis anle, foit further sdown0 ssceoisinvuehaniofus ir-ciety of his friend. Andsu ue mns the*foot*The*accdent wil keep tm merablslo.ssas sisses sought for or insre oeomes DONV'T FOR3GET ut of pratice fr a few' days, hit it "Edi tardLorraiue Waterwsasorn in tie ssial life of the plae. Dr- is~ thouughthe aid e it sta i inkeepth evpara e ofitchfield, Mch., hu~is g esdence here his face House. Htadcl uce e.2 85 h oneto ih oalcsso tisheouietanda at all hours. Chocolastes and te Thur practice hune-up sas as fl. ide ~a~ln sa ao usmoiy, ai Cream Soda WAater, Pipes, Cigars and huow: evallseisiero'hfmsttswasuniversal srrow at Tohacco, adfl ln fSokn u ~.SRaB. te te width auf hsknfasimihymmdewas ive u ntme eahhave comosfrum plies. R. E. JOLLY & CO. Brown............(c............... Smiththidlohsfalyanwsa 38So. State Street Lehsr, Dye ....~.........r.Aie every avantage that thi sosmueelat peopt in all raniko in life. But his Caey. ..... ...1g......Kramer narroweiing comditions of Iis vila e caImdsesinumtoevhst Wht .. ....... t....... ge lonldunder Iis istructionm so thus class- Whie ........ . t... Meiunhdmse permitted. He sas 'fnd of W*'a} Day ........1.t.......... Larson roiom. Herr sas his true shler. W OIIG~U bClshdawnerul eetv icks ...... .re....... Ganhaw hooks, 1usdnasseanderfullycretentiv hpl1eetes '''3i ..... ...Cuaememory, ands read everything thatus fshssad curyufIi jPI (} Rihardsonn. came in his ay. When he wsmsbut psitionharhiIis tecearwitlptheex-s Stresh ..... .....q. ......... ..Tshcott 17 he ecame a vounteer im th ostinIsspatec tt seerms The Tooth BrushesthatIV hitomoh........ r. Is Blece, Mclean F adisqiinirtiiskndymn 1 sell for 25C, or more, are wary, 'sidas... ..h............Baldwin Mthgolmfasr, n eas ad msqiriag mismdtIsismkforndlylmu good brushes, and are Snow ........... f .......... Malone engaged iiitie deady assault on theis ine and pirtoutse-theusasswefreall well made. If you should heights ack (f Frederickshurg, isquaitusIseamnhstiesthtgvhipoerscovretm get oe that sheds its Cavanaugh Barred From Playing. Decembser, 1812. The hbulets of the qismclaties; dth gaeshmpserer hefaculty o teUniversity oenm swpbyhimm, adlfh iii tie desotionm of thin young poie I WILL Chicago hums decided that Cavanauughm unhlarumed,hbut disease fasteneuponw opisurmhe taught does hor to this REPLACE IT. cams not play sith this elevenm this him, amd thus fullosing spring he was student sordinhmwshich he moved. E. E. CAL IN j sasumn. Ihis is quite a disappoint- discharged for disaiity, aind re- Hnrd Steemnai eu E. E. CALKIS. met to tie Chicago men asdsill turedil isse smore tiad than alive udeso hs-e n oe - w eaken tie line. Speed sill ake Nursed ack nto life y his devoted ranging from youthm to middle age, Iis paesmuhua o agt he aml,,h esmd hisreprationfor satre vr whsside sord-read plcatnogilogte anivlnwe~ie.siths poignant sorowsethis record f satisfactory. Stagg eginsiswsork to- college and sitered the Usiversity in his loss on that fatal July morning." p U I fHenry Glwohsspet the taimned himself through this for ithetissue-tioswilhecncue A i, U U A I N ED greater part of the week in Phila- years, and stood easily amnogtin the netiseE ] deipia studying the sork of the first mns of Iis class. Even efore Miss Josephine Powell, a sel- Jest amthis tinmes we want every t- quakers, sill return today and e- graduationu, Prof. Frieze aul called knownum embuer of tie class of '9, deum o i usiitnournBoostsres, weher aptosws an dawn sawn, we wantmo Csgi to instruct tie scrus in Pen him to aid in the instructiun of tiesas married Oct. 13th to Dr. H. J. gasqasismud withyuadivtnyvnamtosoipa.Webrsmnadi etme,188 ~rbgn tMrute ih, yamu 5o 5ake5ourstenss ureneusz. i ehd fpay hnfehesi imSpene,10 ih vw.We aetBosnneles toe( utheyate learned it Sagwill ime he was made assistant poesrof M.ad Mrs. arquoettil e, at pieonscn-adbosfrusa im en gaishe an stagin pruifeirt essd ore- oreN,.willrstst e at sumryDeatent. ndampewe casuss,- their aiity to stopthply used wrh success as ataheamd three' allyornpeeim nat npunripceteslay sorhytechr, quette after Nov. 15th. sned. Ass kinds oetcsnd-'Iansi y tie easterners. Speculation is years later was placed in charge of 18 boskm sghtiad sd. rife as- to the prohable stand the the departmnmt during Prof. Frieze' Miss Nina Wier, '98 stopped off W J C maoons sill e ahle to make against extendeudahsenmce in Europe 1mm'74 here yesterday on her way to Boston,. ( ,J th fstplay of the quakers. Capt. he otainmed leave of absence and whereo she intends to studyatim TW SORSKennedy hopes to make a good show- went to Germnmy for study, and Emerson School of Oratory. Up Town Down Down mg, hut does not look for a close three years later received the degree MI. L. Wiers, '98, sho wonm seconl State St. Opp. Court House score. Coach Stagg will e satisfied of ductor of philosophy from the place in the oratorical cntest last Plain Street if his pets cross the quaker end. University of Leipsic. Meantime year, is in Colorado for his health.